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Anybody ever have LASIK surgery?

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So I have mild visual impairments in both eyes (one is 20/40 and the other is 20/60 I believe). Much of the time I just go around not being able to see that well, because I hate glasses and contact lenses don't react very well with my eyes.


So I've been thinking of getting LASIK surgery. Anybody ever done this before? A friend of mine had it a couple years ago and he claims its the best couple thousand he has ever spent.

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I had it done about 10 years ago and I too think it was some of the best money evah spent. I think I paid about 3 grand or $3500 as I decided to opt for the more expensive, more experienced laser doc versus the guy with the glasses and the pen protector that just graduated from Devry. It was simple and painless and well worth it. Keep in mind though, that it cannot correct for normal "aging" of the eyes, so eventually your perfect vision will be unperfect. Also get the warranty in case someone bumps the doc's elbow while he's got the exacto blade on your eyeball.


HTH :doublethumbsup:

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I saw someone go through this on TV.




I'll just bump into things, thank you.

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Had it about 6 years ago. Definitely worth it. Also worth mentioning is that I'm very queasy. The idea of getting cut makes me sick. If I could go through this anyone could. And the surgery is better now than it was then. Then they had to basically use a razor to cut the eye open. Now even that can be done with a laser so it's more precise. highly recommended procedure.

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Interesting--thanks for the responses. I have to admit I am really worried about something going awry. No good could come of that.

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Interesting--thanks for the responses. I have to admit I am really worried about something going awry. No good could come of that.


I did a LOT of research before allowing someone to touch my eyes. The last thing you want to do is have elective surgery and lose your eyesight or something. The success rate for Lasik is in the very high 90's percentage wise. The thing is, in almost 100% of the cases where problems arise the reason is doctor inexperience. I can't remember the cutoff but basically if you see a doctor with less than X number of procedures the success rate is much less than doctors above that threshold. Now, you're still looking at a high success rate but if you see a doctor with over X number of procedures the problem percentage is probably going to be miniscule. The lesson is to research who does the operation and make sure they've been doing it for a while with a lot of procedures under their belt. Don't be part of a doctor's learning curve.

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Had RK just over a decade ago when insurance still covered eye surgery. $995 per eye. 100% covered. :shocking:

Hated glasses, couldn't wear contacts they just bothered my eyes. Walked out of there with 20-15 vision

and still have it today. had discomfort/exteme sensitivity to light/itching and whatnot for a week after they

were cut. well worth it

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Looked into it but not for me. Over 200 in both eyes. They can't fix it. Known numerous people who had it done. All thrilled with results. If they don't do laser tell them to take a hike. And, as others have alluded to, don't go to a factory and get someone experienced. It's your focking vision. Pay the price. GL.

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You have mild vision impairment and an aversion to mild correctional options.


I'd say nut up and try the options before you resort to something that has no long-term track record and no reversal.


You think glasses are a pain in the ass, try being BLIND.



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Damn I wish I could get insurance to cover it. Its damned expensive but I honestly think it would be worth it. For one thing, I am big into the outdoors, and that is a real pain in the ass when you are dealing with glasses or especially contact lenses. Its virtually impossible to keep those contacts lubricated and clean when you are out tromping around in the woods.

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Had it done last year. I had extreme astigmatisms in both eyes as well as poor vision. I actually had to have an AK procedure before they could do the Lasik.


Both procedures went very smooth, fast and painless. As of my 9 month checkup - I am 20/15 in one eye and 20/20 in the other.


Good luck!


ETA: I went through Capital One Health - financed the procedure at 0%, ask your doctor if they use this program!


So I have mild visual impairments in both eyes (one is 20/40 and the other is 20/60 I believe). Much of the time I just go around not being able to see that well, because I hate glasses and contact lenses don't react very well with my eyes.


So I've been thinking of getting LASIK surgery. Anybody ever done this before? A friend of mine had it a couple years ago and he claims its the best couple thousand he has ever spent.

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I got it about two years ago, see 20-15 now. I really wish I would have done it sooner.


My insurance covered almost half of it, Blue Cross. I didn't know that until I called them, it wasn't on the usual flyer thing that they send out.

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I got it about two years ago, see 20-15 now. I really wish I would have done it sooner.


My insurance covered almost half of it, Blue Cross. I didn't know that until I called them, it wasn't on the usual flyer thing that they send out.


Thanks for the feedback on your lasik surgery. I've been researching lasik information for a few months now and I think I am ready for the surgery after all the great feedback. Any other suggestions?

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You have mild vision impairment and an aversion to mild correctional options.


I'd say nut up and try the options before you resort to something that has no long-term track record and no reversal.


You think glasses are a pain in the ass, try being BLIND.





I am going to go with Rusty on this one. 20/40 and 20/60 is pretty much NOTHING. Contacts really aren't that big of a deal, and neither are glasses. I woudl totally look at these options with your vision correction. Plus, I have heard that many doctor's won't do it if your vision isn't that bad. Wouldn't hurt for a consult, though.


My vision is so bad that it's "off the charts' according to my optometrist. All I know is that my prescription for both eyes is around a -4.5 or something. NO idea what my 20/??? is.


I imagine that I will eventually get Lasik, but right now, getting up the nerve for the consult is hard.


GL with whatever you decide.

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I imagine that I will eventually get Lasik, but right now, getting up the nerve for the consult is hard.


If you're avoiding Lasik due to not having the guts, trust me it's one of the mildest medical procedures you'll ever have. My cousin, who is as queasy as I am, went in for her one month checkup and they found that one eye wasn't perfect 20/20. They offered to go in again and fix it. She had no qualms about letting them cut one of her eyes open a second time to get absolutely perfect vision instead of 95% perfect. And she didn't take the Valium they offer you the 2nd time.

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My vision is so bad that it's "off the charts' according to my optometrist.


Sperm in the eyes is bad MMMkay?

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I am going to go with Rusty on this one. 20/40 and 20/60 is pretty much NOTHING. Contacts really aren't that big of a deal, and neither are glasses. I woudl totally look at these options with your vision correction. Plus, I have heard that many doctor's won't do it if your vision isn't that bad. Wouldn't hurt for a consult, though.


My vision is so bad that it's "off the charts' according to my optometrist. All I know is that my prescription for both eyes is around a -4.5 or something. NO idea what my 20/??? is.


I imagine that I will eventually get Lasik, but right now, getting up the nerve for the consult is hard.


GL with whatever you decide.


I mentioned my eyes being very sensitive to where I couldn't wear contacts. yet I still had RK and would again.




A surgeon performing RK uses a very small diamond-blade knife to makes four to eight radial incisions around the edge of the cornea. These slits are made in a pattern that resembles the spokes of wheel. As the cornea heals, its center flattens out.


Radial keratotomy is usually performed in an ophthalmologist's office. Before the surgery begins, the patient may be given medicine to help him or her relax. A local anesthetic--usually in the form of eye drops--is used to numb the eye, but the patient remains conscious during the procedure. The surgeon looks through a surgical microscope while making the slits. The treatment usually takes no more than 30 minutes.




If I can handle watching a focking knife cutting into and across my eyes, 2 of the cuts I felt, you can handle a wussy laser

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My vision is so bad that it's "off the charts' according to my optometrist. All I know is that my prescription for both eyes is around a -4.5 or something. NO idea what my 20/??? is.



-4.5 is not that bad, well ok i'm -5.0 in both and blind as a bat :doublethumbsup:

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-4.5 is not that bad, well ok i'm -5.0 in both and blind as a bat :wave:




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