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The NBA Lottery is tonight.

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I find this to be great TV. Watching and hoping a team with 2% chance gets the 1st pick, Laughing at the Clippers, or hoping for a conspiracy to take place. ala patrick ewing

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I find this to be great TV. Watching and hoping a team with 2% chance gets the 1st pick, Laughing at the Clippers, or hoping for a conspiracy to take place. ala patrick ewing


the old chilled ping pong ball eh?

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i remember refreshing that chad ford lottery program a million times until the celts landed Durant/Oden

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Never thought i would see the day my Pistons were in the lottery :music_guitarred: I guess every team goes through this.


They just need to get a big man, and i don't see any that would be more than a solid role player in the draft. Cousins is solid, but i only see him being a 15/9 guy at his peak. I think the Pistons should use the pick plus Tay or Rip for trade bait for a big man, i don't think any FA big men will be coming to Detroit. Chris Kaman is a hometown kid, would love to see them go after him.

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John Wall must be crapping his pants hoping the Clippers don't get the #1, in turn ruining his career before it even starts.

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Never thought i would see the day my Pistons were in the lottery :music_guitarred: I guess every team goes through this.


They just need to get a big man, and i don't see any that would be more than a solid role player in the draft. Cousins is solid, but i only see him being a 15/9 guy at his peak. I think the Pistons should use the pick plus Tay or Rip for trade bait for a big man, i don't think any FA big men will be coming to Detroit. Chris Kaman is a hometown kid, would love to see them go after him.

As someone who watched every second of DeMarcus Cousins this year, his ceiling is not 15/9. If you guys get Boogie, you got the second best player in the draft. Maybe the best. If he has a coach who knows how to handle him the way Cal did (not some iron fisted Jerry Sloan old school type) his ceiling in the league is much closer to 27/13.


Check his per-minute stats in college. And we used him strictly as a post guy. He has the ability to take people off the dribble, step out and shoot it, and hustles his ass off. Plus the NBA doesn't have those ticky-tack fouls that limited his minutes in college. He, Wall and Bledsoe are all three better suited for the pro game.



Kentucky homerism aside, Cousins is a monster. And unless Detroit is picking 3/4, they won't get him. I'd actually like to see them get him and bring the Bad Boys thing back. He's the paint presence you guys have missed since Ben and Sheed left.

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As someone who watched every second of DeMarcus Cousins this year, his ceiling is not 15/9. If you guys get Boogie, you got the second best player in the draft. Maybe the best. If he has a coach who knows how to handle him the way Cal did (not some iron fisted Jerry Sloan old school type) his ceiling in the league is much closer to 27/13.


Check his per-minute stats in college. And we used him strictly as a post guy. He has the ability to take people off the dribble, step out and shoot it, and hustles his ass off. Plus the NBA doesn't have those ticky-tack fouls that limited his minutes in college. He, Wall and Bledsoe are all three better suited for the pro game.



Kentucky homerism aside, Cousins is a monster. And unless Detroit is picking 3/4, they won't get him. I'd actually like to see them get him and bring the Bad Boys thing back. He's the paint presence you guys have missed since Ben and Sheed left.


:music_guitarred: Gotcha, yeah i didn't see a whole lot of him and was only going on the few games i saw him in and what so called "experts" have been saying. I liked him, but i read a few things that say he could have an immediate impact in the NBA but didn't have a high ceiling for various reasons. I know they will need to get a higher pick for him, i was hoping they would get a 3/4 pick, which is somewhat realistic. Now i would like to see them land Cousins. If not, go after Kaman. Pistons with a big man will at least be back to the playoffs, i don't want to focking see this team in the lottery again.

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Wall isn't the oooOOOOOHHHH AAAhhhHHHH type player many #1 overall's are. He needs some serious work to be a stud in teh NBA in my opinion.


I don't think it is a year in which the winner of the lottery is crapping their pants. Wall isn't a James, Timmy D, or anything. That said, it is a solid draft.

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;) Gotcha, yeah i didn't see a whole lot of him and was only going on the few games i saw him in and what so called "experts" have been saying. I liked him, but i read a few things that say he could have an immediate impact in the NBA but didn't have a high ceiling for various reasons. I know they will need to get a higher pick for him, i was hoping they would get a 3/4 pick, which is somewhat realistic. Now i would like to see them land Cousins. If not, go after Kaman. Pistons with a big man will at least be back to the playoffs, i don't want to focking see this team in the lottery again.


