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Bears 34, Lions 3

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Yeah, any state that has trouble deciding which actor it wants in charge sure has it all together.


Pretty funny that a guy with 2500 posts in 2 years on a fantasy football message board, who has gotten his panties into a bunch about how the Lions are picked on by other fans in the division, would play the "football is pretty low on my list of things" card.


DrJ - :first:

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if Los Angeles gets a football team I'll most likely hop on that wagon.


So then it really isn't "football is low on my list of things", it's "the Lions are low on my list of things". Why don't you just stop pretending to be a fan, and find a new thread to waste your time in - it'll be a lot easier come Sunday.

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Yeah, any state that has trouble deciding which actor it wants in charge sure has it all together.


Pretty funny that a guy with 2500 posts in 2 years on a fantasy football message board, who has gotten his panties into a bunch about how the Lions are picked on by other fans in the division, would play the "football is pretty low on my list of things" card.


itsatip: I care more about my Fantasy team then who wins the SB. If my fantasy team wins I win several thousand dollars. If the Detroit Lions win I get to celebrate alone several thousand miles away from Detroit. I have 2500 posts because I like fantasy football and in California we have these things called jobs. My job happens to be a pretty good one developing software so I get to sit on the internet all day. If you've ever compiled code (which I doubt) you would understand how much down time you have while code compiles (a full .NET release/debug compile takes several hours).


Also, I find it pretty funny you choose to use the fact that we have an actor as a governor as some sort of diss against Cali. I guess when you tried to google some smack to talk and found that we have the 4th largest economy in the entire world, #1 agricultural state in the US (damn you losers couldn't even hang onto that title), and the busiest cargo port in the US you had to reach for feathers.


Lastly, my panties are not in a bunch. I just don't think one team in the worst conference in the NFL has any room to talk about another crappy team in the same crappy conference. Detroit fans might be pathetic, dreamers, or perennial losers but atleast we're realists. You guys have such a skewed perception of how crappy your team is it's laughable.

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itsatip: I care more about my Fantasy team then who wins the SB. If my fantasy team wins I win several thousand dollars. If the Detroit Lions win I get to celebrate alone several thousand miles away from Detroit. I have 2500 posts because I like fantasy football and in California we have these things called jobs. My job happens to be a pretty good one developing software so I get to sit on the internet all day. If you've ever compiled code (which I doubt) you would understand how much down time you have while code compiles (a full .NET release/debug compile takes several hours).


Also, I find it pretty funny you choose to use the fact that we have an actor as a governor as some sort of diss against Cali. I guess when you tried to google some smack to talk and found that we have the 4th largest economy in the entire world, #1 agricultural state in the US (damn you losers couldn't even hang onto that title), and the busiest cargo port in the US you had to reach for feathers.


Lastly, my panties are not in a bunch. I just don't think one team in the worst conference in the NFL has any room to talk about another crappy team in the same crappy conference. Detroit fans might be pathetic, dreamers, or perennial losers but atleast we're realists. You guys have such a skewed perception of how crappy your team is it's laughable.


:D :banana: :cry:

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Guest sweatness_34

Bears 8000 Lydowners -10


Ha Ha! swamper pooper dookie dooper! ha!

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So then it really isn't "football is low on my list of things", it's "the Lions are low on my list of things". Why don't you just stop pretending to be a fan, and find a new thread to waste your time in - it'll be a lot easier come Sunday.


No, like I said, Football isn't my life. I know in the armpit you eat, sleep, and fock football. Don't assume because you've got nothing better to do then care about a team you don't even like that we're all the same. Some of us have sex with actual women, jobs that pay more then 6.25 an hour, and other interests besides football.


btw: for someone with 23,000 posts you really have no room to talk. So you've generated 10x the posts I have in 3x the time yet I'm the loser. Even at my blistering paste it would take me until 2014 to reach 23,000.



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Also, I find it pretty funny you choose to use the fact that we have an actor as a governor as some sort of diss against Cali. I guess when you tried to google some smack to talk and found that we have the 4th largest economy in the entire world, #1 agricultural state in the US (damn you losers couldn't even hang onto that title), and the busiest cargo port in the US you had to reach for feathers.


