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They kneeled for the National Anthem and stood for the Brit anthem.

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While what you say is largely true, since the popularity of smart phones and everyone having a video camera handy, we have seen many examples of scared cops with itchy trigger fingers that shoot unarmed, innocent black men.


Ok, then I'm going to ask you to provide examples, and then defend your claim of the word 'many'. Do it in the context of the number of encounters police have with "innocent black men", and contrast it with the number of encounters with all white men.


They don't even have to be 'innocent', Chrysler. Just to make it easier for you to tackle this task.


Or, you could do as so many of you do: make a claim, and then refuse to support it; run away while whining and insulting the challenger.


Oh hell. We know you're not about to back up your words. I'll make it super easy. Here's a report published by the Washington Times:




I know what your knee-jerk thinking will conjure next, Chrysler: "but there are more whites than blacks!"


Don't bother. Police kill proportionately more whites than blacks. Hell: they just killed another one. Some white leftist loon named Scout Schultz who self-identified as both a man and a woman.


Read the link.


And then understand how you're being played by a very insipid agenda, and very evil people behind the agenda.



I fully understand the statistics.


Actually, unless you cede the argument as provided by the above documentation, we can conclude that you do NOT understand the statistics.



And understand why profiling exists. I think in a lot of cases, it's less a matter of racism than it is poorly trained officers.


Then you'll easily be able to demonstrate the above claim you made is true. I anxiously await your evidence. I've already provided mine. I have much more, if you need it.



Or officers who probably shouldn't be officers.


There are hundreds of thousands of officers in this country. There is no doubt that some of them shouldn't be.


I can also think of no other profession where the same isn't true. Whups. That last sentence may be construed by some ignorant soul as a double negative!





I am smart enough to know that I wouldn't make a good cop.


Well, I agree. The last thing we need is a self-admitted racist attempting to be a cop.



I am an aggressive person by nature and could easily see myself reacting too fast or with too much force in a situation. The body cameras and dash cams that officers have nowadays should help things.


Probably. Or, they could simply provide more fodder for lawyers. The job of a police officer on patrol in high crime areas has gotten extremely difficult.



There's also a perceived notion (and rightfully so) that law enforcement and our judicial system are too tightly entwined and bad cops often go unpunished. Freddy Gray is a good example. The guy gets into a police van and mysteriously becomes paralyzed and dies. And none of the officers with him seem to have any idea why. And they all went unpunished. This is what infuriates the black community.


Seven officers were charged by an activist DA. That DA could get NO charges to stick. None. And I would hope that you could admit that Mosby really really really really really really wanted something to be found.


But she didn't: nothing that incriminated these officers, anyway. They were charged because the leftists who run Baltimore and everything in it were calling for "pig blood". And she complied, because she's a hack who agreed.


Did Freddie Gray's multiple crimes infuriate the black community? Did he - or they - take responsibility for anything?


Listen to you lobbying to punish people who cannot be proved guilty of something.


That's so...leftist of you.


You know what they really found, Chrysler? Have you even heard what they found?


Try it on for size. A bolt in the paddy wagon matches the injury on the back of Gray's neck that resulted in a fractured vertebrae, and corroborates a witness' statement that Gray was trying to injure himself in that wagon:






So I wonder: the one case you could muster to justify your position just fell apart. And you still think you can justify your case?


You are stuck on what the agenda-driven media wants you to see, and nothing else. And a cloth of deception has been woven around it, and you.



No one is pretending to have all the answers.


Oh? It certainly seems that you believe that one of the answers is justifiably accusing cops and promulgating a nearly untenable elevation of hatred towards them, don't you. You thought you had the answers when you offered Freddie Gray to justify yours and BLM's arguments, didn't you?



But those of us who can take a step back and not see everything as their side vs our side, should be able to at least understand why the black community is upset.


Except that your narrative just crumbled to dust. So the real and accurate characterization of the truth is the following: what ruined black culture is Government. Government welfare replaced the father figure in black homes. Did you know that only 8% of black families with both a mother AND a father live in poverty?


Did you know that before black culture was destroyed and these problems arose, 70% of black families had both a mother and a father at home?


