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Would it be ghay if I got a 9/11 Survivor Tattoo?

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A good friend of mine lost her ex-fiance in the towers. That was really the closest to home.


Dunno why it's taken me so long to think of this, but maybe I should design a "9/11 Survivor" tattoo and allow anyone else to download the pattern. Free tattoo pattern. Like a coat of arms thing with a fire Axe and a Port Authority badge. Maybe a scroll underneath that says something cool in Latin. E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One). And also a shadow of the twin towers ... free design.


Is that ghay?

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Dunno if I want to imortalize the guys I knew. 2 guys I worked with were killed ... and I missed seeing it happen by about 15 seconds. They were on American Airlines flight 11 out of Boston. I'm still not sure about the time that morning, but I figure I was about 15 seconds away from walking around a corner and seeing it hit. I know I talked to some people, bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked one, and I got on the PATH train ... it couldn't have been earlier than 9:10 AM because I was at 16th Street and 6th Ave at 9:30 exactly, it's a 15 minute train ride to 14th street from Hoboken. Those few minutes, of total confusion from right across the river, seems like about 5 years, not 5 minutes.


So, if the 2nd plane hit about 9:07, as they say, I either blocked it out of my memory, or focused on what people were reacting to around me, but I don't remember seeing it happen. I think I missed it by seconds ... and there's about 5-7 minutes, where I smoked most a cigarette ... and then realized I had to get on a train if I was to make it into downtown. And I prayed .... first I made sure the guys around me were all white boys in suits .... and then I closed my eyes and prayed. Weren't even any chicks on the train ... men ... and it was all slowly sinking in that we were headed towards war. There is a report that says Al Quaida planned to blow up those exact trains ... but it all went down too early.


I realize it's hard to fathom ... but if it all happened 1 hour later .... we'd be talking about 30,000 dead instead of 3,000. The stock market opens at 9:30. And if they had blown the PATH and flooded it ... I would have died had I been there. I think someone chickened out, or showed up too late, but the PATH bomb never went off. Like I said .... if you weren't a white man ... I dunno if you could get on the train at all. People were looking at me weird because I closed my eyes and prayed. Muslim with a backpack? Wait for the next one dude.

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The best way I could describe it to my family in Arizona was, "Imagine looking out the window, and the mountains are gone." There is a mountain range, just north of Tucson, the Catalina's and wherever you are, you can see the mountains and you know where North is. The WTC was similar for downtown Manhattan ... but it was the south landmark. Day or night, you come out of a subway station downtown ... you look for the WTC and you know where you are.


And now it's gone.

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Wow. What a phag you are. Holy shat! Get a tattoo of you carrying all those people to safety

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Since you did save over 200 people, I think a tattoo would be perfect. I've also heard rumors that Mayor Bloomberg is planning a GiantsFan bronze statue in lower Manhattan.

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How about a tattoo reading "I'm a bipolar asshat?"

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You need to think up some more stories loser boy. If its not 911, its the goth chick from the classroom, or food. FYI its not the tattoo that would make you ghey, its the fact that you have never had a girlfriend.

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You are ghey. Whatever you do will be ghey. The end. :(

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I wasn't posting here on 9/11 so I don't remember what GF said he did at that time. Others that were said he claimed to have rescued lots of people. Seems to me that this recollection in this thread isn't out of the ordinary for what a normal person in NY would have experienced. There's no embellishment here.


Kind of strange admission there ... before he closed his eyes to pray, he looked around and made sure everybody in the vacinity were white men in three piece suits.

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I wasn't posting here on 9/11 so I don't remember what GF said he did at that time. Others that were said he claimed to have rescued lots of people. Seems to me that this recollection in this thread isn't out of the ordinary for what a normal person in NY would have experienced. There's no embellishment here.


Kind of strange admission there ... before he closed his eyes to pray, he looked around and made sure everybody in the vacinity were white men in three piece suits.


GF knocked down the Berlin wall.

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GF knocked down the Berlin wall.


He also thwarted the millenium attack if I recall correctly.

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gosh, i thought you were going to get a survivor tattoo like from the cbs show. i was like, yes, that is lame. i don't think you should get a 9/11 survivor tattoo just because....i just think your friend's life is more than just his death and more than that moment.

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As a 9/11 survivor, you're not part of an especially exclusive group. I am also a 9/11 survivor, as is everyone who posts at this message board. 9/11 victims, however, are a pretty select group of people.


So, unless your 9/11 survivor tattoo is simply going to read "I AM NOT DEAD" then I think you might want to forget this idea.


Not only that, but your account of what happened on 9/11 *IS* different now than it was back then and it always changes just a smidgen each time you recount it. So, if you got this 9/11 survivor tattoo, I doubt it would garner you any respect.

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My take on it:


You get it if you want it. You are one of millions who experienced the horrors of that day, and you seem to be looking for a pat on the back or an atta boy. Not sure why , though. :huh: You are no hero, my friend. If you lost some friends, my condolences. To experience the attacks in person I'm sure is life altering, but enough already!

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Halftime score: 35-3.


How about you tatoo that on your lumpy forehead?

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yes, you should get a tatoo -and it should read:

I'm the biggest focking tool in New York and I also happened to be in the city when the planes hit the WTC.

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Maybe you should get together with your friends down at the welfare office and design a special edition 9/11 commemorative food stamps card...you craptastic sack of sheep balls.

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And I prayed .... first I made sure the guys around me were all white boys in suits .... and then I closed my eyes and prayed. . People were looking at me weird because I closed my eyes and prayed. Muslim with a backpack? Wait for the next one dude.



so when the going got tough, you divided people by race?.....thats not a hero..i saw white firefighters carrying crying black people...Wall Street guys carrying a blind guy to safety...


I may get a 9/11 giants thread survivor tattoo.....


seriously though..


i like the 35-3 idea..shockey and awe....rely on eli and youll coughlin up :ninja:

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Acouple of tattos I wanted to get and never did were related to the Army.


Before I went to the Gulf in '91, I had pretty much convinced myself that I wanted a Gulf War tattoo when I got back. It turned out the war was so easy, it wasn't a life altering experience, it didn't affect me in any long lasting way. my role was one step above insignificant. Furtherit was the least stressful time in my Army career.


Looking back 15 years later now, I wouldn't have regretted getting one, I just never felt compelled to get it.


The tatoo I should have gotten when I was in was some variation of F*ck the Army, but I was worried at the time that it would embarass me when I got out. I shouldn't have worried, it would have been a whole lot of fun and I would still love it.

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