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4 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

DozerPOS and BeachGhey need to get a room with all the knob-slobbin' they're doing to each other. :lol:

The amount of time you two spend on each other and TDS derangement could also fill a psychology book.  Keep that in mind the next time you want to point out "how much he talks about X", because you're TDS dwarfs anything else in comparison, you f'n morons.  :lol:


Cot damn, you responded in less than 5 minutes.

Did you have enough time to pull your pants down obsessed boy?

And btw, Dozer barely posts here you boy loving sociopath. 


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DozerPOS being his usual POS self.  Got the other forum shut down with his TDS hysteria and reported people.  No doubt he's doing it here too.

The Propaganda Dough-Boy strikes again!!  Weak willed and a coward.

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6 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

DozerPOS being his usual POS self.  Got the other forum shut down with his TDS hysteria and reported people.  No doubt he's doing it here too.

The Propaganda Dough-Boy strikes again!!  Weak willed and a coward.

Dude you're legit a child.

Get help.  You make even the cuck cultist seem sane in comparison.

Weirdo gheyboi. 

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I see Dozer is trying to get this forum shut down too.  Luckily the mods have thicker skin over here and don't listen to his constant crying.

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You'd feel different if under the guise of climate change or Free Palestine 



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1 minute ago, Beaker15 said:

I see Dozer is trying to get this forum shut down too.  Luckily the mods have thicker skin over here and don't listen to his constant crying.

100%.  Be careful, though, he'll still report you here like he did at the other place.  He hammered that button so much over there he broke it.

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10 minutes ago, BeachGuy23 said:

Dude you're legit a child.

Get help.  You make even the cuck cultist seem sane in comparison.

Weirdo gheyboi. 

BOYO, Dozer got you kicked out of the other forum to. He got many of us kicked out, he's doing the same here. I found out through one of the MODS there.

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8 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

BeachGhey - shouldn't you be surfing for twinks on your ghey bodybuilding forum instead of running to the rescue of your POS boyfriend?


There are no twinks on the bodybuilding board I visit.  It's for people who lift, so few here other than me.  

You're gay, you should probably give better recommendations of how you get your gay hookups. 


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8 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

BOYO, Dozer got you kicked out of the other forum to. He got many of us kicked out, he's doing the same here. I found out through one of the MODS there.

Wait...DozerPOS was also on the ghey bodybuilding forums and got BeachGhey kicked off of them?  Really?  I guess more twinks for DozerPOS!!!

That's too bad.  BeachGhey says he relies on those forums for his twink supply.

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24 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

ghey bodybuilding forums

Not sure about that one 😂 

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MeNt@L IlLnEs$

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On 1/6/2024 at 8:51 AM, Hardcore troubadour said:

RIP to that patriot as well. 

The only patriots on Jan 6 were the police that defended our capitol and Mike Pence and the legislatures that had the courage to do the right thing for democracy and America.

Anyone like you who thinks different is not American.  You just live here.

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1 hour ago, Dozer FBG said:

Seriously, you are a delusional idiot. You’re lucky people like me fight for your right to speak like an idiot in the public square.

Say whatever blows your dress up, Jon The Fascist.

You’re still wrong.

You suck fascist dik, but are too stupid to even know it.  It is your fuking side:

who puts a gag order on Trump,

who scours social media to have posters banned,

who believes in empowering the government to be the truth police,

who cancels people for being politically incorrect,

who raids the homes of independant media personalities,

who shouts down speakers who they disagree with,

Who imprison people for political protests,

JFC, you can't be this fuking stupid.  But yet you are. 


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DozerPOS fights for people's rights to speak? :lol:

The dude literally supports locking people up or lining people up and shooting them if they don't subscribe to his TDS derangement.

He literally votes for people and party that don't believe in the first amendment.  GTFO, you sad sack of Marxist shite.

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2 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:


The dude literally supports locking people up or lining people up and shooting them if they don't subscribe to his TDS derangement.


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6 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

The only patriots on Jan 6 were the police that defended our capitol and Mike Pence and the legislatures that had the courage to do the right thing for democracy and America.

Anyone like you who thinks different is not American.  You just live here.

Thanks for the tribute. Im flattered. 

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19 minutes ago, jonmx said:

You suck fascist dik, but are too stupid to even know it.  It is your fuking side:

who puts a gag order on Trump,

who scours social media to have posters banned,

who believes in empowering the government to be the truth police,

who cancels people for being politically incorrect,

who raids the homes of independant media personalities,

who shouts down speakers who they disagree with,

Who imprison people for political protests,

JFC, you can't be this fuking stupid.  But yet you are. 


I was in bed with a blind girl last night.

She said, “You have the largest pennis I’ve ever laid my hands on!”

I said, “you’re pulling my leg!”

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On 4/7/2024 at 6:38 PM, Hardcore troubadour said:

I will say that I am surprised there haven’t been more uprisings. Maybe there will be. 

What's the scheduled date for certification of Biden's victory in Jan 2025? Circle that date. You'll get your next uprising. Decent chance the same BS will play out all over again. Hopefully the Capitol Police don't hold their fire next time.

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Props to @Dozer FBG for schooling some simps here. Especially those clowns jonmx the terrorist and eternallystupidcuck. Gotta love it when someone calls official court documents propaganda. It's a clear sign you're dealing with an inferior intelligence. 

