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Bill Maher on Hollywood pedos and Drag Queen story hour

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31 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I’ll offer some: if a 5 year old likes the colors and bright lights and wants to be drag, what’s the issue? Why is that wrong? 

I'm... not quite sure how to respond to this.  The obvious answer to anyone but folks like yourself on the far left is:  it's wrong to groom the youth of a society in such a way.

I welcome any of our resident "centrists" to tell me if they agree or disagree.


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Maybe the drag queen story hours could be balanced by having some toxic masculinity story hours where emotionally repressed males in dangerous occupations come in and read to the kids while wearing the garb of their occupations.

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1 hour ago, jerryskids said:

@squistion, your thoughts?

I doubt it would make any of those children change their future vocation choice at that age (whatever it might be like a fireman) to a drag queen who does a Story Hour readings. :lol:

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It’s not going to suck itself. Real Fockin nice Tim and Squishy. 

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56 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

A Leftist bot is more cerebral than Squistion.

Thanks! :banana:

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6 hours ago, squistion said:

A drag queen reading a story to children in a library does not sexualize kids. Please. :lol:

Why does a drag queen feel the need to read stories to children in a library? For a totally innocent reason? Maybe.....but is there more than a good chance that it could confuse children? YES........AND THIS IS THE REASON IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN. I don't care how innocent your intentions are....AS A RESPONSIBLE PERSON,  you should realize that this should NOT be your choice due to your alternative lifestyle. If you don't realize that then you are there for YOU & not THEM.

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Just now, Nomad99 said:

Why does a drag queen feel the need to read stories to children in a library? For a totally innocent reason? Maybe.....but is there more than a good chance that it could confuse children? YES........AND THIS IS THE REASON IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN. I don't care how innocent your intentions are....AS A RESPONSIBLE PERSON,  you should realize that this should NOT be your choice due to your alternative lifestyle. If you don't realize that then you are there for YOU & not THEM.

Squiz supports grooming and pedophellia.  Of course he wants this.  He advocates, supports and votes for these perversions EVERY election.

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3 minutes ago, squistion said:

I doubt it would make any of those children change their future vocation choice at that age (whatever it might be like a fireman) to a drag queen who does a Story Hour readings. :lol:

Quit the strawman of vocation, and answer my questions.

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49 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Real Tim won’t even condemn the rapidly growing blatant anti-Semitic movement within the progressive / Democratic Party. 

Where did this come from? Of course I condemn it. But it’s important to distinguish between anti-semitism and anti-Israel. 

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23 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

I'm... not quite sure how to respond to this.  The obvious answer to anyone but folks like yourself on the far left is:  it's wrong to groom the youth of a society in such a way.

I welcome any of our resident "centrists" to tell me if they agree or disagree.


I don’t believe you can “groom” someone to be homosexual. We’ve had this discussion before. A young child can be attracted to the elements of drag you mentioned: the makeup, costumes, colors, etc, without becoming gay. The gay part is not a thing you can transfer. Some people are gay, some people are trans, nobody can talk them into it or out of it. That is my understanding anyhow. 

But let’s suppose I am wrong about this and children actually could be talked into becoming gay or trans: How do we deal with this in a generally libertarian society? Not in the way conservatives appear to be proposing: restrictive laws prohibiting social encounters, and what we can read, and private decisions with a doctor, etc. Even if you were right I would still be opposed to all such restrictions, and still tell you that these are decisions better left to families and individuals to decide. 

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18 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Of course he wants this.  He advocates, supports and votes for these perversions EVERY election.

Nope. :lol:

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19 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Quit the strawman of vocation, and answer my questions.

What where the questions?

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4 minutes ago, squistion said:

What where the questions?


Because a 5 year old knows what "normal" is?

And a 5 year old might not think that all the bright colors and face paint are neat, and want to be like that?


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25 minutes ago, Nomad99 said:

Why does a drag queen feel the need to read stories to children in a library? For a totally innocent reason? 

