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I've noticed a trend in my leagues!

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And then today that story was completely debunked as false. Great reporting, ABC.


Notice that this thread was mostly tongue-in-cheek until Democrats came in and started throwing real politics into it. Oh that's right, Democrats are allowed to joke about Republicans on the Daily Show, but when Republicans do the same, Dems get all defensive. Chill out everyone - it should have been a lighthearted attempt to get through the boredom of a slow fantasy news day.


Crap, then SavageBeast comes in and ruins Conservative credibility with that garbage.


The story was not totally rebunked - but they did back off of the Osama comment - Thanks for the update!


However the deal still was signed and praised - - the end result of which is a safe zone for tribal leaders with strong connections to the Taliban and Osama

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Not when that war is based only on revenge and our soldiers are dying :P


Revenge is as good as any other motive to take out terrorists and terrorist governments. And what about the 1000's of bu++ soldiers who are dying every day caused from their sodomous ways and HIV? So you are pro bu++ soldier and anti militatr soldier?

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How come none of the Democrats around here have addressed the pro-homo rampant sodomy their party endorses? This pro-homo stuff is the most unmanly thing in the history of man, and if you call yourself a man, and yet endorse a party that is anti-men, then you are a traitor and sissy to all things man including football. How can you even look at yourself in the mirror every day knowing your party is anti man? Fighting in wars between men is a very manly thing, but kissing and making love between men is the most unmanly thing on Earth. Republicans love to fight(manly thing) and Democrats like to make love to the their same sex life partners(unmanly thing).


And to think that at some point in time taxpayer money probably supported your education. This post is too stupid for a response but Im not too bright myself so. . . Why do you have to align yourself to ALL ideas associated with a political party. Are you not capabe of independent thought? I think that both political parties in this country are FULL OF Chit. It so happens that when I vote, I usually do support Democrats but that doesnt mean that I agree with all of a particaular canidate's ideas.


For the record, I am a Christian. I think that homosexuality is an extreme perversion and a sin. And I do not support gay marriage. But that doesnt mean that I condemn all homosexauls or support the denial of their rights either. I am not God or whatever sumpreme being people choose or choose not to believe in. I try my best not to judge others and focus on doing whats right for ME. IMO, homosexuality is an issue that gets too much political run from both paties. Personally, I dont think they should have their unions recognized by states but if they want their "partners" on their insurance then fock it. I dont really care.


But the fact that you lump all Democrats into supporters of homosexuality and your jibberish post speaks volumes about your intelligence and maturity level. "A mans a man and dem homos aint men and dems likes homos and football aint for homos and mens like mens but not like homos likes mens and yeah. Im a proud Rebulican and a football fan hooray!"


Has nothing to do with football, nothing to do with politics. But in your little head it does so have fun.



VaTerp wants someone else to do his fantasy football research for him and then after he gets bad results, he wants to blame them for the job he should be doing himself.


Actually, I do all of my own research and work and would gladly put my FF knowledge and track record up agaisnt yours at any time. Another political stereotype thrown out when you have nothing of substance to say.

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Don't you all see?


Savage Beast doth protest waaaaaayyyyy toooooo much!!!


I think he is a closet f@ggot


Doing this behind his best buddy => :banana:


He even says above that "I'd rather be shot with a gun myself"

Code: I'd rather be bent over a chair by my best buddy.




You would like to sodomise me Captain Jizzy Facial Roo, wouldn't you? What a liberal nonmanly sissy you are. Ever been in a scrap with another man with your clothes still on instead of being naked? Thought so.

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That's because the Dems are too busy telling everyone how they were going to pick the player someone else just drafted, before they decided to pass on said player...instead of focusing on who their next draft pick should be.

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But the fact that you lump all Democrats into supporters of homosexuality and your jibberish post speaks volumes about your intelligence and maturity level.


You can't have it both ways. If you do not support stealing, and yet you join a guild of thieves, you are supporting stealing even if you don't steal yourself. Associating yourself with an organization makes you guilty of all their sins. You can't pick and chose which sins you agree with, and then ignore the others and think you are ok and that they don't exist. It's called logic, get some.

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You would like to sodomise me Captain Jizzy Facial Roo, wouldn't you? What a liberal nonmanly sissy you are. Ever been in a scrap with another man with your clothes still on instead of being naked? Thought so.



I bet your boyfriend loves your Savage Breast(s) :banana:

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Why do you have to align yourself to ALL ideas associated with a political party. Are you not capabe of independent thought? I think that both political parties in this country are FULL OF Chit.


One of the few intelligent things said in this thread. The biggest problem we face in this world is that people are sheep and will follow anything. If they choose to be a republican, all of a sudden they'll argue for everything republican. If they choose to be democrat, they'll argue for every view considered to be that of a democrat. Seriously, independent thought has gone out the window. I honestly think both parties are awful right now. One took us into a war without a sound strategy and then wonders why it hasn't worked out and the other preaches about doing right by people yet now they're all saying we need to get out of Iraq ASAP just because they have no agenda and this gives them a platform to take into the next election. Is that really doing right for the Iraqi people? I'm honestly sick of it all. I just wish we could get an indendent candidate who stood for what he believes in rather than what his party pushes him to believe in.

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I bet your boyfriend loves your Savage Breast(s) :thumbsup:


Man you want me bad, don't you? I don't swing that way dude, go find another poster to hit on.

