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and the glenn beck envy continues

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Um...wat? Are you talking about Ron Johnson? He's handling Feingold quite deftly. Which is why he is winning.



He's pouring millionaire money into a fear and smear-based campaign (of course, because he's taking absolutely no positions himself) .... so no... he's not handling him at all, but there are a lot of dumbasses like you buying his completely empty platform...


And he was completely owned in the debate.... regardless of whatever link you post from IgargleRonJohnsonsnutz.com :lol:


I'm still laughing at that website of the link you posted :lol:




In this case, this self-made man is using his own money.


stop making me laugh.... he married into money... Congrats on that, I guess...

Don't act like that automatically qualifies you for anything...


He's an average mind at best intellectually.... I'm glad he made you feel happy when he shook your hand at a Republican fund-raisier.... I'm sure you shared a nice moment


Not senatorial material by a longshot



But I've seen dumber and less rich people buy senate seats, so nothing will surprise me...

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Because he is afraid to talk, this is all we really know about Johnson .... besides that he's superrich and not particularly smart....


• He has opposed government intervention in business -- and built his companies partly with the help of government-facilitated loans.


• Just several months before his entry into politics, Johnson testified before a state legislative committee against a bill, intended to crack down on the Catholic Church's sex abuse scandals, which would have made it easier for past sex abuse victims to sue organizations that were responsible for their care. (Johnson is not Catholic, but a Lutheran, though he sat on the financial council of the Catholic Church's Green Bay diocese.)


• He has denied that man contributes to global warming, blaming it on sunspots. (In fact, overall solar activity has gone down slightly over the past decade, while global temperatures have gone up.)


• He has said that carbon emissions are good for trees.


• In further service of denying anthropogenic global warming, he claimed that Greenland used to be green.


• In July, he said he would sell his BP stock -- when the market was better, so he could use the money to finance his campaign. Being new to politics, he clearly didn't understand the whole concept of selling stock in a company that has run into political controversy.


• And just on Friday, the AP published an investigation of Johnson's business records, showing that the candidate, who has campaigned against government subsidies for businesses, receives government subsidies for nine prison inmates he employs.

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Because he is afraid to talk, this is all we really know about Johnson .... besides that he's superrich and not particularly smart....

• He has denied that man contributes to global warming, blaming it on sunspots. (In fact, overall solar activity has gone down slightly over the past decade, while global temperatures have gone up.)


• He has said that carbon emissions are good for trees.


• In further service of denying anthropogenic global warming, he claimed that Greenland used to be green.


Let's be frank. Global Warming has been a boon to get rich quick schemes. But we've had enough of Yogi Bear stealing the picnic basket. Anybody that actually believes in the Krypton Global warming needs to have their mother raped.

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Before this gets off track:


Glenn Beck is a focking clown. The Jon Stewart rally is retarded and pointless too, but it's mainly intended to mock Glenn Beck. Some hangers-on will take it seriously as a progressive rally, but at least 1) some attendees will be in on the joke and 2) nobody there will have the jaw-dropping gall to compare their piddling whiny partisan complaints to the freaking civil rights era. :doh:


Again, I think Stewart's rally is really dumb, but Beck's was even more dumb and just stunningly arrogant and borderline offensive on top of it. Beck's a showman and he's good at what he does, bully for him, but the man is also a complete clown and we could use a lot more William F. Buckley Jr.'s and a lot less of the Beck, Rush, Coulter, Palin etc. types who qualify as conservative thought-leaders these days.


My two cents. :dunno:

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John Stewart is the stupidest motherfocker in show business.


If you want to allow a comedian to do political stuff, Bill Maher and Colin Quinn have a track record. John Stewart sucks c0ck.

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He's pouring millionaire money into a fear and smear-based campaign (of course, because he's taking absolutely no positions himself) .... so no... he's not handling him at all, but there are a lot of dumbasses like you buying his completely empty platform...


Don. I have completely avoided any personal attacks on you. Why can you not do likewise? I'm obviously nothing near a dumbass. Right?


And he was completely owned in the debate.... regardless of whatever link you post from IgargleRonJohnsonsnutz.com :lol:


No, he wasn't. Johnson came off as sincere and open. Feingold came off as defensive and manipulative - and losing.


I'm still laughing at that website of the link you posted :lol:


Not sure what you mean.


stop making me laugh.... he married into money... Congrats on that, I guess...