Because unfortunately we still live in a society where young people who discover they are gay or trans can be shunned by peers, family, friends, told they are sick and abnormal. We still live in a society where young people who discover they are gay or trans commit suicide at high levels, because they cannot live with themselves. 

Drag queens are the most flamboyant homosexuals there are, the ones who are the most “out”. They are reading to children to send a message: “we are good people, we are normal people, just like everyone else, even though we dress differently and choose to be this way. We want you as children to grow up thinking- it’s OK for some people to be gay or trans. It’s OK for YOU to be gay or trans if that’s who you are.” That’s an important message for the children of our society. It’s a good thing. No grooming involved. 

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17 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Where did this come from? Of course I condemn it. But it’s important to distinguish between anti-semitism and anti-Israel. 

I’m sure you have been so reluctant to toss about the AS label when the criticism came from the right. 

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6 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I don’t believe you can “groom” someone to be homosexual. We’ve had this discussion before. A young child can be attracted to the elements of drag you mentioned: the makeup, costumes, colors, etc, without becoming gay. The gay part is not a thing you can transfer. Some people are gay, some people are trans, nobody can talk them into it or out of it. That is my understanding anyhow. 

But let’s suppose I am wrong about this and children actually could be talked into becoming gay or trans: How do we deal with this in a generally libertarian society? Not in the way conservatives appear to be proposing: restrictive laws prohibiting social encounters, and what we can read, and private decisions with a doctor, etc. Even if you were right I would still be opposed to all such restrictions, and still tell you that these are decisions better left to families and individuals to decide. 

Who said groom to be a homosexual?  I don't believe that all drag queens are gay.  Are you saying it is good for society to program our male children to live a drag lifestyle?

Let's finish that discussion before we address your "as a libertarian, parents should do absolutely anything they want with kids" argument.

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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

I don’t believe you can “groom” someone to be homosexual. We’ve had this discussion before. A young child can be attracted to the elements of drag you mentioned: the makeup, costumes, colors, etc, without becoming gay. The gay part is not a thing you can transfer. Some people are gay, some people are trans, nobody can talk them into it or out of it. That is my understanding anyhow. 

But let’s suppose I am wrong about this and children actually could be talked into becoming gay or trans: How do we deal with this in a generally libertarian society? Not in the way conservatives appear to be proposing: restrictive laws prohibiting social encounters, and what we can read, and private decisions with a doctor, etc. Even if you were right I would still be opposed to all such restrictions, and still tell you that these are decisions better left to families and individuals to decide. 

This is where you are wrong.......the way to deal with it is DON'T LET IT HAPPEN. There is plenty of evidence & plenty of examples out there of people that are sorry or remorseful about the choices you have mentioned. If they were adult when making those choices that's one thing.......if they were confused adolescents or children that's a whole different story. THAT IS A FACT. THAT IS THE DIVIDING LINE. THAT IS WHERE IT GOES TO FAR. You have to be a certain age to vote, drink, drive, get a tattoo......but let's present confusing, attractive, rebellious concepts to CHILDREN.........if you had a shred of decency,  a conscious or half the intelligence you pretend to have, you should be deeply ashamed .

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Just now, jerryskids said:


Question 1) I think a 5 year old has some awareness of what he/she sees in everyday life as being common/uncommon, or normal/abnormal and could define what is normal from that perspective.

Question 2) I answered that one. Yeah, they might think it is neat but I doubt they will change what "I want to be when I grow up" to a Drag Queen instead of what current future vocational choice they have at that age.


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6 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Because unfortunately we still live in a society where young people who discover they are gay or trans can be shunned by peers, family, friends, told they are sick and abnormal. We still live in a society where young people who discover they are gay or trans commit suicide at high levels, because they cannot live with themselves. 