Yeah, the Lions suck, but do you have any idea how many oranges grow in my state!!




btw: for someone with 23,000 posts you really have no room to talk. So you've generated 10x the posts I have in 3x the time yet I'm the loser. Even at my blistering paste it would take me until 2014 to reach 23,000.




Where was it that I called you a loser? I noted that it was ironic how someone with that sort of post count would claim they could care less about football. Notice, I didn't make that claim.


Stay on point much?

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While thankfully not a bears fan, I am from Chicago and still live in the area. I'll take Chicago over orange county everytime. Yes I have been there and just about everywhere else except San Diego. Some nice places to visit but that state coming apart at the seams. How do run your computer when the power company can't even keep the juice flowing? I'm also surprised your job is still located there. Most smart companies are relocating to Nevada to avoid those ridiculous taxes your overburdened state places on people and companies. Why do all the states around California hate Californians? Because Californians are moving to all those states to escape their own. With regard to your little computer job-do you rent a closet from some family in the area like for your residence because housing is so pathetically ridiculous or are you one of those suckers who paid $700,000 for a 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath fixerupper? I think tonight I'll have drink on my huge deck overlooking my huge backyard and think of your state falling into the sea when the overdue big one hits (yes geology/seismology fans, it's overdue). Now go stuff your face with one of those Wolfgang Puck psuedo-pizzas so we don't have to hear from you again.

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While thankfully not a bears fan, I am from Chicago and still live in the area. I'll take Chicago over orange county everytime. Yes I have been there and just about everywhere else except San Diego. Some nice places to visit but that state coming apart at the seams. How do run your computer when the power company can't even keep the juice flowing? I'm also surprised your job is still located there. Most smart companies are relocating to Nevada to avoid those ridiculous taxes your overburdened state places on people and companies. Why do all the states around California hate Californians? Because Californians are moving to all those states to escape their own. With regard to your little computer job-do you rent a closet from some family in the area like for your residence because housing is so pathetically ridiculous or are you one of those suckers who paid $700,000 for a 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath fixerupper? I think tonight I'll have drink on my huge deck overlooking my huge backyard and think of your state falling into the sea when the overdue big one hits (yes geology/seismology fans, it's overdue). Now go stuff your face with one of those Wolfgang Puck psuedo-pizzas so we don't have to hear from you again.


No, I'm one of those guys that paid 275K for my house 7 years ago only to chase off people beating down the doors wanting to pay 1 mil+ for it now. Wow poor me and my 300% return in under 10 years. Yet the parents of my wife (who moved here from Texas (shocking she chose Cali over Texas)) 5 bedroom house in Kingwood TX (one of the nicest suburbs if Houston) is only worth 225K when they paid 190K for it 10 years ago. ITSATIP that if everyone wanted to live in Nevada, Zona, Texas, etc the average house would cost well over 700,000 just like it does here. I'm sure an intelligent man like yourself understands supply and demand. If people refused to pay 700,000 for a "fixer upper" there wouldn't be any on the market at that price. It's also a fact that mid-western women look like lumberjacks because all the halfway decent ones moved to California in hopes of being a movie star only to end up in my local strip joint. I realize that tempers are flaring as jealousy rears it's ugly head so I'll just let you kids sword fight with one another now.


Take it ez armpitters.



LIONS 17 BEARS 7 :ninja:

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Then you'll make out like a bandit when your company moves out of state where you can get a cheap house. And thank you for taking all of the nation's idiots. All of the dumb chicks who think they want to act move there. The smart hotties flock to the big town where they make it hard to swing a dead cat without hitting a stunner. Thanks for taking our dead weight.


P.S. A good portion of the reason for your wonderfully high real estate prices is that the eco-enviro-whack-jobs who so deeply infest your state and local governements have put limits on new construction in many areas to curb 'urban sprawl'. Less available land for building has made California real estate artificially high in value and doesn't reflect the market's true supply and demand. This has helped spur peoples' relatively recent rennovations of old downtown L.A. commercial spaces into living spaces. Maybe this will help L.A. actually become a real city one day-a nice change from the characterless giant suburb-like sprawl with a few tall buildings stuck in the middle that it is now. Now go get that 'pizza'.

