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To look or not to look? How men should act around a nursing mom

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No. The question is "since you breastfeed IN PUBLIC". Remember your own focking post, mkay? Ask most responsible moms about this and they'll tell you the same thing; "Why would I want to breastfeed in public? That's a special time between my child and I. If I HAVE to be out somewhere with my child, I'll damn sure prepare ahead of time and bring a bottle." And most responsible moms I know would NOT advocate having their newborn child out ALL DAY anywhere.


That's the problem - that attitude. Moms who their life shouldn't have to change one iota just because they brought a child into the world. "Hey! I still want to wear my daughter's jeans, so instead of spending time with my kids, I'll go to the gym 4 hours a day!" "Hey! I know I have a newborn, but I want to spend the entire day at the waterpark!" "Hey, I know I have a newborn, but I have a RIGHT to shop, dammit! I need my ME time too, ya know!"


You don't hear that shiit from the past generation of moms, but like we've said a hundred times on this bored, stupid and selfish kids become stupid and selfish parents.


- And those are the people whining the most about this sudden 'need' to whip out their tatas in public. Why? Not because they were forced outside. Not becuase there aren't bottles and 87 kinds of breast pumps available, but because they WANT to, dammit. And if they want it, that's good enough for them. :thumbsdown:


Yup, those are exactly MY reasons of why I breastfeed in public. :rolleyes:


I am not stupid, nor am I selfish. But thanks for having an open mind about breastfeeding. I WANT to breastfeed my kids. It's the best thing for them. Now that my baby is older, she doesn't need to nurse as often. So, I rarely do it in public anymore. However, when she was 4 or 5 months old, yes. if I don't need to pack around a pump and a bunch of bottles, why should I? If you want to condone that as laziness, then fine. I think a proper word would be convieience, but that's just me.

AND...if I whip it out and someone wants to look, who the fock cares? I don't. If they want to waste their time oogling over my breasts and my breastfeeding child, fine, that's their deal. I have never once stated that I am bothered by some random guy oogling my breasts, you guys are the ones that are bothered by breastfeeding women in public.

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Most women are discreat about it and that is OK. All you need to do is cover the baby's head. But to whip out the bag in front of everyone uncovered and not expect someone to stare or not think you are tacky is unreasonable.


Nothing sexy about breast feeding.

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As we all know, not all moms are MILFs.


I know the temptation to imagine a total hottie whipping her busting-out-of-her-dress mellon out so you can get a free peek is strong, but you've got to consider the alternative too.


Trust me. I know. I have had my SIL whip them out at my house before and she is a porker. I had no problem looking away. However, my wife's friend is much more pleasing to the eye and I got a nice look at the cannons.

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Actually, your previous reply was almost exclusively about being lazy and/or ill-prepared. :thumbsdown:

I'm not equating breast feeding w/lazy and unprepared, but the reasons you stated didn't exactly do much to invalidate that line of thought.



It's not about laziness. It's about convienience and having food pretty much all ready prepared.


You don't have kids, and you haven't gone through some of this yet. I know some of these other posters on here have, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.


I am actually waiting to see what happens to you when you have kids...I think it's going to be quite comical when you start posting about how dumb your wife is, and all of that...and how she doesn't prepare the bottles fast enough for your screaming baby. "You focking idiot!!! The baby ALWAYS wakes up at 2AM, why the fock isn't a bottle ready? You know that *I* have to work in the morning, FOCK!!! You are so dumb sometimes, but you make so much money!!! How can you be so dumb!!!"




Most women are discreat about it and that is OK. All you need to do is cover the baby's head. But to whip out the bag in front of everyone uncovered and not expect someone to stare or not think you are tacky is unreasonable.


Nothing sexy about breast feeding.


This is my point exactly. You will find that the majority of mothers who BF in public DO know how to be discreet and cover things up. Of course, you will find the BF'ing Nazi here and there that just randomly whips it out and doesn't bother to cover herself up.


When we were in Disneyland, I know that I saw some people looking, but I could tell that once they figured out what I was doing, they just went on their way. Like I said, I also found out-of-the-way spots to do it, and used a blanket to cover up. :rolleyes:

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I am actually waiting to see what happens to you when you have kids...


