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YOU score one touchdown in the NFL...

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I'm sure I would get fined but this is what I would do.


I'd run up into the stands. Take a seat with some fans. Grab one of their beers and have a few sips. Kiss some chick with nice cans and then head back down to the field.


The best celebration ever recorded on tv. Period!

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man... i might just whip it out so i don't soil my sh it for the rest of the game.... i mean if there was a cheerleader close or a Chiefs fan, then they would be the lucky ones with the load....

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Seriously? Gently toss the ball to the ref. First time in the NFL ... outta respect ... give the ball to the ref. If you an offensive lineman or something .... you might wanna .... yeah know ... get that specific ball ... and I'm pretty sure they'd take care of that for you ... if you asked real nice.


Now ... if I'm like a WR or a RB ... I am not thinking this might be my ONLY TD in the NFL .... and then maybe I spike it ... but I gotta have the ball. I think everyone knows ... kids first career TD .... gotta give him that ball. Right?


Honest answer ... I'd be very stoic about it. I'd give it to the ref and say "My first NFL TD .... uh ... can you put this ball aside somewhere? How does this work exactly ... I don't need a trunk like Emmit Smith for every single TD .... ever .... but this is my first one. So ... I really want tis ball.


And if the ref didn't do what I said ... I'd take a shiat on the field.


Be the most famous football in the history of EVER if you shat on the field because the ref took it away.

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I go to the middle of the endzone, put the ball behind my back and squat...I make many faces that convey grimacing and struggling...I let out a primal scream and drop the ball from behind my back between my legs...I give birth to the football. I walk away from the game and sustain a living taking this act on the road to football card conventions, corporate gatherings, bar mitzvahs and local bowling alleys...

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I would set the ball up against the pylon get out a golf club take my approach to drive it, drop my golf club run to every cheerleader and give them my phone number and a note telling them not to tell my wife

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I would set the ball up against the pylon get out a golf club take my approach to drive it, drop my golf club run to every cheerleader and give them my phone number and a note telling them not to tell my wife


Was a decent fantasy and then you said "wife".

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I go to the middle of the endzone, put the ball behind my back and squat...I make many faces that convey grimacing and struggling...I let out a primal scream and drop the ball from behind my back between my legs...I give birth to the football. I walk away from the game and sustain a living taking this act on the road to football card conventions, corporate gatherings, bar mitzvahs and local bowling alleys...


This senario was f' ing hilarious!

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I celebrate by going home and focking the sh!t out of Jessica Alba.




Figured while we're daydreaming (about scoring a TD in NFL) might as well go all out! :headbanger:

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I'd hand the ball to the ref, while acting like "I'd been there before." :shocking:



Even though I never scored a touchdown in any organized football league.

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id keep going to hand the ball to the ref and then pull it away at the last second.

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If I was playing and scoring I would simply spike the ball standard every time.


However assuming it's only 1 TD celebration I would also hop in the stands but I'd grab a full beer and chug with the fans around me. I'd grab a beer, "say everybody chug" and get a huge drink up going!

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I go to the middle of the endzone, put the ball behind my back and squat...I make many faces that convey grimacing and struggling...I let out a primal scream and drop the ball from behind my back between my legs...I give birth to the football. I walk away from the game and sustain a living taking this act on the road to football card conventions, corporate gatherings, bar mitzvahs and local bowling alleys...

The general theme of this option has been the 'winning' choice every time this topic has been brought up over these past 10 years.

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I would produce a prayer rug from beneath my jersey, unroll it right there in the endzone, face Mecca, and then kneel in thankful prayer to Allah for His bounty. The prayer could last up to two minutes, and woe unto any infidel who tries to interrupt it.

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I would give the ball to some cute kid in the front row of the stands. And then I would go over to one of the refs and lay him on the ground and tell him secrets in his ear (I'm a girl).

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Hand the ball to the ref or just place it on the ground...


Same here. :doublethumbsup:


Everytime I see a guy dance, I wish he would tear his ACL.

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If it's my 1st, I might spike it if it had been a tough TD to get or took a long time to get. Other than that, just take it back to the equipment guy so I could put it in the trophy case.

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I would produce a prayer rug from beneath my jersey, unroll it right there in the endzone, face Mecca, and then kneel in thankful prayer to Allah for His bounty. The prayer could last up to two minutes, and woe unto any infidel who tries to interrupt it.






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pull out a zippo and give the fans a blue dart show.


if it were at the patriots expense, I'd find moss and torch one on his silly beard, eventually melting off all of his ashy skin.

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I'd fistpump and then jog over to the sideline. No way in hell I'd give the ball to the refs.

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At HOME, mom gets it in the front row ... and if my mom wasn't able to see my 1st TD in a game then the MILF in the front gets it.



If I was on the ROAD I would pull out the lighter fluid container from my right sock and douse the ball in it.

Then I would pull a bic lighter from my left sock and light it on fire ... then boot the focker into the opposing stands.



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Funny story, to me at least.


In my first year of playing organized football ever (as a freshman in high school...) I was a stupid kid who didn't know that you weren't allowed to do touchdown celebrations except in the pros. So when I scored the go ahead TD late in the game and scored my first TD of my football life... I spiked that M-F-er as hard as I could and it bounced about 30 feet in the air. Then nearly my entire team comprised of more dumbarsed kids like myself proceeded to run on to the field and dog pile on me. And then we started brawling with the other team. Good times.


I still like the spike. Simple, classic... showing enthusiasm and enjoying the moment. Followed by one of these guys :doublethumbsup:

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Funny story, to me at least.


In my first year of playing organized football ever (as a freshman in high school...) I was a stupid kid who didn't know that you weren't allowed to do touchdown celebrations except in the pros. So when I scored the go ahead TD late in the game and scored my first TD of my football life... I spiked that M-F-er as hard as I could and it bounced about 30 feet in the air. Then nearly my entire team comprised of more dumbarsed kids like myself proceeded to run on to the field and dog pile on me. And then we started brawling with the other team. Good times.


I still like the spike. Simple, classic... showing enthusiasm and enjoying the moment. Followed by one of these guys :doublethumbsup:


When I was a sophmore and scored I spiked the ball but it didn't go 30ft in the air .... it bounced straight back up and tagged me right in the facemask. Everyone laughed and I was slightly embarrassed ... but I still scored twice that night (once in the game ... and after the dance). :(

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