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Group: ExxonMobil paid to mislead public

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WASHINGTON - ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday. The report by the science-based nonprofit advocacy group mirrors similar claims by Britain's leading scientific academy. Last September, The Royal Society wrote the oil company asking it to halt support for groups that "misrepresented the science of climate change."...






Not surprising and considering the Bush administraion & Big Oil are in bed together, no wonder the Neocons also try to deny Global Warming. Really pathetic!

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Global warming is a myth. Now excuse me I have to chase the pengiuns out of my back yard.

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Global warming is a myth. Now excuse me I have to chase the pengiuns out of my back yard.


I live in the winter wonderland of Canada in the capital city it got to 40 degrees today!! Yeah right global doesn't exist excuse me while step outside in my t-shirt in january to put out the garbage.

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I love global warming. It's focking 50 here in Michigan! :banana:

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Screw all of you....its close to 80 here in Dec/Jan and it stays over 90+ for 9 out of 12 months.....

welcome to south Texor....you remember us, we are almost Mexico!

also its probably the Mexicans fault! (added on the edit) :banana:

Edited by thorshammer

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People who think that Global Warming is a myth probably also believe the Holocaust is a myth too.


I agree...any global warming doubters should be shunned by society...completely.

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Retards believe in global warming. BTW, here in Boston, there is a fast moving ice cap warning till 2 AM.

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Global warming is a myth. HTH

I believe that Michael Crichton said it best with the title: "State of Fear"


Oh no...There is nothing going on for us eco nut lemmings to protest against :o

Lets forget science and rally around a hair brained, non-factual, alleged phenominum called global warming :wub:


We must not listen to the scientists that oppose us, for we are blind to any irrelevent fact that disagrees with us. We are strong, united, and hopelessly clueless..:did we say that out loud:? Damn..we did :P


Bottom line..Fock you all, and fock your ideals. I'm drunk and I don't care what you think :dunno:

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Global warming is a myth. HTH

I believe that Michael Crichton said it best with the title: "State of Fear"


Oh no...There is nothing going on for us eco nut lemmings to protest against :o

Lets forget science and rally around a hair brained, non-factual, alleged phenominum called global warming :wub:


We must not listen to the scientists that oppose us, for we are blind to any irrelevent fact that disagrees with us. We are strong, united, and hopelessly clueless..:did we say that out loud:? Damn..we did :P


Bottom line..Fock you all, and fock your ideals. I'm drunk and I don't care what you think :dunno:



SUX, I'm gonna put you in time out.

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Bottom line..Fock you all, and fock your ideals. I'm drunk and I don't care what you think :dunno:


That about sums it up. Another example why right wing wackos aren't in power anymore. I think I'll believe the real scientists instead of the scientists that the Oil industry funds to spread lies. Maybe if you sobered up you will understand how distorted your views are.

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That about sums it up. Another example why right wing wackos aren't in power anymore. I think I'll believe the real scientists instead of the scientists that the Oil industry funds to spread lies. Maybe if you sobered up you will understand how distorted your views are.

Like these scientists?

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Dood...Do not try and bring facts into the issue...They hate that :wub:


That about sums it up. Another example why right wing wackos aren't in power anymore. I think I'll believe the real scientists instead of the scientists that the Oil industry funds to spread lies. Maybe if you sobered up you will understand how distorted your views are.

If I sober up, will you at least look at the other side of things?


Guess I don't need to sober up, then :dunno:

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Even the Bush Administration is starting to admit it...


Global warming threatening polar bears: US government



NASA scientist warns global warming will be irreversible after 10 years



The coming year is set to be the hottest on record worldwide due to global warming and the El Nino weather phenomenon, Britain's Meteorological Office said.



Australia is suffering more from the impacts of global warming than any other country - Australia's Bureau of Meteorology.



Global warming could spell the end of the world's largest remaining tropical rain forest - Brazil's National Space Research Institute



TORONTO - A giant ice shelf has snapped free from an island south of the North Pole, scientists said Thursday, citing climate change as a "major" reason for the event.



Norway wants US to see warming Arctic

Norway will invite US politicians to visit a group of fast-thawing Arctic islands in 2007, hoping to win converts for tougher action against global warming, its foreign minister says.




American Geophysical Union

Joint Science Academies

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

American Meteorological Society

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Union of Concerned Scientists

American Institute of Physics

National Wildlife Federation.

National Center for Atmospheric Research

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

United Nations Environment Programme

The National Academy of Sciences



...or you can believe Exxon.

