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Favre To Stay Retired

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Favre staying retired

July 28th, 2009 – 3:53 PM by Chip Scoggins

Judd just received a phone call from Brad Childress who said he talked to Brett Favre and that he was informed that Favre is staying retired. Childress cited the daily grind both mentally and physically as part of the reason why Favre remained retired.


“I just think it was a rare opportunity to explore a Hall of Fame quarterback who had background in the NFC and in this division,” Childress said. “He knows our system inside out … This doesn’t change anything about how I feel about our football team.”

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Favre staying retired

July 28th, 2009 – 3:53 PM by Chip Scoggins

Judd just received a phone call from Brad Childress who said he talked to Brett Favre and that he was informed that Favre is staying retired. Childress cited the daily grind both mentally and physically as part of the reason why Favre remained retired.


“I just think it was a rare opportunity to explore a Hall of Fame quarterback who had background in the NFC and in this division,” Childress said. “He knows our system inside out … This doesn’t change anything about how I feel about our football team.”

sorry buddy. a second too late.

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sorry buddy. a second too late.


It's OK. My post is better. It has a link to the original source.

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Awesome conversation coming up to Sage Rosenfels (fellow ISU alum) and Tavaris Jackson........


"Hey (Insert player name) great to see you!!......Ya know....really....we wanted youas our starter the whole time. Most of this was media hype gone out of control.....you have been our guy all along and we have soooo much faith in you"

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It's OK. My post is better. It has a link to the original source.

Dam*it! %*@# ^$#&!


Well, forever I'll still be first with the post!

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So basically Favre toyed with the Vikings all summer than sort of screwed them?

I mean...if there was a way to get back in good graces with Packer fans...the guy found a way to mess with Chilly and the Vikings even in retirement.



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What a f*ckin dooshbag. :headbanger:

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So basically Favre toyed with the Vikings all summer than sort of screwed them?

I mean...if there was a way to get back in good graces with Packer fans...the guy found a way to mess with Chilly and the Vikings even in retirement.




Now if Rodgers goes down in week 2 and Favre comes back to the Packers to win a SB, I'll know the NFL is fake!!!


Would that not be one of the most ridiculous stories ever?

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So basically Favre toyed with the Vikings all summer than sort of screwed them?


Favre to Vikings... :headbanger:

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Also, Rich Eisen of the NFL Network confirmed it in a text he received from Favre.

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Childress has left messages for the associated press as well.

Longwell confirming a text from Favre as well...saying the arm is fine...just not sure his body could hold up all year and did not want to get midway through a season and not be able to go out and play like he is used to playing.

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Favre wanted to be a Viking. He should have just rolled the dice. Reports all suggested his throws were looking good. This is such a punk ass move on his part.

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Awesome conversation coming up to Sage Rosenfels (fellow ISU alum) and Tavaris Jackson........


"Hey (Insert player name) great to see you!!......Ya know....really....we wanted youas our starter the whole time. Most of this was media hype gone out of control.....you have been our guy all along and we have soooo much faith in you"

What a cluster fock. In addition to the coaches, Peterson and a host of other Vikings allegedly called Favre and lobbied for his arrival. Those should be some fun huddles. Well, at least Booty keeps his number

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favre will unretire next week. the guy is diva princess



Wow. Another internet tough guy... :lol:


Personally, I could cut the guy some slack. I think he REALLY wants to play, but the very distinct possibility of him getting the ever-loving-sh*t kicked out of him this year probably sealed it. Anybody who plays QB in the NFL has a death wish, I mean, you need some serious stones to walk up under center. For an old guy like Favre, even playing behind that MINN O-line, 2009 must've looked like a daunting prospect.

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He'll be back in November. Already left the door open for it.


Does not seem like it will be for the Vikings...though, I doubt Chilly really means it...


“There’s not a chance, from my standpoint. I’m going forward with the guys we have, and we’ll have a great competition,” Childress said, using a similar line to deny interest in pursuing the recently reinstated Michael Vick(notes).

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Favre is notorious for his dislike of training camp. I think he's buying time before his next reversal in a couple of weeks. He has no shame and will shrug off the resulting criticism. I can see why the Packers got tired of dealing with him, although I don't think they handled his departure well.


Brett has really trashed the image of the Mississippi barefoot boy who just wants to get back to Kiln to mow his grass and fish off the dock with a cane pole. He has become an utterly self-absorbed drama queen who will miss the Favre Watch segments on ESPN after only a few days.


That said, I',m still hoping for yet another "comeback." (He must hold the record for "comebacks without missing a start.") A return to Lambeau will be great television, win or lose.