Don't act like that automatically qualifies you for anything...


He built a very large company. Are you really trying to dismiss Johnson's accomplishments in the real world while simultaneously attempting to support Feingold? Reeeaaaallly?


He's an average mind at best intellectually.... I'm glad he made you feel happy when he shook your hand at a Republican fund-raisier.... I'm sure you shared a nice moment


This is an elitist attitude that you're exposing here. You're attacking him because you love Feingold. We get it. I think that there are a lot of people in this world who are smarter than you think, who you dismiss simply because you disagree with their politics.


Not senatorial material by a longshot


Sure. No true Conservative may be, by your skewed standard, I fear.


But I've seen dumber and less rich people buy senate seats, so nothing will surprise me...


...and I - likewise - have seen some incredibly wealthy intelligent people "buy" seats too. Like Ted Kennedy. So?


I can tell you: Feingold could put on 1/2 hour TV infomercials every 6 hours, and he wouldn't budge the meter. He's been in Congress for 18 years. People know who he is.


BTW: he's the candidate who actually thinks that supporting nationalized healthcare will make him win. :first:

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I think that there are a lot of people in this world who are smarter than you think, who you dismiss simply because you disagree with their politics.


You think like a Democrat. That is to say: you don't.







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Sure. No true Conservative may be, by your skewed standard, I fear.




Plenty of conservatives are senatorial material... smart conservatives, though.... who are willing to talk and back up their positions and not simply do fearmongering like Johnson


And, most importantly, aren't tremendous hypocrites...


This sums it up well.....






The race for Russ Feingold's Senate seat is officially a toss-up.


Businessman Ron Johnson, after winning the Republican primary in a walk, has pulled ahead of Feingold in the polls. Feingold, the 18-year incumbent, is suddenly the underdog.


So who is Ron Johnson, anyway? The gap between Johnson's edge in the polls and what we actually know about him is huge.


So far, the 55-year-old plastics manufacturer from Oshkosh has been running a stealth campaign — long on TV ads, short on public appearances. He hardly speaks to the press, and he has sought to avoid debates.


The first thing Johnson did after winning the Sept. 14 primary was to bow out of a debate the following Sunday with Feingold, saying it was too soon. He has now agreed to debate Feingold three times this fall, beginning Oct. 8 — not the six debates the Feingold campaign wanted.


Johnson's campaign has good reasons to worry about sending their man out under the bright lights. So far they've had to retract or "clarify" statements he's made on an array of issues, including gun control, global warming, drilling in the Great Lakes, his ownership of more than $300,000 in BP stock, and his company's receipt of money from the federal government to create 11 jobs, including, possibly, his own. (Johnson claimed not to know anything about this federal grant — although he was, it turns out, the company's accountant at the time.)


Why should anyone believe Johnson, a man with no policy background who would join the seniority-driven Senate as a freshman with no pull and a handful of ill-informed opinions, would be a better senator than Feingold, a constitutional scholar who served 10 years in the state Legislature before winning his Senate seat? During his 18 years in Washington, Feingold has made a national name for himself by writing campaign finance legislation and opposing Wall Street bailouts, government spying and illegal wars — all while staying in close touch with his constituents in Wisconsin.


For Johnson's supporters, it's all about his business experience. Johnson's campaign touts him as someone who has created jobs by building a business from the ground up. But it's not that simple.


Johnson made his money the old-fashioned way: He married into it. When he wed Jane Curler back in the 1970s, he joined her brother, Pat Curler, and Pat's new plastics business, Pacur, an offshoot of the Curler family packaging empire. Firms associated with the Curler family still provide more than $9 million in business each year to Pacur, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.


There's nothing inherently wrong about getting a leg up in business through family connections. But it puts a different gloss on Johnson's bootstraps rhetoric. He opposes extending unemployment insurance because, "When you continue to extend unemployment benefits, people really don't have the incentive to go take other jobs."


Johnson's incentives in life have all been carrots, but for Wisconsin's unemployed workers in this recession, he prescribes a big stick.


He also opposes government stimulus spending — despite having specifically sought some for the Oshkosh opera house. He opposes health-care reform as "an assault on our freedom."


Perhaps Johnson believes that, like unemployment insurance, more health care will only encourage sick people to lie around whining.


Ron Johnson has taken a plethora of wacky positions. He called climate-change science "lunacy" and attributes global warming to "sun spots."


