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Do you cheer for your fantasy guys more than your home team?


I live in Minny, but hate the Vikes, so it is easy to cheer against them, but I would trade a fantasy win for a favorite team of mine to lose anyday...


Just curious of everyones loyalties...

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This is my first year playing FF, so the first few weeks were kinda weird. FF makes you root for some weird stuff. Earlier in the year, I was rooting for Romo to throw TDs and for Folk to miss the extra points :first:


To answer your question, I'm always happy when my team ( GO BUCS! ) does well, but I have not yet faced a situation where my team doing well hurts me directly. Not sure how I would respond to that, but it sounds like a case of mixed emotions.

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Favorite Team before fantasy team far and away. If you root for your fantasy team more, then you don't have a favorite team. Simple as that.

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Favorite Team before fantasy team far and away. If you root for your fantasy team more, then you don't have a favorite team. Simple as that.




I only root for my fantasy players to pick up points against my favorite team after my favorite team is up HUGE and the game is out of reach. Other than that my favorite team >>>>>>> fantasy football team.

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I root for the falcons first and my fantasy team second.. but... When someone I have is playing against the falcons, I always hope for my guy to score big and the falcons to win at the same time. If it came down to it I'd probably go w/ the falcons as long as they were in contention to get a spot in the playoffs.... If they were eliminated, go fantasy team.

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Do you cheer for your fantasy guys more than your home team?


I live in Minny, but hate the Vikes, so it is easy to cheer against them, but I would trade a fantasy win for a favorite team of mine to lose anyday...


Just curious of everyones loyalties...


Wuss. :shocking:


I live in Cincinnati and I'm still a Vikings fan. (17 years removed) :mad:

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Favorite team by a country mile, not even close.


I'm a football fan.


Love my hobby but you're asking if it's more fun to watch a porno or get some.

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The lines have begun to blur more and more.


I'm a Browns fan, which is good because usually they don't have guys I want on my team anyway.


But emotions come into play when I have guys playing the Browns, and the guy I'm playing is a douche bag.


It's a no win.


I need a new hobby that doesn't combine competition, my love for the Browns, and guys in my league that are idiots

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Here's another question I wanted to toss in since it relates to the OP's original topic...


Have you ever not drafted a player (stud player) because you hated him?


For example if you're a Redskins fan you obviously hate the Cowboys. Would you draft Romo or T.O. if they fell slightly below their average draft position despite your despise of the Cowboys?

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Here's another question I wanted to toss in since it relates to the OP's original topic...


Have you ever not drafted a player (stud player) because you hated him?


For example if you're a Redskins fan you obviously hate the Cowboys. Would you draft Romo or T.O. if they fell slightly below their average draft position despite your despise of the Cowboys?



I have a tendency for not drafting players that have screwed me over in the past.

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Here's another question I wanted to toss in since it relates to the OP's original topic...


Have you ever not drafted a player (stud player) because you hated him?


For example if you're a Redskins fan you obviously hate the Cowboys. Would you draft Romo or T.O. if they fell slightly below their average draft position despite your despise of the Cowboys?


Pass because you personally dislike a player? Irrational, but it probably creeps into the psyche. I don't avoid divisional rivals or anything like that, but I do avoid certain players every year. For years I refused to own Eddie Kennison because he cost me a playoff win. Burress/T.O. because they are locker room poison that could implode at any time. Todd Heap/Donte Stallworth because they can't stay healthy. Whoever starts the season as the Broncos RB (just picked up Torrain but will probably regret it).


No, I can't really say my do not draft/avoid list has anything to do with players being on teams I hate, but I still use some wack logic making it up in the preseason.

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Real life is infinately better than fantasy life.

I'll take a Broncos victory for a fantasy defeat any day of the week.


GO BRONCOS :dunno:

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Buccaneers all the way over fantasy. It's gotten so bad that I refuse to start players if they're facing the Bucs because I don't want to root against my team. So, I try and avoid drafting NFC South players or starting them against the Bucs at all cost. I might even consider trading them that week if benching them isn't an option.

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Nothing worse than a bandwagon, fair-weather fan, which describes people who root for their fantasy teams over their home teams. As a Lion's fan, which is hard enough, I have actually had to sit defenses against them, like the Bears D, because I did not want to have any part of me routing for the Bears, even though it would have won me a fantasy game that week. Once you start to blur the lines, you compromise your integrity, and where is the fun in that?


Go Lions?

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WOW!! Are you guys in a money league? I will pull for my fantasy team every week. 2 weeks ago I went against the guy who had Cutler and had no problem hoping he threw interceptions or got sacked. When money is involved you can’t have a favorite team. I can understand what you guys are saying, it’s the reason I don’t play fantasy baseball. I probably take this “hobby” way to serious but when I get that check at the end of the year it makes it all worth while. (Bash away)

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WOW!! Are you guys in a money league? I will pull for my fantasy team every week. 2 weeks ago I went against the guy who had Cutler and had no problem hoping he threw interceptions or got sacked. When money is involved you can’t have a favorite team. I can understand what you guys are saying, it’s the reason I don’t play fantasy baseball. I probably take this “hobby” way to serious but when I get that check at the end of the year it makes it all worth while. (Bash away)



Im with you bro, Im a huge Charger fan, I want them to win of course, but what do I get out of it when they do? A little satisfaction, I play fantasy football to test my knowledge of the game, and to make some cash, something that goes a lot further for my personal life then my team winning.

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Favorite Team before fantasy team far and away. If you root for your fantasy team more, then you don't have a favorite team. Simple as that.


Or you live in Detroit :overhead:


Fantasy Team all the way!!

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I Love the Cowboys and if i have a player facing them i will root for that player to have a big game but root for the cowboys to win...in a ppr league it makes it a little easier cause you can have a guy have 6 catches 120 yards and not score a td.......... which would in my leaague still get me 18 points so i think there is a fine line but i will not root against my cowboys but root for players facing my cowboys

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Please look at my user name and draw your own conclusion…


Honestly, even if the Lions were good I'd still root for my FF team over them.


Jerry Seinfeld summed it up best:

Some dude: "we won"

Jerry: "no, they won, you watched"

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Do you cheer for your fantasy guys more than your home team?


I live in Minny, but hate the Vikes, so it is easy to cheer against them, but I would trade a fantasy win for a favorite team of mine to lose anyday...


Just curious of everyones loyalties...



" Fantasty FB or your home team? "


Well in your case it is not the home team so I will address "favorite" team.


Why would anyone cheer for a favorite team over their FF team? Home team is a little different because it does affect the community. Why would someone in Minn. care what a team in NY does.

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I look at it this way...


When drafting, setting lineups, or evaluating trades, I have no favorite team. I use the players that will score, whether they are playing my team or not.


But once the lineups are set, its all about the home team.


This year, I don't have real time scoring, and find out if I won or lost on Tuesday. That makes it easier to keep your loyalties straight, IMO.

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