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MANKATO, Minn. -- Once again, Brett Favre ran away from a Minnesota rush.


Brad Childress insisted the chase is over.


The Vikings coach said Wednesday evening he's "more than content" with a competition between Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels for the job the team tried so hard to give to Favre, only to find out the NFL's all-time leading passer decided to remain retired.


"He's gone his way, and we've gone our way," Childress said after meeting with both Jackson and Rosenfels earlier in the day.Childress described their demeanor as excited, proudly noting Jackson was the first player to report to the residence hall on the Minnesota State University campus, where the Vikings have held training camp for 43 years.


Rosenfels was grateful for some resolution, but said he wasn't "at all" insulted by his teammates' overt interest in acquiring the famously waffling quarterback.


"This is the NFL. I'm a pro. They're pros. I think these guys are going to have the utmost confidence in me, and I have a lot of confidence in them," Rosenfels said, as players trickled into the parking lot with pillows and luggage in tow. "It's time to go to work."


Jackson wasn't available for comment, but Rosenfels offered a good word for both of them in defiance of the widespread belief the Vikings are still missing the quarterback they need for that elusive Super Bowl victory.


"Everyone has their opinion. I have my opinion. I feel like the quarterbacks are going to play really, really well this year," Rosenfels said.


In an interview posted on Sports Illustrated's Web site, Favre added another subtle twist to this endlessly open-ended story: "I truly, truly believe it's over. But if someone calls Nov. 1, who knows?"


Asked whether the Vikings would revisit the possibility should Favre change his mind again, Childress repeated his "more than content" stance about the current quarterbacks.


The coach was then pressed to definitively rule out another dalliance with Favre.


"There's not a chance, from my standpoint. I'm going forward with the guys we have, and we'll have a great competition," Childress said, using a similar line to deny interest in pursuing the recently reinstated Michael Vick.


Now the Vikings are trying to revive their support for the guys who were going to fight for the job in the first place, and denying any doubts about their ability.


Left guard Steve Hutchinson and defensive end Jared Allen were among the players who checked in with Favre in recent weeks, but both of them claimed they weren't recruiting.


"It's just funny how one of a million texts comes out as we're trying to lobby for him," Hutchinson said. "It had nothing to do with that."


Allen characterized the communication simply as team leaders assessing the situation.


"It's been blown up to we were trying to coax him in and begging him to come, and that's not the case," Allen said, as Childress rode by in a golf cart and teased him to cut his shaggy hair.


Allen also insisted the team didn't need to do any damage control.


"I'll tell them right now: We have their back. One of them's going to be our quarterback, you know, and we're cool with that," Allen said.


Speaking to The Associated Press in Mississippi, Favre's agent, Bus Cook, said he believes the soon-to-be 40-year-old made the right decision. Asked about Favre's insinuation that he could play come midseason, Cook said he hadn't discussed that with his friend and client.


"I don't think that he's categorically said ... that if the world falls and they need a quarterback that I wouldn't go, but he's not looking for that to happen either," Cook said.


Cook reiterated Favre's earlier assertion that the health of his ankles and knees and other potential aches and pains, not the strength of his right arm, was the reason for his reluctance.


"He's really tried and worked hard, but every day his body was telling him, 'Look, you've still got the arm. It's the rest of me that's telling you to rethink your situation," Cook said. "He said, 'Look, I don't want to go through it no more. Right now I'm just not of a mindset to go up there and go through this and that. I don't want to get to the middle of the season and look around and wonder what I've gotten myself into here."


In an earlier interview with the AP, before Favre had made up his mind, Childress called the distraction and potential negative effect on Jackson and Rosenfels "overrated."


He added: "We're going to be a good football team, either way."


On Wednesday, Childress defended the perceived risk of such a high-profile pursuit: "I owe it to this organization and I owe it to this football team to bring in the best possible players that I can bring in here."



Props to Brad for putting all the speculation (as seen in this thread) to bed early. :thumbsup:

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Wiff...do you really think Chilly has the balls to say no if Brett calls in 2 weeks though?


Im not saying Favre will...he may actually be done this time (unless an injury happens and someone calls him).

But if he were to decide to come back in about 2 weeks...I don't see Childress saying no.

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Here's a video link of Brad Childress:

- for your viewing amusement.

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Thanks for the post wiffleball.


As a Vikes fan, I am just glad it's over. The debacle over when or if Farve was going to report was growing old and should be fading away now. I would have been okay with it if he joined the team but the circus would have been guaranteed to continue for another year.


I think we will receive improved QB play this year whoever wins the job. And that is our ticket to keeping 8 man fronts away from AD. Now just waiting for Percy to sign... :doublethumbsup:

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