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How come none of the Democrats around here have addressed the pro-homo rampant sodomy their party endorses? This pro-homo stuff is the most unmanly thing in the history of man, and if you call yourself a man, and yet endorse a party that is anti-men, then you are a traitor and sissy to all things man including football. How can you even look at yourself in the mirror every day knowing your party is anti man? Fighting in wars between men is a very manly thing, but kissing and making love between men is the most unmanly thing on Earth. Republicans love to fight(manly thing) and Democrats like to make love to the their same sex life partners(unmanly thing).

:thumbsup: ;) :thumbsup: :lol: :lol:

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You guys are arguing in the wrong forearm.

Please take this nonsense somewhere else.


This is supposed to be about football, not politics.

Don't make me report you.



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Republicans & Democrats are both lying parties, they are BOTH controlled by lobbyist, corporations and money. They are essentially the same, when you really take a long hard look at it.


That is why I stopped listening to all the talk shows, news shows etc. It's all a bunch of crap, and there is nothing we can do about it. And we as americans are'nt going to do anything about it... why... because we are comfortable. Even while there are people dying on our streets and the goverment is wasting money beyond comprehension as a majority we really dont care.. because we have a nice house, a nice car and make a decent living so nothing will ever change. The founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they could see what the political system has become. I still vote and pretty much like all of us have to decide between the lesser of 2 evils!


Seriously, I don't even worry about politics anymore... I used to be obsessed with it. But then about 3 years ago I found FANTASY FOOTBALL... game over. Lets keep this site on task... there are plenty of political sites you can go to...


Now back to a more serious matter..... Steve Smith and his hamstring injuries!!!! Questionable for Sunday!

It's killing me!


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The best drafters are not affiliated with any politial party because they are smart enough to think for themselves. They don't take Tatum Bell in the 2nd because thats who the cheat sheet has there. They are not committed to one player or one position at any point. They don't draft on party lines, they take who they believe best fits the situation. They are not committed to Bush, but then again they don't blindly paint Bush as a complete bust.

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You guys are arguing in the wrong forearm.

Please take this nonsense somewhere else.


This is supposed to be about football, not politics.




:thumbsup: AGREED!!!

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You guys are arguing in the wrong forearm.

Please take this nonsense somewhere else.


This is supposed to be about football, not politics.

Don't make me report you.




This thread has been more informative about football than any of the other threads started today. HTH

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Is your mangina aching today?


Don't worry I won't tell anybody.


You are an an angry little elf :blink:


No means NO! How many times are you going to hit on me today, before you understand the meaning of NO? You are one bold sexual predator, aren't you?

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This thread has been more informative about football than any of the other threads started today. HTH


:blink: reported :pointstosky:

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One of the few intelligent things said in this thread. The biggest problem we face in this world is that people are sheep and will follow anything. If they choose to be a republican, all of a sudden they'll argue for everything republican. If they choose to be democrat, they'll argue for every view considered to be that of a democrat. Seriously, independent thought has gone out the window. I honestly think both parties are awful right now. One took us into a war without a sound strategy and then wonders why it hasn't worked out and the other preaches about doing right by people yet now they're all saying we need to get out of Iraq ASAP just because they have no agenda and this gives them a platform to take into the next election. Is that really doing right for the Iraqi people? I'm honestly sick of it all. I just wish we could get an indendent candidate who stood for what he believes in rather than what his party pushes him to believe in.




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I've noticed a trend in cmh's posting........it sucks. :blink:

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One of the few intelligent things said in this thread. The biggest problem we face in this world is that people are sheep and will follow anything. If they choose to be a republican, all of a sudden they'll argue for everything republican. If they choose to be democrat, they'll argue for every view considered to be that of a democrat. Seriously, independent thought has gone out the window. I honestly think both parties are awful right now. One took us into a war without a sound strategy and then wonders why it hasn't worked out and the other preaches about doing right by people yet now they're all saying we need to get out of Iraq ASAP just because they have no agenda and this gives them a platform to take into the next election. Is that really doing right for the Iraqi people? I'm honestly sick of it all. I just wish we could get an indendent candidate who stood for what he believes in rather than what his party pushes him to believe in.


I could always run in 2008... :pointstosky: :pointstosky: :blink:

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Revenge is as good as any other motive to take out terrorists and terrorist governments.

If only we were doing that. To bad the war is nothing but revenge on SH for things he tried to do to Bush's daddy. :(


Instead we have to rely on the Pakistanis and British to foil terroristic plots. Hooray for them :cheers:

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Republicans are better drafters than Democrats :(


Must be illegally wire tapping NFL coaches' phones now too.......... :cheers:

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Anyone who thinks that their political ideals helps them win Fantasy Football is truly an idiot. As for the rest of you lemmings, the Republicans on this site, as usual, are so fascinated and obsessed with themselves that they refuse to see the reality of the situation.


In separate news, the Iraq war is going SPECTACULARLY well, there is no such thing as racism or sexism (except for the prejudice against white people), and if we can build a big enough wall around the country we really can solve our immigration problems and keep out those "nasty" foreigners.


Go stick your head back in the sand, retards. Go back to making random, baseless predictions about the forthcoming football season; you sound less stupid that way.

hook, line, and sinker

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And according to Al Gore, NFL fantasy football is the 2nd leading cause of global warming.


Al invented Fantasy Football!




You can't have it both ways. If you do not support stealing, and yet you join a guild of thieves, you are supporting stealing even if you don't steal yourself. Associating yourself with an organization makes you guilty of all their sins. You can't pick and chose which sins you agree with, and then ignore the others and think you are ok and that they don't exist. It's called logic, get some.


Can't have it both ways?!?! That's the entire DNC platform - Don't stand for anything at all, that way no one is offended, and we can all do what ever we want.

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This thread has been more informative about football than any of the other threads started today. HTH



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