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Bigger dumbass? Benson or Lynch

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We got Benson who cries for Mommy and was arrested for BUI a month ago an then goes and gets arrested for DUI a few days ago. We have M. Lynch who obviously was intoxicated and did a Hit an run ( actually the driving off part wasn't stupid - heartless and classless but really not stupid ) - an The DA wants to cut him a deal where it would just be minor offnese and only cost him a fine and some community service yet Lynch isn't letting him by not talking to anyone and likely ends up with a much stiffer penalty instead of having this already be over with its a story and becasue of that might result in getting suspended.


So who is more dumbassed the guy who drank and drove when he knew he was already behind the 8 ball in terms of the NFL or the guy who was sober and refused to help himself by getting this over with.




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they should nail lynch's asss to cross! it's a hit and run! thats no slap on the wrist kind of offense.


lets put it into perspective. say it was you or me who did what lynch did. you think the DA would trying to give us a deal like that? no F'in way! we'd be seein some jail time. these guys are outta control. start really punishing them, and it will hardly ever happen.


as for numb nuts benson. he is by far the bigger dumbass. he's already in trouble for a BUI, which is usually punishable the same as a DUI, and then he goes out and gets a DUI. in most states they would come down very hard on you for this kind of stupidity. like losing your license for 3 yrs, possible jail time or house arrest. he'll probably get probation and some focking joke community service.

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kahn was a puss.


Don't make me whip out the rich Corintian leather and whip your azz...

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Benson. He already has a BWI and now a DUI add to the fact he gets about 3ypc he could have lost his job.

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I don't see how Lynch wouldn't be the bigger dumb ass. All Benson did was have a few drinks, and while I detest DUI, he didn't hit anybody. Not only did Lynch hit someone, but he then drove away from the scene of the crime. He should be punished much more severely than Benson.

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Its not he hit a person and ran -- The focking DA wants to plead it out giving him nothing hardly as punishment and Lynch is refusing to coroperate! I mean WTF?? is Lynch's lawyer plan here? Did he graduate an oline law school??

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Maybe lynch was not driving but knows who was and thinks he can get off with even less if it goes to some sort of trial.

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Maybe lynch was not driving but knows who was and thinks he can get off with even less if it goes to some sort of trial.


Cedric was driving!

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Pacman Jones.



I asked about dumbassedness - not being absolutley focking braindead ... keep up will ya!

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Being from Texas, I was just thinking about the UT RB's. There have really on been two prominent RB's drafted out of UT in the last 10 yrs or so, Ricky Williams and Cedric Benson. The jury is obviously still out on guys like Jamaal Charles (2008) and Selvin Young (undrafted - 07), but the only UT RB in recent history who clearly outperformed is Priest Holmes (Undrafted as well). Then I found the link below which made me laugh. It's hard to imaging that Ricky is a better citizen now than Ced. :unsure:


Cedric Benson ESPN Cover

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due to the firing I say Bensen loses...


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I think Benson is a bigger dumbass. Knowing he was already facing some heat, he nonetheless got behind the wheel after drinks. As a matter of legal strategy, if Lynch stops after the accident and has been drinking, he's possibly looking at a vehicular assault (in some states). If he leaves and is later stopped and accused of hit and run, he may have been better off: If there is an appreciable gap in the time between the accident and when Lynch gets caught, he can claim to have had any drinks during that window of time between the accident and being snagged by the po-po.


But let's face it -- they both earn Ph.D.s in poor judgment.

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IMO Benson. Lynch is already becoming a stud in Buffalo and Benson... well he wasn't anything too special. Benson didn't need any of this to go over his mediocre-ness

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Anyone who cheers for Lynch, a true piece of human trash, has issues...


Benson, also idiotic and a danger to society, but not true trash like Lynch and his drunken/stoned buddies who could have left a person for dead...

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I vote for Benson as the biggest dumbass.


At least Lynch knows enough not to suck when he does finally stop breaking the law and puts some pads on.

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I vote for Benson as the biggest dumbass.


At least Lynch knows enough not to suck when he does finally stop breaking the law and puts some pads on.