Drag queens are the most flamboyant homosexuals there are, the ones who are the most “out”. They are reading to children to send a message: “we are good people, we are normal people, just like everyone else, even though we dress differently and choose to be this way. We want you as children to grow up thinking- it’s OK for some people to be gay or trans. It’s OK for YOU to be gay or trans if that’s who you are.” That’s an important message for the children of our society. It’s a good thing. No grooming involved. 

You are a complete douche for cherry picking. My post.....you completely & intentionally omitted my comments on the entire subject.....you weak, pathetic, no moral fool.

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9 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Who said groom to be a homosexual?  I don't believe that all drag queens are gay.  Are you saying it is good for society to program our male children to live a drag lifestyle?

Let's finish that discussion before we address your "as a libertarian, parents should do absolutely anything they want with kids" argument.

Maybe later. Time for the Lakers. 

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5 minutes ago, squistion said:

Question 1) I think a 5 year old has some awareness of what he/she sees in everyday life as being common/uncommon, or normal/abnormal and could define what is normal from that perspective.

Question 2) I answered that one. Yeah, they might think it is neat but I doubt they will change what "I want to be when I grow up" to a Drag Queen instead of what current future vocational choice they have at that age.


It’s not gonna suck itself. Why are dildos at these all ages drag events? 

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11 minutes ago, squistion said:

Question 1) I think a 5 year old has some awareness of what he/she sees in everyday life as being common/uncommon, or normal/abnormal and could define what is normal from that perspective.

Question 2) I answered that one. Yeah, they might think it is neat but I doubt they will change what "I want to be when I grow up" to a Drag Queen instead of what current future vocational choice they have at that age.


I don't know why you are sticking with the vocation argument, but I'll take this opportunity to point out that you are wrong about the ability of environment/experience to influence sexual orientation:


Does Maltreatment in Childhood Affect Sexual Orientation in Adulthood?


Epidemiological studies find a positive association between physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and witnessing violence in childhood and same-sex sexuality in adulthood, but studies directly assessing the association between these diverse types of maltreatment and sexuality cannot disentangle the causal direction because the sequencing of maltreatment and emerging sexuality is difficult to ascertain. Nascent same-sex orientation may increase risk of maltreatment; alternatively, maltreatment may shape sexual orientation. Our study used instrumental variable models based on family characteristics that predict maltreatment but are not plausibly influenced by sexual orientation (e.g., having a stepparent) as natural experiments to investigate whether maltreatment might increase the likelihood of same-sex sexuality in a nationally representative sample (n = 34,653). In instrumental variable models, history of sexual abuse predicted increased prevalence of same-sex attraction by 2.0 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5), any same-sex partners by 1.4 percentage points (95% CI = 1.0, 1.9), and same-sex identity by 0.7 percentage points (95% CI = 0.4, 0.9). Effects of sexual abuse on men’s sexual orientation were substantially larger than on women’s. Effects of non-sexual maltreatment were significant only for men and women’s sexual identity and women’s same-sex partners. While point estimates suggest much of the association between maltreatment and sexual orientation may be due to the effects of maltreatment on sexual orientation, confidence intervals were wide. Our results suggest that causal relationships driving the association between sexual orientation and childhood abuse may be bidirectional, may differ by type of abuse, and may differ by sex. Better understanding of this potentially complex causal structure is critical to developing targeted strategies to reduce sexual orientation disparities in exposure to abuse.


Since you are a member of the party of science, I need you to accept and internalize this truth before we can have a meaningful discussion.

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11 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

I don't know why you are sticking with the vocation argument, but I'll take this opportunity to point out that you are wrong about the ability of environment/experience to influence sexual orientation:


Since you are a member of the party of science, I need you to accept and internalize this truth before we can have a meaningful discussion.

Hearing a story told from a Drag Queen at public library will not influence a 5 year olds sexual orientation.

That is absurd and laugable. Please. :lol:

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Hispanics aren’t into this shitt. Big reason Trump is picking up their votes. 

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12 minutes ago, squistion said:

Hearing a story told from a Drag Queen at public library will not influence a 5 year olds sexual orientation.

