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CBS news falsely claims Putin is trying to start WW3

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When the fact is Russia didnt attack us and was provoked into what it has done by Obama and now Biden.  Biden is trying to start WW3.


Zelenskyy warns Putin could cause World War III

Scott Pelley

Sun, September 17, 2023 at 4:46 PM PDT·4 min read

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says world order is at stake in the Ukraine war.

"If Ukraine falls, what will happen in ten years? Just think about it. If [the Russians] reach Poland, what's next? A Third World War?" Zelenskyy told Scott Pelley in a 60 Minutes interview that aired Sunday. "We're defending the values of the whole world. And these are Ukrainian people who are paying the highest price. We are truly fighting for our freedom, we are dying. We are not fiction, we are not a book. We are fighting for real with a nuclear state that threatens to destroy the world."

Zelenskyy on U.S. funding for Ukraine against Russia


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Putin has stated that he considers the break up of the Soviet Union to be the biggest gobal catastrophe of the 20th century.....yeah I know, apparently he forgot all about the millions dead in his nation from WWII alone....focking moron.

BUT....his mentality on this explains his intent and strategy. He wants to restore that union, plain and simple, and he has the model to work from.....the Nazi model of taking and taking. So he is working to restore that union.

Why now? Well, Democrat policies tend to cause the price of energy to rise, and that means big $$ for Putin, and a way to fund his actions. 

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Before the media made the claim falsely, it sure seemed it was you who was insinuating that Putin would start WW III.


Can he both nuke us and not try to start WW III at the same time?

Does falsely claiming he is trying to start WW III mean "don't worry, he won't nuke us?"


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2 hours ago, IGotWorms said:

Fock off, Russian propaganda troll :thumbsdown:

Russian disinformation?  Sounds vaguely familiar. 

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