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The Real timschochet

Democrats winning elections

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4 minutes ago, crackattack said:

You left out Louisiana. They had a Democrat governor before the last election. Look, you're the one that said Democrats are going to win because of abortion. Let's look at that.

Kentucky elected an incumbent, extremely popular Democrat governor. Lost the other two elections of AG and SOS.

Virginia they held the state senate and gained a handful in the state house.

Louisiana was a clean sweep for Republicans at large margins.

Utah was another blowout win for Republicans.

South Carolina has been covered.

So Democrats have won nothing on the federal level and a handful of state elections. Not exactly bragging rights worthy. 

First off I’m not bragging. You misunderstood my intent. Because the news media treated a couple of weeks ago as a big night for Democrats and a possible sign of things to come I was speculating on whether or not that’s true. 

My own analysis is this: 

1. Traditional “establishment” Republicans continue to do well. 
2. MAGA Trump like Republicans continue to do poorly. 
3. Abortion is a huge albatross for Republicans. 
4. Trump is also an albatross for Republicans. 
5. Biden is an albatross for himself but I’m not sure it carries down to his fellow Democrats. 
6. The public at large doesn’t care about woks issues. They probably lean on the side of Republicans but it’s not a voting issue for most people. 
7. Inflation may be down a little but it’s still a huge albatross for Democrats. 
8. The border is an albatross for Democrats. 
9. Ukraine spending, more and more, is becoming an albatross for Democrats. 

All of this adds up to (a) a Biden victory against Trump, (b) a Biden defeat against anybody else, (c) a toss up for Republicans Vs Democrats in general. 

That’s my take feel free to disagree. 

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8 minutes ago, League Champion said:

I'm originally from Charleston, SC and I can tell you first hand that it's a HUGE deal that it turned Red. It's a rich College town with a high Jewish population. It's been deep Blue since 1877. 

Tecklenburg sealed his fate when he let the BLM rioters destroy the City and removed all the historical statues to appease the Woke Mob. People are fed up with the lefts wokeness. 


OK. I can buy into this. I’m a little skeptical that voters anywhere really care about taking down statues one way or another but maybe they do there. 

Charleston is a place I’ve always wanted to visit. I want to see the Citadel, Fort Sumter, the homes south of Broad street. I understand it’s quite beautiful. What’s the best time of year to go? 

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On 11/20/2023 at 1:18 PM, Blue Horseshoe said:



You can't have it both ways Tim. You can't claim you have so many hundreds of thousands of posts because you have all this "free time", and then attempt to hand wave off the reality that you didn't spend all that magical "free time" to help your own family. 

You actually risked the lives of your own children. You were willing to let them risk even death so you could splatter a message board with hundreds of thousands of posts. Not only your kids, but there are other people on the road, probably near those schools and areas that kids and parents go, where they could have been also killed by your wife behind the wheel. 

Do you ever think about that? That your indifference or whatever toxicity going on within you could have gotten other people's children killed? Lots of people at the "other place" are parents. Lots of people here are parents. Do you think any of them have a single shred of respect for you or want anything to do with you after you held your own children up to the altar of your own unrelenting narcissism? 

"Why does it even matter?"

Ask your kids that question. 

Here's another question you can ask them - "Do you know how to immediately discern if a parent loves their children or not?"

The answer is in their actions. Or inaction with clear malice. Where were you when you were needed the most Tim? 

I find it amusing you were willing to let your own children die for your toxic pathology then decided to broadcast it in public as if you are the good guy here, then seem to be amazed that people are utterly disgusted by you. 

How much of a worthless human being do you have to be to not even consider, not even just once, the other parents and children on the road when your wife was guzzling down bottle after bottle behind the wheel and you were spending all that "free time" gaslighting strangers on the internet. 

Damn. You are a petty little man. Pro tip: don't let message boards get personal. You've gone way beyond letting it get personal. If you said this to Tim's face, nobody here, if they're half the ALPHA they all want to portray themselves as, would blame Tim a bit for knocking you the fuk out.

What kind of POS uses personal posts from someone in crisis like that in a stupid internet slap fight? YOU. I remember when there was speculation that you might be David Dodds IRL. I really hope that's not true, because I have a lot of respect for Dodds. You deserve zero respect, and are just another rotten, selfish, self loathing human being that today's conservative movement seems to cater to. 

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3 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

What’s the best time of year to go? 


The Summers are way too hot and touristy. Cruise ships are in all summer, it's impossible to do anything. 