He stood with BP against what he called the Obama administration's "assault" after the massive oil spill in the Gulf. He now denies he supports drilling in the Great Lakes but when asked directly about it said, "We have to get the oil where it is."


In an interview with George Will, Johnson pined for the good ol' days when Reagan slashed the top tax rate. Naturally, he favors extending Bush's tax breaks for people in his own tax bracket.


Johnson has big plans for this money. He has committed to spending $15 million of his personal fortune to help buy himself a Senate seat. And that's just the beginning. Right-wing groups, including the Club for Growth, plan to dump even more money into our state to buy more TV ads touting Ron Johnson.


In an Orwellian touch, the ads tar Democrats including Feingold as "out of touch with the financial plight of average Americans."


In fact, Feingold is one of only a handful of non-millionaires in the U.S. Senate. He still lives in the modest Middleton house from which he launched his first U.S. Senate campaign. In short, he is more in touch with the financial plight of average Americans than Johnson has ever been.


Nonetheless, Johnson may be swept into office on a tide of anti-incumbent anger stoked by the recession and Republicans who want to manipulate people's insecurity for their own cynical ends.


Johnson has courted Tea Party voters. But he has also raised suspicions by flip-flopping on constitutional issues the Tea Partiers hold dear. He alienated the Rock River Patriots when he said he'd be willing to see a DMV-type government licensing agency oversee gun ownership, and then reversed that position after Feingold ran radio ads attacking it.


Perhaps Johnson's biggest flip-flop is on the Patriot Act.


At the big Tea Party rally in Madison last summer, Johnson borrowed a page from Feingold and attacked the provisions of the Patriot Act that expand government wiretapping and even the subpoenaing of citizens' library records. But he has since moderated that view, declaring his support for the Patriot Act and saying, "sometimes you have to give up a little" of your freedoms when it comes to fighting terrorism.


Feingold shakes his head at this.


"For him to identify the number-one thing that I have identified in the Patriot Act — subpoenaing your library records, and then turning around and saying I was wrong to take that position? This guy is taking flip-flopping to a triple-salchow level."


Beyond that, Feingold questions whether Johnson, who grew up in Minnesota, cares about Wisconsin at all.


"He makes no reference to Wisconsin," Feingold says. "He seems to show no sensitivity to Wisconsin. He talks about national, political talking points off Fox News."


In contrast, says Feingold, "I am steeped in Wisconsin traditions. Whether it be the right to bear arms or the fact that Wisconsin created the idea of unemployment compensation insurance. Or whether it just be the notion that we in Wisconsin don't believe that those who have a lot can just look at those who have nothing and say, 'Hey, unemployment compensation? That's just because they're being lazy.' That's not what I was brought up to believe are Wisconsin values."


Feingold says those values include "honorable public service," despite Johnson's attacks on him as a "career politician."


"People who have chosen what I've chosen — I've chosen not to be rich — do this because [they] like it," he says. "What is wrong with that?" He mentions Gaylord Nelson — another career legislator from Wisconsin who achieved national stature by standing up for big ideas.


Feingold is that rare creature — a senator who doesn't carry water for any industry or special interest group, or even his own party. As the Wisconsin State Journal recently reported, Feingold has voted against the Democrats 887 times — including 97 times when he was the lone holdout, more than any other senator.


In fact, Feingold stands for the very ideals that most energize the Tea Party movement — the ones Ron Johnson talked about when he was speaking in front of that Tea Party rally in Madison a few months ago: the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, government by the people.


If Johnson wins, we will lose the one member of the Senate who actually stands up for those ideals.

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btw, haas: you posted a puff piece on Feingold, attacking Ron Johnson...from Madison media?


Wow! Now that's a new - and substantive angle that I have never considered!




Russ Feingold and his fellow lefties are going down, and they're going to go down hard.

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Doesn't the use of the banana mean anything to you?


It signifies hypocrisy?




Ohhh.....I get it....you're a hardcore conservative.....a "true" conservative but when you belittle dems in a thread devoted to football, you're just joking. Why even bring it up? It was odd.


But I guess it was all in jest. <_<

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It signifies hypocrisy?




Ohhh.....I get it....you're a hardcore conservative.....a "true" conservative but when you belittle dems in a thread devoted to football, you're just joking. Why even bring it up? It was odd.