And now, only 22% do? It's tragic, if only you'd open your eyes. Centuries of slavery were incapable of tearing apart black families. Decades of overt racism in this and other countries also failed to tear apart black families.


What tore apart black families was leftists finding the most clever way of all of enslaving blacks - and it was, for the first time, a way of enslaving not just their bodies, but their minds:


They addicted black families to entitlements. Government Welfare tore apart black families.


Make no mistake, however: Government did the same thing to white trash Applachian families. The exact same culturally dysfunctional circumstances exist in Appalachia. They, however, are not a minority, and they don't occupy the core of every large city, so they're ignored.


There's your real cause. Government, and the meddling Social Justice Warriors who have infected it. The rest is rabble rousing unaccountability by a politically activist agenda intent upon tearing down law and order. Freddie Gray infuriated black society because black society has already been rendered dysfunctional, and more than willing to blame everything else, even if the scapegoats are transparently NOT to blame.


Do you think anyone on your side actually cares that Freddie Gray's injuries have been determined to be self-inflicted? That he had a rap sheet a mile long because of his OWN choices? That a media's refusal to report all the facts that are harmful to the BLM side makes them equally guilty of what that sort of repeated abuse of power has manifest?


Do you think these NFL protests would have been sympathized with had the facts in every case you'd like to raise were as often disseminated in the media as the anger-inducing narratives that were first offered?



If these pro athletes were looting or setting cop cars on fire, then I'd say screw 'em. Kick them out of the league and put them in jail.


Those are crimes. I'd hope you think that. This, though, does damage in a much different way, and - if you could connect any dots at all - will set the stage for those things (and already have: witness Freddie Gray, which was total bullsht and resulted in Baltimore being ravaged by an uncivil and utterly ignorant mob).




They are kneeling for two minutes before a game. The fact that something like that bothers people enough to boycott watching football just screams of racism.


No, it doesn't. It screams of understanding the historical significance of symbolic acts, and while race has much to do with this understanding, racism does not.


But what an easy and convenient accusation to lob in order to silence dissent. Particularly from one who has already admitted to being racist.


Your refusal to acknowledge that - or even understand that - is your shortcoming; not anyone else's.


Racism is the cry of the ignorant, and the weapon handed to you by truly evil people. You've even admitted to falling victim to it in some measure yourself.


People with a very specific collectivist ideology have orchestrated this conflict, by sowing seeds of dysfunction starting with the New Deal. FDR was, in my view, a truly evil man. Look up his actions in cutting off the Sea of Japan, and giving Hirohito no choice but to attack Pearl Harbor in response. It was FDR's way of drawing the US into WWII: the American public which was war weary from WWI, and wanted no part of it. Of course Pearl Harbor awakened a rage in Americans to fight. But it was orchestrated. Clearly, Japan would not have wanted the US to assist in the effort against the Allied Forces, and - without the US - the Allies would have nearly certainly lost.


They almost lost anyway.


FDR did it to protect Communist Russia. He knew that Germany was going to destroy Russia. He knew that Germany needed a formidable new enemy to divide its front, or Communism was going to fall.


History is woven together in an interrelated tapestry. You simply have to follow the threads. When you have enough grasp of the track of each thread, you begin to be able to weave your own tapestry: that of the historical path of right and wrong.


And then you can understand why some of us react so viscerally to affronts to the US Flag.


That they were kneeling before the game is immaterial. That they were kneeling in defiance of that which is supposed to UNITE us is VERY material. If they had kneeled prior to the Anthem - and then explained their purpose - it would have been accepted and understood.


But that's not what happened.

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Ok, then I'm going to ask you to provide examples, and then defend your claim of the word 'many'. Do it in the context of the number of encounters police have with "innocent black men", and contrast it with the number of encounters with all white men.


They don't even have to be 'innocent', Chrysler. Just to make it easier for you to tackle this task.


Or, you could do as so many of you do: make a claim, and then refuse to support it; run away while whining and insulting the challenger.


Oh hell. We know you're not about to back up your words. I'll make it super easy. Here's a report published by the Washington Times:




I know what your knee-jerk thinking will conjure next, Chrysler: "but there are more whites than blacks!"


