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Serious question - BF's Bachelor Party ***UPDATORED**

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Ok...so my best friend of 31 years (since we were 6) has decided to get married in September.


Nothing too formal. Having it at his house, only two people standing up for him. He asked me to stand for him and our other buddy to be an usher. At least that's how he explained it to me.


So...before going any further....usher (nickname is Squid) and I have been friends since I was 13. He's always had a bit of a rift with me when it comes to the Groom to be. Nothing 'formal or up front', but it's always been there. Like he wishes he and groom were best buddies. It's been this way since I can remember.


so...Groom (tim) comes over to my place last weekend...says "look..fiance says I gotta get off the pot...I wanna know if you'll stand up for me at the wedding." I said yeah, sure; of course. I asked him "I've been thinking...what do you want to do for your Bachelor party?"


he said...'well you know I ain't into the strippers etc, so skip all that.'


So, anyway...we talk about it, and he says, "Is squid bartending tonight?"

I said yeah, he should be down there right now.


He says 'well, I gotta go talk to him about being an usher...there's only gonna be 2 people in the wedding per side'.

I said, 'well, I'm sure he'll say yeah.' He's like...yeah fiance wants me to make sure I got everything together.





So I talk to squid a few days back...say "I'm trying to come up with something for T's B party. Was thinking about either going on a cycle ride to a casino out of town (T LOVES poker) or maybe head up north, do some fishing, have a poker tourney, etc".


He says...yeah, maybe up north at your cabin is a good idea.

I said "well, before we start making plans or dates, I gotta see if it's available."




I get an email from Squid today.


"Hey...I left a voicemail for booty and jarvis (buddies) that I've planned the Bachelor Party for the 3rd weekend in August."


so...here's what's happening....my buddy Squid is completely taking over planning the Bachelor party and now trying to dictate when, etc.


Considering I can't even confirm I can get the cabin that weekend, how can he go scheduling it?


Then the lightbulb goes off. He's AGAIN bringing up this rift between him and I because Tim and I have been BF's for years and is trying to take it over like it's his obligation to do.


So..my question is...do I just blow it off and go with the flow?

Or do I tell him to fock off?


Put it this way...Tim would get ticked if he found out we'd get in a rift over this because Tim doesn't really care what he does. He's just laid back like that. So if I bring it up to him, he's just gonna get peeved that this is going on. If I let it go, Squid gets away with his childish BS, but then again he ends up looking like a moron.


Or I could just say WTF and let it be.





UPDATE: You're gonna love this one.



So...I decided to work with Squid on this party and we did get the company cabin, and planned a poker party, golf outing (best ball type deal for $$), some fishing, jet skiing, etc.


The whole time Squid keeps complaining about the money it's going to cost. Then when I asked if he'd chip in $90 towards a camcorder they want for the wedding, he basically blew up and said "I ain't dumping $100 on his wedding gift").

So I offered to pay for most of the booze, food, etc. and I found other people to go in on teh camcorder.


So today he texts me and says, "gotta talk about next weekend..call me"


I call him:


Me: Yo..sup?

Him: Hey dude, we got work every Saturday for the rest of the season

M: yeah??? and?

H: well, I'm not going up.

M: What?!

H: I just can't give up teh money..it's like $600 in overtime dude.

M: Uh..aren't you supposed to help me THROW this party? (I've been trying to be diplomatic so he doesn't feel like tim picked me over him)

H: Yeah, but I got bills, and I want to get a bike next year and move out of my moms, etc blah f'ing blah.....

M: Ok man.

H: Well, it's not for sure..I might not work Saturday and if so, I'll come up Friday night after work.

M: *thinks to self (WTF??????????? Are you going or not?!?!?!?!?)

H: I gotta go, I'll talk to you later.





Here's the thing...Squid is a smart enough guy. But he's got this "me first" attitude about everything.

His mom was paying for his college, car, aprt, you name it, and he dropped out in his 3rd year.



Well, now he's a dumptruck driver for an asphalt co. and in MN you can only lay this stuff from about April to October and then it's too cold. So he works like a mad man all summer long, saves nothing, then lives on unemployment and works for cash as a bartender.


