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Strike last won the day on March 12

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About Strike

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    FF Geek

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  1. Strike

    Libtards rejoice!!!!

    For once please just STFU
  2. Strike

    Strange Man vs Bear Hypothetical

    What if it's a combination man, bear, and pig?
  3. 1) To the the extent that some of us "back" the police, it's because the data is on our side. Any objective view of the data shows that the percentage of public/police interactions the outcome is reasonable and fair. In almost all problematic interactions the person the police are interacting with didn't act appropriately, escalating the situation. 2) I have NEVER blindly backed the police. I hate dealing with them, don't trust them, and think they do some shady sh*t. And I can say that from personal experience. I suspect the closest thing you have to personal experience is your imaginary black friend who got harassed by the popo. That being said, when I interact with them I am almost always polite and do my best to make them feel at ease. They have one of the most dangerous and difficult jobs on the planet. I want them to be comfortable dealing with me. If they are comfortable dealing with me I believe I am going to leave that interaction safe myself. Nothing I do in my initial interaction with the cop is going to stop him from acting shady. But my recourse is later, not during the interaction itself. People like you look at a minimal percentage of interactions that have gone bad and extrapolate that to an entire profession and how they deal with one specific race, ignoring the data about similar interactions with other races, to fuel your preconceived notion of "cops are racisssssst!!!" There's no nuance in that.
  4. Strike

    Strange Man vs Bear Hypothetical

    I'm not going to make a choice for another person but I can totally understand why they would choose the bear. And god forbid the man be dressed like a woman. Then I DEFINITELY would prefer they encounter the bear!
  5. Strike

    What Do You Think Ruined the WNBA?

    Agreed. And trannies are the fix!!!!
  6. Derek Chauvin be like "Where's my immunity?"
  7. You're wrong (as usual): 1) Your suggesting is that EVERY cop treats EVERY black person different than EVERY white person. That's laughable on it's face. We ALL acknowledge there are some bad cops and they shouldn't be cops. They should be removed and/or prosecuted as soon as we realize that. But it's case by case. Rarely there might be a police department that creates a culture of lawlessness, much like Biden and the border right now. That starts from the top and again, should be fixed as soon as it is found out. You know how we know this stance is BS? Because when a black cop does something you people think is inappropriate to a black suspect your attitude is that it's still racist. 2) I was treated like crap on numerous occasions in my youth by cops. I've posted stories in other threads here. I'm not black. But even knowing I was being unjustly treated by cops I ALWAYS complied with them. And somehow I made it through alive. Spent some time in jail when I shouldn't have and I am still a little bitter about that but that was a "few" years ago (like 30). For the most part I've gotten over it and moved on with life.
  8. Fock you. I'm older than you. 20 years is NEVER a "few" years.
  9. So when you said: You were LYING just as @supermike80 said. And that's assuming it happened at all.
  10. You bringing up that old story again????? ROFLMAO
  11. @The Real timschochet thinks police used excessive force in this case: https://www.fox8live.com/2024/04/28/jpso-sniper-kills-suspect-wanted-allegedly-shooting-6-including-3-kenner-officers/
  12. Strike

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    And what this really does is just confirm what we've been saying for years - The Dems don't care about blacks except for their votes. Because the reason they say they want to ban these things is for health reasons so by postponing the ban they're saying they're willing to see black people die so they can get more votes from that demographic. Nice attitude, Dems.
  13. Strike

    Deadpool update : possibly one of our own :(

    Probably went in to his back yard and stepped in a puddle of AIDS in between all of the shallow graves. RIP Philly if true!
  14. This should take care of that pooping problem SF has been struggling with: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/22/us/san-francisco-public-toilet.html