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The Town

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Blake Lively may pull off the best trashy hot look I have seen in a film in years.




I've heard from 2 buddies that saw it and they say it's their best film of the year.

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i saw it and it was ok. certainly not a ripoff. Jeremy Renner is bad ass, and some scenes are intense, but its all been done before.

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It's good, but not great.


Well directed. There are some really good shots, especially of Boston.


Some pretty good action.


But the script kind of sucks and much of it is pretty formulaic.


All in all, I was glad I went and didn't feel like I should've gotten my money back when it was over. :thumbsup:

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Caught this yesterday, was pleasently surprised.


Nothing that has to be seen in a theater but, it is good nonetheless.

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The other Town threads kind of sucked, so I bumped this one.


Just finished watching it. Not only did it exceed my expectations, it's easily the best movie I've seen this year so far. Of course, tomorrow I'll be watching Inception, so that title could be short lived. But this movie is a lock for one of the 10 Oscar nominations for best picture. I don't think I've seen anything Jeremy Renner has been in, but the guy is a really good actor. Ben Affleck was solid. Not taking every cheesy role that comes along has brought some actual legitimacy to his career. I kept thinking that one FBI agent was going to turn into the Lost Smoke Monster. The other one, from Mad Men, sucked a d!ck. Rebecca Hall was very meh and they sure didn't try to hide her freckles. Blake Lively was incredibly annoying. The costumes for the robberies were amusing, the heists and car chases were formulaic but well executed. The overall feel of the movie was dirty and gritty. Felt a bit like Payback, that Mel Gibson movie, but not as tongue in cheek. I liked the way the movie ended, liked it a lot. Nice that it wasn't the ending you feared they would go with. Not that going Shawshank would have been bad, just hacky. Miles better than the last Boston movie I saw, The Departed. Suck on that, Matt Damon.

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Rebecca Hall was very meh and they sure didn't try to hide her freckles.

I thought she/the director worked her character in a very believable way. Definitely didn't see her casting as a flaw, but an asset. I liked it overall, kept my interest, enjoyed the gritty tension. Didn't like the protagonist's type of being an anti-hero (collateral damage is okay) though. It's like rooting for Bill Murry and Scarlet Johansson in Lost in Translation. What you're supposed to be emotionally invested in happening is morally bankrupt, and it almost works. But still, I liked the ending too.

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Saw it. The robbery of Fenway Park was a little bit forced (trying to get the Red Sox in the movie because Affleck is a big fan). Overall, I'd say it was one of the better movies of 2010.


I'm excited to see The Fighter and Blue Valentine. The Fighter was filmed in Lowell and there is a shot of my grandparent's house in the movie. Also, I'm a big fan of Mickey Ward.

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Saw it. The robbery of Fenway Park was a little bit forced (trying to get the Red Sox in the movie because Affleck is a big fan). Overall, I'd say it was one of the better movies of 2010.




Bit forced?! Affleck wore Boston gear every chance he got. I almost thought this movie was an excuse for him to wear Boston gear around and chill at Fenway.


But seriously...it was a great movie.

Watched this and Social Network back to back, liked The Town more.

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Bit forced?! Affleck wore Boston gear every chance he got. I almost thought this movie was an excuse for him to wear Boston gear around and chill at Fenway.


I honestly thought the same thing. It was annoying.

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Saw it a couple of weeks ago at the $2.50 theater. The robberies were cool, but the story with the girl was stupid. Watched Inception the other night on demand late at night...liked it better and I couldn't even hear everything cause I had the volume down low and the wifey was sleeping.

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Saw it a couple of weeks ago at the $2.50 theater. The robberies were cool, but the story with the girl was stupid. Watched Inception the other night on demand late at night...liked it better and I couldn't even hear everything cause I had the volume down low and the wifey was sleeping.


Sorry 'bout that. I musta puckered the 'ol lady out earlier in the day.

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my favorite of all the "Boston" movies out there.

Liked it more than The Departed and Mystic River.


Fun movie... nicely done... and all the "Boston" peripherals are terrific.

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Just saw it this week. Excellent flick. Affleck does a great job behind the camera (much like Gone Baby Gone) and Jeremy Renner just kills it.


Agree best of the "Boston" movies, but haven't seen The Fighter yet.

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