I think that there is some pending legislation that will prevent most of these people from procreating. HTH.

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When we were in Disneyland, I know that I saw some people looking, but I could tell that once they figured out what I was doing, they just went on their way. Like I said, I also found out-of-the-way spots to do it, and used a blanket to cover up. :thumbsdown:


You brought your focking infant to DISNEYLAND?@!?!?! Worst mother evaaaaahhhhh!!! :rolleyes:

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You brought your focking infant to DISNEYLAND?@!?!?! Worst mother evaaaaahhhhh!!! :thumbsdown:




She was 8 months old. My son was four. We went with my parents.


It was a lot of fun. It was a free trip and had to be used by a certain date.


And I think that there are a lot worse things that a mom can do than take her kid to Disneyland. Not having food for them readily available is one of them.

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She was 8 months old. My son was four. We went with my parents.


It was a lot of fun. It was a free trip and had to be used by a certain date.


And I think that there are a lot worse things that a mom can do than take her kid to Disneyland. Not having food for them readily available is one of them.


So you brought your squealing, 8 month old piglet to an amusement park and rather than come equipped with bottled milk, you whipped your swollen mammy out in public and fed it right there to shut it up? Ever consider that the crowds and noise were the reason why it was crying, not hunger for your boobjuice?

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It's not about laziness. It's about convienience

Some might say those are two sides of the same coin.

Don't get all menstrual w/me b/c you can't articulate a convincing argument to support your view.

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Yup, those are exactly MY reasons of why I breastfeed in public. :thumbsdown:


I am not stupid, nor am I selfish. But thanks for having an open mind about breastfeeding. I WANT to breastfeed my kids IN PUBLIC. It's the best thing for them AND I'LL BE DANED IF I INCONVENIENCE MYSELF IN ANY WAY TO ACCOMODATE THAT. Now that my baby is older, she doesn't need to nurse as often. So, I rarely do it in public anymore. However, when she was 4 or 5 months old, yes. if I don't need to pack around a pump and a bunch of bottles, why should I BE INCONVENIENCED BY HAVING A CHILD? If you want to condone that as laziness, then fine. I think a proper word would be convieience, but that's just me.


AND...if I whip it out and someone wants to look, who the fock cares? I don't. If they want to waste their time oogling over my breasts and my breastfeeding child, fine, that's their deal. I have never once stated that I am bothered by some random guy oogling my breasts, you guys are the ones that are bothered by breastfeeding women in public.




So it goes back to exactly what I said in the beginning; It should be a complete non-issue. There are several options available, but if you listen to some of the fanatical mammarians out there, you'd swear they're being forced to starve their children when in fact, those that are uncomfortable with the idea are merely asking them to do it in a more appropriate place. These public breastfeeding activists are calling for constitutional amendments, lawsuits, boycotts - you name it. As TNG so aptly points out, she just doesn't WANT to be inconveniced by pumping breast milk ahead of time for her chilld. ...And in so doing, disregards the 'wants' or sensibilities of anybody else around her.



Wonder how long it's going to be that "Moms" start claiming that they should be able to change diapers at the table? "It's a 'natural' act and 'if people want to stare, I don't care. I shouldn't have to be inconvenienced during my dinner." :rolleyes:

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Moms like TNG are a leading cause of what is wrong with our society. With their insistence on placing their whims and wants ahead of the best interests' of their children, and their complete lack of consideration for the general public, it is no wonder social problems continue to flourish at alarming rates.


Foster parents > TNG for a mom

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If flatso guntzilla Rosie O'Donnell decided to breast feed, I don't think I could find a sharp stick fast enough to gouge out my eyes.



I don't think Rosie has any estrogen in her body to make milk. :thumbsdown:

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So it goes back to exactly what I said in the beginning; It should be a complete non-issue. There are several options available, but if you listen to some of the fanatical mammarians out there, you'd swear they're being forced to starve their children when in fact, those that are uncomfortable with the idea are merely asking them to do it in a more appropriate place. These public breastfeeding activists are calling for constitutional amendments, lawsuits, boycotts - you name it. As TNG so aptly points out, she just doesn't WANT to be inconveniced by pumping breast milk ahead of time for her chilld. ...And in so doing, disregards the 'wants' or sensibilities of anybody else around her.

