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obama is toast

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did you miss the 4 other threads about this that recliner penis started on Friday? :wacko:

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did you miss the 4 other threads about this that recliner penis started on Friday? :wacko:



Obama toast, discuss.

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Obama toast, discuss.








:lol: I don't usually do name calling but you really are a moron.

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:lol: I don't usually do name calling but you really are a moron.

Im not going to vote for him, only a moron would.


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I'd put his chances at 60/40. If I had to make a definitive prediction I'd say it's 2004 all over again - unpopular incumbent vs. uninspiring challenger, a very close election that comes down to a handful of states. I have a feeling Obummer is going to eviscerate Romney in debates, especially when it comes to Romney's past statements about supporting a mandate and instituting essentially the same HC plan in Mass. A better candidate would have a strong shot at winning. I think Romney's just sort of a milquetoast also ran. His religion isn't going to help him much with the evangelicals.


There's your discussion. :dunno:

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I'd put his chances at 60/40. If I had to make a definitive prediction I'd say it's 2004 all over again - unpopular incumbent vs. uninspiring challenger, a very close election that comes down to a handful of states. I have a feeling Obummer is going to eviscerate Romney in debates, especially when it comes to Romney's past statements about supporting a mandate and instituting essentially the same HC plan in Mass. A better candidate would have a strong shot at winning. I think Romney's just sort of a milquetoast also ran. His religion isn't going to help him much with the evangelicals.


There's your discussion. :dunno:



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I have a feeling Obummer is going to eviscerate Romney in debates, especially when it comes to Romney's past statements about supporting a mandate and instituting essentially the same HC plan in Mass.


Romney's response: State's Rights.


Next question?

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Im not going to vote for him, only a moron would.

Unfortunatley, there's a whole lotta focking morons in this country. :(

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Unfortunatley, there's a whole lotta focking morons in this country. :(

GW Bush won TWO elections. So I can't argue with you here.

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Romney's response: State's Rights.


Next question?


Romney supported a NATIONAL individual mandate when he was running in the '08 primary. He likes to say he only meant for it to apply in Massachusetts now, but that's just not true. And Obama can kill him on that in the debates.

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Romney supported a NATIONAL individual mandate when he was running in the '08 primary. He likes to say he only meant for it to apply in Massachusetts now, but that's just not true. And Obama can kill him on that in the debates.

Obama supported lots of stuff when he ran in '08 that he has changed his mind on.



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Obama supported lots of stuff when he ran in '08 that he has changed his mind on.




And you bring it up constantly. Point is: it's fair game to point out that Romney was for the individual mandate just four years ago. It's pretty hard to explain that one away.

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And you bring it up constantly. Point is: it's fair game to point out that Romney was for the individual mandate just four years ago. It's pretty hard to explain that one away.

Hard to explain away?


Romney: I've looked at the turd that is ObamaTaxCare and and even though it remotely resembles something I supported at one time, that debacle has to go, and on Day 1 of my Presidency I will grant waivers to all 50 states so that they can opt out of ObamaTaxCare.


Next question?

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Bush still had his supporters, I feel that people are jumping off the Obama ship.


If still put him as a favorite just because of the mediocrity of Romney

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Just curious drobeski, et al: how much do you expect YOUR taxes to increase as a result of the Affordable Care Act?

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Just curious drobeski, et al: how much do you expect YOUR taxes to increase as a result of the Affordable Care Act?

How the fukk would he know that? So much of this turd of a bill put the power of making the rules into the hands of Kathleen Sebilius that there is no fukking way for anyone to know how much it will cost them


It's already gone from a $1 Trillion plan to a $2 Trillion tax and spend plan......and it's just getting started.

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Romney's response: State's Rights.


Next question?


I think that's a pretty obvious dodge that's not going to convince voters. :dunno:

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How the fukk would he know that? So much of this turd of a bill put the power of making the rules into the hands of Kathleen Sebilius that there is no fukking way for anyone to know how much it will cost them


It's already gone from a $1 Trillion plan to a $2 Trillion tax and spend plan......and it's just getting started.


