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About Twinsdad

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday May 23

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    Metro Detroit

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  1. Twinsdad

    Wtf peenie

    I rarely delve into the political discussion around here, but a small change to this statement describes how it has been for decades. "Furthermore, politicians are just using the government for their own selfish purposes"
  2. Congrats AD! Thanks BiffTannen!. Agree this is a good league and looking forward to next season already.
  3. I think my boys peaked last week. Jacobs should be enough for you, McManus will just be icing on the cake. Good Luck
  4. Twinsdad

    Jon Benet Ramsey

    They have DNA evidence. I'm surprised they haven't gone the genealogy route yet.
  5. Twinsdad

    Week 9 NFL

    And the Lions are on the hook for less that $1 Mil of his salary. Browns already paid him $11 Mill.
  6. Fock, @jerryskids team played like the Brown and Patriots this week. Nice win Jerry.
  7. Wouldn't that be hypocritical of them and give them even less credibility that they endorse her for president, but wouldn't endorse her for AG? Not a good look for the LAT.
  8. Twinsdad

    Hurricane Milton, Cat 3, flooding and lots of damage

    Stay safe GobbleDog!
  9. Twinsdad

    Hurricane Milton, Cat 3, flooding and lots of damage

    I hope it doesn't go to eleven!
  10. Twinsdad

    Divorce question re: house

    Fock, the Geek club is slipping....it took until page 2 to ask for can size?!?!
  11. Twinsdad

    AOL Help

    It must have, I was in the league for ~5 years
  12. Twinsdad

    9/11: 23rd anniversary…

    I was on the way into the office when a co-worker called and said a plane just flew into the World Trade Center. We had one of these VCR carts with a TV on top and setup some rabbit ears on it and a bunch of us were watching when the second plane hit. Spent most of that day around the TV, not much work getting done.
  13. Twinsdad


    I'll be there, but will probably be drafting from my phone. Lost power yesterday and still not back on.