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Strike last won the day on March 12

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About Strike

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    FF Geek

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  1. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    Dude you're reaching. 1). I don't know who the fock those people are you linked to. They seem to have issues with the English language and I tend to be skeptical of organizations with spelling/grammar issues. 2) Their own poll says the majority of Palestinians think Hamas is best suited to rule after this is over so they don't seem to have learned their lesson.
  2. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    Your own focking link says 71% of Palestinians support the October 7th attack on Israel. ROFLMAO. Thanks for proving the point.
  3. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    Are you comparing 9/11 to 10/7?
  4. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    BS. The U.N. and Israel gave Hamas billions of dollars in money and all sorts of aid and they spent it building tunnels to facilitate their terrorism goals. The aid that gets sent to them is taken by Hamas and very little of it makes it's way to the people it was intended to help. It's a sad situation and the only way it gets better is by removing Hamas and any other terrorist regime that tries to replace it.
  5. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    That's a distinction without a difference. Palestine ELECTED Hamas, and recent polls show a strong majority support Hamas and their actions re: Israel.
  6. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    Russia doesn't want to eradicate jews. Palestine does. You seem to think this war is just about land.
  7. Strike

    Racist frat boys

    So what happens to them?
  8. Strike

    Luxury SUVs

    BS. First of all, I'd have to believe you are what you say you are, which I don't. Second, I have told you that I know a number of actually successful lawyers and none of them feels compelled to drive certain vehicles to maintain an image.
  9. No, not when the examples you posted are completely inaccurate.
  10. Strike

    Luxury SUVs

    Why the fock does it have to be a "luxury" SUV? Decide what features you want and get the best vehicle that has those features. You sound like my old boss. Like me he liked sports cars. After I got my S2000 at some point he decided he wanted a roadster. He narrowed it down to the S2000 and a BMW Z3. He ended up buying the Z3 because it was a BMW, not because of its capabilities and features. Within 6 months he was telling me he should have bought the S2000. I have a 4runner. Love it. But I wanted a real SUV, not one built on a car chassis.
  11. You ain't black if you don't vote for me!!
  12. Trump did more for minorities as President than any politician in at least 50 years. Biden passed harmful legislation as Senator, not to mention his association with known racists. If policy is your determination of a racist, Biden beats Trump in the racism department by a mile. But, as usual, you see what you want to see and not what the data shows.
  13. Strike

    What is your net worth?

    You should have bought the extended warranty.
  14. Well you do lie, as you did here. Even your linked article acknowledges it's hard to know how many colleges this is happening at. As I posted there are many you've never heard of where it is happening.
  15. The article I linked says the fund DID get some protestors out of jail. They just had excess money that was used to bail out others as well. So HT did not lie. Much like Tim you seem to have trouble with facts.