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Most Points in League but Worst Record, UGH !

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This has to be our worst luck season of history. I am 18 pts away from being the league leader but we have the worst record. We have three divisions in a 12 team league. It's no surprise that we've allowed the most points this year which translates to it's everyone's homecoming when they play us. It's been one of those WTF seasons. Just had to vent.

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Well in 2 of my 3 $$$ leagues.


I lead one league in points by 40 and am 7-6. I'm at the 8th spot in a 6 playoff team league (14 teams total) Need a win and some teams losing this week. Sucks.


My 2nd league, I'm 2nd in points, 7-6 again, and am 5th seed in a 4 playoff team league. Need a win and one loss from two teams.


Things like this that make you hate FF and realize it's 90% luck. You can draft well, make great pickups and lineup decisions, but the luck of the schedule is what EFFs you.



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some insist there is no luck in fantasy football or whom you play each week, obviously somehow they have escaped playing the only other team that could beat them week in and week out.


I feel for ya bro

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Yeah that sux and it seems like it happens a lot. Weekly schedule is all luck and chance. Sometimes the reverse happens in one of my leagues I got extremely lucky with my weekly schedule my points against was very low. I didn't have that great of a team but I'm the #3 seed. I scored 30 more points then the team in dead last of a 12 team league.

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I was in a league years ago, that came up with a good solution. Every team plays the "league average points scored" for the week, for a second game. That way, if you TRULY had an "above average" week, but a lousy matchup, at worst you'd have a draw (go 1-1).

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I was in a league years ago, that came up with a good solution. Every team plays the "league average points scored" for the week, for a second game. That way, if you TRULY had an "above average" week, but a lousy matchup, at worst you'd have a draw (go 1-1).

That's certainly better than only playing one opponent, but I still like the element of chance that playing two opponents create - plus it involves more players, and makes more games interesting.

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Bills, I like it but I like complaining even more and talking smack about how lucky they are and how good we are, it points mind you, not so much in record :thumbsup: :doublethumbsup: :clap:

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This has to be our worst luck season of history. I am 18 pts away from being the league leader but we have the worst record. We have three divisions in a 12 team league. It's no surprise that we've allowed the most points this year which translates to it's everyone's homecoming when they play us. It's been one of those WTF seasons. Just had to vent.


Who is we?

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Iv said it before...altho it's less fun, the only way to have a season measure skill of any kind is with a total points standing. No head to head. This reflects how one drafted and also their success in starts/sits. Head to head has so many random elements to it since you can't interact with your opponent. You can only set your lineup and hope you out score him. I lost 198-154 this last week, vs the highest score in our leagues 10yr history. That's just how it goes sometimes. But total points standing is boring with no sense of competition for most so I wouldn't reccomend it.

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Iv said it before...altho it's less fun, the only way to have a season measure skill of any kind is with a total points standing. No head to head. This reflects how one drafted and also their success in starts/sits. Head to head has so many random elements to it since you can't interact with your opponent. You can only set your lineup and hope you out score him. I lost 198-154 this last week, vs the highest score in our leagues 10yr history. That's just how it goes sometimes. But total points standing is boring with no sense of competition for most so I wouldn't reccomend it.

Good point. This is why I added a few MFL best ball drafts. Not nearly as fun as H2H but I'm enjoying watching my teams with CJ Anderson kick ass. It's a nice consolation prize for my team that led the league in points (14 team) and didn't make playoffs. Every week it was the opponents best score it seemed and two weeks ago my team scored the fifth highest game of the year only to be matched up against the team that scored THE highest game of whole year. Sucks...

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Iv said it before...altho it's less fun, the only way to have a season measure skill of any kind is with a total points standing. No head to head. This reflects how one drafted and also their success in starts/sits. Head to head has so many random elements to it since you can't interact with your opponent. You can only set your lineup and hope you out score him. I lost 198-154 this last week, vs the highest score in our leagues 10yr history. That's just how it goes sometimes. But total points standing is boring with no sense of competition for most so I wouldn't reccomend it.


My main league with work has a split record and scoring to account for these variations and still keep it competitive week to week.

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If you played in a league run or created by me, you'd have made the playoffs.

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If you played in a league run or created by me, you'd have made the playoffs.


exactly. I always make sure to leave a spot for high points.

basically record is for division winners... the rest is done by points.


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Our league is old and usually pretty well matched. We needed tiebreaks to determine 4 of the 6 playoff spots, with almost everyone in the 7-7/8-6 range.


One team went 12-2. 7th of 12 in points. The beauty or curse of head-to-head.


BUT one of those 6 playoff spots goes to the team on the outside looking in that has scored the most points. Mitigates extreme bad luck like your scenario.

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I was in a league years ago, that came up with a good solution. Every team plays the "league average points scored" for the week, for a second game. That way, if you TRULY had an "above average" week, but a lousy matchup, at worst you'd have a draw (go 1-1).

I like that more than total points because it rewards consistent performance. :thumbsup:

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This has to be our worst luck season of history. I am 18 pts away from being the league leader but we have the worst record. We have three divisions in a 12 team league. It's no surprise that we've allowed the most points this year which translates to it's everyone's homecoming when they play us. It's been one of those WTF seasons. Just had to vent.






I feel your pain buddy!!! Finished in 8th w/ the 2nd most points.

Luck , Charles, Ellington , Bryant , Jeffreis ,Gordon , Beckham JR , Olsen


This will be my bitchfest team for the ages. Eggnog & Brandy here I come.

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