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Voltaire last won the day on January 27

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4,570 Excellent

1 Follower

About Voltaire

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 12/25/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida Panhandle since 1/24. Originally from Eastpointe, MI
  • Interests
    current events, history, family, ASoIaF, 70s/80s music. Fake astronaut and fake lion tamer.

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  1. Voltaire

    War in Israel

    Your source is paywalled still... working with what I saw I Doesn't sound at all like what Netanyahu thinks. It does, however, sound like what people who hate Netanyahu think. Good grief Tim, this one non-paywalled line reads exactly the same, in another context, as Alex Jones telling us what Joe Biden thinks about a certain topic.
  2. The Democrats claim that requiring voter ID to vote is racist because black people don't know how to get ID. Of course black people know what a computer is and where to get ID. 95% of black people could tell you where the local Secretary of State's office is and the other 5% just moved in within the last six months.
  3. Voltaire

    Boy Scouts.

    This has been the case for years. They now have a DEI merit badge and, not only that, they made it a pre-requisite. You have to earn it in order to reach Eagle. Introducing Citizenship in Society, the BSA’s newest merit badge (scoutingmagazine.org) Citizenship in Society – A complete guide - Path To Eagle
  4. Voltaire

    Racist frat boys

    Biden: White Supremacists Pose Biggest Threat of Domestic Terrorism (youtube.com) What we learned this week that if you scour US campuses hard enough, you might actually find someone who doesn't know better than to make monkey noises at black people.
  5. Voltaire

    Racist frat boys

    Leftoids supporting terrorists are disrupting campuses all across the country. and its all bad for Joe. Since our narrative about the most pressing issue facing Amerika is white supremacists, let's distract everyone with this story of a campus idiot making monkey noises at a fat black woman.
  6. Voltaire

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    We had an opportunity to discuss this remarkable woman Ayaan Hirsi Ali and we blew it.
  7. Voltaire

    The state of the Presidential race

    I don't know how its possible to be an undecided voter. There will not be another election where we know more than one between a candidate who IS president and a candidate who USE TO BE president. The only possible X factor would be if RFK makes some noise.
  8. Voltaire

    The state of the Presidential race

  9. Voltaire

    Racist frat boys

    https://imgs.search.brave.com/8v03DKhZBwDteVfgyRvtL4jJp9f9Q8Y1_h5JwdKJUCw/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly90NC5m/dGNkbi5uZXQvanBn/LzAwLzQzLzQ0LzIx/LzM2MF9GXzQzNDQy/MTc1X1p4Y2lFdmJK/VEtndkVrT0M5MzE4/TDhpSzhCRnVUTFBz/LmpwZw Here's a map of Israel. Locate the river. Locate the sea.
  10. A dragged half-step in the right direction, then quick to retreat when the pressure/attention is off.
  11. Voltaire

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Do we get to impeach Captain Poopypants for holding up Congressionally approved aid to Israel now? Looks to me like this is the exact same thing the Congressional Democrats impeached President Trump over, no? For those who say, 'of course not, that's absurd" well now you know how I felt. I wonder if you can explain how its' different without making me laugh. Seems significantly worse to me because Ukraine got the weapons after a slight delay they didn't even notice. In this case, Israel may not actually get the weapons at all. I mean we'll see, but even a slight delay like this was a sacred and impeachable offense to Democrats not long ago.
  12. Voltaire

    Wordle scores

    Wordle 1,052 6/6 🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I hate when that happens
  13. Voltaire

    Wordle scores

    Wordle 1,051 4/6 🟨🟩 🟨🟨 🟩🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 less than a half hour from missing it
  14. Voltaire

    Racist frat boys

    Was there more than one? I'll spot you ape guy on the far right early on, we can agree there. I don''t know that I saw a #2 but there might have been.
  15. Voltaire

    Leftist Protesters are Retards

    I was hoping the evil in concentrated form would die with him.