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David Boston DUI police video

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Guest _my_2_cents_

Pure gold , Jerry, pure gold.

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Cop seemed like a bit of a douche....wouldn't a blood test catch anything in his system, drugs or alcohol? Why not just do that?

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Good times. He definitely was on something... but I also think that he will likely not get any charges pressed against him with nothing showing up on the breathalizer, and considering he wasn't actually driving. I am thinking that some sort of painkiller or prescription pill will show up in the (blood?) test, but he can easily get some sort of proof that he was taking it a result of some sort on injury or something. Other than his reluctance to do the field sobriety test... he really only seemed to have issues with following instructions (which I would hitnk can be blamed on both the timing of it being early morning and ignorance), and balance issues. He sort of gave himself an out when he says he has balance issues because of injuries.

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First time Boston had trouble moving in a strait line. Thank god the cop didn't ask him to make a cut.

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Sorry -- but looked fine to me. Looked more like a cop on power trip than anything else !

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Looks to me like this cop wasted a high draft pick on Boston back in the day and got burned and is getting revenge. :thumbsup:


Or maybe he took a late flyer on Stovall this year.

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"You don't have the right to an attorney right now, sir"


What!? You better damn well believe he does.


Are you guys seeing something I don't? He's not slurring his speech or anything. All I see on the video is a ###### cop harrasing someone.

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"You don't have the right to an attorney right now, sir"

This link must be flooded, because I couldn't open shiot. If the cop said that to Boston on film, case thrown out.

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I would have told him to f00k off... Either take me to jail or let me go... Dumb pig with fu<king small man disease

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"You don't have the right to an attorney right now, sir"


What!? You better damn well believe he does.


Are you guys seeing something I don't? He's not slurring his speech or anything. All I see on the video is a ###### cop harrasing someone.


All citizens have a right to their attorney if requested. However, if he is not under arrest then the state has no obligation to provide him an attorney.

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although funny, I think he got arrested purely cause he's an NFL player.

yeah, he wouldn't count out his steps, and said he wasn't gonna count to 30, but seriously, I think the cop had a stick up his ass and wanted to get a name for himself by arresting an NFL player.

shouldn't the cops be out trying to bust rapist or something? cause you know that was probably going on somewhere in an ally 1/2 mile away <_<

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although funny, I think he got arrested purely cause he's an NFL player.

yeah, he wouldn't count out his steps, and said he wasn't gonna count to 30, but seriously, I think the cop had a stick up his ass and wanted to get a name for himself by arresting an NFL player.

shouldn't the cops be out trying to bust rapist or something? cause you know that was probably going on somewhere in an ally 1/2 mile away <_<


He didn't even pull him over. They didn't arrest him because he was an NFL player.


"Police found Boston passed out behind the wheel of his Range Rover with the engine still running at 7:25 p.m. EDT.


The vehicle was still in drive while stopped at an intersection when officers approached, according to the police report."


With a history of steroids, cocaine and smokin the reefer, it makes sense to think he was on something. He did look fine to me in the video, but if anyone one of us fall asleep/pass out at an intersection we're definitly getting a sobriety test and most likely a urine test as well.


So I don't really see how the cop was out of line in this one?

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All citizens have a right to their attorney if requested. However, if he is not under arrest then the state has no obligation to provide him an attorney.


He didn't ask for them to provide him an attorney. He said that he wanted to call HIS attorney.

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shouldn't the cops be out trying to bust rapist or something? cause you know that was probably going on somewhere in an ally 1/2 mile away :mad:


Dumbest argument ever.


So cops should never bust people for other infractions huh? Just the major ones. All cops should be out hunting for rapists rather than busting a guy passed out at an intersection with his car running?


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Finally proof to my point that David Boston is a "super sleeper".......



Tip your waitresses, I'll be here all zzzz week.




side note: could be GHB

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Guest _my_2_cents_

Actually, if you listen the cop advises him of his rights. And as part of the agreement you sign when you show your pearly whites and get that license in your wallet is that cops have a right to perform a field sobriety test on anyone at any time given probable cause....say, being alseep behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.