Wonder how long it's going to be that "Moms" start claiming that they should be able to change diapers at the table? "It's a 'natural' act and 'if people want to stare, I don't care. I shouldn't have to be inconvenienced during my dinner." :thumbsdown:


Whatever, wiffle. Thanks for putting words into my post that weren't there. I DO find a more appropriate palce to breastfeed, I thought that I said that like FOUR times. However, I will NOT use a restroom. I will go out to my car if I have to, but I REFUSE to use a restroom. Using a women's lounge is fine too, but I will not sit on a toilet while I breastfeed my baby.


Yes, pumping milk before hand IS an inconvienience, as any woman who has pumped milk before will know. I pumped with my son and had bottles prepared EVERYTIME I went some where. It was a HUGE pain in the ass. I pumped THREE TIMES A DAY when I returned to work for both of my kids. It's a huge pain in the ass. Lugging the pump around, cleaning the pump after every use, labeling the milk bags for freezing, washing the pump and sterilizing it every evening when I got home, etc etc etc. It's a PAIN IN THE ASS. SOOOO much easier for ME to go to a secluded spot, feed the baby, and go. End of story. Done. There are other aspects to pumping that don't really come into play here, as well. Pumping can cause milk supply issues, bottle feeding can cause an infant to refuse the breast, if milk is not stored properly, it goes bad. Breastmilk is not pasturized like cow's milk and goes bad a lot quicker.

While it's a pain in the ass, it's also BETTER for my baby than some fake formula that's out there. Formula fed babies are sick more often, get more ear infections, and have a great chance of becoming obese when older. They are gassier, have colic problems more often, etc etc. I could go on. Breastfeeding is BETTER.




Dave, I can support my argument just fine. Again, I am waiting for you to have kids to see how this all pans out.




One on each teet?







I stopped breastfeeding him when he was 11 months. I am also currently weaning my daughter, who will be one in a few weeks.

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It's a huge pain in the ass: cleaning the pump after every use, etc. It's a PAIN IN THE ASS.


Is it safe to assume you take the same approach with issues of personal hygiene?

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Yes, pumping milk before hand IS an inconvienience, as any woman who has pumped milk before will know. I pumped with my son and had bottles prepared EVERYTIME I went some where. It was a HUGE pain in the ass. I pumped THREE TIMES A DAY when I returned to work for both of my kids. It's a huge pain in the ass. Lugging the pump around, cleaning the pump after every use, labeling the milk bags for freezing, washing the pump and sterilizing it every evening when I got home, etc etc etc. It's a PAIN IN THE ASS. SOOOO much easier for ME to go to a secluded spot, feed the baby, and go. End of story.


It'd have been even more convenient for you to not get knocked up - HTH! :banana:

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Wow, that's all you and Dongholster have?


It's only page 2 and you guys are all ready losing steam.

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Wow, that's all you and Dongholster have?


It's only page 2 and you guys are all ready losing steam.


C'mon sugartits, you know who this is!


I can keep this up for 10 pages, unless someone emails Mike to complain :mad:


TNG = lactivist :banana:

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While it's a pain in the ass, it's also BETTER for my baby than some fake formula that's out there. Formula fed babies are sick more often, get more ear infections, and have a great chance of becoming obese when older. They are gassier, have colic problems more often, etc etc. I could go on. Breastfeeding is BETTER.


This is propoganda by La Leche League (a.k.a. Breast-feeding Nazi's). The positive impact from a health perspective are not what the Nazi's make it out to be.


I think that you should be able to whip 'em out at will, but don't think that breast fed babies are much healthier than those fed by formula.

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I haven't read every post carefully, but I keep seeing the word "laziness" thrown around all willy nilly. Breast feeding mothers are anything but lazy. They are choosing a harder road for the sake of their children. I saw my wife go through it with both of our kids and it sucked (no pun intended) for her. Would have been much easier to bottle feed. I could have helped her, kids that are bottled fed tend to sleep longer at night, etc. And it took a toll on her figure as well. She desperately wanted to switch. I told it would be ok if she did, but she felt strongly that it was best for the baby, so she toughed it out.