But I guess it was all in jest. <_<


No - it was in response to being attacked, and putting out a friendly barb in response. Hence, the banana. Get it? If I really want to win a debate, I get into specifics. As I did with DonHaas.

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No - it was in response to being attacked, and putting out a friendly barb in response. Hence, the banana. Get it? If I really want to win a debate, I get into specifics. As I did with DonHaas.


How you use your banana is up to you.


I just think it's hypocritical of you to slam Dems in one breath, then criticize others for shooting down your ideas due to differing ideals. Justify it all you want....but you've been exposed.


And donhass has clearly won the debate. It's obvious.

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How you use your banana is up to you.


I just think it's hypocritical of you to slam Dems in one breath, then criticize others for shooting down your ideas due to differing ideals. Justify it all you want....but you've been exposed.


And donhass has clearly won the debate. It's obvious.


You're also a Dem. I get it.


You're also trying to use different standards in different forums. My comment in the FF forum was a quick barb in response to an attack. We weren't speaking politics there.


Here, however, you neatly circumvent the personal attacks levelled at me, and go out of this thread to try to find one I used.


Hypocrite much?

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hey donhaas: you talk about RonJohnsonsnutz.com..and then you post a piece from....Feingoldsnutz.com?


I particularly liked this line here:


Feingold is that rare creature — a senator who doesn't carry water for any industry or special interest group, or even his own party. As the Wisconsin State Journal recently reported, Feingold has voted against the Democrats 887 times — including 97 times when he was the lone holdout, more than any other senator.


There are two lulz in that comment. The first is how Feingold doesn't carry water for any industry or special interest group - all while he used an AFL-CIO lobbyist in his ads - a woman who claimed she was just a normal citizen! :doh:


The second is the ROFLCOPTER offered when the author claims how much a maverick Feingold is. Well let me tell you something:


Feingold has not once voted against the Dems when they needed his vote. Not once. Votes against the Dems were placed as a matter of political expediency, and that's it. The lone exception I'll grant to this is Feingold's objection to the Patriot Act - that was a vote based upon ideals for him - but his dissenting vote was absolutely meaningless.


To claim that Russ Feingold doesn't carry the water of the Dem party is the height of laughable.

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Don should have tucked tail and gone to bed long ago. Obviously he is a glutton for punishment.


Since Don thinks it's such a big deal that this Johnson guy hasn't given enough media interviews I anticipate Don starting a thread calling out Queen Pelosi for refusing to even debate her opponent and using the excuse that "Time is money". Huh?


I'm sure Mr Cosistancy will be all over her for that one.

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You're also a Dem. I get it.


You're also trying to use different standards in different forums. My comment in the FF forum was a quick barb in response to an attack. We weren't speaking politics there.


Here, however, you neatly circumvent the personal attacks levelled at me, and go out of this thread to try to find one I used.


Hypocrite much?


No, I wouldn't say I'm a Dem. I have tended to vote Democratic in the past but have also voted Republican and Independent as well. I'm not really pro one party, anti the other party as much as I'm against folks so certain their way is absolutely best. I think it's dumb.


Here is the "attack" leveled against you:


the entire lions lbs corps is down to its 4th string and they're on their 3rd-string qb. you don't hear lion fans moaning about injuries. man the fock up and stop your goddam whining.


And your response:


Um...the Lions have no expectations. The Lions have never been in the contender conversation. This is obvious.

You think like a Democrat. That is to say: you don't


We weren't speaking politics there, until you brought it up. And the fact you brought it up is very telling. It seems to be something that's always on your mind....well that and Mensa. :rolleyes:


Quit trying to justify your hypocrisy. Truly smart people know when they are wrong. ;)

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No, I wouldn't say I'm a Dem. I have tended to vote Democratic in the past but have also voted Republican and Independent as well. I'm not really pro one party, anti the other party as much as I'm against folks so certain their way is absolutely best. I think it's dumb.


You're entitled to vote for whomever you wish. I vote based upon a very specific set of principles. When I see those principles reflected in a Democrat, I'll vote Democrat. I have never seen them exhibited there.


Here is the "attack" leveled against you:




And your response:




We weren't speaking politics there, until you brought it up. And the fact you brought it up is very telling. It seems to be something that's always on your mind....well that and Mensa. :rolleyes:


Quit trying to justify your hypocrisy. Truly smart people know when they are wrong. ;)


I'll take that last comment as an admission on your part that you are definitely not "truly smart", because you omitted the comments previously that did bring politics into it:


Hey. I'm a Rush Limbaugh fan. :mad:







really. duh. what a surprise.


