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Cdub100 last won the day on May 29 2022

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About Cdub100

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/26/1979

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  1. Ahh so a fatherless child and the mother living on welfare. The liberal way.
  2. Who's raping who when both are 16? As for being sick. I want two people who made a mistake to own up to that mistake and start a family. At the very least give it a try. You want to kill a baby. Once again you lose the moral high ground card.
  3. Interestingly, you went straight to child rape. I guess that's where the p3do liberal mind goes. This has nothing to do with child rape you focking sicko. I understand in this thread you weirdos are trying to play a moral card you don't have anymore. But even you will admit two 16 years boning has happened all throughout history and even in today's age. Defenatly not you. You probably had to pay for a hooker, but many kids have s3z at that age. Hell YOUR side want to give out birth control and condoms to kids without the parents knowing. For the record I am good with that so long as the parents know. So if two 16 years are doing it and the girl gets pregnant I would rather they get married and try and start a family than kill the baby. Which is what you want.
  4. I believe we continue to push adulthood later and later. We have 25 year olds running around acting like kids. I think many young people believe they shouldn't get married and start having kids until they are 30. I think this is harmful to our society. The point the state Rep is trying to make is the younger you are when you have the children the healthier the mother AND baby will be. A lot of people I know waited until their late 20s and 30s to have children. Many of them have problems getting pregnant. Science has shown the longer a woman waits the harder it gets. I think 16 is okay to get married especially if the girl gets knocked up. Liberals like tim have ZERO moral ground to stand on here. All he's doing is showing his true colors. Tim wants a world where women become wage slaves making PowerPoint never getting married and eventually getting eaten by her cats when she dies alone. And men to watch pron, live with their parents, and play video games all day. That's the end game. Meanwhile, liberals also want abortion on demand, child mutilation sex changes, cool with schools indoctrinating and hiding information from parents, lowering the voting age to 16 and of course freaks flashing their d1cks at children in the guise of reading to them.
  5. Cdub100

    Racist frat boys

    Yep there are exceptions to rules. WV is a poor uneducated state. I'd rather live there or in Kentucky than in your sh1thole state. While poor and uneducated both are still a safer and nicer community *in general*.
  6. Cdub100

    Racist frat boys

    The outskirts is where the wealth and educated live. Lots of segregation still alive and well in Maryland boyo. Mississippi is far more integrated. I can tell you bodymore is just as bad if not worse that Mississippi.
  7. Cdub100

    Racist frat boys

    Mississippi is dead last on everything because the have the highest population of a certain demographic... It's pretty obvious you know who's right next to them? The second highest population.
  8. Cdub100

    Leftist Protesters are Retards

    Oy vey this is a very antisemtic post.
  9. Same result as I posted in the other thread.
  10. Currently, they are changing that history so we will remember the new history soon enough.
  11. Cdub100

    What is a Net Worth?

    When the democrats elect that walking corpse for the presidency. Tim will get $25 from me. All he needs to do is panhandle another 99 cents and he can buy this net. Which should help his sh1tty fishing trips here.
  12. You voted for it. So yeah you approved the riots. Just like I voted for Trump so I approve of the selfie "riot"
  13. You and your side said it was okay. Biden said it was ok. Liberals and democrats said it was okay hell the CDC said it was okay and they wanted to lock everyone in their homes. Dude your revisionist history is weird. must be all the cat p1ss going to your head.