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Gumbel's gotta go...

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Gumbel goofs: NFL Network play-by-play announcer Bryant Gumbel's first big faux pas of the night came early. On what is known as the "run-out," when a team enters the field, Gumbel said: "Here come the Packers..." and then corrected himself by saying "Cowboys."




Right before halftime, Gumble mangled a common position ("linebrackers?) :overhead: and then continued his team confusion by saying "The crowd is not happy but the Packers will go for the field goal," when he really meant to say "Cowboys."


There were other slipups along the way. Gumbel closed out the night by promoting the Wendy's post-game show. He caught that one quickly and changed it to Home Depot, but the sponsors couldn't have been thrilled with that one. He also, in teasing a post-game interview, reffered to the Cowboys' quarterback as "Rick Romo."



Many already mentioned in this thread, but even the press is bagging on the guy. That's pretty bad. :music_guitarred:

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My favorite Gumbel moment was when the Cowboys were at the line of scrimmage calling the play with 2: 12 left before half.


Gumbel " I don't think they're getting this play off before the 2 minute warning".


HUH? I had never heard Gumbel before last night and you can almost believe he's drinking on the job.

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I'll say this for the NFL network, they have the best graphics/animations of all the networks...they are terrific!! :thumbsup:


And they way they introduce the players with their pictures whizzing by is great...instead of MNF where they're introduced by a player.


As for Gumbel, it shows how resilient the NFL is...if it can still draw an audience with dopes like Gumbel and Kornheiser.

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This would make the perfect drinking game. Everytime Gumbel screws something up, you take a shot. You'd be hammered by the end of the 1st quarter!!

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You guys are cracking me up. Too many posts to mention. Couldn't hear diddly at a sports bar. Almost sorry I couldn't. Gotta wonder what his producers/spotters are saying in his earpiece.









"TONY! TONY! TONY! dammitt!!" :thumbsup:



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I just find that he has the wrong voice for an announcer. He talks like he is at an anchor desk discussing issues instead of at a football game. He just brings the excitement level down. His voice is so soft that it almost sounded like they turned the crowd noise down a bit.

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What about when he compared Romo to the "13 quarterbacks drafted ahead of him". I know I'm being ticky-tacky, but since Romo was actuall UNdrafted, wouldn't you word it something like this:


"Romo has enjoyed more success than any of the Quarterbacks who were drafted in 04" instead of "Romo has enjoyed more success than the any of the quarterbacks drafted ahead of him".

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What about when he compared Romo to the "13 quarterbacks drafted ahead of him". I know I'm being ticky-tacky, but since Romo was actuall UNdrafted, wouldn't you word it something like this:


"Romo has enjoyed more success than any of the Quarterbacks who were drafted in 04" instead of "Romo has enjoyed more success than the any of the quarterbacks drafted ahead of him".


Wow, you guys are nit-picking at every single thing he did wrong as an inexperienced NFL Play-by-Playa. All you guys are hilarious. What's funny is that I can't think of too many "available" guys that would do any better? I understand that Gumbel busted out some new "Emmitt Smiffisms" last night but he did no worse than some of the worst I've seen. Hopefully he gains some experience from this and progresses and learns from his mistakes as the next few weeks go by. Anyone remember the Dennis Miller era? Thank GOD that's over and gone!


On the other hand, Cris Collinsworth is great as always. I always feel much more informed when he's doing commentary or calling the game. He does the same quality work on Inside the NFL.

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This would make the perfect drinking game. Everytime Gumbel screws something up, you take a shot. You'd be hammered by kickoff!!





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Wow, you guys are nit-picking at every single thing he did wrong as an inexperienced NFL Play-by-Playa. All you guys are hilarious. What's funny is that I can't think of too many "available" guys that would do any better? I understand that Gumbel busted out some new "Emmitt Smiffisms" last night but he did no worse than some of the worst I've seen. Hopefully he gains some experience from this and progresses and learns from his mistakes as the next few weeks go by. Anyone remember the Dennis Miller era? Thank GOD that's over and gone!


On the other hand, Cris Collinsworth is great as always. I always feel much more informed when he's doing commentary or calling the game. He does the same quality work on Inside the NFL.


Kind of hard to give much of a pass to a guy who's been in sports broadcasting since 1972 for Chrissake. I'm all for giving Emmit a break. But Geebus Farking Christo, if, after 35 years in the industry, you can't discrern the subtle differences between the Blue & White Jerseys and the Green and Yellow ones... :music_guitarred:

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Wow, you guys are nit-picking at every single thing he did wrong as an inexperienced NFL Play-by-Playa. All you guys are hilarious. What's funny is that I can't think of too many "available" guys that would do any better? I understand that Gumbel busted out some new "Emmitt Smiffisms" last night but he did no worse than some of the worst I've seen. Hopefully he gains some experience from this and progresses and learns from his mistakes as the next few weeks go by. Anyone remember the Dennis Miller era? Thank GOD that's over and gone!


