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Mexico legalizes recreational drug use

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Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession



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Published: August 21, 2009


MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico enacted a controversial law on Thursday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other drugs while encouraging government-financed treatment for drug dependency free of charge.


The law sets out maximum “personal use” amounts for drugs, also including LSD and methamphetamine. People detained with those quantities will no longer face criminal prosecution; the law goes into effect on Friday.


Anyone caught with drug amounts under the personal-use limit will be encouraged to seek treatment, and for those caught a third time treatment is mandatory — although no penalties for noncompliance are specified.


Mexican authorities said the change only recognized the longstanding practice here of not prosecuting people caught with small amounts of drugs.


The maximum amount of marijuana considered to be for “personal use” under the new law is 5 grams — the equivalent of about four marijuana cigarettes. Other limits are half a gram of cocaine, 50 milligrams of heroin, 40 milligrams for methamphetamine and 0.015 milligrams of LSD.


President Felipe Calderón waited months before approving the law.

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I think the Dem party should try hard to pass the same legislation.

add a gay marriage law and free gov't abortion law too.






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Great idea. Legalize meth and you too can go from this to this. Dumb focks.

Pot is one thing but the rest of it is utter buullshit ;)


why do you care what people do to themselves?


do you stand outside McDs and yell at people and tell them not to go from skinny to being fat?


smarten up.

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Great idea. Legalize meth and you too can go from this to this. Dumb focks.

Pot is one thing but the rest of it is utter buullshit :thumbsdown:

One leads to the other.


Stoners are lazy,shifty, smelly people that are of no practical use in todays society. :wave:

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One leads to the other.


Stoners are lazy,shifty, smelly people that are of no practical use in todays society. :wave:


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This is beyond explanation. Hmm, we are fighting a losing war with drug cartels that are practically running the country...lets make drug use EASIER, that should hurt those drug lords.





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Great idea. Legalize meth and you too can go from this to this. Dumb focks.

Pot is one thing but the rest of it is utter buullshit :dunno:



Umm...you can do that now. I would think you would like this. Think about how much taxed money we would save by doing this. A) Stop spending so much on the war on drugs and B)have so many less people in prison that we are paying for.


Whenever I see or hear an ignorant statement like your own regarding drugs, I always ask: Do you smoke weed? (most people say yes or at least have tried it) Followed by do you inject heroine? (most people say no) I go, really? They are both illegal so why not either do both or refrain from both? They look at me like im retarded and obviously say dude weed is not as bad for you as heroine. No ######, sherlock. Just because heroine would be legal, does not mean you would start injecting it left and right, and just because weed is illegal does not mean you will abstain from it. Legalize it all. Stop treating addicts like criminals, save mad tax monies, and stop overegulating our lives.


If drugs were legal, cartels would end. How could they compete with massive pharmaceutical companies in producing pot? :overhead:

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why do you care what people do to themselves?


do you stand outside McDs and yell at people and tell them not to go from skinny to being fat?


smarten up.

this actually drives me crazy - specially when i see their 200 lbs seven year olds on the same path. and as if that weren't bad nuff, our prez wants to tax me to help pay for their fat-ass heathcare treatment bcoz they don't have insurance. have money for big macs, but not insurance.

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this actually drives me crazy - specially when i see their 200 lbs seven year olds on the same path. and as if that weren't bad nuff, our prez wants to tax me to help pay for their fat-ass heathcare treatment bcoz they don't have insurance. have money for big macs, but not insurance.





My city is actually under a boil water warning right now.. I may as well move to Mexico.

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I'm all for this except for the "government financed treatment" part.


Personal freedom, personal responsibility



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Umm...you can do that now. I would think you would like this. Think about how much taxed money we would save by doing this. A) Stop spending so much on the war on drugs and B)have so many less people in prison that we are paying for.