Let's go with what we know: will you have your taxes "increased" by being forced to buy health insurance? Or do you already have it? Or are you too poor to afford it?

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I think that's a pretty obvious dodge that's not going to convince voters. :dunno:

Nothing would convince you cuz you are too busy sukking Obama's cack.


Your opinion is predictable, and so is your vote.

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Nothing would convince you cuz you are too busy sukking Obama's cack.


Your opinion is predictable, and so is your vote.


You say that as if you aren't bar none the single most partisan, predictable and trite person this forearm has ever seen. :dunno:


No need to lash out at me over my prediction pops. I won't be voting for Obummer because he's exactly like your messiah the Great Decider. :cheers:


Unfortunately I think we're in for another four years of George Hussein Bushbummer. :(

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I didn't see anything in there saying Recliner Pilot's taxes were going to be increased.


Let me ask you again: are you going to have to purchase health insurance because of this law? The right-wing's talking point that the ACA is "the largest ever tax increase on the middle class" is predicated on the notion that most people who will be forced to purchase health care are middle class.


So will you personally be forced to purchase health care?

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And you bring it up constantly. Point is: it's fair game to point out that Romney was for the individual mandate just four years ago. It's pretty hard to explain that one away.

He could go the unconventional route and just be honest. "After seeing how the majority of the American public feels about the individual mandate, I feel it would be better to go back to the drawing board and come up with something that works but doesn't put an unnecessary financial burden on the people who can ill afford it in these trying economic times." Or some such sh!t.

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I didn't see anything in there saying Recliner Pilot's taxes were going to be increased.


Let me ask you again: are you going to have to purchase health insurance because of this law? The right-wing's talking point that the ACA is "the largest ever tax increase on the middle class" is predicated on the notion that most people who will be forced to purchase health care are middle class.


So will you personally be forced to purchase health care?

You know nothing of my personal situation. If I pull a Newbie and go to a tanning salon one time my taxes went up......and unless you think the only people who do so make over $250K your Hero was a fukking liar when this was passed.


I'm guessing the only folks who have not been able to afford insurance are the poor. Now they have to go out and buy it. One helluva Obama Tax right there. :thumbsdown:

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You know nothing of my personal situation. If I pull a Newbie and go to a tanning salon one time my taxes went up......and unless you think the only people who do so make over $250K your Hero was a fukking liar when this was passed.


I'm guessing the only folks who have not been able to afford insurance are the poor. Now they have to go out and buy it. One helluva Obama Tax right there. :thumbsdown:


1) I agree I know nothing of your personal situation. That's why I asked you if you will be forced to purchase health care. You could answer the question and then I would know a little bit more about where you're coming from.


2) Your guess is wrong. There are some poor people who weren't previously poor enough to qualify for Medicaid who will now be qualified IF the state's adopt the new Medicaid eligibility rules (this is the part of the ACA that the Court found unconstitutional--forcing the states to adopt the new Medicaid rules). Under the new rules, a person who makes less than 133% of poverty level qualifies for basically free healthcare.


People who make more than 133% of poverty level but are still not doing very well (say, lower-middle class) will receive tax credits to help them purchase health insurance. This will drastically reduce the cost to them.


Most people who actually will HAVE to buy health insurance as a result of the ACA are people who can afford it but choose not to be covered. Those people are a burden on the system, because when they get sick or injured they can't afford to pay for their care. But they still get care. Guess who pays for it? That's right, people who are already insured. So these freeloaders are already costing you money (assuming you have health insurance, which you won't verify). What the ACA really does is prevent people who can afford health insurance but choose not to protect themselves from becoming a drain on the system when they get injured or sick, as they inevitably will.

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He could go the unconventional route and just be honest. "After seeing how the majority of the American public feels about the individual mandate, I feel it would be better to go back to the drawing board and come up with something that works but doesn't put an unnecessary financial burden on the people who can ill afford it in these trying economic times." Or some such sh!t.


