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Hearts bleeding for this psycho gunman

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So this woman, shoots her 3 kids then herself. People all over the place around here feeling sorry for her. "....so sad that she was dealing with mental illness", "mental illness is a real disease people..." etc.


If someone busts into a movie theater, and ends up killing 3 people....then himself, and it was said he had a mental illness, why does it not get as many bleeding hearts?


This isn't meant to be political....obviously it will turn into that, but lets see how many ratonal thoughts we can get before it turns political.

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She had posted a plea just a week before the deaths to the fundraising site GoFundme, seeking financial aid to cover living expenses while paying off medical expenses.


Yet another reason why this country needs to screen people before they are allowed to have kids. you can't afford them, you can't have them.

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People have anguish over preventable deaths... Thats pretty natural.

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She gets sympathy because she is a woman.

Its deeper than that. The left has big issues with child rearing and the tradional nuclear family. They see it as institutional sexism, and a stripping of female individuality, gender norms, male hierarchy...etc...etc.. In their minds you are a victim if you raise your kids.

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So this woman, shoots her 3 kids then herself. People all over the place around here feeling sorry for her. "....so sad that she was dealing with mental illness", "mental illness is a real disease people..." etc.


If someone busts into a movie theater, and ends up killing 3 people....then himself, and it was said he had a mental illness, why does it not get as many bleeding hearts?


This isn't meant to be political....obviously it will turn into that, but lets see how many ratonal thoughts we can get before it turns political.




interesting they haven't blamed the gun here

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She had posted a plea just a week before the deaths to the fundraising site GoFundme, seeking financial aid to cover living expenses while paying off medical expenses.


Yet another reason why this country needs to screen people before they are allowed to have kids. you can't afford them, you can't have them.

No screening needed. We just need to have less sex education, less access to affordable birth control and planned Parenthood services

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No screening needed. We just need to have less sex education, less access to affordable birth control and planned Parenthood services


Well, this incident happened with all of that already in place. Seems like none of that worked.

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She gets sympathy because she is a woman.

Yep. That was my thought too. Imagine if it was the dad.

There would be less "...she needed help....poor girl was mentally ill... "


And more "what a freaking monster ..." and more "guns are bad" comments.


I think the core here.... is male/female.


I could be wrong. Just a thought.

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interesting they haven't blamed the gun here

That was a thought in my head also.

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I told you guys this when it happened but one of my closest friends, not an acquaintance,a tight member of my inner circle from back home killed his wife and two kids. A really smart guy, fun guy to be around. I couldn't hardly believe it.



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