Last year he worked for a different co, and got screwed on money...didn't work that much, and they raised his truck insurance without giving him more pay. Ended up losing his apartment after he lost his house a few years ago (too long of a story) and had to move in with his MOTHER (at 36).


His bartending job was closed because they remodeled the bar for like 4months...so he had no income other than unemployment.

He was behind on his truck payment 6 months, etc. He was in bad shape.


So...when the bar reopens...he goes to work..his first weekend, he makes like $800 in tips.

What's he do with it? Bought a PS3 and the weekend after that bought a HD TV. To put in his bedroom in his Mommy's house.

I'm like dude.....you owe like $2000 in payments on your truck.....

This has been his MO for years...Me first.


So now with this bachelor party that WE worked on together coming up in a week, he bails because he'll lose too much money in overtime. And he's in our friends wedding!! I just think that's d1ck on his part, not only to leave me hanging with the bill, but also to do that Tim.

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so, when he said that it's planned for that certain weekend, did he also so at your cabin? If so, you can passively aggressively put it back in your court by saying you checked and the cabin's not available that weekend. Then provide a better weekend along with some stuff you come up with yourself, that way taking back over the lead without really causing a scene that would concern the guy getting married. But, you and squid would know each other knows what each others doing without talking about it. Therefore, you win!

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Yeah and the thing is I don't want to make a stupid deal about it, it's more just annoying that at 36 Squid is still pulling this kind of crap in an effort to show some form of dominance over me. I mean...i don't really care, but if Tim wants me to be his best man doesn't that kind of mean I'm supposed to handle this situation as well? And Jackie, no he didn't reference particularly my cabin but I know that's what he's getting at, and he's jumping way out in front in an effort to take the reigns even when he has ZERO say in whether I can even get the freaking place for that weekend.


It's just annoying I guess.

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What would Ron Paul do?



He'd shoot thunderbolts of Freedom down on everyone and let the market decide??


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Can size of the fiance? Obviously we'll need pics as well in order to give a complete answer.



Uhh...Jumbo's. :rolleyes:

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first of all, man up and tell that biotch to back the eff down.


then plan the strippers becuz any dood that says you know i'm not into the stripper thing is just begging for it without begging for it, ya know.


secondly, i met these guys didnt i...

who was the one crying at the end of the night? :unsure:


ps. hi


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first of all, man up and tell that biotch to back the eff down.


then plan the strippers becuz any dood that says you know i'm not into the stripper thing is just begging for it without begging for it, ya know.


secondly, i met these guys didnt i...

who was the one crying at the end of the night? :dunno:


ps. hi



:unsure: SLUT SIGHTING!! :wave:


I really don't think he wants the strippers. Seriously.

No, you didn't meet this guy. you met Melon and that group, and yes, it was probably melon that was crying at the end of the night because he just got busted for cheating on his wife for like 2 years with his neighbors (and good friends) wife.


PSS - Hola! Where ya been?

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No, you didn't meet this guy. you met Melon and that group, and yes, it was probably melon that was crying at the end of the night because he just got busted for cheating on his wife for like 2 years with his neighbors (and good friends) wife.


PSS - Hola! Where ya been?


ah - melon... squid... whatevs dood :dunno:


but seriously, i hope that works out ok for you and no one gets hurt. GL with that!


ppps. i've been around ... well... that's not news


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Squid is obviously an immature guy....but as you're pushing 40 (already there, my man!) I wouldn't make a big deal of it....not worth the time you've already invested in fretting over it....if he doesn't show, you'll probably have a better time anyway....as for the money....fock it, you're rich and will win all the Die Nasty money anyway, right?




Um....maybe you better not count on money from the Die Nasty League with your receiving group!

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Squid is obviously an immature guy....but as you're pushing 40 (already there, my man!) I wouldn't make a big deal of it....not worth the time you've already invested in fretting over it....if he doesn't show, you'll probably have a better time anyway....as for the money....fock it, you're rich and will win all the Die Nasty money anyway, right?




Um....maybe you better not count on money from the Die Nasty League with your receiving group!


Squid is a doosh. How can you do that to your best friend. It's one of those things you just don't do.


