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Whoooohoooooo! Won my leagues SB and won $100!

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I won the SB a few weeks ago, and got the following: (read email):


"For finishing 2nd place in your division, the payout is $120

and the payout for winning the SB is $60. "


I finished reg. season 11-4, and had the most total points. One other person finished 11-4, and beat me in reg. season.


I then beat them in the SB.


Oh...and we have a "side pot" of transaction money. That pot has roughly $550 in it. That money goes towards chips and beer for the end of year "league party". (and only about 8 or so go to the "party" at the end)


And my transaction fees were probably about $30...so...


$120 (winnings) + $60 (winnings)



-$80 entry fee

-$30 transactions


=$70 profit for winning a league that took in $1280 in entry fees and $500-$600 in transaction fees. (~$1830 total!!!)



The most money went to the person that finished with the same record as me---THAT I BEAT in the SB.


Even then.....the "league finances" look out of whack.


What should I say, if anything???

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Shame on you - you should have known the league's financial breakdown before joining.


All you can do now is suggest restructuring it.



I won the SB a few weeks ago, and got the following: (read email):


"For finishing 2nd place in your division, the payout is $120

and the payout for winning the SB is $60. "


I finished reg. season 11-4, and had the most total points. One other person finished 11-4, and beat me in reg. season.


I then beat them in the SB.


Oh...and we have a "side pot" of transaction money. That pot has roughly $550 in it. That money goes towards chips and beer for the end of year "league party". (and only about 8 or so go to the "party" at the end)


And my transaction fees were probably about $30...so...


$120 (winnings) + $60 (winnings)



-$80 entry fee

-$30 transactions


=$70 profit for winning a league that took in $1280 in entry fees and $500-$600 in transaction fees. (~$1830 total!!!)

The most money went to the person that finished with the same record as me---THAT I BEAT in the SB.


Even then.....the "league finances" look out of whack.


What should I say, if anything???

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Shame on you - you should have known the league's financial breakdown before joining.


All you can do now is suggest restructuring it.



There was nothing posted.....after I won the SB....I asked the payout on the leagues public message board. The commish PRIVATE messaged me with only the money I'd be getting. I thought that was odd also.

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no one gives a fock.



R.I.P Sean Taylor

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Well that sucks - but the first question I always ask before joining a league is the payout structure. And to not have it out in the open...kind of shady.


There was nothing posted.....after I won the SB....I asked the payout on the leagues public message board. The commish PRIVATE messaged me with only the money I'd be getting. I thought that was odd also.

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Obviously the scenario above is an extreme example, but this is one of the reasons I scoff at leagues that have all these weird payout systems. Weekly winners, side pots, paying for parties/trophies, even transaction fees after the season. Why do people try to make it where everybody gets a piece of the pie? The more times you have to collect and payout money the more problems you will encounter.

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Well that sucks - but the first question I always ask before joining a league is the payout structure. And to not have it out in the open...kind of shady.


The BIG 3 questions before joining...

1. Pay structure

2. Scoring

3. Is the commish an idiot

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The BIG 3 questions before joining...

1. Is the commish an idiot?

2. Pay structure

3. Scoring



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There was nothing posted.....after I won the SB....I asked the payout on the leagues public message board. The commish PRIVATE messaged me with only the money I'd be getting. I thought that was odd also.


If you joined a league without knowing the payout it is your fault. The season is over, if you don't like it find a new league.

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does it track the payouts? can you see what last year's payouts were?

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i had one league trying to recruit me. Total fees would have been $900 but I noticed that the payout was only $600. Asked why and was told the other $300 was for commissioner fees. I told them they were crooks and walked away. They actually tried to defend their thievery anyways.....LOL

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550 bucks= some good smoke, a keg and a couple bottles, a six foot sub and at least 1 stripper. I wouldn't be complaining anyways...I always wanted the championship more than the cash in my leagues though.

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550 bucks= some good smoke, a keg and a couple bottles, a six foot sub and at least 1 stripper. I wouldn't be complaining anyways...I always wanted the championship more than the cash in my leagues though.



If you pay our league, we will let you win.

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youll be :cheers: when the commish sends u a postcard from his vacation next month.....








suckers :overhead:

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Ask the guy that won last year how much be got for winning the league? Unfortunatly it was prolly the commish that won.


I'd simply walk away from the league. At least you didn't lose any money. Even better, at least you weren't in for four or five years and hadn't won any money and finally won only to find out how the rediculous payout system goes. You would really feel like you got robbed then.

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I had meatloaf for lunch.


Just thought everyone here would give a damn.



I plan on taking a dump later too.

I'll let you all know how it goes.



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