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supermike80 last won the day on January 10

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1,450 Excellent

About supermike80

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  1. I sincerely genuinely love watching you dummies follow polls like this. Its massively entertaining
  2. supermike80

    NCAA Football

    Sparty wins Notre dame loses Michigan gets embarassed at home Only thing that would make today better would be if ohio state lost too...
  3. supermike80

    black national anthem

    It is really long.
  4. The g0ddamn referee dog commercial wad an a+ too
  5. Some of these commercials are better than the superbowl. The screaming jumping goat was funny
  6. Agreed. Wtf kind of record is that?
  7. Nice to see the refs calling the illegal formation when the O line is half a step back
  8. supermike80

    What's up with the hurricanes?

    I get it. My post was more about the endless, non stop doomsday predictions. That endless sheet desensitizes people. Especially when they get busted.
  9. Crap. You again?? But seriously. You guys won it, so you can gloat....some
  10. supermike80

    What's up with the hurricanes?

    Thought global warming meant hurricanes would destroy the planet, we were supposed to get ready for a category 11 one soon. 700 mile an hour winds blah blah blah.... What the heck is going on
  11. supermike80

    edjr or edger

    Years ago....latter, later years, the former. Di Trying straightened me out on that one
  12. Wife and I enjoy NAPA. When we go, we always flew into SFO. And we'd plan at least a day there as part of the trip. Now, we get to the airport and get the fock out of that city as fast a we can.
  13. Whats with the "accent?"
  14. supermike80

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    I forgot about good ol Justin predicting nuclear war about every week based on his inside info