What? MY WR's are young studs. You wait...Vincent Jackson is going to be a top 10 WR this year, and Sidney Rice is a decent QB short of being a stud too.



yeah my team sucks

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I tell you what. I'll fill in for "squid". However you will have to be prepared to lose all of your cash in cards and get schooled in fishing. I catch them you clean and cook them. Got it.





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I tell you what. I'll fill in for "squid". However you will have to be prepared to lose all of your cash in cards and get schooled in fishing. I catch them you clean and cook them. Got it.







Cool, I'll cook your food for you after you insult me...... :thumbsdown:

And you won't be taking MY money in cards, my friend. :music_guitarred:

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I'd probably go find some friends that have higher IQs and save yourself some hassle. :thumbsup:

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I'd probably go find some friends that have higher IQs and save yourself some hassle. :mad:



Roger that. :rolleyes:

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#1 - Take it to the Curly Board.


#2 - It's too late now, but you focked up by not saying at the outset, "NO Squid... I'll be handling all of the party plans so back the fock off."


#3 - I can't stand a loser who will put in place plans that will cost everyone a nice nut... and then backs out himself.


With friends like that...


Next time, step the fock up and take control of the situation instead of letting it become a complete clusterfuck and whining about it like a little pussbag later. :rolleyes:

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so, when he said that it's planned for that certain weekend, did he also so at your cabin? If so, you can passively aggressively put it back in your court by saying you checked and the cabin's not available that weekend. Then provide a better weekend along with some stuff you come up with yourself, that way taking back over the lead without really causing a scene that would concern the guy getting married. But, you and squid would know each other knows what each others doing without talking about it. Therefore, you win!


This is focking brilliant.

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Sounds like you guys need to go get your nails done together and talk about your feelings.



First reply is the thread winnah :rolleyes:

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#1 - Take it to the Curly Board.


Go Fuck yourself.



#2 - It's too late now, but you focked up by not saying at the outset, "NO Squid... I'll be handling all of the party plans so back the fock off."


Go Fuck yourself.


#3 - I can't stand a loser who will put in place plans that will cost everyone a nice nut... and then backs out himself.


With friends like that...


Next time, step the fock up and take control of the situation instead of letting it become a complete clusterfuck and whining about it like a little pussbag later. :rolleyes:


Seriously...go Fuck yourself.



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First reply is the thread winnah :rolleyes:



See my reply to Mephisto and apply liberally.

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See my reply to Mephisto and apply liberally.


And...BLS overtakes the lead.... :rolleyes:

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And...BLS overtakes the lead.... :rolleyes:









I'll fuckin END you







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See my reply to Mephisto and apply liberally.


You're a dumbass. This has gotten to this point because of you and no one else... and when people point it out to you, the best you can offer is a fuckoff? :rolleyes:


In that case, I change my answer. You should have declined the groom's invitation to stand up for him and instead offered to be the bridesmaid or maid of honor, you focking pussie. You'd probably do a smashing job at arranging a shower. Assjockey.

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You're over 35 and you STILL have a friend who lives with his mom.?... AND your concerned about what his reaction will be about anything?...... AND you trusted him to come through with MONEY?? HE LIVES WITH HIS FOCKING MOM!!!!! :doh:






Daaayyyyyummmm :dunno:

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You're over 35 and you STILL have a friend who lives with his mom.?... AND your concerned about what his reaction will be about anything?...... AND you trusted him to come through with MONEY?? HE LIVES WITH HIS FOCKING MOM!!!!! :doh:

Daaayyyyyummmm :thumbsup:


Welcome to the discussion brother....now if only rattle were to show up it would be a true party.... :doublethumbsup:

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Welcome to the discussion brother....now if only rattle were to show up it would be a true party.... :dunno:






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One thing we know for sure:


You won't be driving there in a Charger.

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I had comments to share but it was so focking long I losted them all.


One thing though - Squid isnt "dropping" $100 on a wedding gift AND HE IS IN THE "WEDDING PARTY" I know its MN and all but in NY it's at least $300 (single and I am assuming Squid is single) and $500 for a couple (in wedding party).



Going Cow Tipping after the reception ?

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I thought the question was gonna be what color mascara you should wear to the wedding. <_<

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