It was a sacrifice that many women aren't willing to make. So if a woman wants to breast feed discretely in a public place as a matter of convenience, I have no problem with it.

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This is propoganda by La Leche League (a.k.a. Breast-feeding Nazi's). The positive impact from a health perspective are not what the Nazi's make it out to be.


I think that you should be able to whip 'em out at will, but don't think that breast fed babies are much healthier than those fed by formula.



LOL, you're right.


Last time I actually did research on BF'ing was some time ago. It's possible that formula fed babies aren't any healthier. I suppose I should have updated my own knowledge. My bad.


I am totally not a BFing Nazi, although I am coming across as one. LOL.

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Growing kids need less milk, and more whiskey.


I'm an anti-lactite. :banana: :mad:

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Whatever, wiffle. Thanks for putting words into my post that weren't there. I DO find a more appropriate palce to breastfeed, I thought that I said that like FOUR times. However, I will NOT use a restroom. I will go out to my car if I have to, but I REFUSE to use a restroom. Using a women's lounge is fine too, but I will not sit on a toilet while I breastfeed my baby.


Yes, pumping milk before hand IS an inconvienience, as any woman who has pumped milk before will know. I pumped with my son and had bottles prepared EVERYTIME I went some where. It was a HUGE pain in the ass. I pumped THREE TIMES A DAY when I returned to work for both of my kids. It's a huge pain in the ass. Lugging the pump around, cleaning the pump after every use, labeling the milk bags for freezing, washing the pump and sterilizing it every evening when I got home, etc etc etc. It's a PAIN IN THE ASS. SOOOO much easier for ME to go to a secluded spot, feed the baby, and go. End of story. Done. There are other aspects to pumping that don't really come into play here, as well. Pumping can cause milk supply issues, bottle feeding can cause an infant to refuse the breast, if milk is not stored properly, it goes bad. Breastmilk is not pasturized like cow's milk and goes bad a lot quicker.

While it's a pain in the ass, it's also BETTER for my baby than some fake formula that's out there. Formula fed babies are sick more often, get more ear infections, and have a great chance of becoming obese when older. They are gassier, have colic problems more often, etc etc. I could go on. Breastfeeding is BETTER.





So again, it boils down to you just don't want to be inconvenienced in the feeding of your child. You still haven't come off that point. We GET it. It's the same point I've made all along.



Examples of why TNG just can't hang:


1) "Whatever" - what are you, nine?


2) "I've said it like FOUR TIMES" - Well uh, actually, after reviewing the threads, you only state one instance in which you bothered to find a relatively outta the way place. AT DISNEYLAND! :D The rest of the time it's been - and I quote: "if they want to look who the fock cares?" (nice, Mom)


Now the logical syllogisms:


3) "Breast feeding is better for my children" - Well no shiit, the issue is breastfeeding IN PUBLIC. Is THAT a better too? I missed that study.


4) "Breast Pumps are heavy" - Probably why moms leave them at home. :mad: I don't know any mom who carries a breast pump AND their kid with them on an errand. Pump your boob, bottle it, take bottle with you. End of story.


5) "Not having food available for your child is worse..." Not that anybody was advocating that. But for TNG, providing nourishment for your child that is any way inconvenient = not providing food to your child.




GB TNG. In fighting desperately against everything I've said, she's validatored every single point. :clap:

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I have read every post carefully, but I keep seeing the word "laziness" thrown around all willy nilly. Breast feeding mothers are anything but lazy. They are choosing a harder road for the sake of their children. I saw my wife go through it with both of our kids and it sucked (no pun intended) for her. Would have been much easier to bottle feed. I could have helped her, kids that are bottled fed tend to sleep longer at night, etc. And it took a toll on her figure as well. She desperately wanted to switch. I told it would be ok if she did, but she felt strongly that it was best for the baby, so she toughed it out.


It was a sacrifice that many women aren't willing to make. So if a woman wants to breast feed discretely in a public place as a matter of convenience, I have no problem with it.


Thank you.