Miranda rights come into play after you're arrested. They arrest you for a crime and you are read your rights. Among these is a right to an attorney. That attorney is not used to keep you from going to jail - you're going to jail because you've been arrested. That attorney is there to advise you how to proceded going forward - getting bailed out, going to court, etc.


Boston's request for an attorney right then and there was unreasonable. He had to follow the cop's instructions. The cop noted during the test the finer points that they look for - while he walked the line, the cop said into his mic, "he's using his hands to balance" - that's a dead givaway. "he's not counting" - he asked him 2X to count out the 9 steps and Boston said he understood. It's a subtle test, but it clearly showed Boston was impaired.


I'm no cop lover, but I'm not a cop hater either - they do a hard job and protect me and my assets - I appreciate them and despite the corrupt ones - so I try to judge each individually. This cop seemed ok to me. He was polite, even when Boston wasn't. He went right by the book, knowing he was on the car camera. The cop was spot on and did exactly his job. It sucks because I wasted $3 picking up that POS, but you break the law, you break the law.


The thing that sucks for Boston is that it's a DUI even if you're in park. The keys only have to be in the ignition - doesn't have to be running even. If you're on anything with the keys in the ignition, the reasonable conclusion is that you're going to drive. Intent is everything with DUI. If Boston had pulled the keys and took a cat nap with them in his pocket he'd be 100% in the clear. Oops.

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why not just do the tests right away instead of doing all the friggin tests. its not like boston was trying to avoid it, he wanted the tests. cops like those were the losers in high school, the guy everyone thought was weird....now he just takes it out on everyone he can just for a power trip.

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Terrible, barring Boston's blood test coming up dirty, he has nothing to worry about...


On the other hand, he should know better, there is a time to be an ass to a cop, and this wasn't one of them...

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Guest _my_2_cents_
why not just do the tests right away instead of doing all the friggin tests. its not like boston was trying to avoid it, he wanted the tests. cops like those were the losers in high school, the guy everyone thought was weird....now he just takes it out on everyone he can just for a power trip.


You're read your rights after you're already under arrest.


Miranda is your friend, but the FST is even more so. You want the cops to be able to get breath or blood or urine without confirming the suspicion of your guilt?


Probable cause is probable cause. They had that. They were going perfectly by the book to issue a Field Sobriety Test.


Some time ago I was coming back from a g/f's house and got correlled into a DUI roadblock. The officer smelled alcohol (probable cause) and indeed I'd had 3 glasses of wine with dinner and over the next 3 hours. I was perfectly sober but might not have blown under a .08 - but at 25, 5'11" and 190 lbs I could handle 3 drinks in 3.5 hours. I thank god that cop issued an FST because when I passed he wished me a good night and I drove off.


A breathalizer would have focked me ragged. I loves me some FST - it protects you if you're good and solidifies the need to test you further if you ain't.

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Actually, if you listen the cop advises him of his rights. And as part of the agreement you sign when you show your pearly whites and get that license in your wallet is that cops have a right to perform a field sobriety test on anyone at any time given probable cause....say, being alseep behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.


Miranda rights come into play after you're arrested. They arrest you for a crime and you are read your rights. Among these is a right to an attorney. That attorney is not used to keep you from going to jail - you're going to jail because you've been arrested. That attorney is there to advise you how to proceded going forward - getting bailed out, going to court, etc.


Boston's request for an attorney right then and there was unreasonable. He had to follow the cop's instructions. The cop noted during the test the finer points that they look for - while he walked the line, the cop said into his mic, "he's using his hands to balance" - that's a dead givaway. "he's not counting" - he asked him 2X to count out the 9 steps and Boston said he understood. It's a subtle test, but it clearly showed Boston was impaired.


