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Krispy Kreme's Free Doughnut Day June 2nd

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this is the closest retail store to me. I have Never eaten a krispy kreme. Is it worth it (obviosly not worth a 102 mile drive ) but are they that good? That much better then Dunkin Donuts ??


Clarks Summit

831 Northern Boulevard

Clarks Summit, PA 18411 US

Phone: 570-585-4120

approximate distance:

102.65 miles


driving directions

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this is the closest retail store to me. I have Never eaten a krispy kreme. Is it worth it (obviosly not worth a 102 mile drive ) but are they that good? That much better then Dunkin Donuts ??


Clarks Summit

831 Northern Boulevard

Clarks Summit, PA 18411 US

Phone: 570-585-4120

approximate distance:

102.65 miles


driving directions



Don't waste your time. The freaks in L.A. make them better than they ought to be. At the end of the day, the gas station has a plethora of tasty Hostess donuts that taste just as good.

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Freshly made Krispy Kreme glazed are heavenly...They get more and more ordinary the further they are away from the store

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I'm there, OH YEAH. :pointstosky:

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I have Never eaten a krispy kreme. Is it worth it (obviosly not worth a 102 mile drive ) but are they that good? That much better then Dunkin Donuts ??

I did a poll once, and I'm pretty sure DD came out ahead. People rave about the KK's that are freshly made and still hot. Those apparently are very good. But like Badmojo says, the ones in the store and elsewhere are just okay. I still prefer DD over KK.

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Krispy Kreme is the evil empire and operates like a pyramid scheme.


The way it works is some poor schmuck thinks he's going to strike it rich by opening a Krispy Kreme outlet.


The catch is that he must buy all his ingredients and whatnot from Krispy Kreme, and it's very expensive compared to getting the same stuff somewhere else.


So he opens his Krispy Kreme, and business goes nuts. It just goes and goes and goes and goes, and he thinks he's got it made.


However, business starts falling off after the intial excitement begins to fade, and suddenly, those ingredient costs are kicking his ass.


So he's forced to either close or become a Dunkin or private business.


The Krispy Kreme people don't care, because all they have to do is find another sucker to open another franchise somewhere else and make big bucks off that initial rush.


Krispy Kreme's survival depends on its ability to open new outlets, because it can't survive on the ones it has.


However, there are plenty of suckers out there who think they're going to make a killing off opening a franchise.

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Krispy Kreme is the evil empire and operates like a pyramid scheme.


The way it works is some poor schmuck thinks he's going to strike it rich by opening a Krispy Kreme outlet.


The catch is that he must buy all his ingredients and whatnot from Krispy Kreme, and it's very expensive compared to getting the same stuff somewhere else.


So he opens his Krispy Kreme, and business goes nuts. It just goes and goes and goes and goes, and he thinks he's got it made.


However, business starts falling off after the intial excitement begins to fade, and suddenly, those ingredient costs are kicking his ass.


So he's forced to either close or become a Dunkin or private business.


The Krispy Kreme people don't care, because all they have to do is find another sucker to open another franchise somewhere else and make big bucks off that initial rush.


Krispy Kreme's survival depends on its ability to open new outlets, because it can't survive on the ones it has.


However, there are plenty of suckers out there who think they're going to make a killing off opening a franchise.


So when does the Rusty's Krispy Kreme open? :cheers:

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So when does the Rusty's Krispy Kreme open? :unsure:



Some poor wide-eyed bastage opened one in Buttmont a few years ago, and everybody went focking nuts.


People camped out overnight before the store opened for the first time.


Business was booming for a while, but then it slowed down, and the franchise owner had to bail.


Now it's called Jumble Doughnuts, and I've yet to see a car in the parking lot.



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Those focking donuts are the nastiest pieces of sh!t this side of fried liver.


I was in Vegas and inside the Excaliber they have a Kripy Kremes where you can watch how the donuts are made. I'll spare some of the details, but it wasn't pleasant witnessing the circular globs of dough floating along the conveyor belt consisting of a 3 inch-deep tub of dirty, hot grease.


And at the end, watching the finished donuts slide under a curtain of that nasty glaze sh!t made my stomach turn. So good luck to you gullible, artery-clogged goofs who enjoy that garbage.

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Mmmmm... no wonder there are 2 boxes here at work this morning!


(must stay away from the donuts BEG) :cheers:

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Only semi-related:


Flipping channels a couple nights ago, I hit an ep of That 70's Show...which had a box of Krispy Kremes prominantly displayed on the counter, in the center of the shot, for several moments.




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Only semi-related:


Flipping channels a couple nights ago, I hit an ep of That 70's Show...which had a box of Krispy Kremes prominantly displayed on the counter, in the center of the shot, for several moments.



By the 1960s, Krispy Kreme was well-known throughout the southeastern United States, and it began to expand into other areas of the U.S.


In 1976, Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation became a wholly owned subsidiary of Beatrice Foods Company of Chicago, Illinois. The headquarters for Krispy Kreme remained in Winston-Salem.

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Some poor wide-eyed bastage opened one in Buttmont a few years ago, and everybody went focking nuts.


People camped out overnight before the store opened for the first time.


Business was booming for a while, but then it slowed down, and the franchise owner had to bail.


Now it's called Jumble Doughnuts, and I've yet to see a car in the parking lot.




Same thing happened here in Houston. All the KK franchises were owned by 1 guy, who recently converted them all over to something else and now, no mas KK in the city. Heard him on the radio one day talking a bout a "conflict" with KK, but no details.

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By the 1960s, Krispy Kreme was well-known throughout the southeastern United States, and it began to expand into other areas of the U.S.


In 1976, Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation became a wholly owned subsidiary of Beatrice Foods Company of Chicago, Illinois. The headquarters for Krispy Kreme remained in Winston-Salem.

I think they recently fired their CEO for an accounting scandal.

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Same thing happened here in Houston. All the KK franchises were owned by 1 guy, who recently converted them all over to something else and now, no mas KK in the city. Heard him on the radio one day talking a bout a "conflict" with KK, but no details.


I remember that, some people were fired up a bit.


I just wish Houston had ONE White Castle though.. :huh:

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I remember that, some people were fired up a bit.


I just wish Houston had ONE White Castle though.. :D


You can get White Castle in the frozen foods section of the Supermarket :banana:

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You can get White Castle in the frozen foods section of the Supermarket :banana:


Those aren't the same :D

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Those aren't the same :D


I know. That's why I laughed. My old boss was a New Yorker and he used to crave them too. Then I was in Vegas and some place was selling them. I was all excited and told him and he almost slapped me upside the head lol :banana:

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You can get White Castle in the frozen foods section of the Supermarket :D


My son loves those! But they are so expensive!


I think you get 8 bite-sized burgers for 9 bucks!!! (or it might be 8 pkg's of 2... but still!)


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My son loves those! But they are so expensive!


I think you get 8 bite-sized burgers for 9 bucks!!! (or it might be 8 pkg's of 2... but still!)



A conversation I had a long time ago with my wife, who is from Virginny:


RUSTY: What the fock is a White Castle?


MS. SYRINGES: These little square buttburgers.

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I remember that, some people were fired up a bit.


I just wish Houston had ONE White Castle though.. :banana:

plenty of white castles here (detroit) but only 1 KK that I know of. There you to be a few others, they are all closed. KK is sold but not spectacular.

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I only eat grilled chicken and vegetables, so therefore I'm better than all of you.


Paraphrased and fixored.

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