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I'm not a bears or lions fan. I think they both blow. Neither team will even sniff the Superbowl. You bears fans better get used to that until the bears can learn how to draft at the skill positions. Even when the bears won the Superbowl, they were average at best at the skill positions. Jim McMahon, Dennis McKinnon, Willie Gault? Only Walter Payton was truly a great player. All the '85 offense had to do was put up 10 points and that fantastic defense would hold the other team under that total (no, the current defense is not as good as the '85 defense, whether the stats say so or not). Does anyone know who the most prolific passer in bears history is? Anyone? It's Eric Kramer. That's right. A crappy ex-lion is their all-time single season best passer. Quick-name some good post-Payton running backs. One. Neal Anderson. Name some good receivers. Marty Booker? Tom Waddle? Any QB's? The current crop of skill players is actually better than the usual bears stiffs but they are not Superbowl material. All they are doing now is winning enough games to ensure that they won't draft high enough to get a stud. Even when they did they got malcontent Cedrick Benson.


This post is the reason I come here. To here idiots banter on about stuff the know nothing about. First off the 85 Bears offense was second in the league in scoring, with the best rush offense in the league. So before you go on naming players on the 85 team, get your facts straight. Just a little know fact Eric Kramer was not the most prolific passer the bears ever had, go ahead and look up the stats for Bill Wade (1961).


Anyway you are a rookie, go home and spew off some more names, but try to get your facts right.

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Then you'll make out like a bandit when your company moves out of state where you can get a cheap house. And thank you for taking all of the nation's idiots. All of the dumb chicks who think they want to act move there. The smart hotties flock to the big town where they make it hard to swing a dead cat without hitting a stunner. Thanks for taking our dead weight.


P.S. A good portion of the reason for your wonderfully high real estate prices is that the eco-enviro-whack-jobs who so deeply infest your state and local governements have put limits on new construction in many areas to curb 'urban sprawl'. Less available land for building has made California real estate artificially high in value and doesn't reflect the market's true supply and demand. This has helped spur peoples' relatively recent rennovations of old downtown L.A. commercial spaces into living spaces. Maybe this will help L.A. actually become a real city one day-a nice change from the characterless giant suburb-like sprawl with a few tall buildings stuck in the middle that it is now. Now go get that 'pizza'.


Maybe I'll move to Chi-town. The company I work for already owns one of the largest companies in your state (Chicago Title). I could probably arrange a transfer if you think it would be a wise investment move on my part. Then on Sundays SwampPoopie, myself, and all you Bears homers can meet up at the local watering hole and break chairs over one anothers heads.


Sounds like good times if you ask me :thumbsdown:


btw: I'm lactose intollerent. No pizza for me :shocking:

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Perhaps I am biased as a Lions fan but I was more impressed with the 9-6 loss vs Seattle than the Bears thumping of Green Bay. Favre is a has been. The Packers are not the same Packers they were a few years ago. The Lions shut down Alexander and blocked two field goals. Seattle has an offense that is many levels better than Chicagos. If the Lions D can step up then it will be a game rife with poor offensive stats. My prediction:


Lions 16

Bears 10

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LIONS 17 BEARS 7 :argue:


And if that doesn't work out, you have that whole "I don't care about football" thing to fall back on. :(

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They won the division last year and in 2001.

They have more than one playoff victory over the last half century, too.


Detroit has sucked donkey ballz for 50 years. That's why they don't start any threads. (Not because they're "classy" ;) )


That's all he was saying.


I think you read fine, sampy; it's the comprehension part that is so tough. :cheers:


I wouldn't begin to argue the history of my Detroit Lions. All you have to do is look at the record books.


I started this season with no expectations of my Lions. 4-5 victories would probably be reasonable, 7-8 would be fairly successful (for the Lions). Last week's game gave all of us reason to hope. No, I don't believe that we are ready to declare ourselves division champs or anything close to a playoff team. But let me tell you Bears fans one thing for sure, if the Lions offense can improve on last week's performance and the defense can repeat last week's performance this game will be much closer than any of you expect. I have a lot of respect for the Bears team and right now they are certainly the strongest team in the division. They could even be a contender for the NFC Conference Championship. We all know that there are still 15 games for each team to play this season. Let's see how this one goes!