I'm no cop lover, but I'm not a cop hater either - they do a hard job and protect me and my assets - I appreciate them and despite the corrupt ones - so I try to judge each individually. This cop seemed ok to me. He was polite, even when Boston wasn't. He went right by the book, knowing he was on the car camera. The cop was spot on and did exactly his job. It sucks because I wasted $3 picking up that POS, but you break the law, you break the law.


The thing that sucks for Boston is that it's a DUI even if you're in park. The keys only have to be in the ignition - doesn't have to be running even. If you're on anything with the keys in the ignition, the reasonable conclusion is that you're going to drive. Intent is everything with DUI. If Boston had pulled the keys and took a cat nap with them in his pocket he'd be 100% in the clear. Oops.



dude shut the ###### up already. You talk a lot of ###### that amounts to nothing, and thats not just based on this idiotic rant either. I will guarantee you that that case will not only go nowhere, but that cop will be reprimanded for his actions. I can't stand boston as a person, think he's a ######, always has been. But this was some bullshit...


PS: Douche, please don't respond with something like, 'hey you're gay!' just shut the ###### up a bit. Quit blabbing on like you're the fuckin authority on everything, because you are not the authority on anything. You're actually a superidiot...

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Guest _my_2_cents_
dude shut the ###### up already. You talk a lot of ###### that amounts to nothing, and thats not just based on this idiotic rant either. I will guarantee you that that case will not only go nowhere, but that cop will be reprimanded for his actions. I can't stand boston as a person, think he's a ######, always has been. But this was some bullshit...


PS: Douche, please don't respond with something like, 'hey you're gay!' just shut the ###### up a bit. Quit blabbing on like you're the fuckin authority on everything, because you are not the authority on anything. You're actually a superidiot...





That cop was 100% by the book. Go google it if you don't believe me.


Maybe you ought to consider sobering up before your next post too. Just a suggestion. ;)

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That cop did nothing wrong (except assuming D Boss was a college grad)


polite and by the book.....

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dude shut the ###### up already. You talk a lot of ###### that amounts to nothing, and thats not just based on this idiotic rant either. I will guarantee you that that case will not only go nowhere, but that cop will be reprimanded for his actions. I can't stand boston as a person, think he's a ######, always has been. But this was some bullshit...


PS: Douche, please don't respond with something like, 'hey you're gay!' just shut the ###### up a bit. Quit blabbing on like you're the fuckin authority on everything, because you are not the authority on anything. You're actually a superidiot...


You really hate _my_two_cents don't you?! :pointstosky: What did he do to you?

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As a police officer here in Texas, I thought maybe a few things that were posted should be cleared up. In Texas, and I cant speak for Florida, you typically fill out a "score sheet" on a subjects performance on a field sobriety test. For instance on the "Walk And Turn" (9 steps on the line), there are several indicators that we look for.


1. not walking heel-to-toe

2. not counting out loud

3. using arms to maintain balance

4. improper turn

5. unable to stay in the proper starting position while given instructions

6. improper amount of steps (too many or too little)

7. cannot do (refuses or just falls over, etc)

8. does not walk straight line


As you can see, Boston screwed up five of the eight catgories. That alone is not enough, but it gives us a pretty good idea how the rest of the tests will go. I actually perform the eye test (HGN) first, but this was an older officer and he may not have been certified to do so.


On the One Leg Stand, the indicators are


1. begins before instructed

2. puts foot down

3. uses arms for balance

4. does not count out loud or counts incorrectly

5. does not keep leg straight

6. does not look at foot


Once again, Boston failed about half of these


I could not see where he was touching his nose, but he did not have his head back in the position that is normally used. The test that was performed on Boston was different than the one we give. But if you notice, every time he had to close his eyes and stand with his feet together, he swayed and had to put his feet shoulder width apart to maintain his balance. That is also a distinct sign of someone who is under the influence of something.


Now with the scoresheet, you typically have a graph with two of the categories inside of it. Ours has the HGN and Walk and Turn, but some are different. You mark off the amount of categories that the subject failed on each one, and if it is in a certain range, that person is determined to be intoxicated.


