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Evel Knievel

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Daredevil Evel Knievel died Friday, said his granddaughter. He was 69.


He had reportedly been in failing health for years, suffering from diabetes and a condition that caused scarring in his lungs.


Knievel underwent a liver transplant in 1999 after nearly dying of Hepatitis C. We're told he likely contracted the disease from a blood transfusion after one of his infamous spills.


Evel's rep tells TMZ, "The world has lost a one of a kind human being. Someone like this we'll never never see again." His rep told us that he had just spoken to Evel yesterday, and he wasn't feeling well.

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CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) - Evel Knievel, the hard-living motorcycle daredevil whose exploits made him an international icon in the 1970s, died Friday. He was 69.


Knievel's death was confirmed by his granddaughter, Krysten Knievel. He had been in failing health for years, suffering from diabetes and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable condition that scarred his lungs.


Knievel had undergone a liver transplant in 1999 after nearly dying of hepatitis C, likely contracted through a blood transfusion after one of his bone-shattering spills.




Guess that leaves Robbie to carry the torch!

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I had read he was in poor health and was going to put him on my 2008 death pool. :dunno:

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All Kanye's fault !


stupid Kanye ! :mad:


What's wild is they just literally settled the suit a few days ago.


Evel looks like he's had better days in this picture. http://news.bostonherald.com/track/star_tr...ticleid=1047722


Bet he never thought he'd live this long. A truly Unique American Character.






...Until some nixxer tried to steal his look. :unsure:

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I bet there's one heck of an awkward conversation going on at the Pearly Gates right now:




Saint Peter: "Next! What's your name sir?"


EK: "Uh, Evel..." :thumbsdown:


SP: "Very funny. What's your REAL name sir, I don't have all eternity!" :nono:


EK: "No really, I'm EVEL...." :unsure:


SP: "Well Sir, if that's the way it's going to be, you should know perfectly well that we don't allow your kind here - SECURITY!" :mad:

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I saw him jump like 9 busses at the Tarrant County CC in 'Ft. Worth when I was a kid. He almost bit it on the second jump.


Funny thing was, during the lead up when he was doing his "wheelie" demo he went to turn around at like 2 mph on the smooth concrete floorand his bike flew out from underneath him and he banged his head on the floor. Focker was delerious for about 2 minutes.


A true pioneer. :doublethumbsup:

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...Until some nixxer tried to steal his look. :thumbsdown:




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Part of my childhood is gone :cry:

Wide World of Sports and Evel Knievel....like bread and butter

:ninja: Exactly. I brought this up in the Big Wheel v. Green Machine Thread, but the Evel Knievel Rev Cycle (or whatever it was called) caused more scraped knuckles than any other toy ever invented, but it was an awesome toy. When I wasnt playing sports at a kid i was doing something stupid (jumping garbage cans on my bike, etc.) in an attempt to be like Evel. As an adult i have taken to using a diamond-encrusted walking stick filled with Wild Turkey as well...alsonotreallyonthatlastpart.


RIP Evel.

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Farewell to an icon.


My brush with greatness involves Evel. He was playing in the foursome in front of us one day and almost killed me when he snap-hooked a drive right through the green we were putting on.


"Sorry about that guys, did you see where it ended up." Actual quote. :music_guitarred:


Also, Robbie couldn't carry Evel's left nut.


Also, also, yes the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle may be the single greatest toy ever made.

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Also, also, yes the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle may be the single greatest toy ever made.

My scarred knuckles agree with you 100%

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Too bad he didn't go out in a blaze of glory. :overhead: They should shoot his body into the Snake River.

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My Dad took my Brother Steve to see Evel jump the snake river gorge. Steve liked that kind of shiot. While the jump was less than a success, this was one of the few times that Steve got to stand out and be treated special (in a good way). It was just him and Dad. Was always greatful for that trip. :first:

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Aw if it isn't my own wittle stalker. Cool. Back in the day we would sign our posts. Before little loads like you posted here. All a matter of courtesy. The kind you lack. You should at least have some for your boyfriend and give him a reach around every now and then.






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Part of my childhood is gone :wave:

Wide World of Sports and Evel Knievel....like bread and butter



Same here. All of my childhood heros are dying.


At least I still have John Wayne and Elvis...

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I have no link and I don't know all of the details but Evel Knievel owed 12 million to someone he knew.

In 1977 a guy Evel knew was writing a book about him and Evel didn't like it, so he went and broke the guy's arm with a baseball bat. The guy won in court and his estate was sued for 12 million. I guess the guy was never paid and is now looking for 100 million due to interest or something.


Have any of you heard about this?

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I have no link and I don't know all of the details but Evel Knievel owed 12 million to someone he knew.

In 1977 a guy Evel knew was writing a book about him and Evel didn't like it, so he went and broke the guy's arm with a baseball bat. The guy won in court and his estate was sued for 12 million. I guess the guy was never paid and is now looking for 100 million due to interest or something.


Have any of you heard about this?


I know he was a pretty focked up dude, but don't know what i true or not?





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I have no link and I don't know all of the details but Evel Knievel owed 12 million to someone he knew.

In 1977 a guy Evel knew was writing a book about him and Evel didn't like it, so he went and broke the guy's arm with a baseball bat. The guy won in court and his estate was sued for 12 million. I guess the guy was never paid and is now looking for 100 million due to interest or something.


Have any of you heard about this?


Never heard the actual figure but yeah I've heard that. Evel lost in court but was proud of telling people that he had never paid the guy a cent and never would.

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Aw if it isn't my own wittle stalker. Cool. Back in the day we would sign our posts. Before little loads like you posted here. All a matter of courtesy. The kind you lack. You should at least have some for your boyfriend and give him a reach around every now and then.


Stalker???? It's a tip that I am not the only one who thinks someone who signs his posts, and adds the phaggity tilda thing is about as gay as you get.

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