I predict the Bears do not cover the spread.

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And if that doesn't work out, you have that whole "I don't care about football" thing to fall back on. :cheers:


If you're going to paraphrase me, atleast actually paraphrase.


I said, and I quote "Football is pretty far down on my list of what's important to me"


If football is high on your list of things that are important to you I'd have to assume you don't have the most exciting life. Football isn't even my favorite sport, much less something that's "highly important to me".


Just an observation ofcourse.

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Maybe I'll move to Chi-town. The company I work for already owns one of the largest companies in your state (Chicago Title). I could probably arrange a transfer if you think it would be a wise investment move on my part. Then on Sundays SwampPoopie, myself, and all you Bears homers can meet up at the local watering hole and break chairs over one anothers heads.


Sounds like good times if you ask me :dunno:


btw: I'm lactose intollerent. No pizza for me :cry:


nah, no violence. each of us owes the others a round of beers for the entertainment each of us provides the others on this board :cheers:

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so the beating was so severe last week that you've now become a bear fan? :lol: what's the term for that when someone is kidnapped, beaten, and raped repeatedly but then "converts" to their captors? whatever that term is, you're it.


The term is Stockholm Syndrome, and I think you hit the nail on the head. It's funny checkin gthe message board every day and seeing multiple topics about how the Lie-Downs suck from Bears fans. A little pathetic, but funny all the same.


Oh, and any guy who leaves the blue-collar, working-class midwest for Orange County, I say good riddance! You can have fantasy land. I'll take Detroit's stinky sewers, bum-infested streets, and corrupt city governance over DisneyLand-Laguna Beach-OC-Hollywood-Silicone Botox any day. The same goes for any other city in the Midwest. (Chi-town, Indy, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Minny, etc)

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Yes the lion do blow. I think that their history is best epitomized by Marty Morningwanker's decision a couple of years ago (appropriately against the bears) to kick the ball off to the bears in overtime after the bears' offense had just gotten hot and put up 10 points to tie the game. It was pure genius and I think you know the result. Anyway, the bears suck too. They are just not Superbowl-worthy. The talent is just not there on offense. Maybe if they didn't use every draft pick to select defensive players when they already have a strong defense and are weak at the skill positions on offense. And what's that chairs over the head comment supposed to mean?

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so the beating was so severe last week that you've now become a bear fan? :wacko: what's the term for that when someone is kidnapped, beaten, and raped repeatedly but then "converts" to their captors? whatever that term is, you're it.


and please refresh my memory again where the packers finished last year. and where they'll finish this year. yeah, thought so.


i understand the need for you to assign greatness to the bears. why? because then that explains why they throttled the packers. but at the end of the day, the packers are simply dreadful and the bears are a team that wouldn't even make the playoffs--or contend for them--if they played in the nfce.


thanks for playing. buh-bye.


I will always hate the Bears, but I can relate to their fans. They are knowlegable, diehard types who stay with their teams through thick and thin. They don't welch on their bets and they aren't bandwagoners who talk tremendous smack and then completely disappear to "tuck in their sons" when things don't go their way.


The Bears have a tremendous history and they have rivalries. That was my point. I don't know why you bring the Packers into this. Any team that goes 15 seasons without a losing season is bound to have some downtime sooner or later.


Some teams have 50 years of downtime. :thumbsup: That's why they don't ever start threads. That was the point.


Stay on topic, Welch/DisappearDog. :D

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What's up with all the Lions fans on this forum? I've never seen such heated debates over the Lions. Do Lions fans still wear those bags over their heads? I'm just wondering because I haven't heard from them in so long. I thought they were extinct. Do they still burn stuff in Detroit on a regular basis? Hell's night or whatever it's called, right? I'd think if I was living in Detroit every night would be a night in Hell. Anyways, I wasn't even that interested in the game this week because it was against the Lions but after Roy Williams decided to embrace his inner stupid I can't wait to see the Bears D tear him to shreds.