All of this I have listed is for DWI (we only have DUI's for minors in TX) only. The qualifications for Public Intox are different.


As far as the officer in the video goes, I challenge anyone in here who said that its a power trip and he got beat up in high school stay completely calm and cool in situations like these. That officer did a "GREAT" job of not losing his cool, not raising his voice, over explaining the instructions. Not to mention the fact that Boston is a professional athlete and is well-known. The officer was never condescending, was very polite, and treated Boston with respect. I have never gotten on any website, or bitched to family and friends, and preached about being an officer or talked about how tough my job is, and I hate those guys that do that. But to see the crap some of you wrote about that guy pissed me off. We get spit on, punched, kicked, told to go "f" ourselves on a daily basis, and occasionally some really bad things happen to us. But, for the most part, we show up every day to do it again.


There, I said my peace and hope I clarified a few things about the process.

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I dont care if his urine test comes back clean or not. If his knees are so bad that he doesnt think he can even do a field sobriety test, Im not taking a chance on puting him on my roster.

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As a police officer here in Texas, I thought maybe a few things that were posted should be cleared up. In Texas, and I cant speak for Florida, you typically fill out a "score sheet" on a subjects performance on a field sobriety test. For instance on the "Walk And Turn" (9 steps on the line), there are several indicators that we look for.


1. not walking heel-to-toe

2. not counting out loud

3. using arms to maintain balance

4. improper turn

5. unable to stay in the proper starting position while given instructions

6. improper amount of steps (too many or too little)

7. cannot do (refuses or just falls over, etc)

8. does not walk straight line


As you can see, Boston screwed up five of the eight catgories. That alone is not enough, but it gives us a pretty good idea how the rest of the tests will go. I actually perform the eye test (HGN) first, but this was an older officer and he may not have been certified to do so.


On the One Leg Stand, the indicators are


1. begins before instructed

2. puts foot down

3. uses arms for balance

4. does not count out loud or counts incorrectly

5. does not keep leg straight

6. does not look at foot


Once again, Boston failed about half of these


I could not see where he was touching his nose, but he did not have his head back in the position that is normally used. The test that was performed on Boston was different than the one we give. But if you notice, every time he had to close his eyes and stand with his feet together, he swayed and had to put his feet shoulder width apart to maintain his balance. That is also a distinct sign of someone who is under the influence of something.


Now with the scoresheet, you typically have a graph with two of the categories inside of it. Ours has the HGN and Walk and Turn, but some are different. You mark off the amount of categories that the subject failed on each one, and if it is in a certain range, that person is determined to be intoxicated.


All of this I have listed is for DWI (we only have DUI's for minors in TX) only. The qualifications for Public Intox are different.


As far as the officer in the video goes, I challenge anyone in here who said that its a power trip and he got beat up in high school stay completely calm and cool in situations like these. That officer did a "GREAT" job of not losing his cool, not raising his voice, over explaining the instructions. Not to mention the fact that Boston is a professional athlete and is well-known. The officer was never condescending, was very polite, and treated Boston with respect. I have never gotten on any website, or bitched to family and friends, and preached about being an officer or talked about how tough my job is, and I hate those guys that do that. But to see the crap some of you wrote about that guy pissed me off. We get spit on, punched, kicked, told to go "f" ourselves on a daily basis, and occasionally some really bad things happen to us. But, for the most part, we show up every day to do it again.


There, I said my peace and hope I clarified a few things about the process.


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Funny people are ripping the officer, he did nothing wrong. He went by the books. These guys deal with scumbags day in and day out and must be professional to them. How many times have they dealt with Boston you think?

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I can't understand how an NFL player (or any pro athlete, really) can get arrested for a DUI.


Do they not have money for a cab?



It is positive hearing that his BAC was nil -- I would like to think that a hard-working, comeback player who just made the 1s didn't get passing-out soused by 7p the same day. Seems more likely a prescription medication issue.



