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Voltaire last won the day on January 27

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About Voltaire

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 12/25/1971

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    Florida Panhandle since 1/24. Originally from Eastpointe, MI
  • Interests
    current events, history, family, ASoIaF, 70s/80s music. Fake astronaut and fake lion tamer.

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  1. Voltaire


    Oh, dear God.... what an evil scam.
  2. I have... ... I'll just save my bashing on him for the 85% of what he's doing that I don't like.
  3. Voltaire

    Boom! Disney getting canceled πŸ€£πŸ˜…

    Glad to see you have access to your original handle again. Whatever else we disagree over, we'll always be on the same page on this and if/when you do pick up another time out, I support your sticking around and keep doing the alternative posting as well.
  4. Better pander to them than the Hamas supporters in Michigan, so he got something right. Glad Trump makes the same appeal.
  5. Voltaire

    Harrison Butler, geek club hero

    I'd offer to buy a jersey, but then people would think I liked the Chiefs. (I don't dislike the Chiefs, they're in a 31-way tie for second place).
  6. Biden and Trump have it right. The country needs to maintain its manufacturing base, not import everything from China. Usually Biden is fully in cahoots with the uniparty corporate globalist Democrats and Bushtarded Republicans on most every issue, but he's always been good on this one since he's been in office, and props to him for that.
  7. Voltaire

    NFL Schedule Sucks

    Is this separating out the announcement of the schedule over a few days new or is it just me? It's focking stupid. It's a schedule. We already know who our favorite team's opponents will be based on last year's finish. The order we play them isn't important enough to make an event out of it.
  8. Voltaire

    Wordle scores

    Wordle 1,059 4/6 🟨🟨 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 was as 3x5, those yellows were the last two letters.
  9. Trump paid the hooker, then he paid her extra to not talk about it. Now that's supposed to be enflamed into being a criminal offense. I didn't care when Clinton did it and I don't care now. I've been saying that about Clinton long before Trump showed a flicker of interest in running for president. The only crime here is Trump not getting a refund. Then we see this kangaroo court of a politically motivated prosecutor, a politically motivated judge, and the panel from The View and we're supposed to take it seriously. They put their political opponents on trial for no reason, tie him up in court, and try to keep him off of ballots.
  10. Hookers don't need to be pressure to have sex with their clients, they do it willingly and are getting paid for services rendered.
  11. Voltaire

    Beavis and Butthead

    I'm delighted when I finally get through to a human.
  12. Voltaire

    War in Israel

    His handlers are having difficulty charting a middle path determining how much pandering he can do to one group or the other without offending either. His patented clueless, harmless, vacant stare into space that insider liberals find so reassuring doesn't seem to help in this regard.
  13. I learned that Jews can't eat things like cheeseburgers because cows provide both milk and beef. I thought that was a bit much. Anyway, you'd make a lousy Jew.
  14. The net was too big. I kept telling the other kids to stop kicking the ball into the part of the net I wasn't able to stand in front of but (sob) they wouldn't listen (sob) and did it anyways. We need much smaller nets.