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Official Baltimore vs Dallas Thread!

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what a joke!! Americas Team my arse. Maybe Americas team September-November.


:blink: :cry:

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Remove fork now. Dallas has a shot now. They have three time outs left so they need to just stop the ravens and then kick a fg.


They still haven't removed the fork from the Pittsburgh game.

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Timeout #3 by BAL at 01:36.

BAL2 N.Folk extra point is GOOD, Center-L.Ladouceur, Holder-B.Johnson.

2-10 BAL21 (1:41) (Shotgun) T.Romo pass deep middle to J.Witten for 21 yards, TOUCHDOWN.




Time out after the TD? Was it a challenge?


They called time out during the kickoff to see if it was going to be an onside kick or not.

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I think the Cowboys were playing Def with too much of a chip on their shoulder and selling out on the blitz, it was bound to backfire on them eventually.....its not just about blitzing and sacks, its about playing COMPLETE defense....



As TMQ will tell you, over blitzing is the worst thing you can do. Blitzing selectively is the key.



Not watching the game, so I don't even know if they blitzed, but they did something stupid 2 times in a row.


McClain and McGahee aint Faulk and Peyton.

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If the Ravens drop 33 points on you, its time to re-evaluate things

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Romo still is a choke artist, Cowboys still can't win in December and Dallas_Empire/Pimptaddy/TubbyMcGee are still mouthbreathers

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Dear god. I am done with this crap. Seriously, I can't take it anymore. Utterly amazing to see that crap happen again. :blink: :cry: :lol: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:



That's a shame

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They called time out during the kickoff to see if it was going to be an onside kick or not.


That makes sense.

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I can promise you im gonna be rooting hard for Philly next week



Disgruntled Dallas D owner.

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As TMQ will tell you. Over blitzing is the worst thing you can do. Blitzing selectively is the key.

Not watching the game, so I don't even know if they blitzed, but they did something stupid 2 times in a row.


McClain and McGahee aint Faulk and Peyton.


They blitzed incessantly, sold out heavily on it. All the Ravens had to do was get their RB past the D-line and it was over.


4th quarter equating to a slightly tired defense coupled with selling out on the blitz means they had limited ability to recover from the punching of their line by those backs.


I come away from the game thinking that Dallas has a stellar defense that is poorly coached; with the right direction and coaching they could easily be a top defense.

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Yep, sign over the rights to the new stadium to Bill Cowher and bring him in.

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Watching the replay of the McClain run, he just absolutely punched Ken Hamlin right in the mouf. Flat stood him up and pushed him backwards.. :blink:

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Romo still is a choke artist, Cowboys still can't win in December and Dallas_Empire/Pimptaddy/TubbyMcGee are still mouthbreathers

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Naturally. Only a Steeler could fix this mess.




The Steelers will punch you right in the mouth. Dallas needs some toughening up.

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The Steelers will punch you right in the mouth. Dallas needs some toughening up.


They should have thrown to TO more....

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They blitzed incessantly, sold out heavily on it.


Sounds like a horrible defensive game plan against Baltimore.


To quote George Costanza: "I'm telling you, I could coach in the NFL. It's not that hard."

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Naturally. Only a Steeler could fix this mess.


I will almost guarantee that Cowher won't take the gig, he won't work for that dipsh!t jerry jones either.








Romo still is a choke artist, Cowboys still can't win in December and Dallas_Empire/Pimptaddy/TubbyMcGee are still mouthbreathers

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Hey Pimp, do me and the Steeler nation a favor. When you're deciding which team's bandwagon to jump on now that Dallas' ship has sailed, please stay off the Steel Wagon. mmmmmmmmk?

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As an eagle fan.......this ending was perfect!!!!!!!!!!! Time to lay down and die Dallas!


You better hope the Eagles don't overlook Washington tomorrow. :blink:

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11straight seasons with a losing record from November on!!!!!!!!!



:dunno: :cry: :lol:




Texas Stadium closes to the sounds of a chorus of boos.


Stay classy, Big D.

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Am I the only one with Deion Sanders headache right now? Why was he allowed in the booth?? It sounded like someone told him to take it down a few notches after the first quarter, but as the game wore on, he couldn't help himself.

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Go F yourself big D



Texas stadium is Gods toilet.....


tony romo ;) are cowboy fans the most gullible fans alive?

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as a cowboys fan, i can't help but wonder first what all this hatred is about against the boys. i'd never talk about other teams and its fans like whats been said of the boys in this thread


having said that, i don't know how you can let a 79 and 82 yard run happen two plays in a row. one time and it's a lucky call, two times in a row and cameron had to had seen something


big holes in this team, don't understand how a linebacker can be free on romo all day

don't know why you'd trade for roy williams and never throw it to him

don't know why romo gets so much hate, he's a good QB

don't know why the coaching staff wouldn't adjust defense, instead of doing the same thing all game, of course the ravens def is going to catch on...

don't know why they think its okay to lead the league in penalties, good teams don't do that


eh oh well, guess the texas rangers start playing soon right?


oh and PS, you guys should block pimp taddy and dallas empire, it's much more peaceful around here

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