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LOL, my trade of Foster for Brady for denied.....

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So I play in this crazy league where we can start 4rb/2wr and vice versa(6 skills player total).

I spent my first 4 picks like this Gore, Mendehall, Matthews, Foster.

My QB is Kolb.

So after the first game, I thought to myself theres no way I can win with Kolb.

Having the luxury of 4 good backs, I figure Foster was the best trade bait after the first game so I shopped around.


So theres this girl in our league that has Brady. She didn't like Brady.

We all know so because she sat Brady and played Henne the first week.(OK, so shes a nooB)

Her RBs are Moreno, Tomlinson and Faulk. What a joke right ??

So I offered her Foster for Brady. Looks fair to me.

She countered with Foster and Kolb for Brady and Faulk.

I said SURE.


So it got approved.

Then now the commish just texted me that he reversed it.

He told me the reason is that she dropped Kolb.

First, when we traded, we still didn't know who was going to start for the EAGLES.

Since Vick is starting now, I guess she dropped KOLB to get someone else cause maybe she don't want to start Henne this week.(just guessing I can't read her mind)

(we can only have 2 QB max on the roster)

Beside, all this should be moot.

FOSTER for BRADY is a fair trade.

It helps out both teams.

We always said trade should be denied only if there is collusion involves.


The funny thing is I haven't paid for the league yet so I just told the commish to find someone to take my team.

I will send him this link to read all your opninions.

Let me know what you guys think.....

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So I play in this crazy league where we can start 4rb/2wr and vice versa(6 skills player total).

I spent my first 4 picks like this Gore, Mendehall, Matthews, Foster.

My QB is Kolb.

So after the first game, I thought to myself theres no way I can win with Kolb.

Having the luxury of 4 good backs, I figure Foster was the best trade bait after the first game so I shopped around.


So theres this girl in our league that has Brady. She didn't like Brady.

We all know so because she sat Brady and played Henne the first week.(OK, so shes a nooB)

Her RBs are Moreno, Tomlinson and Faulk. What a joke right ??

So I offered her Foster for Brady. Looks fair to me.

She countered with Foster and Kolb for Brady and Faulk.

I said SURE.


So it got approved.

Then now the commish just texted me that he reversed it.

He told me the reason is that she dropped Kolb.

First, when we traded, we still didn't know who was going to start for the EAGLES.

Since Vick is starting now, I guess she dropped KOLB to get someone else cause maybe she don't want to start Henne this week.(just guessing I can't read her mind)

(we can only have 2 QB max on the roster)

Beside, all this should be moot.

FOSTER for BRADY is a fair trade.

It helps out both teams.

We always said trade should be denied only if there is collusion involves.


The funny thing is I haven't paid for the league yet so I just told the commish to find someone to take my team.

I will send him this link to read all your opninions.

Let me know what you guys think.....

The commissioner is an ARSEHOLE

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I wouldn't pay a dime. That's not necessarily as fair of a trade as you think it is, but it's not one-sided enough to be overturned by the commish.

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Blatant misuse of power.

On top of that, Brady is injury prone.......since some people go there with Turner and other players. A trade is made because both owners feel it will help there team. Brady obviously helps you and Foster obviously helps her.

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I wouldn't pay a dime. That's not necessarily as fair of a trade as you think it is, but it's not one-sided enough to be overturned by the commish.


Explain why ??

We all have different opinion of Foster but the fact remains he plays in a high power offense and he is the lone RB.

Does not share carries. Gets goal line carries.

Now 3-4 weeks from now after a few fumbles he might be in the doghouse but we can't see the future.

She has 1 starting RB and 1 half starter in Tomlinson.

It clearly help out both teams.

And like I said, she sat Brady to play Henne. Clearly she doesn't want Brady.

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Combining you, this girl and the commish, I can say without hesitation this sounds like the worst league on earth. :mellow:

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Combining you, this girl and the commish, I can say without hesitation this sounds like the worst league on earth. :mellow:


LOL, why include me ??

Look at my join date.

I know how to play FF, look at my 4 RBs.

This is my work FF league.

Not alot of these guys have been playing FF for long.

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The funny thing is I haven't paid for the league yet so I just told the commish to find someone to take my team.

HTH :wave:

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Explain why ??

We all have different opinion of Foster but the fact remains he plays in a high power offense and he is the lone RB.

Does not share carries. Gets goal line carries.