Don't bother. Police kill proportionately more whites than blacks. Hell: they just killed another one. Some white leftist loon named Scout Schultz who self-identified as both a man and a woman.


Read the link.


And then understand how you're being played by a very insipid agenda, and very evil people behind the agenda.




Actually, unless you cede the argument as provided by the above documentation, we can conclude that you do NOT understand the statistics.




Then you'll easily be able to demonstrate the above claim you made is true. I anxiously await your evidence. I've already provided mine. I have much more, if you need it.




There are hundreds of thousands of officers in this country. There is no doubt that some of them shouldn't be.


I can also think of no other profession where the same isn't true. Whups. That last sentence may be construed by some ignorant soul as a double negative!






Well, I agree. The last thing we need is a self-admitted racist attempting to be a cop.




Probably. Or, they could simply provide more fodder for lawyers. The job of a police officer on patrol in high crime areas has gotten extremely difficult.




Seven officers were charged by an activist DA. That DA could get NO charges to stick. None. And I would hope that you could admit that Mosby really really really really really really wanted something to be found.


But she didn't: nothing that incriminated these officers, anyway. They were charged because the leftists who run Baltimore and everything in it were calling for "pig blood". And she complied, because she's a hack who agreed.


Did Freddie Gray's multiple crimes infuriate the black community? Did he - or they - take responsibility for anything?


Listen to you lobbying to punish people who cannot be proved guilty of something.


That's so...leftist of you.


You know what they really found, Chrysler? Have you even heard what they found?


Try it on for size. A bolt in the paddy wagon matches the injury on the back of Gray's neck that resulted in a fractured vertebrae, and corroborates a witness' statement that Gray was trying to injure himself in that wagon:






So I wonder: the one case you could muster to justify your position just fell apart. And you still think you can justify your case?


You are stuck on what the agenda-driven media wants you to see, and nothing else. And a cloth of deception has been woven around it, and you.




Oh? It certainly seems that you believe that one of the answers is justifiably accusing cops and promulgating a nearly untenable elevation of hatred towards them, don't you. You thought you had the answers when you offered Freddie Gray to justify yours and BLM's arguments, didn't you?




Except that your narrative just crumbled to dust. So the real and accurate characterization of the truth is the following: what ruined black culture is Government. Government welfare replaced the father figure in black homes. Did you know that only 8% of black families with both a mother AND a father live in poverty?


Did you know that before black culture was destroyed and these problems arose, 70% of black families had both a mother and a father at home?


And now, only 22% do? It's tragic, if only you'd open your eyes. Centuries of slavery were incapable of tearing apart black families. Decades of overt racism in this and other countries also failed to tear apart black families.


What tore apart black families was leftists finding the most clever way of all of enslaving blacks - and it was, for the first time, a way of enslaving not just their bodies, but their minds:


They addicted black families to entitlements. Government Welfare tore apart black families.


Make no mistake, however: Government did the same thing to white trash Applachian families. The exact same culturally dysfunctional circumstances exist in Appalachia. They, however, are not a minority, and they don't occupy the core of every large city, so they're ignored.


There's your real cause. Government, and the meddling Social Justice Warriors who have infected it. The rest is rabble rousing unaccountability by a politically activist agenda intent upon tearing down law and order. Freddie Gray infuriated black society because black society has already been rendered dysfunctional, and more than willing to blame everything else, even if the scapegoats are transparently NOT to blame.


Do you think anyone on your side actually cares that Freddie Gray's injuries have been determined to be self-inflicted? That he had a rap sheet a mile long because of his OWN choices? That a media's refusal to report all the facts that are harmful to the BLM side makes them equally guilty of what that sort of repeated abuse of power has manifest?


Do you think these NFL protests would have been sympathized with had the facts in every case you'd like to raise were as often disseminated in the media as the anger-inducing narratives that were first offered?




Those are crimes. I'd hope you think that. This, though, does damage in a much different way, and - if you could connect any dots at all - will set the stage for those things (and already have: witness Freddie Gray, which was total bullsht and resulted in Baltimore being ravaged by an uncivil and utterly ignorant mob).