My husband, as well as my mother in law (who didn't breastfeed) often wanted me to stop when they saw how tired I was, and how difficult it actually is to get a baby to breastfeed. Proper latch, etc. I am glad that I toughed it out with my first child, and I am glad I toughed it out with the second. My husband told me that he figured I would only make it to 8 months with the second baby, and here I am at 11.5.

I think many men, and even women, think that a baby comes out and POOF!!! knows how to breastfeed, knows what to do. Babies are born knowing how to suck (and sometimes not even that). That's all. There is a proper way to get a baby onto the breast, if it's done incorrectly, there is MUCH pain involved for the woman.

Not to mention, the other problems that can happen (mastitis, thrush, etc).

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I haven't read every post carefully, but I keep seeing the word "laziness" thrown around all willy nilly. Breast feeding mothers are anything but lazy. They are choosing a harder road for the sake of their children. I saw my wife go through it with both of our kids and it sucked (no pun intended) for her. Would have been much easier to bottle feed. I could have helped her, kids that are bottled fed tend to sleep longer at night, etc. And it took a toll on her figure as well. She desperately wanted to switch. I told it would be ok if she did, but she felt strongly that it was best for the baby, so she toughed it out.


It was a sacrifice that many women aren't willing to make. So if a woman wants to breast feed discretely in a public place as a matter of convenience, I have no problem with it.



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Perfect examples of no-class nursing Nazis.


Why is it such a big focking deal to cover up? It makes some people uncomfortable to see, so why seek out a confrontation? Why make it your personal mission to convert someone to your side?


Furthermore, why the FOCK does someone need to breat feed their kid in Victoria's Secret?

Emily Gillette, a 27-year-old mom, said she was asked to leave a Vermont flight after she refused to cover up while breast-feeding her 22-month-old.
A month later, she was back at the same mall, participating in a nationwide nursing protest at Victoria’s Secret. The lingerie retailer was targeted by lactivists after two women — one in Wisconsin and one in Massachusetts — said they were denied the right to nurse openly in the stores. The company issued an apology, and said its policy is to allow women to nurse in Victoria’s Secret stores.


During the Providence nurse-in, Whelan says, “I sat right in the window ... next to a mannequin wearing a thong and a push-up bra.”

While on vacation, Holt was nursing her 22-month-old son at a hotel restaurant when the assistant manager started unfolding a napkin and motioning for her to cover up. When Holt said she was fine, thank you,

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So again, it boils down to you just don't want to be inconvenienced in the feeding of your child. You still haven't come off that point. We GET it. It's the same point I've made all along.

Examples of why TNG just can't hang:


1) "Whatever" - what are you, nine? Yes.


2) "I've said it like FOUR TIMES" - Well uh, actually, after reviewing the threads, you only state one instance in which you bothered to find a relatively outta the way place. AT DISNEYLAND! :clap: The rest of the time it's been - and I quote: "if they want to look who the fock cares?" (nice, Mom) No, I have mentioned that I go to discreet places in public...my car, the lounges at malls, etc. I also bring a blanket.


Now the logical syllogisms:


3) "Breast feeding is better for my children" - Well no shiit, the issue is breastfeeding IN PUBLIC. Is THAT a better too? I missed that study. Breastfeeding in general is better. Location shouldn't matter. HTH.


4) "Breast Pumps are heavy" - Probably why moms leave them at home. :banana: I don't know any mom who carries a breast pump AND their kid with them on an errand. Pump your boob, bottle it, take bottle with you. End of story. Of course. Let's just add another 30 to 40 minutes of crap the mom has to do everyday. She's gotta do all the other stuff, shower, get ready, let's add a 30 minute pumping session to her daily routine/schedule...cause you know, we all have time for that.


5) "Not having food available for your child is worse..." Not that anybody was advocating that. But for TNG, providing nourishment for your child that is any way inconvenient = not providing food to your child. Totally not what I was saying...but that's fine. You twist words better than torrid.

GB TNG. In fighting desperately against everything I've said, she's validatored every single point. :mad:

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Thanks for putting words into my post that weren't there.

Pot? Time to suck on the teat of this kettle.

