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Goodell answers some ? on spygate

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Goodell is doing his Press conference right now and has answered some questions on the "tapes"


some tidbit of the little I saw.


- Said they only found 6 tapes

- tapes went only back to the '06 season.

- Notes were found as well, but he and the league were unable to prove if they were used in the signal stealing incident, those were destroed as well.

- The tapes and notes were destroyed because he was told that's all there were and if any footage is leaked like the Jets video was, he'd know that he was lied to and there were in fact more tapes.


I'm sure there wil be plenty of write ups about it when the presser is done.


It's live on NFL.com now


edit: he also said he doesn't believe it effected any game as he believs coaches plan against this and chnage their signals game to game.

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how could they possibly determine the tapes and notes could'nt prove anything...in 1 days time :thumbsup:

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- tapes went only back to the '06 season.



Looks like the haters can say the 2006 season is * :ninja:



:thumbsup: :lol:

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Boy. This answers all my questions. Whew. Thanks.


I'm convinced.

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Boy. This answers all my questions. Whew. Thanks.


I'm convinced.

didn't say it would, there was more that was said but that's all i caught - just passing what I heard along

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Looks like the haters can say the 2006 season is * :lol:

:lol: :ninja:



quite possible that plays 2-3 yrs old were not using the same signals. :thumbsup: Making old video useless

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The head of the NFL doing a press conference on the NFL Network about the NFL and cheating.


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He also described one of the tapes indicating that one of the opposing coaches was waving to the cameraman indicating that he knew that he was there.

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He also described one of the tapes indicating that one of the opposing coaches was waving to the cameraman indicating that he knew that he was there.

<Bill Cowher> :ninja:

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I don't believe a word he said about Spygate.



So you admit the entire thing was nothing? :ninja:

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I think this is kind of a non-issue. Doesn't Senator Specter have more important things to worry about, like the war or the collapsing economy?


That said, it is odd that they destroyed the tapes so quickly.

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So you admit the entire thing was nothing? :ninja:

There was nothing, they broke a rule.


Goodell said no advantage was gained. In regards to the cover up? "we caught them, why would the cover it up when we found it". What was on the tapes, defensive coaches, what else could be on there.


nothing to see here!!!!!!!!


* equals 18- 0 soon to be 19 -0 and greatest team ever!!!!!!!!!!

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I think this is kind of a non-issue. Doesn't Senator Specter have more important things to worry about, like the war or the collapsing economy?


That said, it is odd that they destroyed the tapes so quickly.



From ESPN's Hashmarks -




Interesting little tidbit about Specter having some sort of connection to Comcast - and a possible connection with him bringing this all up due to the NFL Network/Comcast problems. Goodell didn't comment on it...


I think they are going to send BB to Guantanamo Bay. Where he will put together a ragtag team of federal prisoners to take on the prison guards in a football game and a game of prisoner pyramid.

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Goodell said no advantage was gained. In regards to the cover up? "we caught them, why would the cover it up when we found it". What was on the tapes, defensive coaches, what else could be on there.


Please tell me he did NOT say this. The commissioner of the NFL cannot be that stupid . . .


Or perhaps he thinks those listening are . . .


Either way, that would be disturbing.

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I don't know about you guys, but if a cheater tells me there are only 6 taps, well that is good enough for me. No need to look deeper, we will just burn those and call it a day. The integrity of Bellicheat and Kraft is good enough.


And even if there was "only" 6 tapes from last year and the one from this year....why is Bellicheat even coaching right now?

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- The tapes and notes were destroyed because he was told that's all there were and if any footage is leaked like the Jets video was, he'd know that he was lied to and there were in fact more tapes.


WTF kind of stupid-ass reason is that? They got the tapes (other than the Jets one that was confiscated) from the Pats' cooperation. Presumably because those were either (A. all the tapes, or B. the only tapes the Pats were willing to be revealed) They were lucky to get the tapes they did get, it's ridiculous to think the Pats would let any more damaging tapes get out into the open. Shoulda just kept the tapes they had intact.

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WTF kind of stupid-ass reason is that? They got the tapes (other than the Jets one that was confiscated) from the Pats' cooperation. Presumably because those were either (A. all the tapes, or B. the only tapes the Pats were willing to be revealed) They were lucky to get the tapes they did get, it's ridiculous to think the Pats would let any more damaging tapes get out into the open. Shoulda just kept the tapes they had intact.


It's like catching a crook with a counterfeit 100 dollar bill, you take him into custody, you tell him march home and give me all the counterfeit bills you have.....the crook comes back to the police station with 6 $100 bills, the police burn the money on the spot and tell the crook thanks for your cooperation. And announce to all store owners within 30 miles....don't worry none of the counterfeit money ever reached your store cause we got all 6 of the fake ones. :overhead:

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Pats suck and are a bunching of cheaters, if they win the super bowl then this whole thing is rigged. Say so long to the NFL it may was well be owned by vince mcmann and be called the xnfl.



Belicheat should have been fined and suspended, they suspended the one coach from dallas for using steroids but nothing for cheating on at least 7 occassions? If there was no advantage why do it? Maybe there's no advantage to steroids either so we should just let all of them off the hook too.


Actually if you think about it, Ricky Williams should never have been suspended since there was no advantage for him from smoking pot, he should just have had a fine!!



What a crock the NFL is coming too when they don't even try to pretend to cover up this BS!!!!!


They can't suspend or fine anyone ever again after this crap, and yet they will let them play in the super bowl.

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