Now 3-4 weeks from now after a few fumbles he might be in the doghouse but we can't see the future.

She has 1 starting RB and 1 half starter in Tomlinson.

It clearly help out both teams.

And like I said, she sat Brady to play Henne. Clearly she doesn't want Brady.



What she thinks of Brady doesn't matter. Brady's a proven elite QB and Foster is still a bit of an unknown quantity. Sure, Foster has the potential to be the top Fantasy RB this year. But right now I'd say you are the clear winner of this deal.


That being said, many trades have clear winners and losers. Which makes perfect sense considering that the weak team always has to give more than it gets to improve itself. This is why I cannot understand why the commish would even consider vetoing the deal. She may have lost the trade, but she improved a terrible RB corps. There are better QB on the waiver wire than there are RB. You should abandon the league if the trade is not allowed to stand.

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What she thinks of Brady doesn't matter. Brady's a proven elite QB and Foster is still a bit of an unknown quantity. Sure, Foster has the potential to be the top Fantasy RB this year. But right now I'd say you are the clear winner of this deal.


That being said, many trades have clear winners and losers. Which makes perfect sense considering that the weak team always has to give more than it gets to improve itself. This is why I cannot understand why the commish would even consider vetoing the deal. She may have lost the trade, but she improved a terrible RB corps. There are better QB on the waiver wire than there are RB. You should abandon the league if the trade is not allowed to stand.


Well, I agree that I getting a deal or else I would give up what maybe a top 5 RB this year.

At the same token, you just answer why this deal is good for her.

There are many starting QB can can give her quality starts. Not so for RB.

You know I actually want to keep Foster.

I can start all 4 RBs every game and I can pickup a quality QB in the waiver wire.

My point is that I can't be a league where I don't know if trades will go through or not.

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ummm, he texted you that the reason is because she dropped Kolb. You cant trade someone that is on the waivers.


Just make another trade of Foster for Brady. Except this time dont include players that have been dropped. HELLO??!?! Not his fault the girl is an idiot and dropped someone she wanted to trade.


If you make another trade of Foster & scrub for Brady & scrub and it gets rejected the league & commish are terrible. I would tell him to find another owner and at a minimum leave the league after this season. But if in fact the trade was only rejected because she was trading players on the waiver its not really his fault

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ummm, he texted you that the reason is because she dropped Kolb. You cant trade someone that is on the waivers.


Just make another trade of Foster for Brady. Except this time dont include players that have been dropped. HELLO??!?! Not his fault the girl is an idiot and dropped someone she wanted to trade.


If you make another trade of Foster & scrub for Brady & scrub and it gets rejected the league & commish are terrible. I would tell him to find another owner and at a minimum leave the league after this season. But if in fact the trade was only rejected because she was trading players on the waiver its not really his fault

So what kind of league allows you to drop a player (Kolb) in a pending trade? She agreed to the trade, commish is an absolute ass to do anything except force the trade through.

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ummm, he texted you that the reason is because she dropped Kolb. You cant trade someone that is on the waivers.


Just make another trade of Foster for Brady. Except this time dont include players that have been dropped. HELLO??!?! Not his fault the girl is an idiot and dropped someone she wanted to trade.


If you make another trade of Foster & scrub for Brady & scrub and it gets rejected the league & commish are terrible. I would tell him to find another owner and at a minimum leave the league after this season. But if in fact the trade was only rejected because she was trading players on the waiver its not really his fault



She was receiving Kolb, and decided to drop him after the trade went through. This did not affect the actual trade in question at ALL.

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She was receiving Kolb, and decided to drop him after the trade went through. This did not affect the actual trade in question at ALL.




League is a JOKE. I dropped players received in trades plenty of times. AFTER the trade goes through who gives a ###### what roster moves people make with their teams?


So how long is someone required to keep a player on their roster after trading for them? LOL

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So I play in this crazy league where we can start 4rb/2wr and vice versa(6 skills player total).

I spent my first 4 picks like this Gore, Mendehall, Matthews, Foster.

My QB is Kolb.

So after the first game, I thought to myself theres no way I can win with Kolb.

Having the luxury of 4 good backs, I figure Foster was the best trade bait after the first game so I shopped around.


So theres this girl in our league that has Brady. She didn't like Brady.

We all know so because she sat Brady and played Henne the first week.(OK, so shes a nooB)

Her RBs are Moreno, Tomlinson and Faulk. What a joke right ??