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20 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Damn. You are a petty little man. Pro tip: don't let message boards get personal. You've gone way beyond letting it get personal. If you said this to Tim's face, nobody here, if they're half the ALPHA they all want to portray themselves as, would blame Tim a bit for knocking you the fuk out.

What kind of POS uses personal posts from someone in crisis like that in a stupid internet slap fight? YOU. I remember when there was speculation that you might be David Dodds IRL. I really hope that's not true, because I have a lot of respect for Dodds. You deserve zero respect, and are just another rotten, selfish, self loathing human being that today's conservative movement seems to cater to. 

I didn’t get too angry because I kind of think there’s something wrong with him. I’ve thought so for some time. 

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

OK thx 

You see the election in the Netherlands? Oh boy. I think a shift is happening.

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3 minutes ago, crackattack said:

You see the election in the Netherlands? Oh boy. I think a shift is happening.

Awesome, isn't it?? That may deserve its own thread. Thank you 

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46 minutes ago, crackattack said:

You see the election in the Netherlands? Oh boy. I think a shift is happening.

Yeah I hate to see populists win anywhere. I’m very much opposed. Awful stuff, 

I’m headed to Amsterdam this summer. 

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40 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Yeah I hate to see populists win anywhere. I’m very much opposed. Awful stuff, 

I’m headed to Amsterdam this summer. 

That's great! I loved Europe when I was there. I lived in Italy for 2 years. Did some traveling, but not Amsterdam. Hope you enjoy it.

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40 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Yeah I hate to see populists win anywhere. I’m very much opposed. Awful stuff, 

I’m headed to Amsterdam this summer. 

What country is your cleaning lady from? 

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2 hours ago, crackattack said:

You see the election in the Netherlands? Oh boy. I think a shift is happening.

It's a shame it's come to this but, hard to blame them. :dunno:


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Scandinavia can still save itself if it wants. Rounding up the outsiders and deporting them can be accomplished.  Germany and France will have a much harder time, would probably require severe military action. The UK is done. They are embedded there now. 

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56 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Scandinavia can still save itself if it wants. Rounding up the outsiders and deporting them can be accomplished.  Germany and France will have a much harder time, would probably require severe military action. The UK is done. They are embedded there now. 

Yep, was just there back in May/June.  The countryside not so much, but London is lost for sure.

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2 hours ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Yep, was just there back in May/June.  The countryside not so much, but London is lost for sure.

All the cities. The place is toast. The Muslim birth rate in the UK is nearly twice that of regular humans. They said they would outbreed them and they are doing it. Sometimes you should listen to people when they tell you their plans. 

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On 11/22/2023 at 9:13 PM, Hardcore troubadour said:

 Sometimes you should listen to people when they tell you their plans. 

Maybe you should listen to Trump more closely, then, like those of us that realize he's the single biggest threat to this nation based entirely on his own behavior.

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1 minute ago, Fnord said:

Maybe you should listen to Trump more closely, then, like those of us that realize he's the single biggest threat to this nation based entirely on his own behavior.

You're right. Biden will fix this mess

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2 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Maybe you should listen to Trump more closely, then, like those of us that realize he's the single biggest threat to this nation based entirely on his own behavior.

Hmmm.  What makes you say that? What are his plans? 

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2 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Hmmm.  What makes you say that? What are his plans? 

He wants to be Putin. Or Napoleon. Thankfully he's much closer to being Napoleon Dynamite.

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5 minutes ago, League Champion said:

You're right. Biden will fix this mess

Maybe. What Biden WON'T do is reclassify tens of thousands of federal jobs in order to install sycophants into those positions. Trump and his team are going to do exactly that.

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2 minutes ago, Fnord said:

He wants to be Putin. Or Napoleon. Thankfully he's much closer to being Napoleon Dynamite.

So, what is he specifically going to do? It would be good to know if he’s such a threat.  I didn’t observe that in his previous stint. But things change. 

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4 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Maybe. What Biden WON'T do is reclassify tens of thousands of federal jobs in order to install sycophants into those positions. Trump and his team are going to do exactly that.

And that's why you're a Liberal Sheep 🐑

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

So, what is he specifically going to do? It would be good to know if he’s such a threat.  I didn’t observe that in his previous stint. But things change. 

I've linked the stories here several times. I'm not doing it again. The headlines could read "Trump to declare himself Supreme Emperor and begin executing rivals immediately if he wins re-election" and include direct quotes from him and you wouldn't GAF.

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2 minutes ago, League Champion said:

And that's why you're a Liberal Sheep 🐑

Because I don't think the President should be an autocrat? BAAA-BAAAA baby!