Think Al Horford with a stronger frame and more polished offensive game. Lower basketball IQ, but that could apply to 85% of the league compared to Horford.


Cousins will be a very good pro as long as his mind stays in the right place. He's the rarity; a low post player who actually plays in the post, and who has the height and frame to handle it in the NBA.

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Wall isn't the oooOOOOOHHHH AAAhhhHHHH type player many #1 overall's are. He needs some serious work to be a stud in teh NBA in my opinion.


I don't think it is a year in which the winner of the lottery is crapping their pants. Wall isn't a James, Timmy D, or anything. That said, it is a solid draft.

He's a better prospect than any #1 pick of the last 10 years aside from LeBron and Howard, according to many. The fact that he's going #1 despite being a PG says a lot. Other than Rose, the last PG taken #1 was Magic. If they take you #1 as a PG, you can play


I think the minute he steps on the court, he becomes arguably the fastest player with the ball in the NBA. He's 6'4'', has elite athleticism, and is a a "true" point guard. Besides an outside shot, there are no noticable holes in his game. But hell, there aren't many good players in the NBA that can shoot anyway.



So which of these #1 picks are "ohhhh ahhh" types? Kenyon Martin? Greg Oden? Blake Griffin? Bargnani? Kwame Brown? Yao? Bogut?



I mean, which of those blew your socks off? They've all been at least solid pros, Oden was supposed to be the second coming, Griffin had the college productivity but couldn't shoot, etc. Who "felt" more like a #1 pick than Wall does?

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He's a better prospect than any #1 pick of the last 10 years aside from LeBron and Howard, according to many. The fact that he's going #1 despite being a PG says a lot. Other than Rose, the last PG taken #1 was Magic. If they take you #1 as a PG, you can play


I think the minute he steps on the court, he becomes arguably the fastest player with the ball in the NBA. He's 6'4'', has elite athleticism, and is a a "true" point guard. Besides an outside shot, there are no noticable holes in his game. But hell, there aren't many good players in the NBA that can shoot anyway.



So which of these #1 picks are "ohhhh ahhh" types? Kenyon Martin? Greg Oden? Blake Griffin? Bargnani? Kwame Brown? Yao? Bogut?



I mean, which of those blew your socks off? They've all been at least solid pros, Oden was supposed to be the second coming, Griffin had the college productivity but couldn't shoot, etc. Who "felt" more like a #1 pick than Wall does?


It was all my opinion, so you can woah down on the he is supposed to be stuff. Its a weak draft at the top, is Turner a mind bloweR? That is how he can go #1 as a PG.


Oden/Durant felt like worthy #1 picks. There are so few elite players in the NBA, if each year there was a clear #1 looking caliber player and they all panned out, each team would have a star.


To me, his jump shot is weak and his passing is very average for a PG. He is athletic and very fast. He can get to the rim. He has time to get a better jump shot. But he isn't the passer and floor leader he needs to be to play PG. If he wants to be a scoring guard, al la Iverson, then he needs to develop that jump shot and that killer take over the game attitude. Just my opinions though.

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It was all my opinion, so you can woah down on the he is supposed to be stuff. Its a weak draft at the top, is Turner a mind bloweR? That is how he can go #1 as a PG.


Oden/Durant felt like worthy #1 picks. There are so few elite players in the NBA, if each year there was a clear #1 looking caliber player and they all panned out, each team would have a star.


To me, his jump shot is weak and his passing is very average for a PG. He is athletic and very fast. He can get to the rim. He has time to get a better jump shot. But he isn't the passer and floor leader he needs to be to play PG. If he wants to be a scoring guard, al la Iverson, then he needs to develop that jump shot and that killer take over the game attitude. Just my opinions though.


He does have the killer mentality, "it" factor, whatever you wanna call it. I saw it all year. In the games we lost, he was the only one who had it.



He's not a scoring guard though. He's a true point, but he can take it to the rim and score or take the last shot. You don't break the UK assist record by being a scoring guard or average passer.


I agree that Durant and Oden felt like #1s, so did Howard, LeBron, and Yao. The rest were #1 by default. But when you have people saying he's the best PG prospect they've seen since Jason Kidd (Roy Williams said it) and Magic Johnson/LeBron James are coming to watch the kid play, he's legit. The only things he needs work on are the things you can teach. He has all the things you cant and all the potential in the world.


