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Most annoying ESPN "personality"

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and he was wrong??????

No writer in the history of sports has ever been wrong? :mad:


Never stated as such. But to call a guy awesome and he knows his stuff...when just recently he not only had the ignorant view that they were two white (when they start 3 black players), but to then also defend those statements by calling everyone who had a problem with his statement ignorant.


From what I have seen of the guy, he is like most other writers who try to do TV and radio...be as shocking as possible to get people to find the stuff you write. It does not make him awesome or show he knows his stuff...it makes him like every other overly opinionated by generally ignorant writer. out for the cheap laugh or shock factor to try and get people to read what they write (when even that is not that good).

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He was probably right about that one :banana:


Seriously, most of those columnists are spending too much time on ESPN and radio shows, without actually paying attention to what is going on. They think that they know everything and they end up being caught when they start talking about stuff that they know nothing about.


I have always preferred guys who KNOW about a particular sport, dabble in some others, and KNOW to stay in the former and avoid the latter.


Ryan's specialty used to be Basketball, but I think you're right.


Too many sports, too much time, not enough attention to one sport.

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Ryan's specialty used to be Basketball, but I think you're right.


Too many sports, too much time, not enough attention to one sport.


he's a poor man's woody paige.

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how was your 5 day layoff?


Excellent, thanks.


Wednesday was low key. Golfed 27 on Thursday and 18 Friday in 4 person scramble, 36 teams came in 2nd, well 4th, but the 2nd best score., it was hot a mofo out there.

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A poll only allows for one answer.. I wanted to see what everyone thought and then pick the top 10


easier than you think


a. stu scott

b. chris berman

c. stephen smith

d. other

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No way anyone should be voting for anyone other than Micheal Irvin. He is so unwatchable it isn't funny.



This is coming from a die hard Cowboys fan.......

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No way anyone should be voting for anyone other than Micheal Irvin. He is so unwatchable it isn't funny.

This is coming from a die hard Cowboys fan.......



irvin was partially responsible for their biggest nfl story last year! they luv him


:thumbsup: playmaka :thumbsup:

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i would punch steve levy in the face if i could get away with it...

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welcome ozzie guiilen to the board

I didn't mean it. I mean it means something different in spanish. I mean I don't speak english. Oh fock it he is a homo. LOL.

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JOE THEISMAN :thumbsup:

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Stevie Smith

Skip Bayless (if he's still aorunf)

Boo-Ya Scott



Skip sucks...at the ticket 1310 they came up with a sniglet of Skipshot:


Any cheesy plays on words. Inspired by the writing of former Ticket host Skip Bayless who has made a living using skipshots for 20 years. A skipshot is usually followed by an outcry of "Rock Me !" and then the shot clock buzzer.



True story once in the 5th or 6th grade we did a field trip down to the Dallas Morning News and Skip had a sign on his desk, "Don't skip Skip" :banana: :first: :banana:

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There are many as has been stated, but if you try this technique that i think i heard here first for Michael Irvin it works wonders....


Everytime you see him talking, imagine that clown music or music that ice cream trucks play is playing and you cant hear his words. It has worked wonders for me. I stay much more happy when i see him now.


Stuart Scott has made me change the channel so many times its unreal. BOOOOOOOOO YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im some ###### schmuch that is "street" WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! steven anus smith is close too though. ANd i dunno his name but the white dude that has like a young guys hair do that is fake looking. i feel like he is sucking someones nuts and trying to be kewl as well.

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ANd i dunno his name but the white dude that has like a young guys hair do that is fake looking. i feel like he is sucking someones nuts and trying to be kewl as well.


That's probably Bayless, or maybe Kilborn if you're thinking way back.

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Bill Walton. I know he's primarily on ABC, but I've seen him on ESPN too so I can list him here as the worst aggravating want to punch the lights out of him personality in the nba broadcast world. :ninja:

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I'd usually agree, but I'm going with Stephen A Smith. I cannot stand listening to that idiot act all hard everytime he offers up his opinion on everything. :pointstosky:

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