And my comment was a response to donhaas' politicization of the football topic.


Now: what do truly smart people do again, Feeling? You don't really think you won this debate too, do you? ;)

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Now: what do truly smart people do again, Feeling? You don't really think you won this debate too, do you? ;)


I was wrong.



And with that, we both agree I am truly smart and therefore have won this debate.


Me :first:

donhass :first:

you :(

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And my comment was a response to donhaas' politicization of the football topic.


Then why did you quote swampdog?


More like MindOfMencia



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Then why did you quote swampdog?


More like MindOfMencia




You needn't continue to insult, FeelingMN. I don't doubt you're smart. What I doubt is your accuracy. You can try to continue to insult me, and impugn my intelligence, but it will fall meaningless to the ground.


I don't have anything close to thin skin; it makes me laugh. I'll explain again. If you had actually read the thread (and it's obvious that you didn't), you'd have seen that my comment - "Hey! I'm a Rush Limbaugh fan!" - was in response to donhaas' politicization of the topic. donhaas was the one who mentioned Rush Limbaugh. I responded. Lightheartedly. Then swampdog came in and launched his comment, and it was his comment to which I responded with the "thinking like a Democrat lighthearted barb.


You'll also note (maybe you won't) that I suggested taking any desire to talk politics more seriously here. These topics should be segregated.


Not hard. Seriously. You can keep the trophy, though. Looks like you need it. :lol:

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btw, haas: you posted a puff piece on Feingold, attacking Ron Johnson...from Madison media?


Wow! Now that's a new - and substantive angle that I have never considered!




Russ Feingold and his fellow lefties are going down, and they're going to go down hard.



Isthmus is a weekly paper.... in the same paper they posted Johnson's side although the author of the pro-Johnson side didn't write anything pro-Johnson (which was very telling) and came with the usual "high taxin', america-hatin', hom0 lib dems" the kinda of stuff you would find from two of your favorites intellectual lightweights Limbaugh and Bachmann...


Look, I understand that you met Johnson, you looked him in the eye, and found him to be genuine...

I'm sure he told you... "I'm going to lower your taxes, put America first, and get things back to where we were when Republicans were last in charge -- on the verge of a second Great Depression!.... wait... can we strike that last part? Damm it, they told me not to talk...."



Look, George W. Bush was another "genuine" guy.... He talked straight unlike that fancy limousine liberal Owl Gore.

But that's not presidential material. He was dumber than a box of hammers. On top of this, his life experiences didn't help him make laws for 300 million normal hard-working middle class peoples. He got out of a war he said he believed in by his rich, connected dad. He got into Yale as a C student because of his rich, connected dad. He got into Harvard the same way. He ran a few of his rich, connected dad's job's into the ground....

This is not a life that most of us live. ["But I met him, and he talked homely and funny and genuine!"]


How is this person supposed to make laws and understand what's going on in a country that is not made mostly of spoiled brat daddy's boys millionaires but hard-working middle class people who are increasingly struggling more...?


Same with Ron Johnson. Now I could see if he was running for the other seat against Herb Kohl.... then if you wanted to say "let the best dooshbag millionaire win" I would have no problem with that.


But Feingold is one of the few good senators we have in the United States senate. It would be a shame to see him lose to somebody as utterly substanceless and experienced as Ron Johnson.... no matter how genuinely he shook your hand at a $500 a plate fundraiser in Whitefish Bay.


I have conservative friends who feel the same way. Not looney conservative like you.... Not somebody who is going to link an obscure Republican Christian website :lol: as prima facie evidence that Johnson dominated a debate that he was clearly (by everybody ® and (D) ) schooled in....


Simple question for you.... If he's dominating these debates so nicely as the Maritime Sentry :lol: (still laughing out loud at that) would have you believe, why is he so utterly scared to debate?

Or even to talk about how he feels on the issues we will be voting on?



This election will be won by independent voters. Limbaugh lovers like yourself would vote for a 2x4 of wood if it said, "Dems are hom0s".... Independent voters who are hardworking everyday people facing tough times at the Harley Davidson plant in Milwaukee, the Kraft/Oscar Mayer plant in Madison, the paper mills in Green Bay, the Kohler Factory outside of Sheboygan, blue collar factories in Racine, Kenosha, Beloit, Janesville, etc.