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2 minutes ago, Fnord said:

I've linked the stories here several times. I'm not doing it again. The headlines could read "Trump to declare himself Supreme Emperor and begin executing rivals immediately if he wins re-election" and include direct quotes from him and you wouldn't GAF.

That’s cool. Are the links in this thread or another one? I can look it up. Thanks. 

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27 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Maybe you should listen to Trump more closely, then, like those of us that realize he's the single biggest threat to this nation based entirely on his own behavior.

Good God, you people are such focking clowns. 

23 minutes ago, Fnord said:

He wants to be Putin. Or Napoleon. Thankfully he's much closer to being Napoleon Dynamite.

He was President for 4 years already... :doh:

You people belong in padded rooms.

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4 minutes ago, Fnord said:

So he’s going to go after corrupt civil servants? You think there aren’t any? Many whistle blowers have come forward and said there were. Do you propose nothing be done about it? 

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Plenty of corruption, but the issue here is the definition for him on who is corrupt = anybody who speaks out against him or doesn't buy into the stop the steal nonsense.  

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Just now, BuckSwope said:

Plenty of corruption, but the issue here is the definition for him on who is corrupt = anybody who speaks out against him or doesn't buy into the stop the steal nonsense.  

Yeah. The Hunter Biden case was handled fair and square. And the FBI didn’t spy on Trump to benefit a political party.  And 51 intel officials should be allowed to retain their top secret clearance status because they would never abuse it. And the FBI needs to send swat teams to take down a guy at his home because he shoved someone, after offering to turn himself in. If those are some of the people and agencies you are speaking about then fock em. Trump will go easy on them compared to what they deserve. 

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3 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Yeah. The Hunter Biden case was handled fair and square. And the FBI didn’t spy on Trump to benefit a political party.  And 51 intel officials should be allowed to retain their top secret clearance status because they would never abuse it. And the FBI needs to send swat teams to take down a guy at his home because he shoved someone, after offering to turn himself in. If those are some of the people and agencies you are speaking about then fock em. Trump will go easy on them compared to what they deserve. 

Exactly- act like the people you supposedly hate and b1tch about all day.   Just own it- you don't mind the authoritarian when there is an R behind the name.   I say fock all of it, and you clowns basically just post "but the left did it first" type of b.s.    you either hate this crap or you don't. 

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1 minute ago, BuckSwope said:

Exactly- act like the people you supposedly hate and b1tch about all day.   Just own it- you don't mind the authoritarian when there is an R behind the name.   I say fock all of it, and you clowns basically just post "but the left did it first" type of b.s.    you either hate this crap or you don't. 

I think rooting out corruption and political hacks embedded in our government is part of his job. You think it’s “authoritarian”. You know what I think is authoritarian? Sending the FBI after parents that speak up at school board meetings. And Catholics for attending Latin mass. But you don’t.  

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Lol. Biden and the democrats have spent the last four years going after their political enemies, and now our nation is on the brink if Trump goes after his.  Fockin lackeys. 

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Just now, Hardcore troubadour said:

I think rooting out corruption and political hacks embedded in our government is part of his job. You think it’s “authoritarian”. You know what I think is authoritarian? Sending the FBI after parents that speak up at school board meetings. And Catholics for attending Latin mass. But you don’t.  

I don't? 

It's cute you think it would be actual corruption rooted out, not just stop the steal sycophants as replacements.   Nope, no corruption there or authoritarian leanings.  :lol:

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Just now, BuckSwope said:

I don't? 

It's cute you think it would be actual corruption rooted out, not just stop the steal sycophants as replacements.   Nope, no corruption there or authoritarian leanings.  :lol:

Oh well. I think the nation will survive. Don’t be such a sissy boy, centrist. 

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The IRS under Obama was found to be targeting conservative groups. Authoritarian! Obama had more journalists arrested than any other president under the espionage act. Authoritarian! I bet noted centrist Buck Dope was unaware. 

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On 11/22/2023 at 9:42 AM, Fnord said:

 If you said this to Tim's face, nobody here, if they're half the ALPHA they all want to portray themselves as, would blame Tim a bit for knocking you the fuk out.


Holy fok that's the funniest thing I've read in a loooong time. Have you seen a picture of that pathetic excuse of a man real Tim? If its not a ham sandwich covered in gravy Tim isnt knocking anything out.  

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But Obama!!  :lol:      Thanks for the laughs, HT - brought me right back to our first interactions, which of course were over the racist divider.    At least you can sort of admit now you don't have a thought beyond "red team good".      

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