I vote Donovan McNabb as the biggest dumbass for running T.O. out of town. I also vote Newbiejr as the topdog dumbass for posting almost 20,000 posts about spygate and his jealousy of the Pats three Superbowls

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I vote Donovan McNabb as the biggest dumbass for running T.O. out of town. I also vote Newbiejr as the topdog dumbass for posting almost 20,000 posts about spygate and his jealousy of the Pats three Superbowls


Congratulations - yet another worthless post that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Well done. <_<


I vote Lynch over Benson. It seems apparent that Benson just doesn't have the tools to succeed, even if he did stop drinking and driving. Lynch, on the other hand, has a very bright future ahead of him and if this is all true, may have really blown it. For that, I say Lynch is the bigger dumbass.

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I'd have to say Benson. Although he was absolute garbage, he'd still make more money than practically everyone on the board by being a lousy football player. To make things worse, nobody will want to sign him from free agency because he's horrible and because he always gets into trouble.


Shaun Alexander might be bad, but at least he doesn't get DUIs or BUIs.

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First i'm hearing of the Marshawn Lynch debacle. Amazing the shiot that prominent jocks get away with. From a selfish FF perspective.. i'm hoping he's fine this year.. the talent pool continues to thin at the RB spot.. and he was on my radar this year for sure.

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another interesting take on that UT players...


UT Longhorns in the news

"Now on to Roy Williams. The first one is an excerpt from an interview after a game. The interviewer is asking Williams about celebrating even though the Lions were losing.


Williams on celebrating after first downs: Shouldn't poses like that wait until things are looking better?" Albom asked after the game.


"I celebrate first downs all the time." Williams answered. "I'm not gonna stop that. I'm an exciting player. If I do something exciting, I'm gonna show my actions."


"But you were losing, 10-0."


"What does that mean? ... That means nothing to me. The score means nothing."


:shocking: :angry: :wall:

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Anyone who cheers for Lynch, a true piece of human trash, has issues...


Benson, also idiotic and a danger to society, but not true trash like Lynch and his drunken/stoned buddies who could have left a person for dead...

As a Lynch owner I hope that there is more and less to this story. As a Husband and Father of two girls I am of the mind that a person fleeing the seen of a hit and run, or even declining to offer assistance to a fallen citizen is despicable. Lets see the facts before declaring Lynch a piece of trash.

If the facts are Lynch was driving and intentionally left the scene of a hit and run then Lynch = Trash.

1. The word intentionally is intentional, its always possible but highly unlikely(I haven't viewed the video) that the driver was unaware that he struck a pedestrian. The conclusion I would draw if that were the case was the driver was severely inebriated and that would be even worse.


2. There may be much more to the story? was there an altercation and while attempting to leave the scene was the pedestrian outraged enough to attempt to intervene in the vehicle and passengers leaving, thus rushing the vehicle and subsequently struck. Still would not mitigate leaving the scene.


3. Did the pedestrian stage the incident (badly could have lot her life), for monetary gain? Still would not mitigate leaving the scene.


I don't know - Usually the simple answer is the right answer. Either Lynch was driving or he wasn't.

Either way he may want to reserve a hefty some of money for a Civil Suit.

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Its not he hit a person and ran -- The focking DA wants to plead it out giving him nothing hardly as punishment and Lynch is refusing to coroperate! I mean WTF?? is Lynch's lawyer plan here? Did he graduate an oline law school??


How long does it take to flush the mary jane out of your system? I'm guessing that's what he's waiting for.

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How long does it take to flush the mary jane out of your system? I'm guessing that's what he's waiting for.

30 days usually.

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Congratulations - yet another worthless post that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Well done. :thumbsup:

Those of us who have this moron on 'ignore' would appreciate if you didn't quote his nonsense. The ignore function doesn't work once his ignorant ramblings are in someone else's post.




Also, I see that you've seen what he offers the board, too. :music_guitarred:

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Those of us who have this moron on 'ignore' would appreciate if you didn't quote his nonsense. The ignore function doesn't work once his ignorant ramblings are in someone else's post.




Also, I see that you've seen what he offers the board, too. :music_guitarred:


What exactly do you offer the board? I guess I could bump a few threads you have made about me personally. Poor Newbiejr nothing better to do with his time than post here thinking he is important. Make a few Patriots threads for us all :thumbsup: I can prove you don't have me on ignore.

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I gotta go Lynch because Benson at least already has like 10mill banked.

he ai'ight

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