So I offered her Foster for Brady. Looks fair to me.

She countered with Foster and Kolb for Brady and Faulk.

I said SURE.


So it got approved.

Then now the commish just texted me that he reversed it.

He told me the reason is that she dropped Kolb.

First, when we traded, we still didn't know who was going to start for the EAGLES.

Since Vick is starting now, I guess she dropped KOLB to get someone else cause maybe she don't want to start Henne this week.(just guessing I can't read her mind)

(we can only have 2 QB max on the roster)

Beside, all this should be moot.

FOSTER for BRADY is a fair trade.

It helps out both teams.

We always said trade should be denied only if there is collusion involves.


The funny thing is I haven't paid for the league yet so I just told the commish to find someone to take my team.

I will send him this link to read all your opninions.

Let me know what you guys think.....

Your league got Rick Rolled.

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Foster is fair for Brady? Really?

Foster had ONE good game in his short lived career, Brady has done it for years and will be a stallion this year.

Get Real Chumly


LOL, you must be a nooB.

You must have missed the 2 games last season where he had over 200yds and 3tds.

I guess thats also why when Tate went down, Foster were pick mostly in round 3-4.

I guess everyone that picked him high must be chumly too.

The funny thing is that what if I had traded Foster for Schaub(its my 2nd choice), he told me its OK.

Well geezz, Schaub had 4700yds and 29tds VS Brady 4300yds and 28tds last year.


Anyway, everyone has their opinion if its a fair trade or not...

Do you think this trade should have been vetoed ??

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I'm been playing FF for over 10+ yrs and most of these guys are new.

I can't explain FF logic or common sense to these guys.

They think they know it all.

I need to show them this thread to show what a joke this is.

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The point is the commish reversed a trade that already went through that both owners agreed to and was not a case of collusion. That's some BS.

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Let me put this in perspective.

After 1 game and we all re-draft, where would Foster go ??

If Foster were picked in mostly 3th-4th round if the draft were held after preseason, you would assume he would at least go in the 2nd round.

Seeing how he looked in the offense, I surely would pick him the 2nd round.

Foster for Brady sounds about right to me.

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1) only collusion is a reason to veto a trade

2) only collusion is a reason to veto a trade

3) golfreak is annoying



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My money says Brady will outscore Foster by a large margin this year.

It won't be close.


Boy, you sure missed the value of a QB vs RB.

Do we need to go through this ??

Why do you think RB are the most drafted position in the first round year after year ??

In most league, you only start 1 QB where you need to start 2 RB every week.


Let me just ask you a simple question...

Should the trade be reversed like it was ??

Have you played in any league where a trade went through and then got reversed 2 ays later ??

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1) only collusion is a reason to veto a trade

2) only collusion is a reason to veto a trade

3) golfreak is annoying




I always explain this FF logic to nooBs and they don't seem to understand.

I see the dumbest of trades all the time and I only object if I see bad teams dumping players to help out good teams.

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I always explain this FF logic to nooBs and they don't seem to understand.

I see the dumbest of trades all the time and I only object if I see bad teams dumping players to help out good teams.


that's the the thing man. you can sit here and argue your case until you're blue in the face. none of it matters. there's leagues where people play like adults and leagues where people act like tools. you're in a league with tools. just play the season out and move on with your life. you're coming off like a complete doosh right now.

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Bad commish.


If we held the draft today, Foster is the 5th pick at worst. Brady is still a 2nd rounder. If anything, it's unfair in the other direction.

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that's the the thing man. you can sit here and argue your case until you're blue in the face. none of it matters. there's leagues where people play like adults and leagues where people act like tools. you're in a league with tools. just play the season out and move on with your life. you're coming off like a complete doosh right now.


Well, this is a league at work so I played cause I kinda had to play.

Frustrating trying to get my point accross but noone will listen.

I posted this thread so I can get opinions from people thats been playing for a while.

I will be linking this thread for those guys to see.

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Well, this is a league at work so I played cause I kinda had to play.

Frustrating trying to get my point accross but noone will listen.

I posted this thread so I can get opinions from people thats been playing for a while.

I will be linking this thread for those guys to see.


Yah, I read that part in the first post.


These are people you work with man... I dunno, maybe you work at a different type of business than I do. I tend to try and not be the whiny jerk at work. I've found it's easier to just get along with your coworkers and not throw a fit over fantasy football. You got your own thing going on though.