It's a shame too, cause I was gonna take a last-round flyer on him in my draft today. Now he's WW fodder at best (until toxicology returns).

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Guest _my_2_cents_
Funny people are ripping the officer, he did nothing wrong. He went by the books. These guys deal with scumbags day in and day out and must be professional to them. How many times have they dealt with Boston you think?


Careful with that....I said the same and got called all kinds of names - I guess when a guy called "pooh" insults you though you just consider the source. :overhead:

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Guest _my_2_cents_
As a police officer here in Texas, I thought maybe a few things that were posted should be cleared up. In Texas, and I cant speak for Florida, you typically fill out a "score sheet" on a subjects performance on a field sobriety test. For instance on the "Walk And Turn" (9 steps on the line), there are several indicators that we look for.


1. not walking heel-to-toe

2. not counting out loud

3. using arms to maintain balance

4. improper turn

5. unable to stay in the proper starting position while given instructions

6. improper amount of steps (too many or too little)

7. cannot do (refuses or just falls over, etc)

8. does not walk straight line


As you can see, Boston screwed up five of the eight catgories. That alone is not enough, but it gives us a pretty good idea how the rest of the tests will go. I actually perform the eye test (HGN) first, but this was an older officer and he may not have been certified to do so.


On the One Leg Stand, the indicators are


1. begins before instructed

2. puts foot down

3. uses arms for balance

4. does not count out loud or counts incorrectly

5. does not keep leg straight

6. does not look at foot


Once again, Boston failed about half of these


I could not see where he was touching his nose, but he did not have his head back in the position that is normally used. The test that was performed on Boston was different than the one we give. But if you notice, every time he had to close his eyes and stand with his feet together, he swayed and had to put his feet shoulder width apart to maintain his balance. That is also a distinct sign of someone who is under the influence of something.


Now with the scoresheet, you typically have a graph with two of the categories inside of it. Ours has the HGN and Walk and Turn, but some are different. You mark off the amount of categories that the subject failed on each one, and if it is in a certain range, that person is determined to be intoxicated.


All of this I have listed is for DWI (we only have DUI's for minors in TX) only. The qualifications for Public Intox are different.


As far as the officer in the video goes, I challenge anyone in here who said that its a power trip and he got beat up in high school stay completely calm and cool in situations like these. That officer did a "GREAT" job of not losing his cool, not raising his voice, over explaining the instructions. Not to mention the fact that Boston is a professional athlete and is well-known. The officer was never condescending, was very polite, and treated Boston with respect. I have never gotten on any website, or bitched to family and friends, and preached about being an officer or talked about how tough my job is, and I hate those guys that do that. But to see the crap some of you wrote about that guy pissed me off. We get spit on, punched, kicked, told to go "f" ourselves on a daily basis, and occasionally some really bad things happen to us. But, for the most part, we show up every day to do it again.


There, I said my peace and hope I clarified a few things about the process.


Thanks for posting this. Same in CA.


My best friend's dad is a highway patrol chief - I'd understood exactly the same process for CA. I know FLA is the same as CA for driving laws/DUI/DWI from an ex-g/f who lived there.


It's a shame that when someone offers information to others they get ripped for it - I'll never understand that.

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"You don't have the right to an attorney right now, sir"


What!? You better damn well believe he does.


Are you guys seeing something I don't? He's not slurring his speech or anything. All I see on the video is a ###### cop harrasing someone.


Boston cant follow the simplest instructions. Its obvious he is on something, like prescription drugs. Typical entitled person that if they just followed the simplest of instructions, it would be over. But, that was too much for him. What a waste of talent.

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Having an adverse reaction to prescription drugs is hardly reason to fault the guy or call him a "waste of talent."


That said, we don't know yet that it WAS a prescription drug problem, and even if it was his decision making can be faulted (to an extent), and abuse of those drugs is not ruled-out.

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