On the other hand, Cris Collinsworth is great as always. I always feel much more informed when he's doing commentary or calling the game. He does the same quality work on Inside the NFL.

I think the reason why Gumbel is so criticized is because he is actually a pretty intellectual guy, so when he makes repeated gaffes like forgetting the down and distance, attributing players to wrong teams, botched names, etc...it's that more audacious. He has always been regarded as extremely arrogant, and so you have to wonder if his arrogance causes him to "wing it" without working on his craft.

His errors have been going on for 2 seasons now, and in spite of the public criticism he hasn't improved. In contrast, there are athletes with no broadcasting or journalism backgrounds who work hard at developing the necessary skills ie..Troy Aikman..and do a job 10 times better than Gumbel. He is a guy that has been away from sports for so long and it shows.

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He's actually quite good or would be quite good at ......golf, maybe bowling, shuffleboard, track and field, or perhaps....Jarts and other lawn sports.

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Is it just me, or was the pregame awkward as heck too?


He kept gazing into Collinsworth's eyes like he didn't even realize the game was being televised and that hes supposed to be looking at the cameras. You could tell Collinsworth felt uncomfortable. Then right as they got ready to cut away, Gumbo scooted even closer to Chris. I thought he was about to start slobbing on the guy.



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Kind of hard to give much of a pass to a guy who's been in sports broadcasting since 1972 for Chrissake. I'm all for giving Emmit a break. But Geebus Farking Christo, if, after 35 years in the industry, you can't discrern the subtle differences between the Blue & White Jerseys and the Green and Yellow ones... :mad:


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My favorite moment from last night was actually not Gumbel, but Collinsworth talking about how DeMarcus Ware has all the tools you could ask for in a defensive player, or something, and Collinsworth says "What a tool!" :mad:

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Where is the trivia?


I wanted to play trivial pursuit.


"The answer is Moops.."



It's Moors!

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My favorite Gumbel moment was when the Cowboys were at the line of scrimmage calling the play with 2: 12 left before half.


Gumbel " I don't think they're getting this play off before the 2 minute warning".


HUH? I had never heard Gumbel before last night and you can almost believe he's drinking on the job.


Hey at least he got it right this time - in a previous game he said "and they will bring them down to the three minute warning" WTF? :pointstosky:

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My favorite Gumbel moment was when the Cowboys were at the line of scrimmage calling the play with 2: 12 left before half.


Gumbel " I don't think they're getting this play off before the 2 minute warning".


HUH? I had never heard Gumbel before last night and you can almost believe he's drinking on the job.


That one was awesome. He said that as they were at the line with 2:16 or so left. Not only did they "get the play off" but when the play was over there was still 2:06 on the clock.

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My favorite Gumbleism:


Calling Frank Gore "Al Gore", TWICE!


No Way! LOL. Oh man, I'm actually thinking this guy could be a draw; Kind of like listening to Yogi Bera. :banana:

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Because Denny Green doing the color was awful.


I was only in my car for about 10 minutes, so never really took note of the colour man - didn't know it was Denny Green. However, I did note what an improvement Enberg was over Gumbel.


It's Moors!


Oh, noooooo! The card says "Moops"!

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My favorite moment from last night was actually not Gumbel, but Collinsworth talking about how DeMarcus Ware has all the tools you could ask for in a defensive player, or something, and Collinsworth says "What a tool!" :thumbsup:

That was funny. :pointstosky: :pointstosky:

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Troy Aikman..and do a job 10 times better than Gumbel.


Only 10 times? Ouch! What you got against Aikman?

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I think the reason why Gumbel is so criticized is because he is actually a pretty intellectual guy, so when he makes repeated gaffes like forgetting the down and distance, attributing players to wrong teams, botched names, etc...it's that more audacious. He has always been regarded as extremely arrogant, and so you have to wonder if his arrogance causes him to "wing it" without working on his craft.

His errors have been going on for 2 seasons now, and in spite of the public criticism he hasn't improved. In contrast, there are athletes with no broadcasting or journalism backgrounds who work hard at developing the necessary skills ie..Troy Aikman..and do a job 10 times better than Gumbel. He is a guy that has been away from sports for so long and it shows.



That absolutely what I thought - that he's "winging it". Or this whole thing is beneath him.


Between an awful voice and lack of concentration ,that really might have been the worst play-by-play I've ever heard.

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New week, more of the same.


- Willie Parker is being carted off to the "restroom"

- Holmes after running 8 yards past the first down marker "seems to have gotten enough for the first down".


There is still 4 minutes to go in the 1st quarter.

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- Willie Parker is being carted off to the "restroom"

When I heard that, I had to stop and think "Did Gumble really say RESTROOM???"


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When I heard that, I had to stop and think "Did Gumble really say RESTROOM???"



I had to rewind the DVR. Unreal. ...and the award for worst announcer goes to.... :shocking:

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