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Clinton/Obama debate

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Pretty funny to watch her attempt to paint herself as the poor victim and Obama as the politician using dirty tactics.


Unbelievable. How does she sleep at night?

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What kind of presidential candidate references Saturday Night Live in defense of her campaign?


100% loser :pointstosky:

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I just honestly can't believe that she still has the support that she does. It's unreal. What a joke. If she were to somehow overtake Obama, I'd honestly have to write somebody in. I hate McCain, and disagree with his policies MUCH more than I do hers (in fact, I agree with her about a good number of things), but I don't think I could force myself to cast a vote for her.

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I just honestly can't believe that she still has the support that she does. It's unreal. What a joke. If she were to somehow overtake Obama, I'd honestly have to write somebody in. I hate McCain, and disagree with his policies MUCH more than I do hers (in fact, I agree with her about a good number of things), but I don't think I could force myself to cast a vote for her.


It is so apparent that she's getting clobbered. Hillary's appeal was always all about:


1. Inevitability: She had the money and the support of the Dem establishment, so you might as well vote for her cause she's got the best chance to win in November, and;

2. Partisanship, a chance for Democrats to get back at Republicans who did her and her husband wrong.


So far as #1, getting your ass kicked by a black junior senator who was a relative unknown a few years ago sort of undercuts the argument that you're best suited to run a campaign in November. And for #2, people are just f'ing tired of Hillary and her husband and don't feel like revisiting those arguments.


There is simply no reason to support her anymore. She'll lose Texas and she'll be forced to forfeit. She has no reason to run and no chance to win.

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I just honestly can't believe that she still has the support that she does. It's unreal. What a joke. If she were to somehow overtake Obama, I'd honestly have to write somebody in. I hate McCain, and disagree with his policies MUCH more than I do hers (in fact, I agree with her about a good number of things), but I don't think I could force myself to cast a vote for her.



you and obama need to get a room already :pointstosky:

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Could you imagine this biotch running our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks like she is one face lift from exploding. And you know she does not give road head.

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I'll say this. If Obama slams the door next week.......whenever it is she drops out and has to actually give a genuine concession speech and back out of this whole thing.........that will be amazing. :pointstosky:


I wonder if she's capable of it. Seriously.

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I'll say this. If Obama slams the door next week.......whenever it is she drops out and has to actually give a genuine concession speech and back out of this whole thing.........that will be amazing. :pointstosky:


I wonder if she's capable of it. Seriously.

She will NOT release her tax return statement for public viewing. I call BS.

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She will NOT release her tax return statement for public viewing. I call BS.


He did get nailed on public financing and parcing a little on Farrakhan, to be fair and that's coming from an Obama supporter.

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Yeah, he just bitch-slapped her silly ass on that whole "rejection" argument.


God, she sucks.


Speaking of, wonder where Bill is tonight? :banana:

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So, where are all the idiots who always claim that Obama never answers tough questions? :banana:


Probably watching "Jericho", or "quarterlife", or one of these other stupid shows I've never heard of before.

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What the fuckk have I been telling you about this cunnt for the past 2 years. The biggest charlatan in the history of MANkind. Either of them will do their best to ruin this country though. We're fukked.

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So, where are all the idiots who always claim that Obama never answers tough questions? :shocking:


Probably watching "Jericho", or "quarterlife", or one of these other stupid shows I've never heard of before.

Isn't that better than watching a debate with your mind already made up influencing your perspective on everything that she says? I mean, you were going to hate her no matter what, so why bother? :banana:

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Isn't that better than watching a debate with your mind already made up influencing your perspective on everything that she says? I mean, you were going to hate her no matter what, so why bother? :banana:


Consistency and, for me personally, just general interest in and fascination with the political process.


Of course, admittedly, I'm one of those who believes that every American should be greatly influenced to watch every debate, on both sides. Every major network should carry every single debate along the way. And, when we get down near the end and it's the nominees going at it, all of the cable channels should shut down and only the debate should be on television that night.


Yes, I'm serious.

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I just don't get the people of NY voting her in as senator. I mean, I couldn't imagine someone moving from the north to Louisiana for the sole purpose of running for national political office. It boggles the mind. WTF are those people thinking????

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I just don't get the people of NY voting her in as senator. I mean, I couldn't imagine someone moving from the north to Louisiana for the sole purpose of running for national political office. It boggles the mind. WTF are those people thinking????


It's New York......seriously.

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I just don't get the people of NY voting her in as senator. I mean, I couldn't imagine someone moving from the north to Louisiana for the sole purpose of running for national political office. It boggles the mind. WTF are those people thinking????


Change. It's all the rage.

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It's New York......seriously.

Yeah, but if someone did that in Louisiana or Texas, they'd just get a butt wuppin. I don't mean that in a figurative manner. They would be physically beat up.

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I just don't get the people of NY voting her in as senator. I mean, I couldn't imagine someone moving from the north to Louisiana for the sole purpose of running for national political office. It boggles the mind. WTF are those people thinking????

I've always wondered that myself and posted such in here before. Modern day Carpetbagger.


I lost all respect for NYer's the day they elected her.

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Consistency and, for me personally, just general interest in and fascination with the political process.


Of course, admittedly, I'm one of those who believes that every American should be greatly influenced to watch every debate, on both sides. Every major network should carry every single debate along the way. And, when we get down near the end and it's the nominees going at it, all of the cable channels should shut down and only the debate should be on television that night.


Yes, I'm serious.

Amen dude.