Plus, Cal has coached the last two ROYs, so I like Wall's chances to prove he belonged at #1.



My only point was in regards to you saying he basically didn't seem like a #1 pick. You're entitled to whatever opinion you want, but I think looking at the other people taken there lately and the way Wall plays seem to point in the opposite direction.




Now hopefully he gets the fock out of DC alive.

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Cousins will be a very good pro as long as his mind stays in the right place.


I've seen his type. He's got the ceiling of an Eric Dampier caliber player and the floor of Melvin Ely

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I've seen his type. He's got the ceiling of an Eric Dampier caliber player and the floor of Melvin Ely

:lol: :wacko:



His FLOOR is Zach Randolph/Andray Blatche. Jerry Meyer called him the best offensive post player he's ever scouted as a high school senior. Kids that big, that strong, and that mobile with the skillset he has are RARE. And his "attitude" is way over blown. Trust me. He was "a thug" to most of our redneck fanbase coming in too. The team that gets him will get to know the real DeMarcus Cousins. He's like a big 12 year old off the court.

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I've seen his type. He's got the ceiling of an Eric Dampier caliber player and the floor of Melvin Ely



I'm pretty sure nobody posted this knowing it would cause Me_2006 to pop a blood vessel.

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I'm pretty sure nobody posted this knowing it would cause Me_2006 to pop a blood vessel.

Nah, he'd have to do better than that. I've been a Kentucky fan for 20 years, I'm used to people saying negative things about players/coaches/fans by now. I just speak up more about basketball than I do other things because I follow it more closely and know more about it than something like the stock market or whatever. We just happen to be landing top talent now so the players discussed when people talk about the draft are UK guys this year. I'd be doing the same if this were any other year or players from any other team.



Actually, I think I told everyone here last year that anyone who passed on Tyreke Evans would be making a mistake. He had "attitude problems" too. Also was into the Oden/Durant topic.



Either way, I love talking basketball. And while I'm a huge Kentucky fan, our guys aren't above criticism. I'll just disagree when I think someone's criticism is invalid. That's how discussion works.

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I'll just disagree when I think someone's criticism is invalid. That's how discussion works.

Thanks for the tip. :lock:


nobody likes to fock with people when he knows they're sensitive about certain subjects. That's how nobody works.

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I've seen his type. He's got the ceiling of an Eric Dampier caliber player and the floor of Melvin Ely

i was thinking more of a Christian Lattener ceiling and a shane battier floor

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John Wall is the real deal. He's like a slightly smaller, more PG version of Dwayne Wade. Think a little bit better shooting Rajon Rondo. He's gonna be that good. :music_guitarred:


Evan Turner = Brandon Roy


DeMarcus Cousins reminds me of Derrick Coleman to a T. Gifted big men who seem to lack mental focus and maturity that will hinder them from reaching their potential. High risk, high reward pick. He could be the next great big man, or the next great Kwame Brown.


The guy that more reminds me of Al Horford (since he's been mentioned) is Derek Favors. He's not as big of a name, but I watched loads of this guy in the ACC and he is a B.E.A.S.T. Gonna be a good. Won't be a superstar or anything, but gonna be solid in the NBA.


Wesley Johnson is the last of the top teir. After him there's a big drop off if you ask me.

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John Wall is the real deal. He's like a slightly smaller, more PG version of Dwayne Wade. Think a little bit better shooting Rajon Rondo. He's gonna be that good. :ninja:


Evan Turner = Brandon Roy


DeMarcus Cousins reminds me of Derrick Coleman to a T. Gifted big men who seem to lack mental focus and maturity that will hinder them from reaching their potential. High risk, high reward pick. He could be the next great big man, or the next great Kwame Brown.


The guy that more reminds me of Al Horford (since he's been mentioned) is Derek Favors. He's not as big of a name, but I watched loads of this guy in the ACC and he is a B.E.A.S.T. Gonna be a good. Won't be a superstar or anything, but gonna be solid in the NBA.


Wesley Johnson is the last of the top teir. After him there's a big drop off if you ask me.

I agree its a weak draft...


I think you should be careful calling Wall and better shooting Rondo... Rondo is the best PG in the league. I think Wall will be a good player, but he isn't going to jump in and be dominant.

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Gotta love Bawstan homers.

I'd take Rondo over every point guard in the league easily....



Name a better one...

