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Kim Jong Il has pardoned two U.S. journalists

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What couse of action should the White House have taken? I guess they could have sent GWB. :wub:


remember when our SF guys got that group out of Africa (or somewhere) by posing as a news crew?


That was badass.

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The leader of NK is a rapper? :shocking:

Also known as the Notorious Ill and Illy Smalls

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You sound like you have a credible source stating they paid an unknown Ransom for their release. Would you care to share that link with us. :banana:



Beyond what we gave up behind the scenes, these photos giving the Gargoyle worldwide exposure chumming up to an ex-POTUS is a high price to pay. :(



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Beyond what we gave up behind the scenes, these photos giving the Gargoyle worldwide exposure chumming up to an ex-POTUS is a high price to pay. :(



:banana: Yes it is a high price. Of course the radical left wont see it like that. This fockbag in NK got EXACTLY what he wanted out of this. To be legitimized.

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I don't really understand all this legitimized talk. Like...how is anything different with North Korea today, as opposed to last week? Does anyone look at North Korea differently? Are people now going to not care if they have nukes because Bill Clinton had a picture taken with Kim? Are they actually "legitimized" because Clinton went there? Like...what's the effect of this legitimization?


To me, it was a success. We got our people back, and North Korea got a picture taken. Who knows what else happened or what else was agreed to....but for now this is all we know so as of right now I would say this is a good deal.


And Bill went because North Korea requested it. The prisoners were allowed to talk to their families and they told them what was necessary to get them freed. I don't see this as undermining Hillary at all, I see this as Bill doing what was necessary to free two Americans from 12 years hard labor in North Korea.

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I don't really understand all this legitimized talk. Like...how is anything different with North Korea today, as opposed to last week? Does anyone look at North Korea differently? Are people now going to not care if they have nukes because Bill Clinton had a picture taken with Kim? Are they actually "legitimized" because Clinton went there? Like...what's the effect of this legitimization?


To me, it was a success. We got our people back, and North Korea got a picture taken. Who knows what else happened or what else was agreed to....but for now this is all we know so as of right now I would say this is a good deal.


And Bill went because North Korea requested it. The prisoners were allowed to talk to their families and they told them what was necessary to get them freed. I don't see this as undermining Hillary at all, I see this as Bill doing what was necessary to free two Americans from 12 years hard labor in North Korea.


Here is how: KJI is a focktard who is a hero to many cuz he manages to fukk with the U.S. and get concessions while giving up nothing.


He plucked two journalists off the street, ran the through a kangaroo court and sentenced them to years in a NK prison. For what? Was he really worried about them? Hell no, he got exactly what he wanted when he snatched them off the street.


The fact Obama was willing to jump up and send Clinton over there so the Gargoyle could get his photo means he got what he wanted from square one. :(

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Here is how: KJI is a focktard who is a hero to many cuz he manages to fukk with the U.S. and get concessions while giving up nothing.


He plucked two journalists off the street, ran the through a kangaroo court and sentenced them to years in a NK prison. For what? Was he really worried about them? Hell no, he got exactly what he wanted when he snatched them off the street.


The fact Obama was willing to jump up and send Clinton over there so the Gargoyle could get his photo means he got what he wanted from square one. :(


I understand what you're saying RP.


But to me, he really achieved nothing. I mean, what did he really gain out of all of this. What does Bill Clinton's photo op get Kim? I mean, ya maybe they're all high-fiving each other over there cause they got Bill to come over....but now what? What is different today?

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I don't really understand all this legitimized talk. Like...how is anything different with North Korea today, as opposed to last week? Does anyone look at North Korea differently? Are people now going to not care if they have nukes because Bill Clinton had a picture taken with Kim? Are they actually "legitimized" because Clinton went there? Like...what's the effect of this legitimization?


To me, it was a success. We got our people back, and North Korea got a picture taken. Who knows what else happened or what else was agreed to....but for now this is all we know so as of right now I would say this is a good deal.


And Bill went because North Korea requested it. The prisoners were allowed to talk to their families and they told them what was necessary to get them freed. I don't see this as undermining Hillary at all, I see this as Bill doing what was necessary to free two Americans from 12 years hard labor in North Korea.

Look at the reasons about Obama and the birth certificate deal. Look at why folks say he shouldn't even address it. Something about legitimizing them, and they are supposed to be just nut case citizens, not the insane leader of a very threatening dictatorship country that has nukes and wants to use them. It's embarrassing to the country. Makes us look very weak to the mean folks who are looking for any chance they can get to hit us, our enemies.

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Look at the reasons about Obama and the birth certificate deal. Look at why folks say he shouldn't even address it. Something about legitimizing them, and they are supposed to be just nut case citizens, not the insane leader of a very threatening dictatorship country that has nukes and wants to use them. It's embarrassing to the country. Makes us look very weak to the mean folks who are looking for any chance they can get to hit us, our enemies.


