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D'ohmer Simpson

Iraqi civil war has started

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What a cluster fvck this has become. :(


Baghdad street battle smacks of open civil war


BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Snipers held rooftop positions as masked Sunni Arab insurgents said they were gearing up for another open street battle with pro-government Shiite militiamen in Baghdad's Adhamiya district on Tuesday.


The Arab Sunni stronghold is still feeling ripples from overnight clashes on Monday that appeared to be the closest yet to all-out sectarian fighting.


It's a reality that has Washington scrambling (imagine that) to avert civil war as Iraqi politicians struggle to form a government four months after parliamentary elections.


A U.S. military spokesman said 50 insurgents attacked Iraqi forces in the middle of the night in a seven-hour battle that killed five rebels and wounded an Iraqi soldier.


Fighting was so fierce that U.S. reinforcements were brought in to the northern district, home to some of Iraq's most hardcore Sunni guerrillas and the Abu Hanifa mosque, near where Saddam Hussein was last seen in public before going into hiding.


Sporadic fighting continued on Tuesday.


"There are six people among our dead and wounded. Just half an hour ago a sniper killed Ali," said Mohammad, a 28-year-old Adhamiya resident, of his friend.


While the February bombing of a Shi'ite shrine pushed Iraq to the edge of civil war and left hundreds of bodies with bullet holes and torture marks on the streets, the scenario in Adhamiya is more alarming, despite fewer casualties.


It appeared to be the first example of a large-scale, open sectarian street battle in the capital, if not all of Iraq.


The boldness of the attack was a stark reminder of the security nightmare that will challenge the new government, which will face a Sunni insurgency that has killed many thousands of Shi'ite security forces and civilians.


"Today at noon a group of army soldiers came near the Abu Hanifa mosque and a sniper went on top of the roof. We managed to kill him with a grenade. I destroyed three of their vehicles with roadside bombs," said another rebel.


Insurgents setting up barricades said they saw Shi'ite fighters calling themselves The Army of Haidar closing in on the Abu Hanifa mosque from three directions.




"We expect them to come back again," said a man who only identified himself as Abu Bakr and said he was a former army officer under Saddam.


His description of the events of Monday night were even more dramatic than the U.S. military account.


"We saw about 100 to 150 men show up in cars. Some were wearing military uniforms and others were in civilian clothes," he said, as five gunmen stood guard over one of the main roads leading into Adhamiya.


Sunni leaders have accused the Shi'ite-led government of sanctioning militia death squads, a charge it denies.


"What happened in Adhamiya is an evil act by an armed militia backed by security and government operatives," Dhafer al-Ani, a member of the biggest Sunni Alliance, told a news conference.


As Abu Bakr and his men geared up for a new fight, the Sunni town of Ramadi, 110 km (68 miles) west of Baghdad, was recovering from the latest rebel assault.


The U.S. military said marines repelled insurgent attacks at several locations in central Ramadi on Monday, including the local government center, which often comes under fire.


The multiple suicide car bombs, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns appeared to be closely coordinated, said the military.


On Tuesday, residents said they kept their children home because insurgents ordered schools closed. Streets were mostly empty.


Washington hopes training will improve the performance of Iraqi forces and enable U.S. troops to start heading home. :huh:


But as the confusing Adhamiya fighting illustrated, it's hard to tell who is wearing Iraqi military uniforms, complicating the task of stabilizing the country.rink

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The only way to solve this dilemma is to let Saddam out of jail and in 2-3 days he'd have everybody back in line.

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So let them fight! :first:


If they don't want a democratic government, then fock it. We tried. Pull the troops and move on (to Iran).

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So let them fight! :first:


If they don't want a democratic government, then fock it. We tried. Pull the troops and move on (to Iran).


That is reportedly what al-Jaafari will ask of us (pull troops out) should he be confirmed for a second term as PM. That is why a couple of weeks ago, behind the scenes, we quietly started opposing him


That and his close association with Iran.

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:rolleyes: We don't do nation building! :(


Who says we are going to build anything?



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Yeah, that works well. :rolleyes:


What do you want to do, appease them? Play patty cake?

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The only way to solve this dilemma is to let Saddam out of jail and in 2-3 days he'd have everybody back in line.



You may be joking, or not, but in reality you are at least partially correct. Gassing and murdering these animals is the only way to keep them in line. These retards are no better than a country of 3 year old running around demanding candy. :rolleyes:

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The only way to solve this dilemma is to let Saddam out of jail and in 2-3 days he'd have everybody back in line.

What a blow to Bush's ego that must be. :blink:

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We should send Toro's mother-in-law. She does such a good job of managing Toro's life, Iraq would be no problem.

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We should send Toro's mother-in-law. She does such a good job of managing Toro's life, Iraq would be no problem.


Or we could send your new girlfriend and she could just fock the shat outta all the insurgents to get them to settle down. You said she likes to fock, right? Well, if she is focking you then I am sure she wouldn't mind getting gangbanged in the street by a death squad.

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We should send Toro's mother-in-law. She does such a good job of managing Toro's life, Iraq would be no problem.





Hot coffee nearly shot out from my nose upon reading this one!! :first:

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What do you want to do, appease them? Play patty cake?

Toro, let's recap your morning.

First, you make an inane, jingoistic post about bombing Iran.

I tell you bombing won't help anything

You say that means I want to appease Iran ( :first: )

You post a shirtless, shaven chest picture of yourself as if you're at a photoshoot for ghey.com

You tell some guy with a family who's going to college part-time at 26 to rush a fraternity


The sequence may be a little off, but does this seem to be pretty much accurate?

Maybe you should go back to school yourself. And skip the frat this time.


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Maybe this thread should be retitled to...


Iraqi Civil War has started

and Toro lost this thread.

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Toro, let's recap your morning.

First, you make an inane, jingoistic post about bombing Iran.

I tell you bombing won't help anything

You say that means I want to appease Iran ( :first: )

You post a shirtless, shaven chest picture of yourself as if you're at a photoshoot for ghey.com

You tell some guy with a family who's going to college part-time at 26 to rush a fraternity


The sequence may be a little off, but does this seem to be pretty much accurate?

Maybe you should go back to school yourself. And skip the frat this time.



1) I am kidding. This is a message board.

2) I am fishing. This is what I do on this message board.

3) Again, fishing.

4) I don't shave and I typically don't wear a shirt when I am on the beach. I changed the picture because you guys were getting a little too excited about it. Sorry if my picture stirred up some weird feelings for you.

5) See #1.


BTW, who are you?



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You may be joking, or not, but in reality you are at least partially correct. Gassing and murdering these animals is the only way to keep them in line. These retards are no better than a country of 3 year old running around demanding candy. ;)




I couldn't agree more.


At this point, I'm even OK with issuing Saddam a sincere heartfelt apology.


OK Saddam, you didn't have any WMD. My bad.

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I couldn't agree more.


At this point, I'm even OK with issuing Saddam a sincere heartfelt apology.


OK Saddam, you didn't have any WMD. My bad.



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