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FF burnout

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This may be off topic but the thing that burns me up is people with losing records who cant do math. Like a guy will have 2 wins and think he is done but he is really 1-2 games out of the playoffs. People need to seriously learn basic math and look at the last playoff spot and determine how many games back you are. If its 2 games, you are perfectly fine, even 3 is ok right now.

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Totally agree. It's even simpler than that in most leagues I'd guess. In a 13 game schedule a 7-6 record often makes our last playoff spot. So until you lose that 7th game you are alive.

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3) Much more randomness in the NFL and the fantasy player pool is very shallow these days. Its a QB league now. Go-to WRs are very hard to come by. The RB position has become a joke as far as FF is concerned. There are RBs for seemingly every down and situation these days. Sure, ther are a few studs but not nearly as many as there used to be. Its way harder to start a quality team and so much is out of your control. NFL teams used to have a Clear #1 RB, Clear WR's 1 & 2, and a solid TE. Now - its 4-5 random dudes chucked out there in some spread offense. You can thank the Pats for this BS. :). Just takes the fun out of it when its such a crapshoot for talent and the talent pool is so damned thin.


4) Football is harder to watch now. Other threads have highlighted many of the reasons but the bottom line is that the ratings are down and the on-field product is crappier than ever. That also takes some of the incentive out of it. IMO.



These are two of the main reasons I am contemplating quitting. Been playing since the late 90's, so longer than some and shorter than others. Long enough, however, to remember when quality research actually had some small chance of improving your chances of winning. I took one year off about 3 years ago and didn't miss it a bit so I'm thinking about hanging it up. For the past 5 years or so, my interest has dwindled more each year.

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Man up. Play the rest of the year out. Don't be a quitter. Finish the year out, play hard, alot can happen. Just spend less time doing it. Honestly 10 minutes a day is all that is needed to compete. And as far as Monday and Thursday night games, don't watch. I honestly rarely do anymore, but I'm not going to cry about it.


Don't see anyone crying here, or talking about quitting mid-season.

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To me competitiveness of the league is what makes it interesting. Ever since ffball became popular for the masses, everyone plays it.. but knows nothing about teams or football in general. Its hard to have a conversation with someone when the extent of their knowledge in "hey, Julio Jones is awesome!" and then a blank stare when i mention any player that is not top 2 at each position.


My problem is that most of the guys are used to play with barely update their teams in our league that's been around for 15 years. Half the time they dont even set the lineup. Most dont trade because they are afraid to get taken advantage of since their football knowledge is subpar.

And yes.. this is the first year when primetime games are actually hard to watch.

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As far as the "thin" talent pool is concerned, play a smaller league. Contrary to what certain league size heads preach, it takes every bit as much strategy and research and forces as many tough decisions assuming everyone tries.

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Ours pays out most money to overal points to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Then, a seperate pool of money for H2H Champ and runner up.

We give a $50 bonus to each high one week player at every offensive position plus K and Def,plus $10 to high score each week as well as some other bonuses,really helps with guys not quitting on their teams.

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As far as the "thin" talent pool is concerned, play a smaller league. Contrary to what certain league size heads preach, it takes every bit as much strategy and research and forces as many tough decisions assuming everyone tries.

Not a bad idea and it would mitigate the lack of talent problem. However, many of the same issues remain. I dunno. There's a reason why the 12 of us collectively were OK with ending the league. Life happens. Things change. Hobbies and interests come and go.


Still seems to be a healthy industry with lots of people playing. However, it's all "digital" now. Meaning, many of those that play simply use cheat sheets and the internet for the entire thing. They play only because they can do it all on their phone. Most hardly know anything about this actual game and probably don't watch much. They just log in Monday morning to see if they won or not. That's not really "playing" but it is what it is.

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