That is absurd and laugable. Please. :lol:

Yep, chick's with d*cks right before milk & cookies & a floor nap👍 Priorities right? You better be good or Santa will leave you coal....oh by the way, Betty has a d*ck.

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15 minutes ago, squistion said:

Hearing a story told from a Drag Queen at public library will not influence a 5 year olds sexual orientation.

That is absurd and laugable. Please. :lol:

No it's not.  I'm a scientist, and you are... what, exactly?

Anyway, the larger point is for folks like yourself and @The Real timschochet to accept the scientific fact that environment/experience can influence sexual orientation.  Once you do that, then we can debate whether the experience you describe is such an experience.  :cheers: 

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6 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

No it's not.  I'm a scientist, and you are... what, exactly?

Anyway, the larger point is for folks like yourself and @The Real timschochet to accept the scientific fact that environment/experience can influence sexual orientation.  Once you do that, then we can debate whether the experience you describe is such an experience. 

It can in some instances, for instance, where historically, homosexual behavior has been institutionalized. But you are taking a huge leap to saying that a child being read a story by a Drag Queen in a Public Library can turn them gay. 

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1 minute ago, squistion said:

It can but you are taking a huge leap to saying that a child being read a story by a Drag Queen in a Public Library can turn them gay. 

Great, we've established that it can.  I'm heading to dinner; perhaps we can hear from @The Real timschochetbefore the Lakers game starts.  I'll follow up later or in the coming days.

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8 hours ago, squistion said:

A drag queen reading a story to children in a library does not sexualize kids. Please. :lol:

You overlook the millions of kids who have grown up to SantaSexuals.

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1 hour ago, jerryskids said:

Great, we've established that it can.  I'm heading to dinner; perhaps we can hear from @The Real timschochetbefore the Lakers game starts.  I'll follow up later or in the coming days.

Halftime. No I disagree with you. The ADL represents my beliefs on this matter: 


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12 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Halftime. No I disagree with you. The ADL represents my beliefs on this matter: 


You disagree with what?  That experience/environment can influence sexual orientation?  I posted a scientific article which proves it can.

Once we agree on that, we can discuss your blathering ADL screed where every third word is "hate" or "bigoted."

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1 minute ago, jerryskids said:

You disagree with what?  That experience/environment can influence sexual orientation?  I posted a scientific article which proves it can.

Once we agree on that, we can discuss your blathering ADL screed where every third word is "hate" or "bigoted."

Good morning. 

I’m not going to concede your point. I have heard medical experts say the opposite. Many believe that there is a “gay gene” though this has yet to be proven. I certainly don’t believe that one can purposely convince another person to be gay, no matter how young. So no I don’t agree. If that prevents further discussion so be it. But that would be your decision not mine. I’m happy to continue. 

As I wrote the ADL article pretty succinctly represents my viewpoint. You’re welcome to comment on the content of its message. I don’t really care about what adjectives it uses. 

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No comment from Ron Artest, aka GUTTERBOY.

He really should be giving his input since he's into this stuff. 

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17 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

No comment from Ron Artest, aka GUTTERBOY.

He really should be giving his input since he's into this stuff. 

He may have been one of the few that actually watched it. It’s hard to argue with any of it if you did. 

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51 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Good morning. 

I’m not going to concede your point. I have heard medical experts say the opposite. Many believe that there is a “gay gene” though this has yet to be proven. I certainly don’t believe that one can purposely convince another person to be gay, no matter how young. So no I don’t agree. If that prevents further discussion so be it. But that would be your decision not mine. I’m happy to continue. 

As I wrote the ADL article pretty succinctly represents my viewpoint. You’re welcome to comment on the content of its message. I don’t really care about what adjectives it uses. 

Good morning.

Ahh, Tim's amorphous "medical experts."  What exactly have you heard them say?  If you've heard them say that environment/experience cannot influence a person's sexuality, then they would be wrong, as per the scientific study I provided.  