No, it doesn't. It screams of understanding the historical significance of symbolic acts, and while race has much to do with this understanding, racism does not.


But what an easy and convenient accusation to lob in order to silence dissent. Particularly from one who has already admitted to being racist.


Your refusal to acknowledge that - or even understand that - is your shortcoming; not anyone else's.


Racism is the cry of the ignorant, and the weapon handed to you by truly evil people. You've even admitted to falling victim to it in some measure yourself.


People with a very specific collectivist ideology have orchestrated this conflict, by sowing seeds of dysfunction starting with the New Deal. FDR was, in my view, a truly evil man. Look up his actions in cutting off the Sea of Japan, and giving Hirohito no choice but to attack Pearl Harbor in response. It was FDR's way of drawing the US into WWII: the American public which was war weary from WWI, and wanted no part of it. Of course Pearl Harbor awakened a rage in Americans to fight. But it was orchestrated. Clearly, Japan would not have wanted the US to assist in the effort against the Allied Forces, and - without the US - the Allies would have nearly certainly lost.


They almost lost anyway.


FDR did it to protect Communist Russia. He knew that Germany was going to destroy Russia. He knew that Germany needed a formidable new enemy to divide its front, or Communism was going to fall.


History is woven together in an interrelated tapestry. You simply have to follow the threads. When you have enough grasp of the track of each thread, you begin to be able to weave your own tapestry: that of the historical path of right and wrong.


And then you can understand why some of us react so viscerally to affronts to the US Flag.


That they were kneeling before the game is immaterial. That they were kneeling in defiance of that which is supposed to UNITE us is VERY material. If they had kneeled prior to the Anthem - and then explained their purpose - it would have been accepted and understood.


But that's not what happened.


:doh: Not a chance I'm reading that, dullard.

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:doh: Not a chance I'm reading that, dullard.

Then stop making outlandish statements that you can not support. Your attempted tactics are truly representative of the far left. Their leadership is very good and well practiced at the art of stirring emotion in uninformed and politically weak-minded individuals to the point of gaining their support. I've have heard countless college girls say they voted for Hillary because "it's time to have a woman president". Countless people like yourself accuse others of racism based upon zero evidence. In the end, you are killing society and creating what could turn out to be the largest racial divide in years. And a special mention to Obama for pushing this agenda for 8 years.

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Then stop making outlandish statements that you can not support. Your attempted tactics are truly representative of the far left. Their leadership is very good and well practiced at the art of stirring emotion in uninformed and politically weak-minded individuals to the point of gaining their support. I've have heard countless college girls say they voted for Hillary because "it's time to have a woman president". Countless people like yourself accuse others of racism based upon zero evidence. In the end, you are killing society and creating what could turn out to be one of largest racial divide in years.

Feel free to refute anything in my post. Instead of crying like a little girl.

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The entire protest is a sham too. There are not white cops targeting and wanting to kill black people. The one's that are killed are criminals making a move on a cop in most instances.

This is a hard topic. I've got three sons, one who drives and two who are less than a year away. My instructions to them have been and continue to be: If you are pulled over, just do what the officer says. Keep your hands where he can see them, make no sudden movements and ask permission to do anything that requires your hands going out of his line of site. Do NOTHING to anger or irritate the officer and give him/her a reason to escalate the situation. I've had an officer draw his weapon on me because I put my hands in my pockets while standing on the roadside for a routine stop because it was 40 degrees and I was freezing my ass off. But the reality is that I am not profiled or targeted because of my skin. I also do not harbor an innate fear and resentment of the authorities based on the circumstances of my youth. Young black males and young white males are often coming from VERY different directions in regards to treatment by law enforcement, some of it self inflicted, some of it just circumstance.

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Feel free to refute anything in my post. Instead of crying like a little girl.

Why would you want me to repeat similar things that are in a post from IMMensaMind?

See above... You already said you don't want to read it.


Go Bears!! I wonder if anyone bet Bears on the moneyline. I imagine it was a good return.

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Why would you want me to repeat similar things that are in a post from IMMensaMind?

