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My part of the globe isn't warming.

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It has been 20 degrees below normal for the past month that I've been laid off. I haven't been able to get any outdoor projects done on my time off. Where the fukk is the global warming that little retarded girl was wailing about?

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9 minutes ago, lickin_starfish said:

It has been 20 degrees below normal for the past month that I've been laid off. I haven't been able to get any outdoor projects done on my time off. Where the fukk is the global warming that little retarded girl was wailing about?

I'm sure MDC, or Herbi, or Wiff know the answers to all this. They have this global warming down pat. Orange man bad.

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It's been below average here in Michigan as well but I don't want to complain and tempt God, especially during the tribulation.  

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15 minutes ago, fandandy said:

It's been below average here in Michigan as well but I don't want to complain and tempt God, especially during the tribulation.  

I will.  Warm it the fock up!

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It's best for all the liberal sissies that the temps stay cold. Wouldn't want people leaving the house and enjoying fresh air.

STAY HOME! :mad:

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Its supposed to be 79 degrees and even warmer over the weekend where I am. Not sure what you guys are talking about? 😎

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1 minute ago, KayJay1971 said:

Its supposed to be 79 degrees and even warmer over the weekend where I am. Not sure what you guys are talking about? 😎

If it were 70 degrees here, I think social media would implode from the sissies of the world bitching for people to hunker down and hide under the blankets

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Weather pattern for the last month has cold air coming down over Michigan and heading east over the mid Atlantic States.  Ends early next week, so get ready for hot weather all over.

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4 minutes ago, TimmySmith said:

Weather pattern for the last month has cold air coming down over Michigan and heading east over the mid Atlantic States.  Ends early next week, so get ready for hot weather all over.


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10 minutes ago, TimmySmith said:

Weather pattern for the last month has cold air coming down over Michigan and heading east over the mid Atlantic States.  Ends early next week, so get ready for hot weather all over.

I get called back to work right when the weather turns warmer. Fukking great.

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