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I will always hate the Bears, but I can relate to their fans. They are knowlegable, diehard types who stay with their teams through thick and thin. They don't welch on their bets and they aren't bandwagoners who talk tremendous smack and then completely disappear to "tuck in their sons" when things don't go their way.


The Bears have a tremendous history and they have rivalries. That was my point. I don't know why you bring the Packers into this. Any team that goes 15 seasons without a losing season is bound to have some downtime sooner or later.


Some teams have 50 years of downtime. :banana: That's why they don't ever start threads. That was the point.


Stay on topic, Welch/DisappearDog. :D


i bring the packers into it because you're here in this thread :first:


downtime is relative: downtime NOW is the most brutal of all, isn't it? vince and his ghost aren't keeping you warm tonight. nor is the 1997 version of brett favre. it wouldn't matter tonight if the packers had won 20 super bowls in the past 40 years. what matters NOW is the packers suck. and it feels no better or worse because of any history: sucking now is sucking now is sucking now.

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One thing you Bears fans need to remember is that you are expected to win by 9 or more. This means that my Lions are supposed to lose by 9 or more. We have a new regime in Detroit. Give them the time that Lovie has had in Chicago and then let's have a discussion. This is Smith's third season. The Bears not only must win the weakest division in football, but they must at least go to the NFC Championship game for success this season. With the easiest schedule in the history of football, they should make the playoffs. With that schedule they should go undefeated if they are worth anything.

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I live in Orange County, California. Like I said, my parents gave our family the greatest gift anyone could give and moved us out of that craphole 20 years ago. Don't kid yourself, I'm someone who's seen "both sides of the fence". The whole midwestern United States is a complete cesspool. They dont call it the armpit of America for nothing.


Bears, Lions, Green Bay, Minny.... they all suck and their whole state sucks. The only thing I miss about DET is the Lions and Tigers and tbh if Los Angeles gets a football team I'll most likely hop on that wagon. I've already started the transition to the Angels and Lakers so I'm sure it won't be that hard.




"Cesspool"? You do realize that the top "most livable states" and the recent listing of the states with the highest longevity are in the midwest? Additionally, when they ranked the states by education, they were again in the midwest.


The midwest may be boring and have lousy weather, however it's more livable than most of the states.


I seriously doubt you've seen both sides of the fence due to your complete stupidity.

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One thing you Bears fans need to remember is that you are expected to win by 9 or more. This means that my Lions are supposed to lose by 9 or more. We have a new regime in Detroit. Give them the time that Lovie has had in Chicago and then let's have a discussion. This is Smith's third season. The Bears not only must win the weakest division in football, but they must at least go to the NFC Championship game for success this season. With the easiest schedule in the history of football, they should make the playoffs. With that schedule they should go undefeated if they are worth anything.


Just a tad overstated. Definately not a difficult schedule, but not that easy:


Sep 10 @Green Bay Won 26-0

Sep 17 Detroit 1:00pm 110 107

Sep 24 @Minnesota 1:00pm 181 130

Oct 1 Seattle 8:15pm 125 130

Oct 8 Buffalo 1:00pm 130 119

Oct 16 @Arizona 8:30pm 125 123

Week 7 BYE

Oct 29 San Francisco 1:00pm 130 119

Nov 5 Miami 1:00pm 144

Nov 12 @N.Y. Giants 1:00pm 147 152

Nov 19 @N.Y. Jets 1:00pm 146 146

Nov 26 @New England 1:00pm 117 107 Very Tough 3 week road trip

Dec 3 Minnesota 1:00pm 146 123

Dec 11 @St. Louis 8:30pm 125 123

Dec 17 Tampa Bay 1:00pm 125

Dec 24 @Detroit 1:00pm 122 181

Dec 31 Green Bay


The Minn games will also be tough and I wouldnt be surprised if we split with Det.


You want to drive a point home, but give us a little objectivity and people will listen more.