See above... You already said you don't want to read it.

That's what I thought. You got nothing.

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Ok, then I'm going to ask you to provide examples, and then defend your claim of the word 'many'. Do it in the context of the number of encounters police have with "innocent black men", and contrast it with the number of encounters with all white men.


They don't even have to be 'innocent', Chrysler. Just to make it easier for you to tackle this task.


Or, you could do as so many of you do: make a claim, and then refuse to support it; run away while whining and insulting the challenger.


Oh hell. We know you're not about to back up your words. I'll make it super easy. Here's a report published by the Washington Times:




I know what your knee-jerk thinking will conjure next, Chrysler: "but there are more whites than blacks!"


Don't bother. Police kill proportionately more whites than blacks. Hell: they just killed another one. Some white leftist loon named Scout Schultz who self-identified as both a man and a woman.


Read the link.


And then understand how you're being played by a very insipid agenda, and very evil people behind the agenda.




Actually, unless you cede the argument as provided by the above documentation, we can conclude that you do NOT understand the statistics.




Then you'll easily be able to demonstrate the above claim you made is true. I anxiously await your evidence. I've already provided mine. I have much more, if you need it.




There are hundreds of thousands of officers in this country. There is no doubt that some of them shouldn't be.


I can also think of no other profession where the same isn't true. Whups. That last sentence may be construed by some ignorant soul as a double negative!






Well, I agree. The last thing we need is a self-admitted racist attempting to be a cop.




Probably. Or, they could simply provide more fodder for lawyers. The job of a police officer on patrol in high crime areas has gotten extremely difficult.




Seven officers were charged by an activist DA. That DA could get NO charges to stick. None. And I would hope that you could admit that Mosby really really really really really really wanted something to be found.


But she didn't: nothing that incriminated these officers, anyway. They were charged because the leftists who run Baltimore and everything in it were calling for "pig blood". And she complied, because she's a hack who agreed.


Did Freddie Gray's multiple crimes infuriate the black community? Did he - or they - take responsibility for anything?


Listen to you lobbying to punish people who cannot be proved guilty of something.


That's so...leftist of you.


You know what they really found, Chrysler? Have you even heard what they found?


Try it on for size. A bolt in the paddy wagon matches the injury on the back of Gray's neck that resulted in a fractured vertebrae, and corroborates a witness' statement that Gray was trying to injure himself in that wagon:






So I wonder: the one case you could muster to justify your position just fell apart. And you still think you can justify your case?


You are stuck on what the agenda-driven media wants you to see, and nothing else. And a cloth of deception has been woven around it, and you.




Oh? It certainly seems that you believe that one of the answers is justifiably accusing cops and promulgating a nearly untenable elevation of hatred towards them, don't you. You thought you had the answers when you offered Freddie Gray to justify yours and BLM's arguments, didn't you?




Except that your narrative just crumbled to dust. So the real and accurate characterization of the truth is the following: what ruined black culture is Government. Government welfare replaced the father figure in black homes. Did you know that only 8% of black families with both a mother AND a father live in poverty?


Did you know that before black culture was destroyed and these problems arose, 70% of black families had both a mother and a father at home?


And now, only 22% do? It's tragic, if only you'd open your eyes. Centuries of slavery were incapable of tearing apart black families. Decades of overt racism in this and other countries also failed to tear apart black families.


What tore apart black families was leftists finding the most clever way of all of enslaving blacks - and it was, for the first time, a way of enslaving not just their bodies, but their minds:


They addicted black families to entitlements. Government Welfare tore apart black families.


Make no mistake, however: Government did the same thing to white trash Applachian families. The exact same culturally dysfunctional circumstances exist in Appalachia. They, however, are not a minority, and they don't occupy the core of every large city, so they're ignored.


There's your real cause. Government, and the meddling Social Justice Warriors who have infected it. The rest is rabble rousing unaccountability by a politically activist agenda intent upon tearing down law and order. Freddie Gray infuriated black society because black society has already been rendered dysfunctional, and more than willing to blame everything else, even if the scapegoats are transparently NOT to blame.


