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How many of you are/were Catholic?

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I am. Mostly non-practicing, though. I only go to Mass when I'm home (or weddings, First Communions and the like), so as not to get into a fight with Dad.

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I was baptised catholic, I never went to CCD and stopped going to church when I was about 6. I wasn't brought up to believe in the farce that is the bible, nor was I forced to attend CCD like so many unfortunate childre in todays society. The only things my parents ever did right.

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I've put going to church on hold as it interferes with my lifestyle... When I'm doing stupid stuff, having a guilty conscience just get's in the way and decreases the pleasure...

So yes, I'm catholic, but no, I dont attend church that often anymore. As soon as I settle down, I'm sure I will, cause sh!t, even this topic is putting a huge guilt trip on me and I"m not even joking, my eyes are starting to puff up and swell just thinking about how big of a discredit I am to the religion! :lol:

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I've put going to church on hold as it interferes with my lifestyle... When I'm doing stupid stuff, having a guilty conscience just get's in the way and decreases the pleasure...

So yes, I'm catholic, but no, I dont attend church that often anymore. As soon as I settle down, I'm sure I will, cause sh!t, even this topic is putting a huge guilt trip on me and I"m not even joking, my eyes are starting to puff up and swell just thinking about how big of a discredit I am to the religion! :lol:


You are an affront to God.

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Yo. Keep it on the down low. They are still after me about those raffle tickets in 8th grade. :lol:


or maybe it was the "Beer, Bingo and little Boys nowhere but the catholic church" comment.

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You are an affront to God.

very very very few things can stop me dead in my tracks like God/Religion... I could be mid pump in a chick, and if she even says "God" or if I notice her wearing a cross necklace etc... I stop dead in my tracks.... :lol:

thanks for pouring on the guilt.. nicely done

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Baptized, raised Catholic, went to CCD and was confirmed. Have not gone to Catholic mass other than for weddings, funerals or Christmas in a loooong time. A few years ago I started infrequently going to Unitarian church and that works a lot better for me. It's like church for people who can admit they don't believe in a lot of the Catholic church's boogeyman bullsh1t.

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I send my kids to a catholic school. I only attend church to get a break on tuition. I'm going to hell. Seriously though, the education is top notch, and my kids love it. :lol:

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Basicly raised catholic, went to church, attended catechism, etc. When I was 14, shortly before I was to be confirmed, I went to my dad and told him that I thought it was more of a sin to be confirmed into a religion I didn't think I believed in than not to be confirmed. Surprisingly, he agreed, and there ended my life as a Catholic...have been back to church a couple of times, but won't take the host, etc. Now, in my late 30s, I think that although some of my ethical/moral worldview is influenced by my Catholic upbringing, it's not the force that informs my sense of right and wrong...still feel guilty quite often though...

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very very very few things can stop me dead in my tracks like God/Religion... I could be mid pump in a chick, and if she even says "God" or if I notice her wearing a cross necklace etc... I stop dead in my tracks.... :doublethumbsup:

thanks for pouring on the guilt.. nicely done


Huh. I think about sex during Mass and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. And I curse a lot in my head when I'm in church.


I have a nun praying for my soul, though, so I'm good.

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I send my kids to a catholic school. I only attend church to get a break on tuition. I'm going to hell. Seriously though, the education is top notch, and my kids love it. :doublethumbsup:



your kids will hate you, when they're old enough to realize what a fraud you are and for force feeding them religious lies.

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I'm not, but my wife is and she has my kids doing all the CCD crap.


I was baptised methodist but never went to church and really don't believe any religious BS. But my Italian wife was raised catholic so she really wanted our kids to be. It doesn't bother me too much, but my kids get p!ssed when they go to mass and I don't.

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I was Catholic, but now I'm anti-organized religion of any kind!!!



Edit to add, I grew up in a town of 90,000 peeps and was in contact w/ 4 different priests who were accused of molestation. (No I did not get molested, HTH)



it's a sick sick religion

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Edit to add, I grew up in a town of 90,000 peeps and was in contact w/ 4 different priests who were accused of molestation. (No I did not get molested, HTH)

it's a sick sick religion

itsatip that all religions do this, it's just that catholics get the most publicity for it cause they are suppose to be the "moral high road", so it looks worse when a priest does this -vs- a preacher from a different religion.

I think a year or so ago there was a published article on convicted offenders of this amongst the religions, and catholic priest were near the bottom! So believe it or not, most other religions have that happen far more times than priests!

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i'm an Irish Catholic 'til the day i die...so's my wife....both from huge families....damn proud of it...never miss Mass on sat night or sun.....even when i go fishing from 3am to 6pm.

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i'm an Irish Catholic 'til the day i die...so's my wife....both from huge families....damn proud of it...never miss Mass on sat night or sun.....even when i go fishing from 3am to 6pm.

:blink: :D

I'm now thinking about straightening my life back out and getting my azz back into churgh. As it is I only go maybe once every 1-2 months. I really need to settle down and get back into it, cause right now I'm totally contradicting myself. I believe in everything they teach, yet get freaky with as many chicks as I can :banana:

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Baptized, raised Catholic, went to CCD and was confirmed. Have not gone to Catholic mass other than for weddings, funerals or Christmas in a loooong time. A few years ago I started infrequently going to Unitarian church and that works a lot better for me. It's like church for people who can admit they don't believe in a lot of the Catholic church's boogeyman bullsh1t.


That's almost exactly my story except there's no UU churches in China so I don't attend at all. I do miss that, UUs are great.

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very very very few things can stop me dead in my tracks like God/Religion... I could be mid pump in a chick, and if she even says "God" or if I notice her wearing a cross necklace etc... I stop dead in my tracks.... :thumbsup:

thanks for pouring on the guilt.. nicely done

Isn't it technically her tracks you are stopping dead in?


Church attending Roman Catholic here. I try not to cuss or think about sex while I am there since I don't have the benefit of a nun praying for my soul.

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:headbanger: :cheers:

I'm now thinking about straightening my life back out and getting my azz back into churgh. As it is I only go maybe once every 1-2 months. I really need to settle down and get back into it, cause right now I'm totally contradicting myself. I believe in everything they teach, yet get freaky with as many chicks as I can :wall:

we're all sinners kid :headbanger: ....all men.... priests, bishops, etc.....it's about the message.... to study history is to be Catholic....traced right back to Jesus himself.



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All I remember about being catholic is this old dude splashing water on me and that it burned like hell.

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Born and raised Catholic. Never missed church when I was a kid. Wife and I went to Catholic schools - the same ones the kids are now attending (11, 9, 4). The town I live in is 85-90% Catholic. The wife and I go to church about half the time, and the kids prolly go 2/3.

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