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Giants Fan

I play the only 3-0 team in my league week 9

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QB Rogers

WR x 3: Moss, Colston, S. Rice

RB: Best, J. Charles

TE: Olsen

Flex: Thomas Jones, Cribbs or Sproles (KR league)


I could totally crush him. It's important to look at future matchups .... but that's one I feel very confident about. None of my team is on a bye that week besides MSW.

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Nobody cares


Oh I beg to differ ..... SOMEBODY cares.






































But I understand what you are saying, that person is likely not reading this thread.

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Look, his team has Mark Clayton, Brandon Lloyd and S. Jax on a bye week 9. I have all the WRs. 12 teams, we start 3.


I'm going to CRUSH him .... it's going to be so sweet.

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You should crush him like a grape providing Rodgers does not get hurt (possible), Sidney Rice comes back (doubtful), Moss is sulking (probable), Colston is not getting the love the other NO receivers are getting (probable), and Best is not still injured (probable).

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I agree (probable) for the most part.

This has to be the dumbest thread I have ever seen. 5 weeks from now?

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Is it not bad enough that you are a Giants fan? Do you sit here all day and just type garbage posts. It is not quantity is it QUALITY.


Really, the next time you think you have a great post to type, think twice and then don't post it.

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Maybe my best ever ..... fall pledge class at Delta Chi ... 1991 ... and they had these wooden crosses that represented the death of their pledgeness. And the process is .... each pledge comes and says something about what he learned, as a D-Chi during the semester and then he throws his cross into the fire. You get some really hearfealt things said, during Hell Week. Anyway, like 4 or 5 guys had said their thing and thrown their cross on the fire, and there was an awkward silence ..... and I said .... "Notice ... the fire grows larger." and everyone was still silent for a second, and then everyone busted out laughing. It was supposed to be a serious ceremony .... and I was saying that the wood crosses thrown on the fire represented a growing fraternity ..... maybe you had to be there .... but it became part of the ritual. And of course, I was known as the guy that said it .... to this day I get teased about it.

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you know this is week 4, right?

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Maybe my best ever ..... fall pledge class at Delta Chi ... 1991 ... and they had these wooden crosses that represented the death of their pledgeness. And the process is .... each pledge comes and says something about what he learned, as a D-Chi during the semester and then he throws his cross into the fire. You get some really hearfealt things said, during Hell Week. Anyway, like 4 or 5 guys had said their thing and thrown their cross on the fire, and there was an awkward silence ..... and I said .... "Notice ... the fire grows larger." and everyone was still silent for a second, and then everyone busted out laughing. It was supposed to be a serious ceremony .... and I was saying that the wood crosses thrown on the fire represented a growing fraternity ..... maybe you had to be there .... but it became part of the ritual. And of course, I was known as the guy that said it .... to this day I get teased about it.



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The year was 1985 ... and my Mom was in New York .... and my brother and I were living in her house .... and somehow, word got out that there was a party at my house .... and I kept telling people .... no party .... but they kept showing up .... I was 15.


So fine, it was a little party .....some chicks were there that I liked ... we were all being very punk rock.


And the next thing I know .... some fight is going on at my front door. And I walk out front and there's this skin dude ...... named "Asshol0le Bill" and he's all in my face, "So yer havin' a party? How come I wasn't invited?" and I am ready to hafta throw with this guy until this chick gets between us, "If you wanna fight him, you gotta fight me too!" and I grab this chick by the shoulders, and pull her away, and as I'm about to say to her, "Just stay out of this." I get focking blindsided. I'd had a little martial arts training, and I was thinking, "I'm gonna kick that guys ass so bad" but he was wearing steel toes and he said, "If you try and get up I will kick your teeth in." So I stayed down. /Focking just got suckerpunched in the temple.


The guy jumped in a VW bug .... and left town. You do the math .... HE sucker punched me and then he LEFT TOWN! He actually might have been killed .... but a lot of people wanted him dead. I never saw him again.


Learned A LOT about taking a punch since then! I'd like to think that today I'd still usher the chick away, but any kind of punch would not land on my temple. I'd instinctively block it, and trip then pin my opponent and then prolly choke him out ... now that I am more experienced.



Yeah, definitely .... choke .... AKA strangulation .... murder. And then of course there is the Humongous move ... Noooooooo .....WE GO IN! WE KILL! KILL THEM! that choke hold only works if you are .... HUMUNGOUS!

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So the only win you will get this year is week 9. And the only reason you have a chance is because half his team is on a bye. :overhead:

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QB Rogers

WR x 3: Moss, Colston, S. Rice

RB: Best, J. Charles

TE: Olsen

Flex: Thomas Jones, Cribbs or Sproles (KR league)


I could totally crush him. It's important to look at future matchups .... but that's one I feel very confident about. None of my team is on a bye that week besides MSW.


I would say cool story bro, but it isnt....its only week friggin four. Alot can happen. Heres to hopin ur whole team doesnt get injured :cheers:

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This has to be the dumbest thread I have ever seen. 5 weeks from now?


you are obviously not familiar with GFIAFP threads


what you don't get is that there is not other person...this is the 12 team league that all his personalities participate in...

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Is there a way to block someones posts so they are not readable? This guy says some of the stupidest ###### I've ever seen and I feel like it turns my brain to mush trying to read and interpret his posts.

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Is there a way to block someones posts so they are not readable? This guy says some of the stupidest ###### I've ever seen and I feel like it turns my brain to mush trying to read and interpret his posts.


One cannot simply ignore the inane ramblings of GFIAFP any more so than one can ignore the train accident they're passing by or the bearded lady at the circus...

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One cannot simply ignore the inane ramblings of GFIAFP any more so than one can ignore the train accident they're passing by or the bearded lady at the circus...


what is GFIAFP?

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what is GFIAFP?


:lol: That the nickname given to the original poster, Giants Fan for his many rambling incoherent "stories". It stands for Giants Fan Is A Focking Pvssy. He's become quite famous, or rather infamous at these fftoday forums through the years.

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:lol: That the nickname given to the original poster, Giants Fan for his many rambling incoherent "stories". It stands for Giants Fan Is A Focking Pvssy. He's become quite famous, or rather infamous at these fftoday forums through the years.


Hahaha that's awesome. Does his team always suck so bad?


One thing I've noticed with all his posts is nobody really defends or likes him...why does he still post here?

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Look, his team has Mark Clayton, Brandon Lloyd and S. Jax on a bye week 9. I have all the WRs. 12 teams, we start 3.


I'm going to CRUSH him .... it's going to be so sweet.


Last week i took my undefeated team to war with the guy in my league who took Boldin and flacco in the 1st and 2nd rnds.....yea...guess how that ended for me. If you guessed "beat me by a td." you win the prize. 2tds from the duo? fantastic day but i win easily. but it HAD to be 3. That sir, is why we play the games and celebrate AFTER the win.

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Cmon guys. Nobody rips on you for your posts. This guy has obviously been playing fantasy football for a while. (look at his sign in date). He deserves some respect. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him wrong. I may be in the minority here both literally and figuratively, but I actually think he's the favorite in his week 9 matchup. It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.

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If the Mayans were right (which they always are) but were just off by some hundreds of days, there won't even BE a week nine to win...so you are wrong...it will obviously be a tie on account of no more world.

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