I don't think it's embarrassing. Hell, most people here are looking at it as a victory, so I don't see the embarrassment. Not to say I don't understand your point, because I do. But to me, a photo op is worth two Americans lives.


I'll say this. I understand the point of not negotiating with pirates off the coast of Somalia or with terrorists. Because negotiations and deals just encourage more kidnappings etc. But in this case, what did we encourage? Like I said, as long as ALL we did was the photo op, I'm ok with it. If something else went on behind the scenes (which is very possible) then depending on what they were, I'd be against it.

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I don't think it's embarrassing. Hell, most people here are looking at it as a victory, so I don't see the embarrassment. Not to say I don't understand your point, because I do. But to me, a photo op is worth two Americans lives.


I'll say this. I understand the point of not negotiating with pirates off the coast of Somalia or with terrorists. Because negotiations and deals just encourage more kidnappings etc. But in this case, what did we encourage? Like I said, as long as ALL we did was the photo op, I'm ok with it. If something else went on behind the scenes (which is very possible) then depending on what they were, I'd be against it.

Don't get me wrong. I think they had to do whatever it takes to get them. I am just concerned that the Obama administration is going to make us look weak and encourage this type of stuff from other nuts running countries in one way or another.

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Don't get me wrong. I think they had to do whatever it takes to get them. I am just concerned that the Obama administration is going to make us look weak and encourage this type of stuff from other nuts running countries in one way or another.


Ya, it'll be interesting to see what happens with the 3 Americans that Iran took, heard on the news today they are currently interrogating them...

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I understand what you're saying RP.


But to me, he really achieved nothing. I mean, what did he really gain out of all of this. What does Bill Clinton's photo op get Kim? I mean, ya maybe they're all high-fiving each other over there cause they got Bill to come over....but now what? What is different today?


He gained nothing with you and me. In the world he lives in, he gained legitimacy with those who look up to him for poking us in the eye....and there are plenty of fukktards out there who hate us that are eating this up.

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Sorry if this has already been mentioned before, but wasn't Bill going to NK to get these reporters out of there already a pre set up deal between his Illness and us?


I could swear that i read / heard somewhere that Kim said that if we sent Clinton (and only Clinton) over there, he would release the reporters over to him?


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Sorry if this has already been mentioned before, but wasn't Bill going to NK to get these reporters out of there already a pre set up deal between his Illness and us?


I could swear that i read / heard somewhere that Kim said that if we sent Clinton (and only Clinton) over there, he would release the reporters over to him?



These deals are always done before hand. You don't send and Ex POTUS somewhere to get embarrassed.

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These deals are always done before hand. You don't send and Ex POTUS somewhere to get embarrassed.

Actually, with Carter's act, I'm pretty sure that he did alot of it on his own.


Still...Why hasn't it been mentioned in this thead yet? :bench:


Then again, Clinton does have ambitions to eventually head up the UN...Or so I've heard / read.

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12 years hard labor for two chicks in a female Asian prison.?.














Excuse me....




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12 years hard labor for two chicks in a female Asian prison.?.

Excuse me....


You're excused :banana:

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Not so sure he is the perfect one to be doing this when his wife is the Secretary of State. Could make for some conflicts of interest.


It's funny thou. She did his job when he was President and now he's doing her job as SoS


It worked? Do you really believe the whole deal was not worked out before Crinton got on the plane to go over there?


Look I'm glad the gook hookers are free, but if Hillary can't get the job done herself meybe she should just hand it over to Bill


The reason Bill, not Hillary, did it is because it needed to be clear this was not political. A current SOS would make it look like we had negotiated. I've seen nothing showing KJI got more than a photo. Bill's was a humanitarian mission, and I've seen nothing stating that he acted on behalf of the administration.


yea what a great victory. they take hostages and we legitimize their actions and pay an unknown ransom for them.

perhaps next time they'll take 4 hostages and demand 10x as much.


Link to ransom paid?


The way they've been hiding Biden and Hillary reminds me of the VP in the movie Dave that they sent to some goodwill missions while Dave was in office.


See my comment about Bill above.


The fact Obama was willing to jump up and send Clinton over there so the Gargoyle could get his photo means he got what he wanted from square one. :nono:


I've not seen anything showing the administration made the request - let me know if you have...

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I've not seen anything showing the administration made the request - let me know if you have...


The stories are all over the place.


The Obama administration asked former President Bill Clinton to travel to North Korea meet with leader Kim Jong-Il to negotiate the release of two American journalists who were imprisoned for entering the country illegally, according to a congressional source briefed on the matter.



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