When you are a millionaire dooshbag who married into his wealth and you say "When you continue to extend unemployment benefits, people really don't have the incentive to go take other jobs" .... it's just so out of touch with what Wisconsin is all about...



Again, if you can give me specifics on any Ron Johnson plans to get Wisconsin or the U.S. running again... .go ahead and post it..... but you'd be jumping way ahead of his almost 100 percent fearmongering campaign....

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Isthmus is a weekly paper.... in the same paper they posted Johnson's side although the author of the pro-Johnson side didn't write anything pro-Johnson (which was very telling) and came with the usual "high taxin', america-hatin', hom0 lib dems" the kinda of stuff you would find from two of your favorites intellectual lightweights Limbaugh and Bachmann...


Look, I understand that you met Johnson, you looked him in the eye, and found him to be genuine...

I'm sure he told you... "I'm going to lower your taxes, put America first, and get things back to where we were when Republicans were last in charge -- on the verge of a second Great Depression!.... wait... can we strike that last part? Damm it, they told me not to talk...."



Look, George W. Bush was another "genuine" guy.... He talked straight unlike that fancy limousine liberal Owl Gore.

But that's not presidential material. He was dumber than a box of hammers. On top of this, his life experiences didn't help him make laws for 300 million normal hard-working middle class peoples. He got out of a war he said he believed in by his rich, connected dad. He got into Yale as a C student because of his rich, connected dad. He got into Harvard the same way. He ran a few of his rich, connected dad's job's into the ground....

This is not a life that most of us live. ["But I met him, and he talked homely and funny and genuine!"]


How is this person supposed to make laws and understand what's going on in a country that is not made mostly of spoiled brat daddy's boys millionaires but hard-working middle class people who are increasingly struggling more...?


Same with Ron Johnson. Now I could see if he was running for the other seat against Herb Kohl.... then if you wanted to say "let the best dooshbag millionaire win" I would have no problem with that.


I had to stop your screed here. Since there is scarcely the room one could slide a Platinum Amex between Herb Kohl's and Russ Feingold's political positions, it is very clear that you have a hard-on aimed at people who have wealth. You shouldn't: time was that we looked up to people like that, and attempted to emulate them.


If you cannot find it in your makeup to want to do that, I would wonder why. It is more than possible to gain personal wealth by being hard-working, smart and entrepreneurial. Dem operatives have been attempting to smear Ron Johnson for months, and have come up with some laughably neutered stuff.


Middle class people are increasingly struggling more because we have a Government that continues to look to expand its power over the economy by pulling more and more money out of it. It is a foreseeable and natural consequence of such activity to suppress those who don't have the resources to protect themselves: namely, the middle class (and lower as well - but we don't want the lower class expanding).


But Feingold is one of the few good senators we have in the United States senate. It would be a shame to see him lose to somebody as utterly substanceless and experienced as Ron Johnson.... no matter how genuinely he shook your hand at a $500 a plate fundraiser in Whitefish Bay.


Commenting upon his policies is a different topic than commenting upon his character. You attempted to besmirch Ron Johnson's character. I countered your claim with actual experience reflective of his character - and my personal business dealings with those who also deal with Johnson. I know his character; he's very highly thought of.


I don't know Feingold, so I haven't commented upon his character. I do know his political ideology, however, and his political ideology runs counter to what I consider best for our economy.


I have conservative friends who feel the same way. Not looney conservative like you....


Really - must you continue the insults? There's nothing loony about me. What gives you the right to claim that?


Not somebody who is going to link an obscure Republican Christian website :lol: as prima facie evidence that Johnson dominated a debate that he was clearly (by everybody ® and (D) ) schooled in....


You suggested that Johnson won. I chose a link - from many - that held the opposite opinion - and not as prima facie evidence - as merely anecdotal (as your own opinion was). Your opinion is neutralized by others who think the opposite. Moreover, Feingold is losing this race - and this race is a referendum on Feingold's political ideology. He wouldn't be in jeopardy if the majority of Wisconsinites agreed with you. Feingold was in trouble before Ron Johnson even entered this race.


Simple question for you.... If he's dominating these debates so nicely as the Maritime Sentry :lol: (still laughing out loud at that) would have you believe, why is he so utterly scared to debate?