Do you think anyone on your side actually cares that Freddie Gray's injuries have been determined to be self-inflicted? That he had a rap sheet a mile long because of his OWN choices? That a media's refusal to report all the facts that are harmful to the BLM side makes them equally guilty of what that sort of repeated abuse of power has manifest?


Do you think these NFL protests would have been sympathized with had the facts in every case you'd like to raise were as often disseminated in the media as the anger-inducing narratives that were first offered?




Those are crimes. I'd hope you think that. This, though, does damage in a much different way, and - if you could connect any dots at all - will set the stage for those things (and already have: witness Freddie Gray, which was total bullsht and resulted in Baltimore being ravaged by an uncivil and utterly ignorant mob).





No, it doesn't. It screams of understanding the historical significance of symbolic acts, and while race has much to do with this understanding, racism does not.


But what an easy and convenient accusation to lob in order to silence dissent. Particularly from one who has already admitted to being racist.


Your refusal to acknowledge that - or even understand that - is your shortcoming; not anyone else's.


Racism is the cry of the ignorant, and the weapon handed to you by truly evil people. You've even admitted to falling victim to it in some measure yourself.


People with a very specific collectivist ideology have orchestrated this conflict, by sowing seeds of dysfunction starting with the New Deal. FDR was, in my view, a truly evil man. Look up his actions in cutting off the Sea of Japan, and giving Hirohito no choice but to attack Pearl Harbor in response. It was FDR's way of drawing the US into WWII: the American public which was war weary from WWI, and wanted no part of it. Of course Pearl Harbor awakened a rage in Americans to fight. But it was orchestrated. Clearly, Japan would not have wanted the US to assist in the effort against the Allied Forces, and - without the US - the Allies would have nearly certainly lost.


They almost lost anyway.


FDR did it to protect Communist Russia. He knew that Germany was going to destroy Russia. He knew that Germany needed a formidable new enemy to divide its front, or Communism was going to fall.


History is woven together in an interrelated tapestry. You simply have to follow the threads. When you have enough grasp of the track of each thread, you begin to be able to weave your own tapestry: that of the historical path of right and wrong.


And then you can understand why some of us react so viscerally to affronts to the US Flag.


That they were kneeling before the game is immaterial. That they were kneeling in defiance of that which is supposed to UNITE us is VERY material. If they had kneeled prior to the Anthem - and then explained their purpose - it would have been accepted and understood.


But that's not what happened.


I'm not going to rewrite this in my own words Chrysler. Just read it. It seems to be missing your comments, but you can go back and read. But again this defines you:

Your attempted tactics are truly representative of the far left. Their leadership is very good and well practiced at the art of stirring emotion in uninformed and politically weak-minded individuals to the point of gaining their support. I've have heard countless college girls say they voted for Hillary because "it's time to have a woman president". Countless people like yourself accuse others of racism based upon zero evidence. In the end, you are killing society and creating what could turn out to be the largest racial divide in years

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Sure. I have a few deep-rooted thoughts that could certainly be deemed racist. I thought it was stupid for the guys to be kneeling during the anthem and I'm thrilled that Kaepernick is unemployed. I's also prefer my daughter marries a white guy. I would probably cross the street if I was walking in the city at night and saw a group of black people ahead. I'm certainly not claiming to be a saint and without stereotypes. But just because I think a protest might be dumb, doesn't mean I want them attacked and called SOBs and threatened with their jobs.

:) - Go figure. A racist Lib...Like this is something new.

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So, the reason for these protests by the players is the alleged unfair treatment by police. How can that be when blacks get away with more violent crimes than any other group?

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This is a hard topic. I've got three sons, one who drives and two who are less than a year away. My instructions to them have been and continue to be: If you are pulled over, just do what the officer says. Keep your hands where he can see them, make no sudden movements and ask permission to do anything that requires your hands going out of his line of site. Do NOTHING to anger or irritate the officer and give him/her a reason to escalate the situation. I've had an officer draw his weapon on me because I put my hands in my pockets while standing on the roadside for a routine stop because it was 40 degrees and I was freezing my ass off. But the reality is that I am not profiled or targeted because of my skin. I also do not harbor an innate fear and resentment of the authorities based on the circumstances of my youth. Young black males and young white males are often coming from VERY different directions in regards to treatment by law enforcement, some of it self inflicted, some of it just circumstance.