Whenever I see or hear an ignorant statement like your own regarding drugs, I always ask: Do you smoke weed? (most people say yes or at least have tried it) Followed by do you inject heroine? (most people say no) I go, really? They are both illegal so why not either do both or refrain from both? They look at me like im retarded and obviously say dude weed is not as bad for you as heroine. No ######, sherlock. Just because heroine would be legal, does not mean you would start injecting it left and right, and just because weed is illegal does not mean you will abstain from it. Legalize it all. Stop treating addicts like criminals, save mad tax monies, and stop overegulating our lives.


If drugs were legal, cartels would end. How could they compete with massive pharmaceutical companies in producing pot? :lol:


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This is beyond explanation. Hmm, we are fighting a losing war with drug cartels that are practically running the country...lets make drug use EASIER, that should hurt those drug lords.




Prohibition of alcohol was the best thing ever for organized crime. The fact that something is illegal creates the black market for it. HTH

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Stoners are lazy,shifty, smelly people that are of no practical use in todays society. :music_guitarred:



I would like to comment in this thread, but I'm too baked. :bandana:

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Prohibition of alcohol was the best thing ever for organized crime. The fact that something is illegal creates the black market for it. HTH


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why do you care what people do to themselves?


do you stand outside McDs and yell at people and tell them not to go from skinny to being fat?


smarten up.



Maybe because no one is going to break into your house and steal your stuff to feed their pot habit.


A person with a Meth addiction however is a different story.

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If drugs were legal, cartels would end. How could they compete with massive pharmaceutical companies in producing pot? :rolleyes:

Uhh..no they wouldn't. They would just find other ways to make money illegally.

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Maybe because no one is going to break into your house and steal your stuff to feed their pot habit.


A person with a Meth addiction however is a different story.

because with Meth illegal, people don't use it? :rolleyes:


No one has been breaking into my house for meth. :thumbsup:

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Uhh..no they wouldn't. They would just find other ways to make money illegally.



They already have ... the biggest revenue from organized crime now comes from smuggling of tobacco/cigarettes or production of counterfiet name brand cigarettes.


They side-step paying the taxes meant to discourage tobacco use, but sell them at the fully taxed rate and pocket the difference. It's alot less risky as there aren't manditory minimum sentences for the smuggling tobacco as there is with other drugs.

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They already have ... the biggest revenue from organized crime now comes from smuggling of tobacco/cigarettes or production of counterfiet name brand cigarettes.


They side-step paying the taxes meant to discourage tobacco use, but sell them at the fully taxed rate and pocket the difference. It's alot less risky as there aren't manditory minimum sentences for the smuggling tobacco as there is with other drugs.

Doesn't matter...Obama will outlaw cigs soon enough :headbanger:

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Doesn't matter...Obama will outlaw cigs soon enough :headbanger:


Doesn't the President smoke? :wave:

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Doesn't the President smoke? :headbanger:

He doesn't / won't have to follow his own healthcare guidelines, why would he have to follow a no - smoking law?

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because with Meth illegal, people don't use it? :music_guitarred:


No one has been breaking into my house for meth. :(


No people still do it. I can understand trying to stop the creation and distribution of it though - although admittedly it is probably the toughest to do.


I mean who cares if people smoke pot? They sit at home and eat Doritos. (This post is in no way affiliated with Doritos) :)


With Meth people get hooked badly, and addicts are responsible for a lot of crime due to the highly addictive nature and crazy behavior caused by the drug.


So spending money trying to limit its use and get people off it I can understand because it has a lot more problems associated with it.

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He doesn't / won't have to follow his own healthcare guidelines, why would he have to follow a no - smoking law?


Stop trying to confuse me with your big fancy words, Poindexter.

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Stop trying to confuse me with your big fancy words, Poindexter.

Hippocrate :music_guitarred:

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No people still do it. I can understand trying to stop the creation and distribution of it though - although admittedly it is probably the toughest to do.


I mean who cares if people smoke pot? They sit at home and eat Doritos. (This post is in no way affiliated with Doritos) :)


With Meth people get hooked badly, and addicts are responsible for a lot of crime due to the highly addictive nature and crazy behavior caused by the drug.


So spending money trying to limit its use and get people off it I can understand because it has a lot more problems associated with it.



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