I've already answered your question. Ron Johnson has run a masterful campaign, with extremely effective ads. He's winning. As a strategy, it is stupid for someone who is winning to attempt to debate, in much the same manner that the Superbowl winner would be insane to offer to replay the game. This is not difficult to understand. You keep attempting to characterize Johnson's strategy as "scared". Nice try - I would expect nothing less from the side which is going to lose this race. It's lovely to read op-eds from the NYTimes about Feingold - in much the same style as is written an obituary.


Or even to talk about how he feels on the issues we will be voting on?


Same answer. Dems are attempting to lay traps strewn about for Ron Johnson to fall into. I'm voting for a guy who best represents a set of principles. My economic principles are clearly best mirrored in what Johnson believes, and not Feingold. I'm a successful high-income earner, and am tired of having half of my income taken from me to support the expansion of Government that cannot help itself but to legislate my every breath, while forgiving debts with my money for stupid and irresponsible behaviour.


This election will be won by independent voters.


That is true of every election.


Limbaugh lovers like yourself would vote for a 2x4 of wood if it said, "Dems are hom0s".... Independent voters who are hardworking everyday people facing tough times at the Harley Davidson plant in Milwaukee, the Kraft/Oscar Mayer plant in Madison, the paper mills in Green Bay, the Kohler Factory outside of Sheboygan, blue collar factories in Racine, Kenosha, Beloit, Janesville, etc.


*sigh*. So easy for you to throw insults over the 'net when you know nothing about someone but hearing that they disagree with you, huh? That's a shame. Do you live close to Milwaukee, Don? I may give you the opportunity.


When you are a millionaire dooshbag who married into his wealth and you say "When you continue to extend unemployment benefits, people really don't have the incentive to go take other jobs" .... it's just so out of touch with what Wisconsin is all about...


You keep calling him a d0uchebag - he is not. Your continued insults portray you as a bitter and envious person - stop doing it.


His point is that extending unemployment benefits is continuing Government dependence. He's correct about that; it's one of the problems of a huge Government. Can you not see as plausible the position that Government sucking trillions of dollars out of the economy to manipulate as it sees fit as damaging to the economic opportunities that could prevent so many people from needing unemployment, and needing it extended?


Again, if you can give me specifics on any Ron Johnson plans to get Wisconsin or the U.S. running again... .go ahead and post it..... but you'd be jumping way ahead of his almost 100 percent fearmongering campaign....


There is nothing fear-mongering about what Ron Johnson is saying. He has acknowledged what so many in Wisconsin understand: we have an economy which has been badly harmed, and an economic environment which has been petrified to consider growth because of the unknown, but tacitly dire economic consequences to business (in increased costs due to Obama and Feingold policy). That is what Johnson is looking to fix.


If you disagree with what I said, you'll have to wade through thousands of anecdotes from people in business to that effect, including the CEO of Home Depot, who plainly explains to Obama: "If we tried to start Home Depot today, under the kind of onerous regulatory controls that you have advocated, it's a stone cold certainty that our business would never get off the ground, much less thrive."


Now, you can continue to run around and express your disdain for anything corporate or successful, but you're pissing into the wind, and biting the very hands that provide you the opportunities to succeed.


And you do so at your own peril. The problem is that your ideology also exists at my peril, as well.

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I know I don't add much to the bored, but this Mensa dude is a total buzzkill


If all you are trying to add is insult, then your self-analysis is completely correct. That's a shame. Do you have a political opinion, or are you too young to have formed one?

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If all you are trying to add is insult, then your self-analysis is completely correct. That's a shame. Do you have a political opinion, or are you too young to have formed one?


I don't care about politics, and I think you suck the air out of every thread.

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I don't care about politics, and I think you suck the air out of every thread.

Don't get bitter, get better.

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I don't care about politics, and I think you suck the air out of every thread.


The only way this comment can be taken is to see it as an acknowledgement by a leftist that I am effectively countering leftism.


So I - graciously - accept your compliment. :lol:

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Since there is scarcely the room one could slide a Platinum Amex between Herb Kohl's and Russ Feingold's political positions, it is very clear that you have a hard-on aimed at people who have wealth


There is a mountain of difference between Feingold and Kohl.... this is the first thing you said and it's blantantly false....


I don't have the time to go point by point of every falsehood that follows.... you live in your own Maritime Sentry (STILL laughing that you cited that website as evidence) world....