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Can't imagine how Hilary would sway anyone still undecided with the candor she showed. Obama's answers had more discernible substance to them but what really strikes me is that I don't have too many solid thoughts/inner discourse about any of the points, or lack of, made in the debate. It felt like a lot of fluff. There were a few informative moments. Maybe because it's down to two and they have similar views on a lot of issues. I miss Ron Paul :unsure:



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Rattlesnake just moved to the left of Torrid and Cyber Gandalf !


I'm a registered independent and a moderate. Fiscally a little more conservative, while a little more socially liberal. Don't know a lot about either of those two people, but they must be full-blown conservatives.


Before there's some uninformed, ignorant comment about Obama supposedly being this terrible liberal and a supporter claiming to be a little more fiscally conservative.......be sure to think about, and realize, the amount of money we'd save by pulling out of this mess in Iraq and closing all of the big-business-friendly tax loopholes and shortcuts. You do those two things alone, and you have MORE than enough money to do everything Obama wants to do. This study that supposedly showed him to be the 3rd most liberal or whatever, I loved what he said last night, totally bogus. If he's so liberal, why do so many people who are independents, and even some who are Republicans, seem to like him and/or support him?

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She will NOT release her tax return statement for public viewing. I call BS.

maybe she's confusing her tax return with the fbi files she was hiding........

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Watched some of the commentary this morning:


Re: "I always get called first!!" :rolleyes:


#1) General reaction: Who cares? Shouldn't you WANT that? Wouldn't you be whining if you always got called second?

#2) Fact check: Last ten debates, she's been called first 6 times. Most debates do a simple coin-flip.





Basically, no clear winners or losers. - Which is a win for Obama. She had to radically change the trajectory of the voting trends and this debate did nothing to do that.

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Clinton is done, she will never get the crushing victories in Ohio and Texas that she needs to stay alive. I think she knows this and is kicking and screaming in her death throes. Last night was the last debate, which she fared quite poorly in with her whining. In fact, she probably made things worse, because personality and likeability have always been her Achilles' heel.


She will be out of the race on March 5, whether she announces it or not.

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you and obama need to get a room already :rolleyes:


no shiot. this retard has been slobbing his knob for weeks now like he is the second coming of Christ.

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As much as I'd like to see the biotch clobbered in OH and TX, I don't see it happening. Short of her condeding strictly b/c of money, I see her dragging this out. Ultimately, Obama's gonna win (short of a major screw up), but it may be a long ugly road. If the biitch goes after MI and FL, it'll trash her standing in the party for good.

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The American people never cease to amaze me, basically the political process comes down to how much you personally like someone you vote for. Obama seems like a nice guy, so people vote for him. Hell I disagree with everything he says, and still like the guy. But is that really a reason to vote for soebody? I could hate the hell out of someone, but if they are going to pursue policies I agree with, I will vote for them. I wonder how many of these people voting for Obama realize that when they vote for him, they are in essence voting for less money in their pockets?


I like keeping the money that I EARN, because I am the one who worked for it. Hell I already live in one of the highest taxed counties in one of the highest taxed states in America. Do I really need to give more money to social programs that give my money to those who aren't willing to work as hard as I do. My job pays well but sends me to some pretty dangerous places, hell I'm in Africa right now. If I'm taking the risk to come here, why should someone who refuses to get off their ass and work be entitled to my money? Take a look at taxes while Bush was in office compared to Clinton. The rich are not the only ones who benefited from the tax cuts. It's funny how the dems look at the money rich people make as theirs to play with. The "Well they make more, so we should be able to take more" mentality is ridiculous. It is THEIR money, not the governments.

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The American people never cease to amaze me, basically the political process comes down to how much you personally like someone you vote for. Obama seems like a nice guy, so people vote for him. Hell I disagree with everything he says, and still like the guy. But is that really a reason to vote for soebody? I could hate the hell out of someone, but if they are going to pursue policies I agree with, I will vote for them. I wonder how many of these people voting for Obama realize that when they vote for him, they are in essence voting for less money in their pockets?


I like keeping the money that I EARN, because I am the one who worked for it. Hell I already live in one of the highest taxed counties in one of the highest taxed states in America. Do I really need to give more money to social programs that give my money to those who aren't willing to work as hard as I do. My job pays well but sends me to some pretty dangerous places, hell I'm in Africa right now. If I'm taking the risk to come here, why should someone who refuses to get off their ass and work be entitled to my money? Take a look at taxes while Bush was in office compared to Clinton. The rich are not the only ones who benefited from the tax cuts. It's funny how the dems look at the money rich people make as theirs to play with. The "Well they make more, so we should be able to take more" mentality is ridiculous. It is THEIR money, not the governments.


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The American people never cease to amaze me, basically the political process comes down to how much you personally like someone you vote for. Obama seems like a nice guy, so people vote for him. Hell I disagree with everything he says, and still like the guy. But is that really a reason to vote for soebody? I could hate the hell out of someone, but if they are going to pursue policies I agree with, I will vote for them. I wonder how many of these people voting for Obama realize that when they vote for him, they are in essence voting for less money in their pockets?


I like keeping the money that I EARN, because I am the one who worked for it. Hell I already live in one of the highest taxed counties in one of the highest taxed states in America. Do I really need to give more money to social programs that give my money to those who aren't willing to work as hard as I do. My job pays well but sends me to some pretty dangerous places, hell I'm in Africa right now. If I'm taking the risk to come here, why should someone who refuses to get off their ass and work be entitled to my money? Take a look at taxes while Bush was in office compared to Clinton. The rich are not the only ones who benefited from the tax cuts. It's funny how the dems look at the money rich people make as theirs to play with. The "Well they make more, so we should be able to take more" mentality is ridiculous. It is THEIR money, not the governments.

Anyone else just get a hard on? :rolleyes:

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