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I agree its a weak draft...


I think you should be careful calling Wall and better shooting Rondo... Rondo is the best PG in the league. I think Wall will be a good player, but he isn't going to jump in and be dominant.


Rondo is a good PG...and getting better every day. But I'd still take Deron Wiliams and Chris Paul over Rondo.


But I agree on Wall. He'll be good, but he won't be a top tier player in the league.

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I'd take Rondo over every point guard in the league easily....



Name a better one...

Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Derrick Rose, Deron Williams and maybe Westbrook.

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Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Derrick Rose, Deron Williams and maybe Westbrook.




I'd include Tony Parker too.

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i dont think John Wall will be the best player in this class.


no offense to Wall or Kentucky fans. I like him and all but I really don't see him being the clear cut #1 pick. Im not sure he will be the best pro off his own team.

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Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Derrick Rose, Deron Williams and maybe Westbrook.



I would say Rajon Rondo is is the same class as the first 4 guys you mentioned here. Westbrook is very good, but doesn't belong in this group yet.


Amongst this group, Rondo led them all in Steals and FG%

Rondo was 2nd in Rebounds (to Westbrook) and 2nd in assist to turnover ratio (to Paul in only 45 games played)

Rondo was 4th in assists (behind Nash, Williams, and Paul, but ahead of Westbrook, and well ahead of Rose)

Scoring is the only category where Rondo was last (a function of being the 4th scoring option on his team most of the season)


In the playoffs, Rondo increased his scoring to 17.8 ppg, assists to 10.6, rebounds to 6.0, while maintaining similar steals and FG%, and increasing his assists to turnover ratio. I'd say he is the playoff MVP right now.


If the Rondo you are seeing in the playoffs puts this together for a full season (not far fetched at all), I think a case could be made that he is the top PG in the NBA. A more consistent jump shot and free throw shooter are all that he is really lacking.


But right now I would say he is in the top 5, and that is a pretty impressive group. The crop of PG's in the NBA right now is VERY strong, and has a very good one in Wall entering next season. What Steve Nash is doing at his age is amazing, and then the rest of them are all 25 years or younger. This bodes very well for the immediate future of the NBA (but I'd still rather watch college basketball).

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I've seen his type. He's got the ceiling of an Eric Dampier caliber player and the floor of Melvin Ely


What "type" is that?

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:( :thumbsdown:



His FLOOR is Zach Randolph/Andray Blatche. Jerry Meyer called him the best offensive post player he's ever scouted as a high school senior. Kids that big, that strong, and that mobile with the skillset he has are RARE. And his "attitude" is way over blown. Trust me. He was "a thug" to most of our redneck fanbase coming in too. The team that gets him will get to know the real DeMarcus Cousins. He's like a big 12 year old off the court.


Your homerism is raging.

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Rondo - id list him top 5. He is better than Westbrook and if I were building a team today I would take him over Nash due to age obviously. I look at Paul, Williams, Rose, Rondo. It was a huge benefit for Rondo to be able to learn under the big 3 and Doc Rivers. When you don't have to lead a team right away and can take your time adjusting to the NBA and experience championship success at the same time.

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A case could be made for Rondo over Rose and Nash. A healthy Paul and Williams I put 1-2. Rondo gives you plays that no other PG can give you. Those plays make up for some of his awful shooting. If he hits that mid range jumper that he has going on then it expands his game. It is amazing that he can put up 20+ pt games when teh defender plays 5 feet off him. Now that is speed.

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Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Derrick Rose, Deron Williams and maybe Westbrook.

Minus Westbrook, I agree. It's close with he and Rose too. Rondo is a stud, and he's getting better every year, but he's surrounded by tons of talent. I love him, but he isn't the best PG in the league.

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What "type" is that?



The type that gets paid and then immediately turns into the JaMarcus Russell of the NBA.

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The type that gets paid and then immediately turns into the JaMarcus Russell of the NBA.

Regarding Cousins I think odds are this will happen over him being a superstar. I love Cousin's as a prospect. He has all the physical tools for a big man. However he's the kinda guy that after he signs a 4 year 15 million dollar contract just won't put in the work or even worse get into some stuff he shoudn't. We see it time and time again from immature guys.


That's not to say in the right situation, witht he right guidance, and with Cousin's maturing that I could be totally wrong. However we've seen this movie before. :bandana:


If I had to guess he is the next Benoit Benjamin. :blink:

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