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Global warming is a myth. HTH

I believe that Michael Crichton said it best with the title: "State of Fear"


Oh no...There is nothing going on for us eco nut lemmings to protest against :dunno:

Lets forget science and rally around a hair brained, non-factual, alleged phenominum called global warming :dunno:


We must not listen to the scientists that oppose us, for we are blind to any irrelevent fact that disagrees with us. We are strong, united, and hopelessly clueless..:did we say that out loud:? Damn..we did :cheers:


Bottom line..Fock you all, and fock your ideals. I'm drunk and I don't care what you think :dunno:



Michael Crichton... :dunno:

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I think I'll believe the real scientists instead of the scientists that the Oil industry funds to spread lies.


Who funds the real scientists? And would they lose research funding if "Global Warming" was suddenly declared BS?


I'll hang up and listen.



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Who funds the real scientists? And would they lose research funding if "Global Warming" was suddenly declared BS?


I'll hang up and listen.



The government funds the real scientists. They would not lose their funding because their role is to study the climate and weather patterns, which is worth studying, global warming or no. If they haven't lost funding under an administration as hostile to the idea of global warming as this one, than I somehow doubt that they would lose funding if they were to find evidence contradicting global warming. HTH!


Also, I find it fascinating that we have so many weather experts on this board that think they know more about meterology than people that have devoted their adult lives to its study. The fact is politicians have made this an issue because big business feels threatened. I'm sorry that so many people care more about following the leader politically rather than listening to what the experts have to say. If your doctor told you had cancer, but your political party leaders said that cancer is a myth, and produced a few doctors that agreed with them, would you refuse treatment, because cancer is "BS"?

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This does nothing to refute theories about human activities exacerbating global warming. In fact it just further reinforces the point. Mass livestock production is extremely environmentally unfriendly. From hog confinement farms polluting fresh water sources in the Midwest US, to mass cattle farms contributing to increased methane and CO2 in the atmosphere; our corporate agricultural and livestock production structure is proving to be extremely hazardous to our health. Cattle farming in places like Brazil is especially damaging because along with increasing emissions, they’re chopping the rainforests to make way for more grazing pasture for the cattle…

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WASHINGTON - ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday. The report by the science-based nonprofit advocacy group mirrors similar claims by Britain's leading scientific academy. Last September, The Royal Society wrote the oil company asking it to halt support for groups that "misrepresented the science of climate change."...



Not surprising and considering the Bush administraion & Big Oil are in bed together, no wonder the Neocons also try to deny Global Warming. Really pathetic!



you should prob just end your suffering now. By ending your suffering it will in turn benefit society as a whole as no one will have to listen to you cry every day. Now go get in your car, start the car, close the garage door and let those emissions take control. You must give in to the emissions. :thumbsup:

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WASHINGTON - ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday. The report by the science-based nonprofit advocacy group


Wow, an "assertion" by an "advocacy group". :banana:


I'll bet they have been "advocating" the "GW myth since they were formed. Unless of courst they were formed in the '70's when these "advocacy groups" were :pointstosky: "The next ice age is coming".


OK Morons, one more time:


The earth goes through natural warming/cooling cylces. End of story.



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Wow, an "assertion" by an "advocacy group". :banana:


I'll bet they have been "advocating" the "GW myth since they were formed. Unless of courst they were formed in the '70's when these "advocacy groups" were :pointstosky: "The next ice age is coming".


OK Morons, one more time:


The earth goes through natural warming/cooling cylces. End of story.




You're such a pathetic shill.

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I love global warming. It's focking 50 here in Michigan! :clap:


Fock OFF-

:thumbsdown: -


40 Degrees at the Northern end of I-75 and this just blows. I can't believe there is NO snow, all the arsholes in Colorado are hogging all the snow for themselves, while we in the U.P. are raking our lawns rather then riding the snowmobiles.

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You're such a pathetic shill.


Actually, he's probably not technically a shill. A shill would at least get paid for spreading disinformation and sticking his head in the sand. RP is happy to provide this service for free...

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Guest Davaco

Wow, an "assertion" by an "advocacy group". :banana:


I'll bet they have been "advocating" the "GW myth since they were formed. Unless of courst they were formed in the '70's when these "advocacy groups" were :banana: "The next ice age is coming".


OK Morons, one more time:


The earth goes through natural warming/cooling cylces. End of story.




yea but it was cooler when Clinton was in office.

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Union of Concerned Scientists


Nice source. :banana:



Kurt Gottfried



Chairman of the Board and co-founder, Union of Concerned Scientists; professor emeritus of physics, Cornell University; member, Council on Foreign Relations; author, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals; co-author, Concepts of Particle Physics



Council of Foreign Relations:



"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."

