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Strike last won the day on March 12

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  1. Strike

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Tim goes through life trying to play the "gotcha" game with those of us who have made him look foolish. He isn't very good at the "gotcha" game.
  2. From the OP: Well, it's good to know Trump has @The Real timschochet's vote!
  3. Strike


    This sh*t has been going on for a long time. My Mom almost got taken by some dooshbags who called and said my nephew was in jail in Mexico and wanted her to send money to help him. She actually sent the money but the government was on this particular group of people and returned her money to her. And some people here don't support the death penalty. Anyone who tries to scam a 75 year old woman in to sending them money under the premise that her grandchild has been arrested should be put out of our misery.
  4. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race

    Yeah right.
  5. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race

    Are you the one who argued with Jerry incessantly about the meaning of the phrase "existential threat?"
  6. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race

    Tim will start calling for impeachment on day one of Trump's term, as soon as Trump starts reversing a crapload of Biden's executive orders.
  7. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race

    Your own article says that prosecution misled the court and that the evidence was tampered with. Sorry you are incapable of reading. And that's why they postponed the trial.
  8. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race

    It's been posted. Not sure if I posted it or someone else but it's been posted, probably multiple times. How many aliases is this that you're on? How sad is it that you've been banned so many time but keep coming back.
  9. Cohen's "evidence" is his testimony. Why should anyone believe a proven, convicted liar? Cross examination should be good. Can't wait.
  10. Not at all. The question is how one would know if he is lying given how freely he does it.
  11. How do you know who I'm even talking about? I didn't name names.
  12. He's the star witness of this case. If you truly believe that you can't believe Trump should be convicted in this case.
  13. Squisition is a documented liar. I know what I read.
  14. Sure. I'll just call you "Squisition Cohen" from now on. Or would you rather "Squisition Pinnochio?"
  15. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race

    No I don't. What I want is you to start posting based on DATA, not your as Jerry would say, "Feelingz!!!!!" I get tired of having to prove you wrong on basic FACTS. As I always say, I have no problem debating people on differences of opinion. But that assumes we're using the same FACTS, not that one of us (me) is using FACTS and some of us (you) are making up "FACTS." It's not possible to have intelligent discourse under those conditions.