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5 minutes ago, Fnord said:

What's the scheduled date for certification of Biden's victory in Jan 2025? Circle that date. You'll get your next uprising. Decent chance the same BS will play out all over again. Hopefully the Capitol Police don't hold their fire next time.

Someone want to tell him? 

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Gotta' love it when DozerPOS's girlfriend comes in here and has to defend him because he got curb-stomped so bad.  :lol:

Now that's loyalty to the dogma and zealotry! Scientology only wishes it had members as loyal as you two lovebirds.  :lol:

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16 hours ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Gotta' love it when DozerPOS's girlfriend comes in here and has to defend him because he got curb-stomped so bad.  :lol:

Now that's loyalty to the dogma and zealotry! Scientology only wishes it had members as loyal as you two lovebirds.  :lol:

Good stuff. I'd rather be gay than MAGA. I'd also rather be stupid than MAGA, although those two conditions seemingly go hand in hand. I mean, knowing the definition of propaganda is not exactly Mensa-level stuff, yet you still don't understand it. C'est la vie.

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4 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Good stuff. I'd rather be gay than MAGA. I'd also rather be stupid than MAGA, although those two conditions seemingly go hand in hand. I mean, knowing the definition of propaganda is not exactly Mensa-level stuff, yet you still don't understand it. C'est la vie.

You tried but failed spectacularly.  :lol:

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5 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

You tried but failed spectacularly.  :lol:

To get through to you? Not surprising. I don't have a big enough sledgehammer to drive any sense into the bedrock you call a brain. I doubt anyone does.

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You guys are still yapping about this?  Anything new uncovered?  


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On 4/10/2024 at 12:30 PM, Fnord said:

To get through to you? Not surprising. I don't have a big enough sledgehammer to drive any sense into the bedrock you call a brain. I doubt anyone does.

I guess Kangaroo Courts still count with you too.  You're A-OK with abuse of power as long as it goes after those you don't like but, hey, you got "official" Kangaroo Court documents so don't use your brain!  :lol:

That's what propaganda is moron.  What's it like to be lumped in with Pimpadouche, GutterRetard, BeachGhey and GheyArtest?  Congrats, you're a member of the All Retard Squad.  :doh:

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The “idiot” defense:

NBC News Article- Why Trump can't use the 'idiot' defense other Jan. 6 defendants often lean on

Capitol rioters and their lawyers often concede they were “gullible” for believing 2020 election lies. Donald Trump’s lawyers have to argue his concerns were fact-based and reasonable.

Defense lawyers seeking leniency for Jan. 6 rioters have often struck a similar theme in trying to explain to federal judges and Washington juries how their clients fell for thoroughly debunked lies about the 2020 presidential election.

Lawyers defending Jan. 6 rioters have argued that their clients were duped and manipulated, that they were poorly educated, had low IQs and lacked critical thinking skills. 

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Probably an easy argument but I doubt many of them actually believe they were duped.  Many still think their actions were justified.

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27 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

Probably an easy argument but I doubt many of them actually believe they were duped.  Many still think their actions were justified.

Every single one of them has the right to go to DC and protest.  Leftist bastards seem to think elections can only be criticized when they lose.  Fuk that shite.  

Besides it is crystal clear the so-called insurrection was all a setup by Pelosi, the Capitol Police leadership, and the FBI.  We know that:

1.  Pelosi and the Mayor refused 10,000 national gaurd troops.

2.  The pipe bomb was planted by the feds.

3.  All the rogue groups had heavy infiltration by FBI operatives.

4.  Over 100 undercover federal assets were in the crowd and running around the Capitol with several playing the role as instigators.

5.  The Capitol Police unnecessarily escalated the violence by shooting rubber bullets into the crowd (severely injury several people), let off tear gas, and fired flash bangs.  All of which turned a peaceful crowd into a more violent crowd.

6.  The Jan. 6 Commission altered evidence to fit their narrative and destroyed evidence which did not. 

The real criminals that day were on the federal government payroll.  

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27 minutes ago, jonmx said:

Every single one of them has the right to go to DC and protest.  Leftist bastards seem to think elections can only be criticized when they lose.  Fuk that shite.  

Besides it is crystal clear the so-called insurrection was all a setup by Pelosi, the Capitol Police leadership, and the FBI.  We know that:

1.  Pelosi and the Mayor refused 10,000 national gaurd troops.

2.  The pipe bomb was planted by the feds.

3.  All the rogue groups had heavy infiltration by FBI operatives.

4.  Over 100 undercover federal assets were in the crowd and running around the Capitol with several playing the role as instigators.

5.  The Capitol Police unnecessarily escalated the violence by shooting rubber bullets into the crowd (severely injury several people), let off tear gas, and fired flash bangs.  All of which turned a peaceful crowd into a more violent crowd.

6.  The Jan. 6 Commission altered evidence to fit their narrative and destroyed evidence which did not. 

The real criminals that day were on the federal government payroll.  

Quit repeating that lie. 

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1 hour ago, squistion said:

Quit repeating that lie. 

"They refused the national guard" is no lie. Turn off CNN for once and see what's going on in the world for real.

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1 minute ago, double tour said:

"They refused the national guard" is no lie. Turn off CNN for once and see what's going on in the world for real.

So the president's wishes can be overridden by some cop and Nancy Pelosi?


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