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Just a tad overstated. Definately not a difficult schedule, but not that easy:


Sep 10 @Green Bay Won 26-0

Sep 17 Detroit 1:00pm 110 107

Sep 24 @Minnesota 1:00pm 181 130

Oct 1 Seattle 8:15pm 125 130

Oct 8 Buffalo 1:00pm 130 119

Oct 16 @Arizona 8:30pm 125 123

Week 7 BYE

Oct 29 San Francisco 1:00pm 130 119

Nov 5 Miami 1:00pm 144

Nov 12 @N.Y. Giants 1:00pm 147 152

Nov 19 @N.Y. Jets 1:00pm 146 146

Nov 26 @New England 1:00pm 117 107 Very Tough 3 week road trip

Dec 3 Minnesota 1:00pm 146 123

Dec 11 @St. Louis 8:30pm 125 123

Dec 17 Tampa Bay 1:00pm 125

Dec 24 @Detroit 1:00pm 122 181

Dec 31 Green Bay


The Minn games will also be tough and I wouldnt be surprised if we split with Det.


You want to drive a point home, but give us a little objectivity and people will listen more.


come on, walt: the lowly lions manhandled the seahawks offense--how are the mighty bears going to have trouble with them at home? and the jets? the bears have an easy schedule *if* you believe the bear hype of how good they are.


don't start making excuses: we've only played one week :unsure:

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Just a tad overstated. Definately not a difficult schedule, but not that easy:


Sep 10 @Green Bay Won 26-0

Sep 17 Detroit 1:00pm 110 107

Sep 24 @Minnesota 1:00pm 181 130

Oct 1 Seattle 8:15pm 125 130

Oct 8 Buffalo 1:00pm 130 119

Oct 16 @Arizona 8:30pm 125 123

Week 7 BYE

Oct 29 San Francisco 1:00pm 130 119

Nov 5 Miami 1:00pm 144

Nov 12 @N.Y. Giants 1:00pm 147 152

Nov 19 @N.Y. Jets 1:00pm 146 146

Nov 26 @New England 1:00pm 117 107 Very Tough 3 week road trip

Dec 3 Minnesota 1:00pm 146 123

Dec 11 @St. Louis 8:30pm 125 123

Dec 17 Tampa Bay 1:00pm 125

Dec 24 @Detroit 1:00pm 122 181

Dec 31 Green Bay


The Minn games will also be tough and I wouldnt be surprised if we split with Det.


You want to drive a point home, but give us a little objectivity and people will listen more.


While I may have overstepped just a tiny bit on the easiest schedule ever, I am positive this is very close to that and is absolutely the easiest schedule in all of the NFL this season:


2006 Strength Of Schedule


Team/Winning Percentage/Opp. Total Wins/Opp. Total Losses


Saints .566 145 111

Buccaneers .550 132 108

Giants .543 139 117

Bengals .543 139 117

Steelers .531 136 120

Titans .527 135 121

Chiefs .527 135 121

Texans .523 134 122

Ravens .523 134 122

Eagles .520 133 123

Redskins .516 132 124

Broncos .516 132 124

Raiders .516 132 124

Browns .512 131 125

Falcons .508 130 126

Rams .508 130 126

Panthers .504 129 127

Cowboys .504 129 127

Cardinals .500 128 128

Chargers .488 125 131

Colts .484 124 132

Jaguars .484 124 132

49ers .477 122 134

Bills .477 122 134

Lions .473 121 135

Patriots .473 121 135

Dolphins .469 120 136

Jets .465 119 137

Vikings .457 117 139

Seahawks .457 117 139

Packers .449 115 141

Bears .445 114 142


Here is proof of my objectivity.

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Let me get this straight....mobb claims his fantasy league is worth thousands of dollars...he has had people wanting to pay $1mil for his house...his company owns some big company in chicago.....


Am I missing any other completely fabricated full of crap bragging BS out of him here?

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i bring the packers into it because you're here in this thread ;)


downtime is relative: downtime NOW is the most brutal of all, isn't it? vince and his ghost aren't keeping you warm tonight. nor is the 1997 version of brett favre. it wouldn't matter tonight if the packers had won 20 super bowls in the past 40 years. what matters NOW is the packers suck. and it feels no better or worse because of any history: sucking now is sucking now is sucking now.


