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Reality last won the day on July 24 2023

Reality had the most liked content!

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2,711 Excellent

About Reality

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    FF Geek

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  1. Reality

    War in Israel

    Bud, Biden probably won't get 4 more years of Biden.
  2. Wait, you don't believe he was medicated to give the speech? People like you can't actually exist, can you?
  3. Reality

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

  4. Reality

    War in Israel

    Meh, like I said, give it time.
  5. Reality

    War in Israel

    You seem passionate about not blaming Trump for this, maybe you should respond to Tim?
  6. Reality

    War in Israel

    Meh, just pointing out your kind. Tim got there quicker than you and gutter is 'but, Trumping' all over the place. Bud, just give it time.
  7. Reality

    Heart, back in the day who was hotter...

    Great, I've got a puppy.
  8. Reality

    War in Israel

  9. Reality

    Heart, back in the day who was hotter...

    70's cocaine was the tiiiits.
  10. Reality

    War in Israel

  11. Reality

    War in Israel

    Wow. Yeah, I have no idea why people still try to have a back and forth with him. Gutter, worms, ravens, these hyper partisan idiots are so far gone. They aren't rational people, I mean, they're actually trying to blame Trump for this... What's left to say? It's a massive waste of time. They are lost causes, we need to move forward as a country and realize a portion of the democratic party are unamerican garbage human beings. It is what is.
  12. Reality

    War in Israel