That's how I was taught, the way I act, and how I taught my son.

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That's what I thought. You got nothing.

Did you like that 61 yard field goal? Broke my heart but what a way to lose! You almost can't get mad

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Feel free to refute anything in my post. Instead of crying like a little girl.



I did. And you said you weren't going read it, while calling me a dullard.

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Liberals. Claim that they are tolerant to all points of view, and then express surprise when there actually are any.


And angry and insulting when they don't fit on bumper stickers.

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So, the reason for these protests by the players is the alleged unfair treatment by police. How can that be when blacks get away with more violent crimes than any other group?


I'd love to know how statisticians measure people getting away with crimes. Pray tell.

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I'd love to know how statisticians measure people getting away with crimes. Pray tell.

Will you accept that the overwhelming number of violent crimes and murders where black people are the victims are committed by other blacks? If you do, I can make my point. If not, it's useless

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Is a climate change denier. Thanks, but no thanks. I choose to indulge in authors that believe in science, evidence, and logic.


Which loon/felon/conspiracy-theorist will be spammed next to complete the works-cited of this thread?

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Is a climate change denier. Thanks, but no thanks. I choose to indulge in authors that believe in science, evidence, and logic.


Which loon/felon/conspiracy-theorist will be spammed next to complete the works-cited of this thread?

The climate changes. No one denies it. We just don't write retarded poetry about it like Al Gore and his retarded followers.

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:doh: Not a chance I'm reading that, dullard.

Well, you're simply proving that I can predict your actions. "The dullard" wrote this in that post:


Or, you could do as so many of you do: make a claim, and then refuse to support it; run away while whining and insulting the challenger.

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The climate changes. No one denies it. We just don't write retarded poetry about it like Al Gore and his retarded followers.

So you don't believe in science then? You're typing a response using a rock and a stick?


The alignment of your beliefs is far from surprising.

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Is a climate change denier. Thanks, but no thanks. I choose to indulge in authors that believe in science, evidence, and logic.

Which loon/felon/conspiracy-theorist will be spammed next to complete the works-cited of this thread?

No one doubts that you'll simply dismiss any source that challenges your assertions.


That way, no challenge to your assertion could possibly exist.

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So you don't believe in science then? You're typing a response using a rock and a stick?


The alignment of your beliefs is far from surprising.

Another runner

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No one doubts that you'll simply dismiss any source that challenges your assertions.


That way, no challenge to your assertion could possibly exist.

People who have demonstrated they don't possess basic critical-thinking ability are not worth the time and effort of sifting through their delusions to find a shred of logical thought that's worth addressing/contending.

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So you don't believe in science then? You're typing a response using a rock and a stick?


The alignment of your beliefs is far from surprising.

I don't believe in hype. And I don't trust anything any Liberal ever says.


What killed the dinosaurs? Man made climate change? lol

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People who have demonstrated they don't possess basic critical-thinking ability are not worth the time and effort of sifting through their delusions to find a shred of logical through that's worth addressing/contending.

Oh no. It's snowing. Honey. Lets rush to Whole Foods and load up on Kamut cereal, brown rice and Kombucha. HAHAHAHAHA

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The climate changes. No one denies it. We just don't write retarded poetry about it like Al Gore and his retarded followers.

It's funny right? The earth goes through changes throughout it's history. Hmm, I wonder if there was ever an ice age before? Or if there was very warm period before on the earth. Or if there was any high volcanic or oceanic activity periods. Or if there was ever a time that it was warm one day then cooler the next.


These are same people that think Super Size Me was a stellar informational movie. A movie that showed some guy sitting in his pickup truck shoving down a Big Mac, some other large sandwich, a large fries and a large coke with a shake in like a 20 minute lunch. Then for "drama" he threw up outside the car and went back to eating more. His body didn't even want anymore, but he kept shoving in more to force himself to be sick. And did it for all meals every day for a month. What type of people make movies to show if you eat a non balanced diet, mostly fat and highly caloric items 3 times a day in massive amounts per meal for a whole month is not the approach you should take? The only people who liked it were those who hate McDonalds for some reason. Maybe the lady who sued them because she was driving with a hot cup of coffee in hand.


