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Trump Isn't Very Inteligent

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They all say stoopid sh!t. Even when they win.

do you have any idea how dumb you sound? At least the rest of the board conservatives are bright enough to admit that Trump would be a horrible president. You're the very type he's trying to win over. And succeeding. The unintelligent hick who thinks it's cool that a guy says outrageous things.

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do you have any idea how dumb you sound? At least the rest of the board conservatives are bright enough to admit that Trump would be a horrible president. You're the very type he's trying to win over. And succeeding. The unintelligent hick who thinks it's cool that a guy says outrageous things.

Yet, a few are still defending him here.

Makes little sense.

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Yet, a few are still defending him here.

Makes little sense.

it seems to be an intelligence thing. Same with my facebook. I have a few 'friends' who are really support Trump. And it's all really dumb people.

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The fact Trump is still the double digit leader means the GOP has the most UN intelligent electorate EVER!

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do you have any idea how dumb you sound? At least the rest of the board conservatives are bright enough to admit that Trump would be a horrible president. You're the very type he's trying to win over. And succeeding. The unintelligent hick who thinks it's cool that a guy says outrageous things.

Not defending him. Comparing him. Big difference. I never once said he's "my" guy.

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Not defending him. Comparing him. Big difference. I never once said he's "my" guy.

You sure seem to be sucking him off lately. Really makes you seem bumb. Just trying to help.

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Positive Spin


Trump is taking all the limelight.....and sometimes that ain't bad. In political primaries the media and the other 'side' let the hound dogs out to find any and everything they can to discredit the contenders. They look for skeletons in the closet from the past, they look for soundbites from old speeches to twist, it can get ugly. And that's politics.


Trump seems to be taking on all the heat form the media and the left. He's the punching bag (rightfully so), but the good news is he is a distraction for the media and the left. He's the big boat out in front taking on all the big waves, so all the others have smoother waters to sail in his wake.

KSB, this is your best post, evah, on this bored.


Jeb has a castle-sized building his advisors and businesses operate, but nobody has a clue about it.


I doubt Trump looks at it the same way. Right know, he's likely getting blown by a couple hookers, telling them he'll bring them to his knighting by Queen Elizabeth after he gets elected.

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You sure seem to be sucking him off lately. Really makes you seem bumb. Just trying to help.

Funny how much you sound like him.

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You sure seem to be sucking him off lately. Really makes you seem bumb. Just trying to help.

Yea. Bunny is the bumbest poster here by far.

Go fock yourself, TrollyMcTroll. :rolleyes:

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I don't think that they do anymore. :dunno:

The coddling of these little shitstains is far to rampant in our society as of late.


Yea. Bunny is the bumbest poster here by far.

Go fock yourself, TrollyMcTroll. :rolleyes:

Maybe you're not th best person to go around correcting other people's posts. :doh:

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Maybe you're not th best person to go around correcting other people's posts. :doh:

You, neither, obviously :D

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Yea. Bunny is the bumbest poster here by far.

Go fock yourself, TrollyMcTroll. :rolleyes:

He's a bleeder. A loser. An Eagle.

Nobody likes a loser. "Cut me Mick"

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Funny how much you sound like him.

ding ding ding. We have a winner.

Trump sounds like a dude on a messageboard. Not a presidential candidate. You finally figured it out

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Maybe you're not th best person to go around correcting other people's posts. :doh:

Bwahahaha. A car mechanic pointing out typos. You can't make this stuff up.

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Bwahahaha. A car mechanic pointing out typos. You can't make this stuff up.

Because any dummy can fix a modern car with a hammer and a screwdriver, amirite? !@#

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KSB won this thread.

Pretty much. He's the new drobeski as of late, it seems.


Sweater vests are still ghey as hell, tho

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Watching his latest interview on CNN, I couldn't help but get the feeling But he's thinking, Holy s*** ! I'm actually winning in the polls? I think he started this on a lark, But now that he's a front runner? He's like what the f***?


Even he said most recently, As a question, Suddenly I'm I'm a candidate?


That was pretty telling.

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Watching his latest interview on CNN, I couldn't help but get the feeling But he's thinking, Holy s*** ! I'm actually winning in the polls? I think he started this on a lark, But now that he's a front runner? He's like what the f***?

Even he said most recently, As a question, Suddenly I'm I'm a candidate?

That was pretty telling.

I think we are watching a real life scenario like you see on tv or on family guy. Those episodes where a crowd full of sheep are swayed by comically manipulative blustering in some political setting wether it's the town hall or school presidency. He's winning purely on the back of dumb middle American white trash. He needs to ease up on the misogyny tho, can't make an enemy out of all the women. He will need them to make any kind of serious run.

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