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Reggie Bush?

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Well he came back and right now, he is outscoring AP in a head to head battle in one of my matches.

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What is going on with him? Twice I've seen him credited with a touchdown only to have it taken away. Still a great day for him, but ugh I could have used either one of those.

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What is going on with him? Twice I've seen him credited with a touchdown only to have it taken away. Still a great day for him, but ugh I could have used either one of those.

The refs kept missing him being down before he got into the endzone.

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Really? No one gives a ###### if you have Bell in 2 leagues or whatever.

Well I can already tell you are going to be the bored piece of chit this year, too bad, I thought we were doing well so far.


The title of the thread was Reggie Bush? Not a whole lot to discern as to what the OP wanted this discussion to be about. Now I know I got a little personal with mentioning Bell in my leagues, and obviously no one really cares what I do or who I have in my leagues, but I thought mentioning my lack of concern for the Bush injury if Joique is my/anyone else's backup may give someone else who is a tad worried a little hope/advice in the situation.


Maybe someone reading realizes they can pick up Bell as he will be the true beneficiary if Bush goes down. Though, it may end up a RBBC by the end of the year. The truth is that none of us can tell what this backfield will look like in a few weeks, let alone next week.


Meanwhile me merely stating that I have Bell in both leagues as handcuffs and that I only do not want to see a full split shouldn't get your panties in a bunch.


Where have you been with the rate my team threads? I haven't seen you so brazen in those? Maybe you are too much of a puzzie to speak your mind too often on this bored?


Maybe you are drunk and just felt like spouting off in a very ignorant fashion?


Either way, please continue your useless addition to this thread. :thumbsup:

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