I am actually waiting to see what happens to you when you have kids...I think it's going to be quite comical when you start posting about how dumb your wife is, and all of that...and how she doesn't prepare the bottles fast enough for your screaming baby. "You focking idiot!!! The baby ALWAYS wakes up at 2AM, why the fock isn't a bottle ready? You know that *I* have to work in the morning, FOCK!!! You are so dumb sometimes, but you make so much money!!! How can you be so dumb!!!"

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Pot? Time to suck on the teat of this kettle.



Dave. It's not the same thing.


Wiffle took my OP and PUT words into it, he altered my OP to put his own spin on it. Literally.


My putting words out there that I am 99% sure that you will say to your wife is not the same thing. My putting those "words into your mouth" would be a figure of speech. Figuratively.


See the difference?

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TNG posted:

Breastfeeding in general is better. Location shouldn't matter. HTH.


Um, isn't that (breastfeeding in public) the whole point of this thread?


Way to make your point :pointstosky:


Wiff had totally pwned you by the end of page 1. Now you are letting him run up the score.

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TNG posted:

Um, isn't that (breastfeeding in public) the whole point of this thread?


Way to make your point :pointstosky:


Wiff had totally pwned you by the end of page 1. Now you are letting him run up the score.



Yes, it's the whole point of this thread. I don't have a problem Bfing in public. You guys do. The End.

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Breastfeeding in general is better. Location shouldn't matter. HTH.


TNG posted:

Um, isn't that (breastfeeding in public) the whole point of this thread?


Way to make your point :pointstosky:


Wiff had totally pwned you by the end of page 1. Now you are letting him run up the score.


looks to be out of context, like much of his arguments. :pointstosky:

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looks to be out of context, like much of his arguments. :pointstosky:



Just saw your sig. :pointstosky:

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Yes, it's the whole point of this thread. I don't have a problem Bfing in public. You guys do. The End.


Is that all you got? Is someone running out of steam???



looks to be out of context, like much of his arguments. :pointstosky:


Who does "his" refer to?


If it is me, please amplify your remarks, because at this point, you look like a closet cockbiter who is angling to suckle at TNG's stretched out teets.

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Dave. It's not the same thing.


Wiffle took my OP and PUT words into it, he altered my OP to put his own spin on it. Literally.


My putting words out there that I am 99% sure that you will say to your wife is not the same thing. My putting those "words into your mouth" would be a figure of speech. Figuratively.


See the difference?

So, you "putting words out there that <you are> 99% sure that <I> will say to <my> wife" isn't putting words in my mouf? :pointstosky:


Let me ask you something...when you spin like that do your overstuffed, sagging teats begin to take off like propellers or what?

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So, you "putting words out there that <you are> 99% sure that <I> will say to <my> wife" isn't putting words in my mouf? :pointstosky:


Let me ask you something...when you spin like that do your overstuffed, sagging teats begin to take off like propellers or what?


You're sooo missing the point, but I am not shocked.


Let me know when you knock up your wife. Adding a child to your all ready dysfunctional marriage should be kick azz reading material.


Have a nice day. :pointstosky:

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I don't mind if it is discrete, blanket covering, blah blah blah.


Wiffle, I know you are mostly just pulling TNG's chain, but your "pump beforehand" argument doesn't quite stick for longer trips, as the woman will need to pump the milk out anyway to not get engorged (I'm guessing that TNG has spent many an hour pumping milk in the bathroom at work, and likely just throws it out).


So on a long plane flight say, which would you prefer:

1. Discretely cover and feed the baby.

2. Discretely cover and pump. That sound will drive you nuts in a while btw.

3. Take 15+ minutes in one of two bathrooms pumping.

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Yes, it's the whole point of this thread. I don't have a problem Bfing in public. You guys do. The End.


Am I the only letch here who was hoping that she was talking about butt focking? :pointstosky:

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Why is it such a big focking deal to cover up? It makes some people uncomfortable to see, so why seek out a confrontation? Why make it your personal mission to convert someone to your side?



I could give a fock if women want to breastfeed in public or not, or whether they cover up or not. I just really don't care. But people who feel the need to be militant about sh!t like this need punched in the throat.

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