I love McDonalds occasionally.


Libs are crazy.in all spaces.

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People who have demonstrated they don't possess basic critical-thinking ability are not worth the time and effort of sifting through their delusions to find a shred of logical thought that's worth addressing/contending.

And now you're reduced to claiming that the opposite of what is true is true.


The problem is that you've completely established that the only thought you consider logical is that with which you agree. I can call your thought logical, and still utterly incorrect.


You aren't capable of that.


To claim that I do not possess critical-thinking ability is a laughable abuse of logic and honesty, and just another idiotic ad-hom. You can disagree without being disagreeable.


Well, I can anyway. I would hope you'd do better.

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It's funny right? The earth goes through changes throughout it's history. Hmm, I wonder if there was ever an ice age before? Or if there was very warm period before on the earth. Or if there was any high volcanic or oceanic activity periods. Or if there was ever a time that it was warm one day then cooler the next.


These are same people that think Super Size Me was a stellar informational movie. A movie that showed some guy sitting in his pickup truck shoving down a Big Mac, some other large sandwich, a large fries and a large coke with a shake in like a 20 minute lunch. Then for "drama" he threw up outside the car and went back to eating more. His body didn't even want anymore, but he kept shoving in more to force himself to be sick. And did it for all meals every day for a month. What type of people make movies to show if you eat a non balanced diet, mostly fat and highly caloric items 3 times a day in massive amounts per meal for a whole month is not the approach you should take? The only people who liked it were those who hate McDonalds for some reason. Maybe the lady who sued them because she was driving with a hot cup of coffee in hand.


I love McDonalds occasionally.


Libs are crazy.in all spaces.

Comparing a documentary about McDonalds to decades of scientific research. Your persuasive skills are as boundless as your close-mindedness.

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The brainwashing is complete.


I cannot fathom how you or antiramie would think you're any different. Both of you have demonstrated that you don't believe anything any conservative says either.


Hell, you've claimed that you won't even read it.


I've not done likewise. In order to formulate a response, I had to read every single word you've written. It is part of one's responsibility in engaging in respectful debate.


You haven't done likewise.

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Or if there was any high volcanic or oceanic activity periods.


Libs are crazy.in all spaces.

You mean like when the Hawaiian Islands were formed? That damned Donald Trump. lol

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And now you're reduced to claiming that the opposite of what is true is true.


The problem is that you've completely established that the only thought you consider logical is that with which you agree. I can call your thought logical, and still utterly incorrect.


You aren't capable of that.


To claim that I do not possess critical-thinking ability is a laughable abuse of logic and honesty, and just another idiotic ad-hom. You can disagree without being disagreeable.


Well, I can anyway. I would hope you'd do better.

You are as delusional as the people you support. You're not worth the effort either.

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Comparing a documentary about McDonalds to decades of scientific research. Your persuasive skills are as boundless as your close-mindedness.

Decades? Like how many? And how old is the planet?


Jesus Christ these people are stupid.

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I have a few deep-rooted thoughts that could certainly be deemed racist. I thought it was stupid for the guys to be kneeling during the anthem and I'm thrilled that Kaepernick is unemployed. I's also prefer my daughter marries a white guy. I would probably cross the street if I was walking in the city at night and saw a group of black people ahead. I'm certainly not claiming to be a saint and without stereotypes. But just because I think a protest might be dumb, doesn't mean I want them attacked and called SOBs and threatened with their jobs.

:) A reply from an honest (and misguided) Leftist.


Actually, I think Leftist is synonymous with misguided.

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Comparing a documentary about McDonalds to decades of scientific research. Your persuasive skills are as boundless as your close-mindedness.

Haha. Another believer in funding Gore's bank account.

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Decades? Like how many? And how old is the planet?


Jesus Christ these people are stupid.

This thread should have been titled "An exhaustive demonstration of the Dunning-Kruger effect".

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