How would you know? You've never experienced any highs. (I guess that one playoff victory in 45 years could count as a high :rolleyes: )


It feels a lot better going through a year or two or rebuilding after 15 non-losing seasons than it does to go through a year or two of rebuilding after 50 years of rebuilding.

That should be obvious.


I live where I interact with rivals on a daily basis. I can't run and "tuck in my son" when things go south. This is something you will never know or understand. And all of the FIBs that I've been giving it to for the last 15 years are sticking it back in my face. These are real people; not anonymous message board people.

And I love it. I love having a rivalry.


We won for a long time. I'm a diehard fan; I'll stick by the losing. Regardless, I still root for the greatest, most-championshiped, most historic football team in the NFL no matter what happens.

You'll still root for Arizona Cardinals-East :rolleyes: ....... until they go south :( and then you'll disappear.


(The more I say that, the more I realize what a great insult that is to Cardinals fans :rolleyes: )

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come on, walt: the lowly lions manhandled the seahawks offense--how are the mighty bears going to have trouble with them at home? and the jets? the bears have an easy schedule *if* you believe the bear hype of how good they are.


don't start making excuses: we've only played one week ;)


Correction, the Lions had a solid defensive outing. Manhandling is what you and Millen do to each other in between games.

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Different thread, same arguments ...


Just say "ditto" and give your typing fingers a break. :dunno:


Sampdog started it. :D


I just agreed with something Dr. J said and Sampdog went all "you love the bears :wub: " and brought the Packers into it and all kinds of tangents were reached about ghosts of Vince Lombardi and whatnot.


My prediction: I think Shane Grossman will struggle early, Shane Griese will come in but get hurt, and Shane Orton will lead the Bears to a 24-9 victory.


I will be rooting for the Lions, however. :mad:


Correction, the Lions had a solid defensive outing. Manhandling is what you and Millen do to each other in between games.


Millen is a draft guru :wub:

Mel Kiper liked Harrington at the time. :D

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come on, walt: the lowly lions manhandled the seahawks offense--how are the mighty bears going to have trouble with them at home? and the jets? the bears have an easy schedule *if* you believe the bear hype of how good they are.


don't start making excuses: we've only played one week :lol:


I said they might split meaning the Lyedowns may or may not win THEIR home game. The excuse of course would be that that game is against the Bears 3rd stringers after they wrap up the division in wk 12.



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"They believe in themselves. You can see it. Mike Martz is going to come down to the field. He didn't like it in the booth. I really believe that'll help the team. The players have such a confidence in this guy, and it's not just talk. If something goes wrong, they think he knows how to fix it. After they lost to the Seahawks, you could see it. It's just different. They were angry, but they knew they'd get the next one. "This team has a confidence that I have not seen in a long time."--Tom Kowalski (www.mlive.com)


for what it's worth (not much). still, this is a beat writer who has skewered the lions quite regularly in the past.



the bears should win this game--especially if they fancy themselves some super fav nfc championship team. there should be absolutely no problems; it should be a huge blowout: it's the home opener against a vastly inferior opponent. even if the opponent is circling this game on the calendar, it should be no worries fora vastly superior team (and all bear fans say that's the case). great teams to that to lousy teams. no excuses whatsoever.


free tip, folks: it isn't roy and the lions that have to prove shiat in this game. it has always been the bears.


this game should be over by halftime. if it's not, bear fans can shut the fock up.

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Sampdog started it. :D


I just agreed with something Dr. J said and Sampdog went all "you love the bears :banana: " and brought the Packers into it and all kinds of tangents were reached about ghosts of Vince Lombardi and whatnot.


My prediction: I think Shane Grossman will struggle early, Shane Griese will come in but get hurt, and Shane Orton will lead the Bears to a 24-9 victory.


I will be rooting for the Lions, however. :bench:

Millen is a draft guru :wub:

Mel Kiper liked Harrington at the time. :D


Welchdog deflecting criticism away from the Lions by bringing up another team? Unpossible.


this game should be over by halftime. if it's not, bear fans can shut the fock up.


Not really...if the Bears squeak out a 1 point win...its a win. And you can shut the fock up.

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