I'm trying to parse this into 3 parts, and you are leaping to the end despite my attempts to break it down.

1. Can environment/experience influence your sexuality?  Yes, scientifically proven.

2. Can a young child attending a drag show be such an environment/experience?  This IMO is where the discussion is, not the above.

3. If #2, do some drag queens intentionally want to provide such an influence, perhaps for pedophilia reasons?  Well, of course.  Like Maher said, Willie Sutton robbed banks because "that's where the money is."  Much like pedos are drawn to scouts, teaching, priesthood... some of the drag queens are pedos.  That's just realistic statistics. 

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1 hour ago, jerryskids said:


3. If #2, do some drag queens intentionally want to provide such an influence, perhaps for pedophilia reasons?  Well, of course.  Like Maher said, Willie Sutton robbed banks because "that's where the money is."  Much like pedos are drawn to scouts, teaching, priesthood... some of the drag queens are pedos.  That's just realistic statistics. 

Let’s grant your point for the sake of discussion. I don’t hear conservatives calling for banning Boy Scout meetings or making the Catholic Church illegal. Yet they seem hellbent on preventing all possible contact between drag queens and young children. So why the focus on this one group, if pedophilia is your main concern? The only logical conclusion I can come up with is fear and bigotry of homosexuality. But you’re welcome to come up with an alternative explanation for the focus on one but not the others. 

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Let’s grant your point for the sake of discussion. I don’t hear conservatives calling for banning Boy Scout meetings or making the Catholic Church illegal. Yet they seem hellbent on preventing all possible contact between drag queens and young children. So why the focus on this one group, if pedophilia is your main concern? The only logical conclusion I can come up with is fear and bigotry of homosexuality. But you’re welcome to come up with an alternative explanation for the focus on one but not the others. 

Fair question.  I'll say a few things.

1. There are more factors than "pedos go there."  We would need to know how many/what percentage, for instance (I don't know).

2. There is significant value to the child in scouts, and church, and sports, which must weigh against the risk of abuse.  There is very little value to the child with a drag queen other than the excitement of a brightly colored freak show.

That all being said, I somewhat regret going down the pedo rabbit hole, because that's not my main concern.  My main concern is confusing young children about gender norms.  As Maher also points out, children are not "miniature adults."  They are empty vessels begging to be filled with how to become a well-adjusted, functioning adult.  At 5 years old, we should teach two genders.  This "you can be whatever you want to be" is inane at that age.  They want us to teach them, they NEED us to teach them.

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58 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Fair question.  I'll say a few things.

1. There are more factors than "pedos go there."  We would need to know how many/what percentage, for instance (I don't know).

2. There is significant value to the child in scouts, and church, and sports, which must weigh against the risk of abuse.  There is very little value to the child with a drag queen other than the excitement of a brightly colored freak show.

That all being said, I somewhat regret going down the pedo rabbit hole, because that's not my main concern.  My main concern is confusing young children about gender norms.  As Maher also points out, children are not "miniature adults."  They are empty vessels begging to be filled with how to become a well-adjusted, functioning adult.  At 5 years old, we should teach two genders.  This "you can be whatever you want to be" is inane at that age.  They want us to teach them, they NEED us to teach them.

It's inane at any age because guys like Tim and the rainbow mob will never stop. It will never be good enough. They will not be able to control themselves in front of children.

They have to have the children indoctrinated.  Ultimately, this isn't about equality, it's about money, power and revenge.

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18 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

It's inane at any age because guys like Tim and the rainbow mob will never stop. It will never be good enough. They will not be able to control themselves in front of children.

They have to have the children indoctrinated.  Ultimately, this isn't about equality, it's about money, power and revenge.

I've said before:  progressives don't stop anywhere short of 100%.  It worked with the gay "marriage vs. civil union" discussion.  And for trans, they want men in women sports, locker rooms, prisons, spas.  I didn't really care about the former, but I sincerely hope women rise up against the latter.

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