Ron Johnson has run a masterful campaign, with extremely effective ads. He's winning


He's outspent Feingold 3 to 1.... and kept his mouth completely shut outside of getting completely owned in 2 debaters (Maritime Sentry (still laughing) aside)......



Look, that you've called it a "Masterful campaign" and previously said he is a "self-made man" :lol: leads me to believe that you are too far gone swinging from Johnson's nutz for rationale conversation....


You are to politics what Swampdog is to football discussion.




Last chance.... specifics on what Johnson will do to fix the economy.... any regurgitated Republican talking points will be ignored....


I will be waiting here....

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The man is one of the most genuine people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. How do you expect to have any credibility when launching personal attacks like you are at present? Do you know how many people Ron Johnson has put to work?



I think you may actually be in love with him.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Don't get bitter, get better.


Careful, drob.... I don't think there's room in your mouth for IMMensaMind's cack with Brady's and Limbaugh's wang already in there :music_guitarred:

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I had to stop your screed here. Since there is scarcely the room one could slide a Platinum Amex between Herb Kohl's and Russ Feingold's political positions, it is very clear that you have a hard-on aimed at people who have wealth. You shouldn't: time was that we looked up to people like that, and attempted to emulate them.


Brilliant. Let's look up to the wealthy and emulate them. Let's plunge even more Americans into debt so they can live an unsustainable lifestyle...all in the name of emulating the wealthy. :doh: And don't even equate rich with work ethic. That'd be an insult to most of America...and expose just how out of touch rich, successful businessmen really are with the rest of the country.


Personally, I'd like to see less emulation and more authenticity. Greatness is never emulated, only achieved. America needs fewer sycophants....but I'm not a member of Mensa, so maybe this is all wrong.


If you cannot find it in your makeup to want to do that, I would wonder why. It is more than possible to gain personal wealth by being hard-working, smart and entrepreneurial. Dem operatives have been attempting to smear Ron Johnson for months, and have come up with some laughably neutered stuff.


Middle class people are increasingly struggling more because we have a Government that continues to look to expand its power over the economy by pulling more and more money out of it. It is a foreseeable and natural consequence of such activity to suppress those who don't have the resources to protect themselves: namely, the middle class (and lower as well - but we don't want the lower class expanding).


Isnt this a logical inconsistency? Work hard to be rich, but the reason you're not rich is because of the government? That's too slanted...too black and white for my tastes.



I've already answered your question. Ron Johnson has run a masterful campaign, with extremely effective ads. He's winning. As a strategy, it is stupid for someone who is winning to attempt to debate, in much the same manner that the Superbowl winner would be insane to offer to replay the game. This is not difficult to understand. You keep attempting to characterize Johnson's strategy as "scared". Nice try - I would expect nothing less from the side which is going to lose this race. It's lovely to read op-eds from the NYTimes about Feingold - in much the same style as is written an obituary.


I find this disconcerting. Didn't Obama pull the same tactic with McCain last election? If there are questions about his principles, he should...as a public servant...make himself available to answer those criticisms. Not run a four corners offense. Politics as usual. :rolleyes:





*sigh*. So easy for you to throw insults over the 'net when you know nothing about someone but hearing that they disagree with you, huh? That's a shame. Do you live close to Milwaukee, Don? I may give you the opportunity.


Itsatip.....when you type *sigh*, it signals condescension. Why do you think you're superior to those who disagree with you?





And you do so at your own peril. The problem is that your ideology also exists at my peril, as well.


This scares me. We should have a plurality of ideals in America. We should learn to compromise and coexist with each other. Unfortunately, there are groups who feel threatened by differences....they feel that their ideology is absolute and supreme. Very scary.

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The only way this comment can be taken is to see it as an acknowledgement by a leftist that I am effectively countering leftism.


So I - graciously - accept your compliment. :lol:


I'm not a leftist, you must to a hoot to have at parties

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Careful, drob.... I don't think there's room in your mouth for IMMensaMind's cack with Brady's and Limbaugh's wang already in there :music_guitarred:

Why do you always have cack on your mind?

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grgrgle grgle mumble mumble das;foiaji;ha



Take at least one of the three out, please.... I can't understand a word :dunno:




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Take at least one of the three out, please.... I can't understand a word :dunno:




Wow, pathetic how far you have fallen.

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