He could go that route, but I doubt he will. If he did, that might work out better for him. I suppose the comeback is "so you have no real principles, you're only for or against something based on the polling"? Still, I think that's easier for him to deal with then trying to pretend like he only wanted an individual mandate on the state level when he quite plainly said otherwise in '08.

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1) I agree I know nothing of your personal situation. That's why I asked you if you will be forced to purchase health care. You could answer the question and then I would know a little bit more about where you're coming from.


2) Your guess is wrong. There are some poor people who weren't previously poor enough to qualify for Medicaid who will now be qualified IF the state's adopt the new Medicaid eligibility rules (this is the part of the ACA that the Court found unconstitutional--forcing the states to adopt the new Medicaid rules). Under the new rules, a person who makes less than 133% of poverty level qualifies for basically free healthcare.


People who make more than 133% of poverty level but are still not doing very well (say, lower-middle class) will receive tax credits to help them purchase health insurance. This will drastically reduce the cost to them.


Most people who actually will HAVE to buy health insurance as a result of the ACA are people who can afford it but choose not to be covered. Those people are a burden on the system, because when they get sick or injured they can't afford to pay for their care. But they still get care. Guess who pays for it? That's right, people who are already insured. So these freeloaders are already costing you money (assuming you have health insurance, which you won't verify). What the ACA really does is prevent people who can afford health insurance but choose not to protect themselves from becoming a drain on the system when they get injured or sick, as they inevitably will.


I'll address the parts I have emphasized:


1. No state will adopt the ObamaTaxCare mandates on Medicare because it puts the additional cost on them. The fact the SC threw this out means a HUGE chunk of money Obama was counting on to pay for this turd won't be there. That part of the ruling means ObamaTaxCare will even further add to the deficit and debt, despite Obama's promise it would be "revenue neutral".




2. Do your really think forcing the poor to buy insurance and throwing them the bone of 'a tax credit' for that tax increase keeps his promise to not raise taxes on anyone making under $250K? Even you can't be that dumb. Mebbe you are. :dunno:


3. So now you are "anti-choice". Why should some 20 year old who is healthy and has no reason to buy insurance be forced to? Why should all the folks who can afford to pay out of pocket be forced to buy insurance? I'll await your answer. Please don't come back with the debunked "Bill Gates" argument, I personally know several people who make enough to pay out of pocket.

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I do like that the news is calling it the ACA as opposed to Obamacare, everyone trying to get distance themselves from this thing, including Obama

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Leave it to the GOP to select the one candidate in the entire party that doesn't have a leg to stand on in going after Obama about the health care bill. :doh:


This will go down as the biggest blunder in US political history.

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I do like that the news is calling it the ACA as opposed to Obamacare, everyone trying to get distance themselves from this thing, including Obama

One would think Obama would now run his entire campaign around this huge win in the Supreme Court.


I guess the SC ruling it is just a $2 TRILLION Tax and Spend program makes it hard for him to do so.


It's sad Obama can't run on the one legislative victory he has. :(

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He could go that route, but I doubt he will. If he did, that might work out better for him. I suppose the comeback is "so you have no real principles, you're only for or against something based on the polling"? Still, I think that's easier for him to deal with then trying to pretend like he only wanted an individual mandate on the state level when he quite plainly said otherwise in '08.

"As elected officials, we govern with the consent of the people. When our personal views run contrary to the collective view of those we were elected to serve, we must set aside ideology and carry out the will of the people...."

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Are you basing this on today, four months from today or both?

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One would think Obama would now run his entire campaign around this huge win in the Supreme Court.


I guess the SC ruling it is just a $2 TRILLION Tax and Spend program makes it hard for him to do so.


It's sad Obama can't run on the one legislative victory he has. :(


So Mr. Unpredictable, please tell me: Who will I vote for in the fall? :dunno:


Everyone on this forearm knows who you support.

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So Mr. Unpredictable, please tell me: Who will I vote for in the fall? :dunno:



Nobody knows, nor cares, who you claim you will vote for.


One thing we all know is you will sukk Obama's cack until then. :pointstosky:

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