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Nice source. :banana:



Kurt Gottfried



Chairman of the Board and co-founder, Union of Concerned Scientists; professor emeritus of physics, Cornell University; member, Council on Foreign Relations; author, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals; co-author, Concepts of Particle Physics


Council of Foreign Relations:



"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."


Sounds like a pretty smart d00d. :banana:

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Nice source. :D

Kurt Gottfried



Chairman of the Board and co-founder, Union of Concerned Scientists; professor emeritus of physics, Cornell University; member, Council on Foreign Relations; author, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals; co-author, Concepts of Particle Physics

Council of Foreign Relations:

"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."



Nice source. :lol:

Kurt Gottfried



Chairman of the Board and co-founder, Union of Concerned Scientists; professor emeritus of physics, Cornell University; member, Council on Foreign Relations; author, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals; co-author, Concepts of Particle Physics


Council of Foreign Relations:

"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."


Sounds like a pretty smart d00d. :banana:





:banana: :banana:

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Sound like a dood who wants to eliminate the sovereignty of the United States. :thumbsdown:

You're going to have to provide a link there, tinfoil hat boy.

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You're going to have to provide a link there, tinfoil hat boy.


Um, he is a member of the CFR.


The CFR wants to eliminate borders and have one gubmint run the whole world.


Too complicated for ya?

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Um, he is a member of the CFR.


The CFR wants to eliminate borders and have one gubmint run the whole world.


Too complicated for ya?

Their website doesn't say anything about that. :thumbsdown:

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Um, he is a member of the CFR.


The CFR wants to eliminate borders and have one gubmint run the whole world.


Too complicated for ya?


Nice source. :thumbsdown:

Kurt Gottfried



Chairman of the Board and co-founder, Union of Concerned Scientists; professor emeritus of physics, Cornell University; member, Council on Foreign Relations; author, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals; co-author, Concepts of Particle Physics

Council of Foreign Relations:

"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."


Nice Try, but here's the what the CFR themselves say they stand for:


Cfr.org seeks to raise the level of foreign policy awareness by offering timely, unbiased, and in-depth coverage of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs to anyone interested. A staff of journalists and researchers, led by executive editor Michael Moran, produces timely analysis, expert interviews, and Backgrounders to help explain the international issues of the day. This website's original editorial content is integrally linked to the rich intellectual inquiries and reports produced by other CFR departments. What's more, the cfr.org staff casts its net beyond CFR itself, compiling the best of what is available from other sources of analysis, opinion, speeches, transcripts, and source documents. Such up-to-date, objective coverage reaches a growing daily audience and is aimed at contributing quality and perspective to the foreign policy debate


Personally, I've read their magazine: Foreign Affairs, and its not a far out one world government magazine. Good in depth reporting on international issues.


Even if your assertion is true, it does nothing to impune Gottfried or the Union of Concerned Scientists. The UCS is by the way a non-partisan, non-profit group comprised by over 200,000 scientists, and interested laymen. Here's what they say about themselves:


UCS stands out among nonprofit organizations as the reliable source for independent scientific analysis. The scientists and policy experts on our staff are highly respected in both Washington, DC, and state capitals, and are frequently called to testify before government committees.


To help shape the legislative debate on the most important issues of our time, UCS reaches out to:


other respected researchers (including many Nobel laureates and members of prestigious academies and professional associations)

concerned citizens across the country

colleagues in other nonprofit organizations

members of the media

allies on both sides of the political aisle

From global warming and nuclear weapons to clean vehicles and genetically engineered food crops, UCS provides sensible, feasible solutions that will protect and improve the health and safety of our environment and our communities.


These organizations are both well respected in the US and on the International stage. They aren't mouthpieces for big corporations, and don't have a financial horse in this race. You can try to discredit them if you wish, but throwing around allegations that they're one-world-government conspirators is a bit weak don't you think?


Let's face it RP, the world is heating at an unprecedented level, and human activities most likely are influencing this. More CO2 in the atmosphere = more radiation trapped in the atmosphere = more rapid heating. Even if the earth is in a systemic heating cycle, wouldn't we want to do all we can to make sure that we aren't speeding this process; especially with the huge economic and human costs which could be felt down the line?

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Global warming has apparently caused a huge red herring to wash up on shore.


What do this guy's views on international borders have to do with the veracity of global warming claims?

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Global warming has apparently caused a huge red herring to wash up on shore.


What do this guy's views on international borders have to do with the veracity of global warming claims?



Diversion. A classic Bush, neocon tactic. They can't stand the truth.

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