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Boy, you sure missed the value of a QB vs RB.

Do we need to go through this ??

Why do you think RB are the most drafted position in the first round year after year ??

In most league, you only start 1 QB where you need to start 2 RB every week.


Let me just ask you a simple question...

Should the trade be reversed like it was ??

Have you played in any league where a trade went through and then got reversed 2 ays later ??

I know all about the "Value" of RBS vs QBs, hugely dependent on the scoring, aamof I almost always go RB-RB-WR (depending on the runs of course).

At 6pts ea the better QBS are gold, obviously 4 pts with only 1 qb they are less so.

I've seen no talent chumps win the league with Moss and Brady, and I've seen guys with mediocre qbs win with great Rbs.

I have DW sitting on the bench in 2 leagues while I run dumbass Cutler out there chuckin' it like he was the Lone Ranger.


Trade never should have been reversed, that wasn't my point though, and no I have never seen that happen 2 days later, that's some serious BS...then again it's pretty clear she's a clueless retard.


Good Luck


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Bad commish.


If we held the draft today, Foster is the 5th pick at worst. Brady is still a 2nd rounder. If anything, it's unfair in the other direction.

:pointstosky: :lol: Really



Also it should not matter who is going to outscore who in a trade :nono: If you trade good RB or WR(in this case Foster) for a QB that QB is always going to score alot more then the RB or WR. But who gives a flying fock you trade to try and help your team and if you have good depth or 2 QBs trade one to get better at one position. :shocking:


Bottom line is the commish is an idiot so tell him to go to hell and dont play in league next year. You said you have not paid for your team yet well by the sounds of it your league can not be very expensive so finish the year and pay your fee and be gone :rolleyes:

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So I play in this crazy league where we can start 4rb/2wr and vice versa(6 skills player total).

I spent my first 4 picks like this Gore, Mendehall, Matthews, Foster.

My QB is Kolb.

So after the first game, I thought to myself theres no way I can win with Kolb.

Having the luxury of 4 good backs, I figure Foster was the best trade bait after the first game so I shopped around.


So theres this girl in our league that has Brady. She didn't like Brady.

We all know so because she sat Brady and played Henne the first week.(OK, so shes a nooB)

Her RBs are Moreno, Tomlinson and Faulk. What a joke right ??

So I offered her Foster for Brady. Looks fair to me.

She countered with Foster and Kolb for Brady and Faulk.

I said SURE.


So it got approved.

Then now the commish just texted me that he reversed it.

He told me the reason is that she dropped Kolb.

First, when we traded, we still didn't know who was going to start for the EAGLES.

Since Vick is starting now, I guess she dropped KOLB to get someone else cause maybe she don't want to start Henne this week.(just guessing I can't read her mind)

(we can only have 2 QB max on the roster)

Beside, all this should be moot.

FOSTER for BRADY is a fair trade.

It helps out both teams.

We always said trade should be denied only if there is collusion involves.


The funny thing is I haven't paid for the league yet so I just told the commish to find someone to take my team.

I will send him this link to read all your opninions.

Let me know what you guys think.....


I always wonder if we get the whole story in posts like this. Are there rules governing these situations? Is it a dynasty or keeper league?


Maybe the commissioner is in error, but it's hard to say when we get one side. In our dynasty league, we have rules that were put in place because of verifiable collusion in the past.


Last, why on earth do you think it's to your credit that you haven't paid yet? If you didn't pay, and the commissioner is as bad you're painting him, then you have put yourself in good company with each other.

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Every trade has winners and losers. We sometimes make a trade KNOWING we are losing the trade, but it is still making our team better. You trade for your team and not for the league. I think the trade should have gone through and your commish is a douche.


BTW...was the chic hotttt?

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I always wonder if we get the whole story in posts like this. Are there rules governing these situations? Is it a dynasty or keeper league?


Maybe the commissioner is in error, but it's hard to say when we get one side. In our dynasty league, we have rules that were put in place because of verifiable collusion in the past.


Last, why on earth do you think it's to your credit that you haven't paid yet? If you didn't pay, and the commissioner is as bad you're painting him, then you have put yourself in good company with each other.


Yup. People that dont pay league fees up front should get fined atleast $10 a week until they pay. Both the poster and his commish are dead beats :thumbsdown:

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I doubt anyone from your work will care what anyone here has to say. You didn't pay, and you whine about them. Yikes! If you showed up at our draft without money, you would be shown the door.

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